03x04 - Incognito

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Beavis and Butt-Head". Aired: March 8, 1993 – present.*
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Adult animated series follows Beavis and Butt-Head, both voiced by Judge, a pair of teenage slackers characterized by their apathy, lack of intelligence, lowbrow humor, and love for hard rock and heavy metal music.
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03x04 - Incognito

Post by bunniefuu »


Okay class, this might
take me a while to explain,

but since every precious breath we breathe
comes via this reaction

I think it's worthwhile that I show you
the process that produces photosynthesis.

Of course, you will not be tested on this.

- What's going on, Daria?
- This won't be on the test.

What test?

Hey Butt-Head, look.

From the "crapeteria".

Direct hit, tale gunner Beavis.

Yeah, you try it.

Sorry Earl.

- Uh oh.
- Yeah, yeah.

- Yes!
- These guys are cool!

This is a Def Jam. These guys are def.

Whoa! You mean they can't hear?

No Beavis!

Hey Beavis, are you
"down with the king"?

Are they talking about, like, Don King?

No, dumbass,
he was talking about Burger King.


...and since kindergarten
I acquired the knowledge

and after twelve grade I
went straight to college...

- Whoa! College sucks!
- Yeah. I don't like knowledge either.

- Earl sure was pissed.
- Yeah.

Look Mickey, you got a choice.

The g*ng knows
we picked you up.

So, when you walk out the station
house they'll figure you talked.

I say your life ain't worth a sorry sack
of skin holding it together.

Yeah, what's my other choice?

Enter the witness protection program.

Testify and we'll change your identity,
your face, your name.

You'll be a completely different person.

Not even your own mother
would recognize you.

- Hey Beavis,
- What?

He said "Mother".

Okay Mickey,
a new face, a new name.

And those guys trying to rob you out
are never gonna find you.

Hey Butt-Head, he'll never
know who we are.

Shut up! My name is not Butt-Head anymore.

Oh, yeah.
Right, Bung-Head.

Let's go Crevice, and remember:

We're not from here.

This is gonna be cool.

- Andrews?
- Here.

Beavis? Butt-Head?

Hey guys, why
aren't you answering?

Why would we answer?

Yeah, you did not call our names.

Guys, I clearly said
"Beavis and Butt-Head".

We're not them.

I'm Bung-Head, he's Crevice.

We are extra strange students.

Oh, exchange students, huh?
And where are you boys from?

Somewhere else.


Well then,
bienvenue a mi cuarto del claso.

"That's welcome to my classroom"
in two languages.

Maybe you speak one of them.

Okay class, today I'll finish that
diagram of the photosynthetic process.

Nice try, Beaver and Butt-plug.

I hope that shot
didn't come from in here.

Earl, that shot didn't come from
your g*n by any chance, did it?

Nice try, chump.
I didn't sh**t.

Look, no powder burns.
Run a ballistic check, I'm clean.

He was aiming at us.

He didn't fire.
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!

- Yeah.
- Now Earl, is brandishing a w*apon

any way to welcome visiting scholars
from distant shores?

I don't think so.

There's the kid!

Hey punk!
You sh**ting at me?

Yeah! Megadeth!

Hey Beavis, this guy talks like you.

No way Butt-Head!
He doesn't talk like me.

He sort of talks like you. He just doesn't
sound as much like a wuss as you do.

Shut up, Butt-Head!

- What's that dude doing back there?
- That's Dave Mustaine.

No way Beavis, that's Dave Mustaine
up in front.

No way Butt-Head!
Dave Mustaine sings better than that.


- That's like a Dave Mustaine look-alike.
- Yeah, yeah.

- Whoa! Jelly!
- Yeah, can I have some?

I prefer the green stuff.
Cherry sucks.

Yeah, but Butt-Head,
that can be strawberry.

Strawberry cool.

Kick him! Kick him!

That's pretty cool.

Was this guy raised by wolves?

Yeah! Wolves are cool.

If you were raised by wolves, you
could like, go take a leak in the forest.

And it's like, it's
like, take a dump too.

And then you could like,
k*ll sheep and stuff.

You can take a dump in the woods even
if you weren't raised by wolves, Beavis.

You sh**ting at me, punk?

Mr. Van Driessen don't like people firing
at him when he diagraming photosynthesis.

- Earl, you don't like Mondays, huh?
- I don't like any day.

Well, I guess he won't be
disrupting this class anymore.

Not running away from
warning sh*ts he won't.

What a wuss.

Okay, come on class,
back to your seats.


Oh, man.

Now, you can get it back
at the end of the term.

The safety, Earl,
put on the safety.

I'm sorry, Mr. Van Driessen.


Thanks for the alibi earlier.
You could've set me up.

I will let you live.


Hey Earl, it was us, Beavis and
Butt-Head the whole time.

Yeah, we were inburrito.

I met a good man...

- Quit pointing that stick at me!
- Yeah, he's just trying to show off.

- Who are these guys?
- Yeah.

Where is that fat guy?

I don't know.

This is pretty cool.

They rock! They rock!

Whoa! If I had my driver's license
I'd, like, run over some lightbulbs.


Hey Butt-Head, you know, we
should do, like, in the meantime,

we should go get some lightbulbs
and stuff, and stomp on them!

Yeah! That's a good idea, Beavis!

Yeah, thanks.
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