01x78 - Episode 78

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x78 - Episode 78

Post by bunniefuu »




♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ 'Til we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

Thought I'd just better wear
my apron today.

You know what this is?

Does it look like a bowl to you,
for a cat?

Oh, that's exactly what it is,
a cat's food bowl.

And this is some cat food.

Mr. McFeely handed them to me
as I was coming down the block,

and he said, [as Mr. McFeely]
"Hey, Mister Rogers!

I've got to take care of a
cat today and I'm very busy.

I wondered if maybe
you could help me feed the cat,

Mister Rogers." [ Chuckles ]

And I said, [ as Mister Rogers ]
"Certainly, Mr. McFeely.

Just bring her by later."

He said, [ as Mr. McFeely ]
"Well, her name is Pink Paws."

I said, [ as Mister Rogers ]
"That's fine.

Any cat can be
a friend of ours."


So, why don't we
just go out to the k--

He handed me this
little thing and he said,

[As Mr. McFeely ]
"This is for the milk,
Mister Rogers.

If you have some milk,

you might want to give it
to her, Mister Rogers."

We're glad to do Mr. McFeely
a favor, aren't we?

Take care of one
of his kittens today.

Do you have a pet
that you take care of?

Lots of things that you can
take care of in this world.

Let's see if I can make
this can opener work.


Having a hard time with
my squeezing can opener.

Why don't I try the other side?

Who opens the most cans
in your family?

Your mom?
Your dad?

See, it works on that side.



Can openers are grown-up
kind of things, anyway.


[ Squeaking ]

[ Sniffs ]


Smells like fish.


This part of a can
can be very cutty --

this edge of the can.

You have to be very careful.

Well, that's the kind of food
that cats like, I guess.

This is what he said
to give her.


Did you ever see
a book that said,

"'C' is for cat", hmm?

There's the food.
Now I'll get some milk.


"C" is for cat.

"M" is for milk.

"B" is for bowl.


"R" is for refrigerator.

Let's put this down
on the floor,

and then when Mr. McFeely
brings the cat,

we'll be able to
bring it right in here.

Food for a cat.

I don't know why I was
just thinking about "C" for cat

and "K" for kitchen --

all the letters
that start words.

You know that song of ours that
has to do with the alphabet?

You know, the "A", "B", "C",
"D", "E", "F", "G"?

Let's sing it together, okay?

♪ A, B, C, D,
E, F, G ♪

♪ H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Q, R, S, ♪

♪ T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y, Z ♪

That's it -- all the letters
from A to Z.

I've made a record, and on this
record is that alphabet song,

and I thought maybe
you might like to hear

how a lot of people

playing a lot of different
instruments together

and my voice singing
sounds on a record.

I'll just play that same song,
The Alphabet Song.

It's one of the songs
on this record, okay?

And we'll just listen
to it together.

First turn it on.

Got to find just
the right place.

Do you have a record player?

Do you like to
play records on it?

Boy, I do.
I've always liked records.

It's right about in here.

Let me see.

♪ A, B, C, D,
E, F, G ♪

♪ H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Q, R, S ♪

♪ T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y, Z ♪

Now let's sing it
together, okay

♪ A, B, C, D,
E, F, G ♪
♪ A, B, C, D,
E, F, G ♪

♪ H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P ♪
♪ H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Q, R, S ♪
♪ Q, R, S ♪

♪ T, U, V ♪
♪ T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y, Z ♪
♪ W, X, Y, Z ♪

Now you sing it
by yourself this time.

♪ A, B, C, D,
E, F, G ♪

♪ H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P ♪

You singing?

♪ Q, R, S ♪

♪ T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y, Z ♪


Now let's just sing it
once more together.

♪ A, B, C, D,
E, F, G ♪
♪ A, B, C, D,
E, F, G ♪

♪ H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P ♪
♪ H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Q, R, S ♪
♪ Q, R, S ♪

♪ T, U, V ♪
♪ T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y, Z ♪
♪ W, X, Y, Z ♪

[ Knocking ]

Oh, there's somebody
at the door.

You did that well.


Oh, maybe it's
Mr. McFeely.
Oh, good day,
Mister Rogers.

Oh, it is.
Good day,
and here we are.

Here's Pink Paws.
Here you go.
Oh, hello, Pink Paws.

Shake a paw
with Pink Paws.
How do you do,
Pink Paws?

And here's Mister Rogers,
Pink Paws.
Oh, how is Pink --

She's a little jumpy today,
Mister Rogers.
She is?

Would you mind
feeding her for me?

I'm very busy, very busy today,
Mister Rogers.

