01x74 - Episode 74

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x74 - Episode 74

Post by bunniefuu »



♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

Ladies and gentlemen,

I have some washing
and some ironing to do.

Will you come with me
to the kitchen?

Bum bum.

Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,
bum-bum, bum-bum.

Who does the washing
and ironing in your house?

Well, I don't have anybody
to help me right now,

and I do have
a few things to do,

so up with the ironing board.



This is so the iron won't make
a mark on the ironing board,

and then you just put
the iron right down on it.

Now I have to plug it in.


Get it a little warm.

This is a play iron.
You ever use a play iron?

This kind doesn't plug in,
doesn't get hot,

but you can use it
just the same.

Alright. Now the clothesline.



There. Now get the water ready.

If you have a laundry room in
your house or washing machine,

you do the wash there.

If you don't, you do it
in the kitchen.


Lot of suds, lot of bubbles.


Okay. Better roll my sleeves up.


I've got some socks

and some underwear
and a handkerchief.


and a handkerchief.



So many things
to do in the house.

Beautiful bubbles.
Down they go.

Pretty things.



Squeeze them all hard...

and then rinse them.


Well, I'm not
the best laundress, no.

[ Chuckles ]


But when you have to do
some things for yourself,

you learn how.




You know, that's really
a mess to end all messes --

soap and water.

Now let's hang up the clothes.

Let them dry.




There you go.



Now to the ironing.

These have already been washed.


You know, your mother probably
used one of these play irons

when she was a little girl.

Little girls just don't
use hot irons like this.

It's good for you
to remember that.

♪ It's great for me
to remember ♪

♪ As I put away my toys ♪

♪ That mothers were
all little girls one time ♪

♪ And fathers were
all little boys ♪

♪ My daddy seems
so big right now ♪

♪ He must've grown a lot ♪

♪ Imagine how he felt one day
when he was just a tot ♪

♪ My mother's not
so big as Dad ♪

♪ But bigger than my sister ♪

♪ I wonder if she ever had
a little fever blister ♪

♪ It's great for me
to remember ♪

♪ As I put away my toys ♪

♪ That mothers were
all little girls one time ♪

♪ And fathers were
all little boys ♪

♪ My daddy didn't even have
a real electric fan ♪

♪ He had to wait
a long time, too ♪

♪ Until he became a man ♪

♪ My mother used
an ironing board ♪

♪ And play irons
that were colder ♪

♪ She often wished
for big folks things ♪

♪ But she waited and got older ♪

♪ So, knives and plugs
and hot things ♪

♪ Are okay for Mom and Dad ♪

♪ For when they were
a girl and boy ♪

♪ They played
with what they had ♪

♪ It's great for me
to remember ♪

♪ As I put away my toys ♪

♪ That mothers were
all little girls one time ♪

♪ And fathers were
all little boys ♪

That's right. Sure were.

[ Tinkling ]

What'd you say?

Oh, thank you.
Wonder who that is.

[ Tinkling ]

Oh, how are you,

[ Tinkling ]

Yes. Doing some washing
and ironing today.

[ Tinkling ]

King Friday's getting
a citation

for his
cleanup campaign?

[ Tinkling ]

And Vija Vetra's
in the dance room?

Boy, we would
like to come.

Wouldn't we?

[ Tinkling ]

We'll count to 13.

You ready to count to 13?
We'll go see the king.

[ Trumpet fanfare ]


Major Smith, I presume?

It gives me great pleasure
to meet you, King Friday.

Uh, carry on,
young man.

I understand that there's
a citation in order. Hmm.

Yes, sire.

I feel like receiving
a citation right now.

Uh, very well, sire.

"Whereas King Friday
the 13th

has taken time from
the royal duties

incumbent upon him

to participate in
the joint effort

of litter education

and whereas he has
consistently endeavored

to uncover the causes of litter
in and on the land

and whereas this same
King Friday the 13th

has become
an example-setter

for royalty
and citizen alike,

we, the Committee
for World Cleanup,

present this citation
for meritorious service."

Uh, lovely.

He who sweeps clean
is a clean sweep.

Oh, uh, uh,
thank you very much.

Uh, yeah, he who sweeps clean
is a clean sweep, uh, lovely.

Your Highness.

Um, I am a great king.

We all know that,
King Friday.

Good. Now I must go
to my "D" room

to visit with my dancer,
Vija Vetra.

I am going to ask her to do
some curious dances today.

Would you care to join me,
Major Smith?

