06x10 - Sleep, Dearie Sleep

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Crown". Aired: 4 November 2016 –; present.*
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Inspired by real events, tells the story of Queen Elizabeth II and the political and personal events that shaped her reign.
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06x10 - Sleep, Dearie Sleep

Post by bunniefuu »


[birds chirping]

[inhales slowly]

[exhales deeply]

[Camilla sighs]

[bagpipes playing outside]

[exhales slowly]

[bagpipes continue]

[classical music playing on speakers]

[Queen's dresser] You have
an investiture ceremony at 11:00,

then lunch with
the Commonwealth secretary-general,

so I thought the black shoes and low heel,

which also works well
for the first meeting after breakfast.

Remind me.

The Duke of Edinburgh, Lord Chamberlain,
and the Duke of Norfolk.

Oh, yes. Did we ever discover
what that was about?

[Queen's dresser] They wouldn't say.

That's not normally a good sign.

[radio pips]

[newsreader] Good morning.
The time is nine o'clock,

and here are the news headlines for today.

It has been almost two years

since the British
and American forces went to w*r with Iraq.

The justification for the invasion
at the time,

that S*ddam Hussein had amassed

a huge stockpile
of weapons of mass destruction.

Now, with the secretary-general
of the UN openly...

It's ridiculous.

...as illegal, the IAEA hasn't been invited
to restart full inspections.

Marry me.

Instead, investigations into WMDs

are now carried out
by the Iraq Survey Group.

The search for...

That's not a proposal. I can't do that
without my mother's permission,

but... I realize, more than anything
in the world, I want you to be my wife.

...chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons

have still not been unearthed.

Many people who supported the w*r
are now asking...

That's a complete disaster.

...including the prime minister's claim that
S*ddam's apparently non-existent weapons

could be deployed within 45 minutes.

[Duke of Norfolk] So the Scots Guards
will be here. The Coldstream Guards...

[indistinct overlapping chatter]

Rest on a platform near the High Altar.


[Philip exhales]

- Good morning, gentlemen.
- [men] Good morning.

[David] Your Majesty.

The purpose of this meeting is,

and it's not because we have
any reason to be fearful...

[Philip] Oh, get on with it, David.

That we might really step up our planning
of Operation London Bridge.

That's the code name
for your funeral, ma'am.

We know what it is, Edward.

Is that really necessary?
I recently got a clean bill of health,

and in terms of age, I'm only...

- Eighty.
- Yes, all right. Not quite.

A matter of months.

Simply for reasons of prudence
and good order.

Why not start with the Duke of Edinburgh?

He's older than me. And, statistically,
men tend to die earlier.

Well, that's true, and that's why
we've been working on mine for years.

Operation Forth Bridge.

- Oh... Oh, don't say that.
- Why?

It's so sad.

[Philip laughs] No!

No, I'm finding it all rather stimulating.

You might too.

It's surprising what it all stirs up.
Isn't it, Edward?

Yes. So, with your permission, ma'am,
can we make a start?

[gentle instrumental music plays]

As a template, we've used
the funeral of the late King George VI.

We would call on
an estimated 6,000 military personnel

for the procession.

A tri-service parade
embracing each of the armed services,

alongside representatives
from the 15 other Commonwealth realms.

[voice fading] The g*n carriage
will be drawn by the Sovereign's Guard.

They will march at the customary rhythm
of 75 paces per minute...

[haunting choral music playing]

[horse hooves echoing distantly]

[soldiers' footfalls echoing distantly]

[haunting choral music continues]

[soldier's commands echoing distantly]

[theme music playing]

- [whistle blowing]
- [distant overlapping shouts and chants]

Out, out, out!

[siren whooping]

[shouting and chanting continues]

Out, out, out!

What's going on?

The prime minister's just coming out, sir.

- [man 1] No! Hey! Hey!
- [man 2] You w*r criminal!

- [horn honks]
- [man 3] You warmonger!

[all clamoring]

[siren blaring]

[Charles] Remember when
he first came to power?

They took to the streets and cheered.

Now they want to impeach him
for high crimes and misdemeanors.

And Tony Blair's become Tony B-liar.

One is reminded once again that
the career of prime ministers is nasty,

brutish, and short.

