01x77 - Episode 77

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x77 - Episode 77

Post by bunniefuu »




♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

Hi. I'm so glad to see you.

Can you imagine what that big
thing is that I brought in?

It looks a little
like a suitcase, doesn't it?

It's called an amplifier.

Yeah, an amplifier.

It's for an electric guitar.

A teenage friend of mine is
going to come by a little later

and show us
how that amplifier works.

I think this is the part
that goes into the guitar,

and this is the
part you plug in.

Let's plug it in and have it...

Oh, boy, is it heavy.

Then we'll have it all ready
for him when he comes.

Do you know what teenage means?

Well, I'll give you a hint.

First we'll count.

And that one comes under there.

Now you just sit right down here
and wait for him to come,

and I'll plug this one in.

First we're going to count
until we say the word teen,

and as soon as we say
that word teen we'll stop.


There it is -- teen.

So, when you're 13,

you start to become a teenager.

Now let's say all the numbers
that have teen in them --

When you get to be 20,

then you aren't
a teenager anymore.


Well, now I'm going
to give you a hint

about the young man
who is coming --

a hint about his name.

It rhymes with Donny,





[ Knocking ]

Let's see if that's he.

Is it?

It is. Hi, Johnny.

Hi, Mister Rogers.
How are you?

I'm great.
How are you today?

I'd like you
to know Johnny Lively.

It rhymes with Donny.

I've got this set up
for you, John.

Thank you.

Now isn't it right
that this is the thing

that goes into
the guitar?
That's right.

Oh, boy.
You have a pretty guitar.

Thank you.

Is this the one
you've always had?

I had one before this.

See, you're not always
as good as you are

if you stick with it
after a little while.

You've worked
a long time at it.

Have you?
It's not easy.

Oh. I'm sure
it's not easy.

It's got what?

It's got about six strings
on it, doesn't it?

Yes, it does.

And you use
this hand here?

To play the chords, and this
hand to strum or with the pick.

Make some music.
Will you?

[ Guitar strumming ]
Oh, nice. Hmm.

These three switches right here
govern how the guitar sounds.

If you put all three of them up,
you get a bass sound.

[ Bass guitar sound plays ]



If you put just one down,
you get a rhythm sound.

[ Rhythm guitar sound plays ]


Then, if you just flip this one,
the very last one down,

you got
more of a treble effect.

[ Treble guitar sound plays ]

Oh. Show me again how you push
that in a little bit there.


[ Guitar changes pitch ]

Oh. Do it again.

[imitates guitar ]
♪ Oh ♪

Let's get the same kind
of sound with this vibrato.

Want to try it?
Oh, with that thing,

What do you do?
Do you push it in?

You can push it down.
You can pull it up.

Oh. Let me try.

[ Guitar warbling ]

Ooh. That's weird.
Why don't you
try it down once, huh?

[ Guitar warbling ]

Oh. Well,
how does that do it?

Does that make that
turn around or something?

It stretches the strings,
stretches the strings out on it.

Johnny, maybe you'd show us
what teenage music sounds like.

May I?

[ Rock 'n' roll music plays ]







Very nice.
Thank you very much.

You know, sometimes grownups
and very young children wonder

what it's like
to be a teenager.

Well, sometimes it's hard.
Sometimes it's great.

Sometimes it's practically
the best thing in the world.

Sometimes it's the worst.
It's all a part of living.

Well, do you study
the guitar?

I mean...
Yes, I do,
with Mr. Negri.

Mr. Negri. You mean Handyman
Negri of King Friday, right?

Yes, his boss.

He's your boss?
Well, that's wonderful.

Are you going to have
a lesson now with him?

No, but I'm helping out
over in the castle today,

so I'd better be
going pretty soon.

You're helping out
over there?
Yes, I am,
with King Friday.

Oh, boy.
I better be leaving now.

Well, thank you so much
for coming by.

Can I take
my amplifier with me.

Yeah. I guess you'll
need that, won't you?