Oh, you can't stay?

No, no, can't stay.
See you later, Pink Paws.

Good day, Mister Rogers.
I'll be back later, though.

You'll come back
for her, will you?

Oh yes, I will.
I'll be back.
Okay, Mr. McFeely.

Good day and thank you,
thank you, bye-bye.

Goodbye, Mr. McFeely.
Bye, Pink Paws.


Oh, Pink Paws.

He said you were
a little jumpy.

Is is hard to go
new places to visit?

[ Meow ]


It must be.

I wondered if you'd
like something to eat?

Would you?

There's something
out in the kitchen.

Let's just see if she really
would like something, okay?

No, it's not easy to go
to new places to visit.

Mr. McFeely was in such
a hurry, wasn't he?


This is the kitchen, Pink Paws.

Over here is a traffic light.


This is a telephone.

That's our pretend telephone.
[ Tinkling ]

And this is
the kitchen table here.

Oh, do you see the food?
I think she sees the food.


What would you think of that?

This is kind of fish,
a fish kind of smelling thing.

And this is some milk.

Maybe you just
don't like to be held

when you're eating,
is that right?

Mr. McFeely thought
you might be hungry, Pink Paws.

She'd rather just have a little
rubbing against somebody.



Little rub and then
a little smell

and then a little look around.




Takes a long time
to feel comfortable enough

to eat in a strange place.




You touch a bit,

and then you smell a bit,

and you look a bit,

and you feel a bit,

and you know
that people care about you,

then you can be more and more
comfortable in a new place.

Would you come
with me, Pink Paws?

I'd like to show you
something different.

I'd like to show you the
Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

Would you like to do that?

We'll come back a little later

and you can have
some of that,


'cause it is time
for the trolley.

Do you think she'd
like the trolley?

Let's look and see.

Right here is the tel--
[ Meow ]

That's right.
The telescope is right here,

and we'll just
look and see.

[ Mystical music plays ]

Daniel's clock...

...ticking and tocking...
[ Meow ]


and the Museum-Go-Round.

You see that?
[ Meow ]

[ Meow ]

Yes, and that's X's tree
and Henrietta's house.
[ Meow ]

She's a cat, uh-huh.

And there's the factory.
[ Meow ]

Uh-huh, that's the trolley.
You're right.

That's the trolley,
and the trolley is coming.

[ Dinging ]

Come on in, Trolley,
and meet Pink Paws.

Come on in
and meet Pink Paws, Trolley.

Hi, Trolley,
how are you?
[ Ding! Ding! ]

This is Pink Paws,
Trolley. Mm-hmm.
[ Dings]

She's a cat that belongs
to someone who asked Mr. McFeely

to take care of her today.
[ Dings ]

Would you take us
to the Neighborhood?

We'd like to go.
[ Ding! Ding! ]

In we go, to the
Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

[ Dinging ]


Hello, Trolley. And what
letter starts your name?
[ Ding! ]

"T", good. Alright.

I'll just put
your name right here

on the "T" page
of my catalog.


Thank you
very much, Trolley.
[ Ding! Ding! ]


Factory starts with "F".



Meow, meow, meow,
doing, meow.

Oh, hi, Henrietta.
Meow, meow.

I'm just trying to figure out
the first letter in words.

For instance, tree starts with
"T", doesn't it?

Meow, a "T".

We find the "T" page
right there...

...and we put down tree.

Meow, meow,
whole list of meow.

Meow, Henrietta,
meow, meow, meow, "H".

That's a good one.
I'll just put...
Meow, H.

Henrietta, I'll just
put that down

on the "H" page,
right there.

Do you see that?

Meow, "H".
Meow, Henrietta.


That's a good one.
Meow, house, too.

That's right!
Meow, house.

House starts
with "H", too.

So, your name,

and house,
will be right together.

Meow, Henrietta house,


Oh, hi!

How in the world
are you all?

Oh, just fine, X.
How are you?

Meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, alphabet, meow.

Oh, really?
What are you doing?

Well, we're just
trying to figure out

the first letter
in words.

Oh, what about,
uh, walnut?


That's a good one.

That sounds
like a "W".

Yeah, walnut.
Right back here,

Are you making a collection,
Handyman Negri?

Yes, I'm making this collection
for King Friday.

Oh, nifty.
[ Laughs ]


And, let me see,
what about, uh, berry?

Berry, that's
a marvelous one.

You like that one,

Meow, meow, good.
We'll put that on...

Look at that, I didn't even have
one on the "B" page right there.


Meow, meow, bell.
Meow, "B".
[ Bell rings ]

Bell, that will go
on the "B" page also.