He has no intention of stepping down.
His ambition is to become

the first Labour prime minister
to win a third successive term.

That's the thing.

Once people get a taste of life
at the top, they never want to leave.

Is that right?

They just want to keep... on and on.

Yes. Anyway, I'm sure this is not why
you've come to see me today.


I've come to make a request
I wish I'd made 30 years ago.

To ask your blessing

to marry Camilla.

You can't say this has come
out of the blue, Mummy.

She and I have been in love now
for 30 years.

And every day of those 30 years,
she has been heroic.

You don't think ending her relationship
with you once you'd married Diana

would have been "heroic"?

She did.

Camilla is blameless in that regard.
She always wanted to keep her marriage.

Then why didn't she?

- Because her husband left.
- And why did he do that?

Because he'd had enough,
as I understand it,

of reading about her adultery with you
in the newspapers.

You and I both know Andrew is no angel.
He was serially unfaithful himself.

So, can we agree?
There's nothing heroic about any of this.

For years and years,
Camilla has suffered judgment and calumny

and never, ever complained. Not once.

That is heroic.

Instead, she's stayed silent.

And loyal, to you and the Crown.

With not a single thank you in return.

- A thank you?
- Yes, thank you.

Not just for her discretion,
but for loving and making happy

the person who's next in line.

That, surely, is in all our interests.

[indistinct chattering outside]

[Charles] What is he doing?

Planning his funeral.

He wants that as his hearse.

You always said, Mummy,
that you couldn't do the job

without Papa by your side.

That he's your strength and stay.

[gentle instrumental music plays]

Camilla is my strength.

And my stay.

I couldn't do it without her.

I will reflect on it,

take advice,

and give you an answer soon.

Thank you.

[indistinct conversations outside]

[door opens]

[door shuts]

It will probably be fine.

- [crow cawing]
- [chuckles lightly]

You all have in front of you a first draft
of the plans for London Bridge.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

Yes, a little heavy at the moment, ma'am,

but it will shrink down nicely
as you begin to express your preferences.

My preference would be
a quiet service in Scotland,

out of sight, and over in 20 minutes.

[all chuckling]

Perfectly understandable.
But this is the funeral

of what we expect to be
the longest-serving monarch in history.

People will want to celebrate your reign
and mark the end of an era,

not just here, but all around the world.

So, I'd like to start with
the logistical contingencies

depending upon where the, uh,

forgive me, ma'am,
the, uh... death actually occurs.

[David] If it's abroad, ma'am,
or here in the United Kingdom.

I shall do my best to keep it local.

- [all chuckling]
- Thank you, ma'am.

The first chapter is
if the event occurs on a foreign tour.

Please turn to page ten.

["Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand playing]

- [air g*n fires]
- [sputters] Watch out!

Are you guys going
to Harry Meade's birthday party?

- Definitely.
- When is it?

- Next week.
- [air g*n fires]

- [grunts] Bloody hell!
- Should be good. 250 people going.

- Fancy dress.
- [William] I hate fancy dress.

[can clinks]

You have to rent a costume,
which stinks of other people's BO.

f*cking royal twats.

Meet my brother, life and soul.

- [air g*n fires]
- Oh!

What's the theme?

- You pricks!
- Colonials and natives.

Then there's that.

- [air g*ns fire]
- [can clinks]

Think they could have picked
a more offensive theme?

You're such an undergraduate now.
You'd have never said that before uni.

- But now I am saying it.
- Cliché.

That's me done.
I'm out. You f*cking idiots!

- Come on, love.
- You're shit. You can't f*cking sh**t me.

f*ck you. f*ck the rich.

- Well, hit him.
- [Harry] Hold on. Hold on.

- He's going.
- Hold on.

Clip his arse!

[yelps] That's f*cking...

- You c**t!
- [Guy] Oh my God.

- Beautiful.
- [Harry laughing]

Your Royal Highnesses!

I've just had a call
from the Queen's private secretary.

[tense notes play]

- Can you come down?
- It's never good when they come in packs.


[tense music builds slowly]

[indistinct conversations]

[chattering quiets down]

[tense music ends]

Your Majesty.

My Lord Bishops.