Yes. I will.
I fell right off my stool.

Johnny, you know,
I've known you for a long time

when you were a very,
very little boy,

and I've cared about you
for a long time.

I'm really proud
of the way you're growing.

Well, thank you
very much.
Thank you for coming.

I'll see you around,
Mister Rogers.

You bet.
Can I help you with that?

I think I can manage.

It's a very heavy

Yes, it is.

Good luck to you
at the castle, Johnny.

Thank you very much.
You bet.
See you soon.

Okay. Goodbye.

Fine boy.


Johnny is 14 years old.

Oh, look at Picture Picture.

It says "teen-age."

Do you want to tell me...

Picture Picture
wants to show -- 15,

"Your light is flashing."

Thanks, Picture Picture.

Showed us all of
the teenage numbers,

and now it tells us
that the light is flashing.


[ Tinkling ]

Why, Lady Aberlin,
how are you?

[ Tinkling ]

Good. What's going
on there today?

[ Tinkling ]

I see.

She says that there are
a lot of teenagers

coming by
to entertain King Friday.

Well, we'd like
very much to come.

[ Tinkling ]

It certainly will
cheer him up.

Could we count to 13, and we
can go to the castle and see,

a whole lot of teenagers
entertaining King Friday?

All set?
Okay, Lady Aberlin. You bet.

King Friday:
Oh, my.
Lady Aberlin:
Oh, my goodness.

Isn't he superb?

Oh, what
a beautiful...Oh.
Why, thank you,
Your Majesty.

Well, Bernie,
thank you so much.

My old friend
Bernie Jessol.

how old are you?

I'm 18, sire.

Again, another teenager
coming to perform for me.
Yes, Uncle Friday. Yes.

I suppose you've worked long
and hard at those exercises.

Yes, sire. I take a lot
of practice and a lot of time.

What is that thing
you're performing on there?

Oh, that piece of apparatus
is called the parallel bars

because, like two lines,
they're parallel.

Oh, I see,

Would you do something else
for me on the parallel bars?

For your pleasure,
Your Highness.

Thank you.
For my pleasure, he says.



Parallel bars.



Thank you.

Oh, excellent, Bernie.
I'm so...

Thank you
very much, sire.
Well, I'm proud
of you,

and it's I who give
you royal thanks.

Thank you.

You've worked long and hard,
and I'm proud of you.

You will come again
some day?
I certainly will,
Your Majesty.

Thank you
for the invitation.

Thank you, my dear.

Farewell. Farewell.

Parallel bars,
parallel bars.

Yes, parallel bars.

How are you feeling,
Uncle Friday?

Some better,
thank you.
A little bit better?

Yes, thank you.
Oh, good.


Would you like
to know what's next?

Oh, I certainly would.

You mean someone else has come
for my pleasure?

Oh, yes, Uncle Friday,
and many more to come.

Oh, lovely.

Right now?
A scientist.

A scientist?

Charlotte Yeh
is her name.

Oh, how delightful.

Charlotte Yeh,

King Friday?
For your pleasure today...

...I have brought a sparkling
scientific experiment.

How wonderful.

I have water
in this beaker,

and I'm going to pour it
into this test tube.


In this bottle,
I have hydrogen peroxide,

and I'll pour it
into this measuring cup

to make sure I have
the right amount.

Oh, good.

The scientist is always careful
about amounts, isn't she?

Oh, yes.

I've worked very hard
on this experiment

to make sure it'd be
just perfect for you.

Oh, thank you.

Oh. That looks quite a bit
like the water, doesn't it?

It does.

You just can't tell
things by their color.

Now, what I'm going to do
is add some of this black powder

into this test tube
of water.


Now I'll take some
more of this powder,

and I'll pour it into
the other test tube.

It's bubbling up.

I know. That means
there's a gas burning.

Now I'll light this match
and a splint...

...and I'll blow
the splint out.

I put it in here, and nothing
much really happened.

It's just air,

and it doesn't
do too much to the splint.

