01x21 - Mars Map Mystery

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Space Racers". Aired: May 2, 2014 – present.*
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Show follows the Space Racers cadets, a group of anthropomorphic unique spaceships resembling and named after various species of birds, as they travel the Solar System exploring space through assigned missions.
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01x21 - Mars Map Mystery

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Incredible. Cadets, note the rock layers!

Wow! And look at the different colors in the soil!

Huh! Mars is kinda pretty!

I guess so. But everything's so dry and dusty!

It wasn't always like this, Eagle.

Long ago, water flowed on Mars.

You can still see signs of it, if you know where to look.

Which reminds me, Coot has a little surprise for us back at campus.

Cool! Are those lasers?

Radar scopes? Turbo blasters?

Sorry, Eagle, these are just cameras.

You'll need them for today's assignment.


Working in teams of three,

you will each find and photograph

a geological feature of Mars --

an interesting crater, perhaps,

or an unusual rock formation.

So, it's like a race to see who can take the best pictures?

Headmaster Crane: It is not a race, Eagle.

Just a chance to explore Mars,

and maybe even make some new discoveries.

You'll all share your photos with the class tomorrow. Good luck!

So, what're we gonna photograph?


I think I know where we can find

something really awesome!

The Research Center?

I'm sure we'll find something cool to photograph in one of these maps.

It has to be something really cool.

But these maps all look the same to me!

Same. Same. Same -- Huh?

Robyn: "Canals of Mars."

[gasps] Martian Canals!


Canals are like rivers,

but they're not made by nature.

Someone -- or something had to build them!

So, who built these canals?

Who knows! Maybe ancient Martians built them long, long ago.


What are we waiting for?

Let's find these canals!!

Booster rockets?Engaged!


Space visors?Down!

Ready?Blast off!


Martian Canals, here we come!

Hmm. According to the map,

the canals are clear on the other side of the Hellas Basin!

It's going to be a long journey.

So we might as well have some fun.

Catch me if you can!

Ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!

You guys will have to be faster than that to...


Time out! What is that?


Looks like ice!

It is ice.

Mars is so cold now

that all the water that once flowed on its surface

is now frozen.

Hey, there's something inside!

It's some kind of machine!

Looks like it's been here a long time.

You think it could have belonged to the Martians

who built the canals?

Only one way to find out...

We've gotta melt that ice!

Tell me when!

When! When!



Ooooohhhhh, boy!

Does it feel good to be outta that ice!

Whoo-hoo! Thanks, partners!


Greetings, uh, Martian robot.

I ain't no Martian. I'm from Earth!

I'm what you'd call a rover,

a robot sent here to explore.

The name's Sojourner!


The Sojourner?

The first rover ever to explore Mars?

That's me!

Now, what brings you all to these parts?

We're on our way to photograph something amazing,

on the other side of the Hellas Basin.

Ha-ha. Well, you're headin' the wrong way!

You better let me show you how to get there.


She's not the fastest.

But she sure seems to know where she's going!

Well, she has been up here on Mars for years.

I just hope she can lead us to the canals!

Hmm. Breeze is pickin' up. Could get a little windy up there!

Thanks for the warning, but I think we can handle a little wind.

More than wind, a tornado...

made of dust!

A dust devil!

Follow me!

Robyn: Look out, there's more!

Well, we dodged that one.


Hawk: Whoa! Wish I didn't have

that extra helping of rocket fuel for lunch.

Eagle: How do we get outta this thing?!

[wind blowing]

If we work together and fly against the wind...

Uh! ...maybe we can stop it!

It's working!

Just a...little...more!

All: Whoa!


I told ya it was gonna get windy up there!

That's just Martian weather for ya. Everybody okay?

We're fine, just a little...dizzy!

Brrrr... and a little cold!

Ground's all frozen here,

we're gettin' close to the South Pole.

[air blows]

Shhh. Listen!

[jingling sound]

Hmm, it almost sounds like...

Ice geysers!


Oh, nothin' to worry about,

ice geysers are just gasses sh**t' outta the planet.

Come on!

The camera!No worries.

I got it, I got it, I...

don't got it.

Whoa! Whoa!

Hawk, incoming!


Phew! Phew!

Sojourner: What's the holdup back there?

Ya'll comin', or ain't ya?

She's a tough little rover, isn't she?

Phew! How much farther?

C'mon guys, we can't give up now!

We're getting close. Right, Sojourner?

That's right! Just straight through this here dust storm.

See? Just straight through this...

Dust storm?!

Can we go around it?

That'd take too long.

Dust storms on Mars can cover half the planet.

See ya on the other side!

You heard what Sojourner said,

it's just a straight shot right through.

Here we go!

See? A little dust never hurt anybody.

Just stay in formation.

[loud thunder]

Break formation! Break formation!

Hey, this isn't so bad, right, guys?

Um, guys?

Okay, flying solo, nothing to worry about.

It's just a dust storm.

A dust storm with lightning -- and boulders.


[metal crunching]

[Hawk coughs]

Eagle? Robyn?

[Eagles coughs] That was some storm!

Some Martian dust storms can last for months.

[coughs] We're lucky this one ended so quickly!

I'll say! But where are we?


We're almost there!

All: Sojourner!

Whatever it is you're lookin' fer,

it should be right on the other side of this here crater.

The canals!

This is it, guys, the discovery of the century!

Get ready to feast your eyes on...

a bunch of rocks and dirt.

Hawk: Where are the Martian canals?

Canals? What's all this about canals?

We -- we found a map.

Ava, display it for us, please.

Ava: Displaying map.

That's probably just a drawin' from some old story book.

Trust me, there ain't no canals on Mars.

Ain't no Martians neither! Heh-heh!

Ohh. After all that.

Guys, wait. Look! These grooves --

It looks like a dried-up river flowing from the crater.

A long time ago, this crater must have been a giant lake!

You might be on to somethin'!

Accordin' to my sensors,

there used to be water here!

An ancient Martian lake?

This wasn't on any of the maps.

It's a brand new discovery!

Huh! Just goes to show,

sometimes you go lookin' for one thing

and you find somethin' else instead.

Yep, exploring can lead to all kinds of unexpected discoveries!

Hey, Hawk, take a picture!Uh, guys,

I think I lost the camera back in the storm.

Ahem! I think I might be able to help ya out.

Robyn: As you can see, these formations suggest

that this crater was once an ancient Martian lake!

Class: Oooohhh!


But how are you getting this footage?

And where's Eagle?

Keep it up, Sojourner!

They're loving your pictures!

Both: Yeeeeee-haw!

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