I asked you all here today

because the Prince of Wales has requested
my permission to marry Mrs. Parker Bowles.

And I think I'd like to grant it.

And, of course,
as head of the Church of England,

that is your right.

But it will not be straightforward.

Or, one suspects, popular?

Why? I was led to believe

the General Synod had eased its stance
on the marriage of divorcees.

Oh, it has,

but... many people
in this country still believe

that the relationship between
the Prince of Wales and Mrs. Parker Bowles

was responsible for the breakdown
of a royal marriage.

The Church, I think, needs to be satisfied

that permitting the new marriage

would not, in effect,
consecrate a past infidelity.

For the Church of England
to be seen to be blessing it

could risk a split
in the Anglican Communion.

One suggestion could be that,
and I would be interested

in hearing the Archbishop
of Canterbury's view,

that the prince and Mrs. Parker Bowles
marry in a civil ceremony

and then have
a church blessing afterwards.

In a registry office?

In the eyes of the Church, no marriage
service is more legitimate than another.

It's more a question of signals.


A condition of the blessing
could be some form of atonement.

Quite so. Some acknowledgment

of wrongdoing on the couple's part.


The service might include
a prayer of penitence,

in which the couple
join with the congregation

in asking forgiveness for past


I've always taken comfort in the knowledge
that God retaineth not his anger forever

because he delighteth in mercy.

Whatever short-term risk
the marriage may present

to the integrity of the Church,

one has to imagine it would do less damage

than if I were to die a...

Well, it is going to happen one day.

...and my heir acceded to the throne

while living in sin.

[pensive music playing]

- [door opens]
- [indistinct chattering]


[indistinct conversations]

- Good afternoon, sir.
- Good afternoon, sir.

[indistinct conversations continue]

[man] Your Royal Highnesses,
Her Majesty will see you now.

Come on, Harry.


[indistinct conversations continue]

[pensive music continues]


Thank you both for coming.

Now, I need some air.

Would you be very cross
if I suggest we go for a walk?

[dogs barking]

[Elizabeth] I'd like to discuss
your dear papa.

- [William] What's he done now?
- [Elizabeth] Nothing he's done.

It's what he wants to do.

How would you both feel...
about him getting married?

I knew it.

Why can't they carry on as they are?

'Cause Charles will be king one day,

and the last time we had an unmarried king
on the throne, it did not end well.

- But what's the...
- William.

Obviously, both of us
prefer to think of him with Mummy.

And anything other than that... feels...

Wrong. So wrong.

[William] But, I suppose,
this is the reality.

And she does seem to make him happy.

Does she?

[William] And having him happy
and settled is good for us.

And, ultimately, good for...

Good for...?

Well, as you say,
he is going to be king, isn't he? One day?


Plus, then he might
finally shut up about it all.


is that a yes?

- Yes.
- [Harry exhales]

[Elizabeth] Thank you.

I didn't want to give my blessing
until you'd given yours.

Yes, good.

[phone ringing]


Ah, yes, of course.

- It's the Queen.
- Your Royal Highness.

Yes, put her through, please.

[door shuts]


[Elizabeth] I've spoken to
the Archbishop of Canterbury

and the Bishop of Salisbury.

- I can't believe you caved like that.
- I didn't cave. I'm just being a realist.

And changing your tune,
not saying what you feel.

- That's what being a realist is.
- You're such a f*cking company man.

I'm just trying to be an adult.

I don't expect you
to understand what that feels like.

[Elizabeth] So... congratulations.

Thank you.

Thank you, Mummy.

[receiver clatters]

[breathes deeply]

It's done.

[receiver clatters]

[somber music builds slowly]

[breathes shakily]

[chuckles lightly]

[pensive music playing]


[continues indistinctly]

[pensive music rises and fades]

[speaking indistinctly]

How was it with the boys today?


- That's a relief.
- They supported the idea of the marriage.

Slightly through gritted teeth.


Harry's more gritted than William's.

[Philip] Hmm. I'm not surprised.

I worry about Harry.

[Philip] Ah, well, we all do.

Some time in the army should sort him out.

Everything all right?

I think so.

Though, as you predicted,

all this talk of my funeral
has stirred things up a bit.