Now, if I do it to
the other test tube...

What's it going to do
in the other test tube?

Do you remember
the gas you saw?

Now watch,
after I blow this out...

...what happens.

[ Pop ]

Did you see how
the bright light,

how it just burst
into flame?

It came back on again.

It did.

That means I made oxygen
inside this tube,

and oxygen
is what makes things burn.

Oh, Charlotte,
I'm so proud of you.

Thank you for making
that fine experiment for us.

Oh, but I enjoyed
coming so much.

Well, you said that you
had worked long and hard

at making it.

I worked hard
at that one,

but there's so much more

that I have to do
and work hard at,

so I can go out
and help other people.

Oh, what a delightful girl
you are.

May I take your hand and say,
"Thank you and congratulations"?

Thank you, Charlotte.

Tell me.
How old are you, my dear?

your majesty.

I shake the hand of
a 16-year-old young lady.

Thank you
and farewell.

Thank you.

Sixteen years old.

Yes, Uncle Friday.
Bless her heart.

She wants to learn
more and more.

Yes, she does.


Do you feel
a little bit better?

Well, I might say
that I do. Yes.
You do?

I have something, I think, that
would make you feel even better.

Oh, good.

I have another teenage person
here to visit you, Uncle Friday.


And what does
this person do?

Well, he's a musician,

and he's going to play
the palace.

This palace?

May I announce him,
Please announce him.

Johnny Lively
and his electric guitar.

Electric guitar?

[ Rock 'N' Roll music plays ]





Oh, lovely.
Oh, grand.

Yes. Oh.

Imagine playing a guitar.

Yes, Uncle Friday.
Come over,
Johnny Lively.

Won't you?

my young friend.
Thank you.

How old are you?
I'm 15.

Could I try
your guitar, please?

[ Guitar strums ]

I could do it.

Very good.

Thank you very much,

and congratulations to you.

I guess you've been working hard
at your music, haven't you?

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Well, thank you
for coming.

A real pleasure,
wasn't it?

Yes, it was,
Uncle Friday.

Come again, please.
May I shake your hand?

Yes. Shake my hand,
and, by all means...

Ooh, what a fine big hand.
Shake his big hand.

Yes, I will.
[Whispering] Thanks a lot.

Your Majesty.

Oh. He's lovely.


Lady Aberlin, tell me.

Why are all these
young people coming by

to be with me today?

I'll tell you.

♪ They're taking care
of you ♪


♪ Taking good care
of you ♪

♪ For once they were
very little, too ♪

♪ Now they take care
of you ♪

And they certainly
are cheering me up.

I must say.
They certainly are.

How you ever seen
a tribesman's dance?

A tribesman's dance?

Yes, Uncle Friday.
Have you?

No. I don't know
that I have.

Would you be interested
in seeing one?

Why, certainly.

Well, I have one
coming right up.


Announce it, please.

Certainly, sire.

It gives me great pleasure
to announce that Akeba Blazia

will dance an original
African folk dance,

and he will be accompanied
on the conga drum

by Mondul Benessai.

[ Rhythmic drums play ]

[ Bells jingle and shake ]














[ Music stops, applause ]

Oh, excellent.

Just grand.

Mr. Blazia,
oh, excellent.

Thank you, King Friday.
Thank you.

Why, thank you.
Why you sound like...

You are Akeba,
aren't you?
Why, certainly.

Why, take that funny
thing off your head

and let me see
the Akeba whom I know.

There you are.
[ Laughs ]

Oh, what a pleasure
to have you here.

My pleasure again,
King Friday.

Akeba is 19,
you know.

Is he?
He's a friend of mine.

Let me shake
your hand, Akeba,

and thank you for
being with me today.

Thank you again,
King Friday.

Well, come back
for refreshments someday.

Will you, please?

And don't wear those things
on your face and on your head.

I like you
exactly as you are underneath,

such a strong,
healthy man.

Farewell to you,
my dear.

