01x20 - "Three's a Crowd"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Space Racers". Aired: May 2, 2014 – present.*
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Show follows the Space Racers cadets, a group of anthropomorphic unique spaceships resembling and named after various species of birds, as they travel the Solar System exploring space through assigned missions.
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01x20 - "Three's a Crowd"

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Ahh, I hate weekends.

No missions, no fun.

I've got a need for speed!

Can't just hang around here.


Unusual rock collection, entertain me!

Captain Cosmos, reporting for duty!

Have no fear Space Troopers...

[knock at door]

Hey, Eagle. What are you up to?

Uh, nothing.

Just watching the video

of my victory at the last Lunar Dash.

Well, if you're bored,

maybe you should play with a friend.

Oh, I know someone

who'd love to hang out with you.

Hey, that's a great idea!

Thanks, Starling.

Hello? I meant me.

Hey, Robyn, you wanna do something?

Oooh, let's practice our death-defying free-fall dives.

As wonderful as that sounds,

I actually have other plans today.

Plans? What kind of plans?

Sorry, Eagle, it's private.

It's private?


Hey, Hawk, I was just talking to Robyn,

asking her if she wanted to do something,

and she says, "I have other plans." Crazy, right?

So, anyway, I guess it's just you and me today.

What are we gonna do? Race to the moon?

Game of Orb-O? Space Chicken?

Uh, sorry, Eagle,

but I've got other plans, too.

Ex-squeeze me?


I'm confused.

Other plans?

Without me?

What does this thing do?

It's a telescope, Hawk.

It allows us to see far away objects

like planets, moons, stars, galaxies...

even the Lagoon Nebula.

Oooh, a lagoon?


I love to swim!

No, silly.

Not a watery lagoon.

Go on, take a peek.

Whoa! That looks awesome! Yeah.

The Lagoon Nebula is a giant interstellar cloud,

way off in the Sagittarius Constellation.

That doesn't look so far away.

Looks like its right in front of us!

Yep. Telescopes help us find things in space

that we normally can't see.

And....according to my calculations,

I've found exactly what we've been searching for!

Cool! There it is!

Yeah, totally cool.

So what are we looking at again?

Eagle, what are you doing in here?

We told you we had other plans today.

Yeah, and your so-called "other plans"

are just playing with each other, without me!

I'm sorry if we hurt your feelings,

but we really can't include you today.

It's private.

I hope you understand.

We'll catch up with you later, okay?

Uh, I'm gonna go now.

Ava: Launch sequence initiated.

Hey, Coach Pigeon, I was wondering,

by any chance did Robyn and Hawk

mention what they were up to today?

Huh? What was that?

Eagle, did you say something?

Because it sounds like they're up to something really fun.

You know where they're headed to?

No, I don't know where they went.

No clues? Hmm.

Maybe Coot knows.

Okay. Thanks anyway, Coach.



Hey, Coot.

Do you know what Robyn and Hawk and are doing today?

No, I don't, Eagle.


You'll have to excuse me,

I'm testing a very sensitive

fuel additive here.

The only thing I can think of

is that maybe they're on a secret mission.

But then why wouldn't they ask me?

I'm the fastest cadet in the Academy.

Hmm? Oh, uh, yes, indeed you are!


I should ask Headmaster Crane, he'll know.



Headmaster Crane, I have a problem.

No one seems to know what Robyn and Hawk

are doing without me today

and it's driving me crazy!

Ah, that is a problem.

Please continue.

They're supposed to be my friends.

Why won't they just tell me what's going on?

I can see you are quite upset, Cadet Eagle.

But you must remember

that the palace of true friendship

is built on trust.

So, they went to play in some kind of palace?


Oh, still looking for someone to play with?

What? Oh, no.

I'm just trying to figure out

where Robyn and Hawk are going

that's such a big secret. Ahh.

Well, if you really have to know,

why don't you just check the telescope

they were looking through?Of course!