That's a good idea.
-- bell.

Hey, what about
my name?

Oh, that's
a real good one.

It's easy.

"X" for X.
"X" is X,
right there.

Just put a big "X"
right down there...

Oh, good. [ Laughs ]
Right on the "X" page.

...on the "X" page.
Yeah, I like that.

Meow, meow, meow, meow,
meow, alphabet song, meow?

Yes, I do, Henrietta.
Would you sing it once for me?

Meow, meow,
love, meow, song.

♪ Meow, meow, meow,
meow, E, F, G ♪

♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow,
L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Meow, meow, meow ♪

♪ meow, meow, V ♪

♪ Meow-meow-meow,
X, meow, Z ♪

Hey. How about you, X?
Would you try it once more?

Oh, sure,
I'd like to.

♪ A, B, C, D,
E, F, G ♪

♪ H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P ♪

♪ Q, R, S ♪

♪ T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y, Z ♪

Let's all
sing it together, okay?
That's good. Okay.

♪ Meow, meow, meow ♪

♪ Meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow ♪

♪ Q, R, S,
T, U, V ♪

♪ W ♪
♪ Meow-meow-meow ♪

♪ X, Y, Z ♪


That's the whole
alphabet for you.

That's really a good song.
I like it.
I do too.

Meow, meow, meow, meow,
King Friday, meow.

Meow, meow, meow, meow,
letters, meow, meow.

Yes. You see,

he wants me to collect words for
every letter in the alphabet.

Have you got Trolley?

I do. I have Trolley
on the "T" page.


Meow, meow, meow, king.
Meow, meow, "K".

King, that's
a good suggestion for --

I'll just put that right down
on the "K" page, Henrietta.

Right there --

That's a good idea,
That's a real good one.

Meow, meow, meow, meow.
Hey, listen, fellas.

Do you know
a good one for "A"?

Meow, meow, "A".
Meow, meow, apple.

Oh, yeah,
that's good.

I like apples, and I bet
King Friday does too.


How do you spell apple?


I see.
I like oranges, myself.

Well, why don't we just put
some oranges in there too, okay?

That would go right on..
On the "O" page.

I have Oriole
down there right now.

Uh-huh. And oranges
are my favorite.

Yes they are.
They're orange.

What about museum?

W-What do you mean, X?

Well, doesn't museum
start with an "M"?

Do you have anything
for "M"?
Let's see.

Oh, meow, meow,
meow, good, meow.

No, that's
a very good idea.

I need something
for the "M" page.

Well listen,
I'll see you guys later,

and I'll go over
and ask Mrs. Frogg

if I can put the Museum-Go-Round
into my book.

Come on over,

and we'll play some sort of an
alphabet game in my tree, okay?

Meow, meow, meow, meow,
meow, like that, meow.

Oh, you have
good ideas.
See you later!

Meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, meow.


[ Bell rings ]

Hey, Mrs. Frogg. You have such
a lovely Museum-Go-Round.

May I put it into
my little book?

Of course not, dear.

This museum is much too large
for your little book.

Well, I don't want to put the
whole thing in the little book.

I just want to write
the word Museum-Go-Round

into my little book.

Well, writing it
and putting it in

are two very different
things, dear.

That's right, Mrs. Frogg.
You can write the word...

You can write a big word
into a little book,

but you can't put something big
into a little book.

Could I be of any further
assistance, Mr. Negri?

Well, thank you,
Mrs. Frogg,

but I seem to have all
the help that I need,

and I hope that
King Friday likes it.

And thank you, once again,
for letting me put --

I mean -- I mean write

into my little book.

Any time,
any time, Mr. Negri.

Oh, there's a good one.
Vines -- vines for "V".

[ Whistling ]

Oh, my!

I have an appointment
with the King in 2 1/4 seconds,

and I'd just better hurry up
and get down there!

Let's see now.


You're late,
Handyman Negri.

You're late.

Well, sir, I was
so engrossed in the work

that you gave me that I just
forgot about being late.

Repeat after me 13 times --
I beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.
I beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.
I beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.
I beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.


you are pardoned.

Now, your report?

Well, sir, I think
we have something

for every letter
in the alphabet.

We? Who is we?

Well, you see,
some of my friends

on the other side
of the trolley tracks,

they helped me
put it together.

It's kind of like a game,
you know, sir.

Did you make them
help you?

N-No, sir.
They -- They enjoyed doing it.

It's a lot of fun,
you know.
I see.

For instance, when Henrietta
suggested king for the "K" page.

Henrietta suggested that?