Thank you again,

Thank you.
Farewell, Akeba

Oh, what a pleasure he is
to see him dance --

strong body.


I see you smiling,
Uncle Friday.

Yes. I feel
quite a bit better.

Thank you.
Do you?

He had bells
on his ankles.

Yes, he did.
I mean,

Like that?


Maybe you'll dance with him
sometime, Uncle Friday.

Oh, I'd like to.

I've got another
announcement, Uncle Friday.

Oh, another one?
Yes, I do.

I would like
to announce...

Lynda Martha.

You mean
Miss Majorette of America?

Oh, how good to see you,
Lynda Martha.

[ Piano music plays ]








My little Lynda Martha.
Thank you,
King Friday

Uncle Friday,
did you see the flags?

Oh, the flags?
Yes, King Friday.

They have your name
on them.

Oh, how pleasant
of you.

"Friday XIII."

Oh, what a joy.
How old are you, my dear?

There you are again, a teen
on the end of the number.

Yes, Uncle Friday.

A lot of practice
to be able to do that so well.

It sure does.

Won't you stay with me
a little while?

Oh. Well, I'd like to,
King Friday,

but I'm in
an awfully big hurry.

You are?
So I have to go now.

Oh. Well, farewell.

I do wish those teenagers
could have stayed a bit with me.

I like them,
you know.

Yes. I wonder if you would
believe me, Uncle Friday,

if I told you that you would see
them in about 13 1/2 seconds.

But where?

In the "R" room.
The "R" room?

You mean there's
refreshments there?

Oh, how lovely!
Let's go!

Come along, let's go!
Let's go right away.

Of course, let's go!

Mister Rogers:

So, all those teenage neighbors

went to help King Friday
feel better.

Boy, was I proud of them.

It takes a lot of work to do

some of the things
that they did.

Of all the things you saw,

which one would you like
to be able to do

when you're a teenager?

Oh. There's so many things
in the world to be able to do.

When I was very young,

I guess I was about 6,
I thought,

"Oh, boy, would I like to be
able to play the piano well."

[ Playing piano off-key ]
And I just tried
like that, you know...

...but I had to have a teacher
who could help me learn.


I found out that you
just didn't do it by wishing.

So, after a while...
[ Playing piano on-key ]

...my teacher
helped me use both hands,

and I even made up some songs.


And I made up a song
about growing --

one that I like to sing to you
because you are growing.

I notice that
all the time, yeah.

♪ You used to
creep and crawl real well ♪

♪ But then you learned
to walk real well ♪

♪ There was a time
you'd coo and cry ♪

♪ But then you learned
to talk, and, my ♪

♪ You hardly ever cry ♪

♪ You hardly ever crawl at all ♪

♪ I like the way
you're growing up ♪

♪ It's fun ♪

♪ That's all ♪

♪ You're growing,
you're growing ♪

♪ You're growing, in and out ♪

♪ You're growing,
you're growing ♪

♪ You're growing all about ♪

♪ Someday, you'll be
a grown-up, too ♪

♪ And have some children
grow up, too ♪

♪ Then you can love them
in and out ♪

♪ And tell them stories
all about ♪

♪ The times
when you were their size ♪

♪ The times when you found
great surprise in growing up ♪

♪ And they will sing ♪

♪ It's fun ♪

♪ That's all ♪

♪ You're growing,
you're growing ♪

♪ You're growing, in and out ♪

♪ You're growing,
you're growing ♪

♪ You're growing all about ♪

You sure are,

and I'm mighty proud of you,
the way you are growing.

About time for me to go.


Change my clothes
and get off to my own work.

Sure. Once I was very little,
and then I got to be a teenager,

and then I got to be
a grownup...

and a husband...

and a father...

and a friend to you.


And I've liked
every part of it.

Oh, some parts
have been hard. Sure.

And other parts
have been easier,

but, still, there are parts
about each that we can enjoy.

You know when we'll
be together again?

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

You make it always a special day
just the way you are.

See you tomorrow. Bye-bye.



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