03x18 - Politically Correct

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Beavis and Butt-Head". Aired: March 8, 1993 – present.*
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Adult animated series follows Beavis and Butt-Head, both voiced by Judge, a pair of teenage slackers characterized by their apathy, lack of intelligence, lowbrow humor, and love for hard rock and heavy metal music.
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03x18 - Politically Correct

Post by bunniefuu »


You have a beautiful body...

we are all alone
in this motel room

and having sex with you
violates my principles.

Oh, Joey. You're some guy.

"Joey Buttawipo, My
Story" will continue.

This sucks. Nothing
is on.

Maybe we should
do homework.


What the hell is this crap?

Change it Butt-Head, come on.

Come on, Butt-Head.
Change it. This sucks, change it.

No way.

Check it out, dude.

Why does she keep
looking down?

She is looking at the words.

I don't think
she's really blind.

She is dumb tho.

What's this?

You should know,
buttmunch. This is Metallica.

This part of the song sucks,
but it gets cool later.

It starts going...

Shut up, Beavis.

You're beginning
to piss me off.

Lars is cool.

You mean that dude on
that Addams Family?

You're thinking
of Lurch, dumbass.

Lars could kick
Lurch's butt.

He could kick
Cousin Itt's butt too.

Does Cousin Itt have a butt?

"You rang, Mrs. Addams?"

That was pretty funny, Butt-Head.

- Metallica rules!
-They rule.

Shut up, Beavis.

Sorry, man.

We're pretty cool,
huh, Beavis?

Ok, that about wraps up the
nominations for class officers.

Are there any other candidates?


Hey, Butt-Head.

I smell like a man.

We're old enough
to smell bad.

- Cool.
- Beavis and Butt-Head!

What office do you want to run for?
President, vice president?

How about treasurer?

That would give you guys
a great introduction to

the workings of the
american political system.


Is that, like, the money dude?

Money, money.

Money, cool.


We're there, dude.
Count us in.

Mr. Van Driessen.
These guys can't run

for office, they are like...

Hey, Beavis...

Have you seen "Twin Peaks"?

I wish I'd take them.

Fellas, stick around.
We need to have a talk.

Now guys if you get a run
for school office

you need to be
sensitive to all the voters...

including girls.

Girls are cool.

Thanks for the memories.

I think it's about time you guys
become politically correct.

Here's some books that might help.

- Heal your pain.
- Feel your vein?

Touching the Inner Child.

- Men Who Feel.
- Themselves?

Here, this can be a great chance for you
both to get in touch your feminine sides.

Cop a feel.

So vote for Beavis and Butt-Head

on this Election Day.

That would be cool.

Okay, let's open it up to questions.

How do you plan to get money
for the new football uniforms?

He said "ball".

What about paying
for the class field trip?

"I respect your boundaries".

"Go with your anger".

"Can I have a hug?"

Don't touch me, asswipe.

I'll wound your inner child.

Then I'll kick your ass.

This is cool.

As a final elected treasurer, I'd focus
like a laser on the budget...

Beavis and Butt-Head, you
starting to catch up in the polls...

Our polls are rising.

What's the first thing
you plan to do, if elected?

Wait, I know...

No, I don't know.

What's the answer?

I told these guys
were bozos.

Vote for me and...

You Butt-Heads!

Share your feelings
with the group!

Don't edit yourself.

Who is that guy?

I don't know, but he's naked.

How come?

Because he doesn't
have any cloths on.

Do you know that, like, when you're
born, you're naked?

How come?

Well it's because like,
right before you're born

the doctor has this--

- Naked chicks!
- Where, where?

- Look over there.
- Yeah, yeah!

Naked chicks. Yeah!
Naked chicks.

Look, you can see her...
Whoa look at that chick.

Check it out, Butt-Head.
Check it out.

- They're all naked.
- Look at that chick.

Look there is another one.
There is another one...

- Beavis...

There is like thirty
naked chicks in this video.

Naked chicks.
Naked chicks.

This is the coolest
video I've ever seen.

That white smoke is
starting to piss me off.

They must have, like, known
that this music sucked

so they like brought in
a bunch of naked chicks.

They did the right thing.

Whoa. That chick
over there on the right...

she has like, moved her arm and you
could see all her boobs...

and then she turned around and
you could see her butt too.

No way.
Where, where?

You missed it, Beavis.

No way, Butt-Head.
Where, where?


Well, the results are in...

you guys lost with one vote.

Whoa, that's close.

No, Butt-Head, you
only received one vote.

I wonder
who it was.

It was you.

Oh, yeah.

Don't worry, I'm gonna
vote for us, too.


I'm afraid it's a little
late for that, Beavis.

But I hope this campaign was
a growing experience for you.


These books got us in
touch with our feminine sides.

And our right to
receive pleasure.
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