Oh, I'd like to very much,
King Friday,

but I must hurry back
to my office right away.

I have quite a few things
to clean up there.

Oh, quite a few things
to clean.

Yes, well, you are
dismissed then.

We shall keep the cause
of cleanup high in our minds.

Thank you, King Friday.

Uh, farewell to you,
Major Smith.


♪ King Friday's
going to ask you ♪

♪ to do some curious things,
Miss Vetra ♪

I wonder what that
is this time.

♪ Well, I'm not allowed
to tell ♪

♪ but I can give you
some things to wear ♪

Do that.

♪ Alright ♪
I'd like to see.

♪ First of all,
first of all ♪

I wonder what it is that
he wants me to dance today.

♪ First of all ♪
Oh, thank you.

♪ First of all ♪
This looks like a hat.

♪ It is, it is ♪

Do you want me to go out
on a ride someplace?

♪ I shall not say ♪
Ah, let me see.

♪ It looks very good
on you ♪
Is it alright?

♪ Are you ready
for the next thing? ♪

Yes. What is
the next thing?

♪ Just a moment ♪

I wonder, a hat.

♪ Here it is ♪
Oh, thank you.

This looks like
a nice skirt.

I guess he wants me
to dance...a folk dance.

But it is
not a full skirt.

It's only half, which means
this is an apron, isn't it?

♪ An apron is right
An apron is right ♪

Yes, indeed,
an apron it is. Ooh.

♪ I'll fetch
the next thing ♪

It looks as if he wants me
to do some work, I think.

Oh, a duster.

Now this is all
clear to me now.

♪ It is a feather ♪
He wants me to work.

♪ Oh, here he comes
I see him now ♪

[ Trumpet fanfare ]

Miss Vetra, I presume?

Yes, Your Highness.

I have just been
given a citation.

He who sweeps clean
is a clean sweep.

this is wonderful.
♪ Very good,
King Friday ♪

Will you take my, uh,
citation broom, Edgar?

Thank you very much.
Thank you.

And now, Miss Vetra, I see
you are prepared for dancing.

Indeed, indeed.

Edgar gave you the
bonnet, the apron...

Got everything.
...and the feather duster.

Can you guess
what I want you to do?

I have an inkling.

I think you want me to do
some household dances.

Household work
is right,

how you would go about
your own household cleaning,

picking up, cooking,
eating, everything.

The whole lot?

Are you prepared?

I am, indeed,
Your Highness.

Very well.

I look forward,
with pleasure,

to your household dance,
Miss Vetra.

Thank you.
Thank you.

And so, young ladies
and gentleman,

I have some pictures
of stove, refrigerator, sink,

and have even had
some litter put on the floor.

We'll see what Miss Vetra
does with her household dance.



































So much work to do.
So much work.

Oh, excellent, Miss Vetra.

your household dance.

Thank you.
Every household needs a lady
to do so many things.

this is so true.

Yes, ladies
are very special.

So we like
to think, yes.

Uh, ladies can be
queens, you know.

Yes. But never, never
we're getting a crown.

Will ever, ever anybody
give us a crown?

You see?
I give you a citation,
Miss Vetra

You will?
...for performing
the most royal household dance

in the "D" room.

Oh, isn't that

I'll be the only one, will I,
the only royal housewife?

Oh, exactly.

Suppose we go
to the "T" room

where we can discuss
ladies at length.

I'd love that.
I'd love that.

Thank you.
Yes, I don't feel like
eating much today myself.

But I shall have all
that is necessary for you.

Thank you.
Thank you.
You do like tea,
don't you?

Ooh, I love it with
lemon and with honey.

With lemon and honey?
With honey.

I shall have it prepared.
Come along.

Thank you.
The "T" room is just down
the hall from the "S" room...

Thank you.
...across from
room number 20.

Lovely household dance.

How's that look?

Sure is a lot to do
in a household, isn't there?

This is for a little girl.

Well, I've unplugged it.

And I better put this away.

Don't want to have
anything out of place.

King Friday says,

"No littering.
Everything back in its place."


There, ironing board.
Oh, they're still damp.

You have to wait a long time
for things to dry.

[ Buzzer ]

Oh, there's the back door.

Come in.
Oh, good day,
Mister Rogers.

Oh, Mr. McFeely.
Good day. How are you today,
Mister Rogers?

I'm very well.
How are you?
Oh, I'm fine.
Thank you.

Today is fine.
Thank you.