Anything you want to discuss?

[Elizabeth] Not yet.

Well, in that case,

good night.

[Elizabeth] Good night.

- [Elizabeth] Wait. Wait.
- [snuffling]

[Elizabeth] Thank you.

[bagpipes playing]

[dogs whimpering]

[dogs snuffling]

[dog barks, whimpering]

[dog barks]

[door opens]

Your Majesty.

- You asked to see me.
- [Elizabeth] I did.

I hope you know

how much everyone appreciates
your beautiful music every day.

I don't mind telling you, there are days
when I wake up and it all feels a bit...

Then I hear you play,
and all that goes away.

Thank you, ma'am.

They've got me planning my funeral
at the moment.

Just as a precaution.

And I'm in the process
of choosing the music

and wondered if there was a tune
for the pipes you thought might work.


[hesitates] There are a number of laments

written for fallen soldiers, ma'am.

"I Will Go Home to Kintail"
springs to mind.

"Lord Lovat's Lament."

But is there
a particular one that you like?

What, me, ma'am?

Yes, Pipes. You.

[exhales shakily]

Uh... there is...

there is one

that I particularly like.

It's "Sleep Dearie Sleep."

Will you play it for me?

What, now?

Why not?


It's a hell of a din, ma'am.

It's not a din to me.

[breathing deeply]

[pipes humming]

["Sleep Dearie Sleep" playing on bagpipes]

[chuckles softly]

♪ Soldier, lie down ♪

♪ On your wee pickle straw ♪

♪ It's not very broad ♪

♪ And it's not very braw ♪

♪ But, dearie, it's better ♪

♪ Than nothing at all ♪

♪ Sleep ♪

♪ Dearie ♪

♪ Sleep ♪

[song ends]

Ta-da! Here we go!

[Harry] What about an astronaut?

- Or a cowboy?
- [Harry] No, he's more of a goodie-goodie.

- Or a d*ck.
- I'm going as a lion.

- Oh, the Lion King.
- Oh, arf-arf.

I'm going to go as... What about Biggles?

- What's that got to do with colonialism?
- [Kate] Will.

Germany had an empire, didn't they?

What about this?

I don't know. Maybe cover the swastika?

Oh, come on. Wearing the outfit
doesn't make him a n*zi.

- Isn't that the joke?
- How about that wedding dress for you?

Come on. Don't pretend
you haven't already thought about it.

[both chuckling lightly]

- Thanks, Harry. Nice touch.
- [Kate] Your brother...

- Where's Guy?
- Oh, you've got...

- It's so cute.
- [Guy] Hello!

The f*ck?

Who stole my ganja?

- Oh my God.
- Whoo.

- [laughing]
- That's my grandmother.

♪ I like the way you move ♪

[all shouting]

["I Like the Way You Move"
by Body Rockers playing]

[Guy] Hello, darlings!

Queenie's here!

Hello! How you doing?

- All right, mate?
- I'm good.


This is incredible!

Granny, what are you doing?

What am I doing?

I'm being fun!

- They have a band.
- They have a band. They...

What are you doing?

Guy. Guy.

- That's naughty.
- Is he going onto the stage?

Excuse me! I'm sorry.

["I Want to Break Free" by Queen playing]

Yes! Go on, Guy!

♪ I want to break free ♪

[all cheering]

♪ I want to break free ♪

♪ I want to break free from your lies ♪

♪ You're so self-satisfied ♪

♪ I don't need you ♪

♪ I want to break free ♪

["Phat Planet" by Leftfield playing]

[indistinct conversation]


- Have you got a phone?
- Yes, I've got a phone.

[speaking indistinctly]

[camera clicking]

[electronic music ends]


Oh shit.

[tense music playing]


Oh, Harry.


[kettle clattering]

[shouting] f*ck! f*ck!



I was a troublemaker at school.

Repeatedly caned by my housemaster.

Six of the best. [exhales]

We all make mistakes
in the flushes of youth.

Rarely as gross a misjudgment as this.

A swastika armband
two weeks before Holocaust Memorial Day.

There's a great deal of affection
in the country for Harry.

An apology, followed by a...

a period of contrition...
should pave the way for forgiveness.