There it is right there, sir.
You see, king on the "K" page.

Oh, how excellent.

What about the "S" page?

The "S" page,
oh, certainly, sir.

Let's see,
right here.

[ Gasps ]
Don't tell me.

Don't tell you what?

Well, the "S" page
is the only page

that I don't have
anything written on, sir.

Hmm. Curious.

Do you think
you could help me?

Could you suggest
something, sir?

Well, uh, suppose you try
Sara Saturday.

Sara Saturday,
that's a good one.

That's two "S"s, sir.

You certainly are
good at this game.

I enjoy certain parts
of the alphabet.

So do I, sir.

Well, there's
your book, sir.

Not so fast,
young Handyman.

Y-You mean
that's not all, sir?

Just one more thing
for you to do.

What is that, sir?

To find out some way
to communicate

with the person you have
on the "S" page of your book.

Oh. Uh.

With the person
on the "S" page, sir?

That's right.

Find out how to get in touch
with that person by tomorrow.

By tomorrow, sir?
Plenty of time,
is it not?

Well, I'll
do my best, sir.

Just do what I command,
and you'll be fine.

Good day, Handyman.

Good d-- good d--
good day, sir.
The person
on the "S" page.

Good day -- on the "S" page.
Yes, sir.

Oh, Trolley.

Trolley, Trolley,
excuse me.
[ Dings ]

You don't know
how I may reach

Sara Saturday
by tomorrow, do you?
[ Dings ]

Neither do I, Trolley.

Oh, boy.
[ Ding! Ding! ]

[ Dinging ]


So, King Friday wants to get
in touch with Sara Saturday.


I wonder what her
telephone number would be.

Letters, numbers,
there's so many of them --

so many different
combinations in the world.

Oh, Pink Paws is in the kitchen.

She's eating, yeah.

Before we go to see her,

I'd like to ask
Picture Picture something.

Picture Picture on the wall

would you kindly show us all

what the letters of the alphabet
look like,

would you?


♪ That's A, B, C, D,
E, F, G ♪


♪ H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P ♪

You know them?

♪ Q, R, S ♪

♪ T, U, V ♪

♪ W, X, Y, Z ♪

Now, those are the
capital letters, yeah.

But there's small letters too.

Would you show us,
Picture Picture,

the small letters
of the alphabet?

Good, these are
the small ones.

♪ a, b, c, d, e, f, g ♪

♪ h, i, j, k,
l, m, n, o, p ♪

♪ q, r, s ♪

♪ t, u, v ♪

♪ w, x, y, z ♪

Thank you very much,
Picture Picture.

If you don't know them now,
you'll know them someday.

Very helpful for
reading and writing.

Yes, sir.

Now, let's just see
how she's done.

Why, Pink Paws, you've eaten
practically all of it.

Good for you!

Good for you, Pink Paws.

And look at the milk.

I think she liked
the milk the best.

You stay out of the sink, now,

I just want to clean
this out a second.


Don't fall.

See how she holds on?


It's what paws
are good for, aren't they?

And little claws.

Still jumpy?

[ Knocking ]


Oh, maybe that's your
friend, Mr. McFeely.

Oh, here I am again,
Mister Rogers.

Here I am again.
Oh, hi,
Mr. McFeely.

Did she eat her food,
Mister Rogers?

She ate
practically all of it.

Well, I'm glad
to hear it, Mister Rogers.

Well, come along
there, Pink Paws.

We'll go back, now.
Here we go. Come on.

Oh, there's a --
Pink Paws,
have a good day.

She really was
a little jumpy

but then after a while
got comfortable.

Oh, well I'm glad
to hear that.

Oh, I have a special surprise
for you, Mister Rogers.

What is that?
There you go,
right there.

It's an apple,
Mister Rogers,

for taking care of Pink Paws
today for me, alrighty?

Oh, thank you.
Remember, I told you today
I'd bring you one.

That's true.
Well, I have
to run, now,

and I hope you enjoy
your apple.

Good day,
Mister Rogers.
Thank you, Mr. McFeely.

Thank you again.
Thank you again.

Come along, Pink Paws.
Goodbye, Pink Paws.

Pink Paws will be going home.

Nice apple,

thanks to Mr. McFeely.

I'll eat that later on.

Better put the record
back in its case.

It's almost time to go.
Do you know that?

Boy, our times go quickly.

One thing.
Maybe I should take her --

The rest of her food...

...and especially this bowl
back to Mr. McFeely.


And I'll be seeing you

on a day that's called...

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

A is for apple, uh-huh.

See you tomorrow. Bye-bye.



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