You know, I have some
time today, Mister Rogers,

and one of my customers
gave me this orange,

and I thought maybe you
would like to share it
with me, Mister Rogers.

Oh, I'd like that
very much.

Well, fine. Fine.
Well, thank you,
Mr. McFeely.

Do you have a knife,
Mister Rogers?
Yes, I do.

We'll cut it in two.
Fine. Would you
just sit down?

Oh, I will.

Why, this is a real surprise,
Mr. McFeely.

Oh, yes, I saved some
time for you today, Mister
Rogers, saved some time.

I've got some
cookies myself.
Oh, I like cookies.

We'll have cookies
and oranges, Mister Rogers.

Good. There are
a couple plates.

Alrighty. There's one
for you, one for me.

Mr. McFeely come...

Boy, it's
a real surprise.

I'll do the honors,
Mister Rogers.

Please do.
There we go.

Split this
right in half here.

Looks like
a very good orange.

Oh, it is very juicy.

Here we go, all the juice
coming out, Mister Rogers.

You mean you have
some free minutes

that you really
could stop and...

Oh, yes, some free minutes,
not too many, but I've...

There's one.
There you go, Mister Rogers.

Thank you very much.
A few little seeds
in there.

You can take
the seeds out if you like.
Thank you.

That will
go well --
Somebody gave this
to you?

Oh, yes, yes,

one of my customers,
Mister Rogers.

I like to cut mine
in four sections, Mister Rogers.

Oh, good.
I think I'll do that.

Go right ahead.
There we go.

Mr. McFeely
sharing his orange.

I've been doing some
washing and ironing.

Oh, I noticed,
Mister Rogers.
This is really going
to taste good to me.

It's a busy day
for you, too, isn't it?

It surely is.
There we go.

Would you like to cut yours
in four sections?

Yes, I would.
Here you go.

Thank you.

I'll just
take this apart.

You like to eat them
that way, do you?

It's easier for me,
Mister Rogers.

I think I'll just
have mine in two.


Very good. Very good.

[ Gulps ]


Mmm. It is good.


Been a long time
since I've had a fresh
orange, Mr. McFeely.

Well, I'm glad,
Mister Rogers.

I think I'll
cut it smaller.

You help people so much

that I know they're glad
to give you things.


You like orange juice,
Mister Rogers?

This makes delicious
orange juice.
I'm sure it does.


Finished that one.

You have little pieces
at a time, don't you?


Have you been to
Make-Believe lately?

I was there a few days ago,
Mister Rogers.

I was passing through

and I saw King Friday
getting a citation.

Did you see that
Yes, I did.

Now, what was that for,
Mister Rogers?

I was going by so fast
I didn't quite notice
what it was, but...

Cleanup campaign.
Cleanup campaign?

Isn't that something?

And you're cleaning up
today, too, isn't it?

Pretty much, yep.
Cleaning the clothes.

You know something,
Mister Rogers?

Speaking of cleanup,
I have to go and
help Mrs. McFeely.

Oh, you do?

Yes, she's cleaning up
today, too.

Today's our house-cleaning day,
Mr. Rogers.

Oh, wow.
We're going to take some rugs
out and clean them out.

Good for you,
Mr. McFeely.

You help her,
do you?
Yes, I do.

And so if you could
put this

in your refrigerator for me,
Mister Rogers,

and I'll come back some
other time to finish it.

Or better still, maybe
you can make some orange
juice for yourself.

Oh, I'd be glad to,
Mr. McFeely.

So, if you'll
excuse me, Mister Rogers,

I think I'll be
running along now,

running one more delivery,
and then help Mrs. McFeely.


Thank you so much,
Mr. McFeely.
Oh, you're quite welcome,
quite welcome.

I'll bring another
surprise someday,

some more fruit for you,
Mister Rogers.

Do you like apples?
I love apples.

Alrighty. Maybe some
day we'll have some
apples, Mister Rogers.

Good day.
Good day, Mr. McFeely.

Thank you again.

Surprises never cease.

Mr. McFeely can't eat
very quickly.

Oh, I'll keep this.

So, he's going to help
at his home, too.

And this can be
for another day, too.


Well, I'll take the ones
that I've already ironed.


So many things to do
around the house,

but you never realize it
until you start doing them.



My, that orange tasted good.

What fruit do you like
to eat the best?

Well, if you have a chance,

maybe you could
try one tomorrow.

That's when we'll
be together again.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

♪ One, two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

See you tomorrow.

You really get little things
in your teeth

when you eat an orange.

See you tomorrow. Bye, bye.



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