I bet it's still aimed at their destination!


Or you could just hang out with me.

Let's see.

What were they looking at?


They're going to Jupiter? Ava: Affirmative.

Cadets Robyn and Hawk and are on trajectory to Io,

the volcanic moon of Jupiter.

Io, huh?

Well, they've got a big head start...but not big enough!

Ava: Launch sequence initiated.

In , , , , , primary ignition.

Booster rockets? Engaged!

Wings? Back!

Space visor? Down!

Blast off!!!

Ava: Now passing Mars.

Flight path still on course for Jupiter's moon, Io.

Ava, I'm feeling a little sad.

Can you please cheer me up?

Ava: That is not part of my programming.

Don't you know any funny jokes?

Ava: Funny jokes?

Searching my memory files for humor.

Ah. Why did the Sun go to school?

Um, I don't know.

Why did the Sun go to school?

Ava: To get brighter.

Ugh. That's terrible!

Ava: Why can't you find good restaurants on the moon?


Ava: Because there is no atmosphere.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ava: What do planets like to sing?


Ava, stop! I said funny jokes!

Ava: We have entered the orbit of Jupiter,

fifth and largest planet from the Sun.

Now approaching Io,

one of Jupiter's known moons.

It has the most active volcanoes

in our entire solar system.

What's so secret about that?

They're just goofing around.

Why don't they wanna hang out with me?

You were right, Robyn.

He's gonna love this!

I know!

We just need to cut it loose very carefully.

If this is how they treat their best friend,

then maybe I need to find some new friends.

Ava: WARNING. I'm detecting seismic activity

from the volcano you are standing on.

[ground shaking, rocks falling]

Huh? Eagle, what are you doing here?

What am I doing here?

What areyou doing here?!

Wait! How did you find us here?

Easy. I just looked through the telescope you were using

and saw you were heading toward Jupiter.


Well, I told you,

what we're doing today is private.

Why couldn't you just listen to me?

You guys hurt my feelings by coming here

to have fun without me.

You know what?

I don't need you.

Or you.

Eagle, wait!

[ground shaking]Aaahhhh!



Eagle, Hawk, help!

My wing is stuck!

Uh, Robyn,

either my lunch is about to come back up,

or that volcano's going to erupt.

Quick, Hawk,

I'll push and you pull her from up here.


She's almost loose.

One more big push. On three.




Thanks for saving me back there.

But that's still no excuse

for spying on us.

I know. You're right.

And I'm sorry.

I should've listened to you.

I guess I just let my curiosity take over.

Seemed like more than just curiosity.

Okay, okay.

I didn't like being left out.

I mean, come on, guys.

We're supposed to be friends.

Weare friends.

But real friends help and support each other.

And they have faith in each other, too.

Yeah, it's like they say,

"The palace of true friendship is built on trust."

Wow, Eagle.

Did you make that up?

Nah, I just heard it somewhere.

Now that we're back home,

I guess we can tell you

why we went to Io in the first place.

It's okay, you don't have to tell me.

But wewantto.

Show him.

What's this?

That's what we were digging up.

It's a silicate rock from Io.

It's a present for you.

For your rock collection.

For me?

Wait, you guys know about my rock collection?

Sure, everyone does.

And you don't think it's silly?

Why would we think that?

We're your friends.

If you like collecting weird rocks that look like famous people,

then we support you.

Hey, this one kind of looks like Headmaster Crane.

Ha ha! Yeah, it kind of does.

Don't worry, Eagle, you're still cool in our book.

Well, thanks, guys.

I really appreciate it.

But one question. Why?

I mean, it's not like it's my birthday or anything.

You don't need a special occasion

to do something nice for your friend.

Now, come on. Let's race!

Yes! That's what I'm talkin' about!

Hey, Starling, we're gonna have a race.

Wanna join us?Really?


No one likes being left out.

[all laughing]
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