Is that the advice
you'll be giving yourself over Iraq?

I think we can agree things are
not working out too well over there.

My hope is that... the democratic elections
scheduled for the end of this month

will form the beginnings
of an exit strategy that should allow us

to close this chapter and move on.

Exit strategy.


That's a subject
that's been coming up a lot recently.

You've got to thread it through.

[projector whirring]

No, thread...

Yes, all right, thank you.
I think... I remember now. Thank you.

Must go through...

Thank you.

That's it. That's it.

No, why hasn't it gone through?

It's meant to go under here.

And it hasn't.

That's it. Right about...

Stop that.



[projector whirring]

Oh, bingo.

Oh, good.

[gentle instrumental music plays]

[children's laughter echoes distantly]

[somber music builds slowly]

[breathes deeply]


[inhales sharply]

[exhales and breathes deeply]

Oh! There you are.

- Yes, here I still am.
- No breakfast?

Wasn't hungry.

Not like you.

How was Harry?

A bit subdued.

His father's got him
mucking out pigs as punishment.

That feels a little Old Testament.

[Philip] I agree.

Harry was foolish to go to that party
dressed in that costume,

but he was bloody unlucky

that a fellow guest
should go to the newspapers like that.


So I phoned the costume rental shop,
gave them a piece of my mind.


[Philip] What will it take
to get you to understand, hmm?

Should I draw it in sodding crayon?

The uniform was inaccurate.

The German Afrika Korps
never wore swastikas.


A fact I impressed upon
the Sandhurst top brass,

who happily agree this latest episode

should not prevent Harry
entering officer training.

Oh, well done.

- To ban him would be madness.
- [Elizabeth] Mmm.

And would only exacerbate
the real problem.

Which is?

[Philip] A lack of a sense of purpose,

due to a failure of responsible parenting.


Do you want to discuss anything
before I go?

About what?

Well, the funeral.
What it might have stirred up for you.


Thank you.

Right, well, I'll be off.

Duty calls.


You coward. Why didn't you tell him?

What you've been thinking since
you first started working on your funeral.

In fact, since the golden jubilee.

How tired... no, not just tired,

exhausted you are by it all.


[grunts softly]

How ready for a rest.

[somber music builds slowly]

And, at the same time,
how ready he suddenly looks.



Oh, him.


[footsteps receding]

[water running]

You even have precedent. Queen Wilhelmina
of the Netherlands was 68

when she stepped down
in favor of her daughter.

Charlotte of Luxembourg
was also in her late sixties.

That's the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Bicycle monarchies. Not the same thing.

It's exactly the same thing.
And, in both cases, a great success.

You've been on the throne
for over half a century.

- Longer than any queen.
- Apart from Queen Victoria.

How effective was she by the end?

Rheumatic and blind, weak and unwell.
Hidden away on the Isle of Wight.

You're almost 80 years old.

So everyone keeps reminding me.

That's nearly 20 years
past the retirement age for women.

- No need to go on.
- That's what I'm saying.

No need to go on.

Your first loyalty's
always been to the Crown.

Sometimes at the expense
of being a mother.

Stepping down... is the right thing to do.

As Queen and as a mother.

[man] Your Majesty.

[somber music swells]

[music fades out]

Everyone has now agreed on a date
for the wedding.

Ninth of April.
At the Guildhall in Windsor.

Oh, we also felt, given your role
as head of the Church of England

and the Church's position
that marriage is a lifelong commitment,

that it would be wrong
for you to attend the ceremony in person.

[Elizabeth] Mmm.

The idea being
you can watch the coverage on television

and, uh... and then join everyone
for the service at St. George's Chapel.

And the reception at Windsor Castle.

Has the prime minister
been invited to the reception?

Yes, ma'am.

- And the leader of the opposition?
- Yes.

And the Archbishop of Canterbury?


And there will be an opportunity
for me to say a few words?

Oh, I'm sure everyone would be delighted.
Would you like me to draft something?

That won't be necessary.
I'll write something myself.

That's all. Thank you, Robin.

[Harry] You were all for the uniform
in the costume shop. Egging me on.

- Suddenly you're Mr. Morality.
- [William] Oh, right.

Stabbing me in the back.

How many faces does this man have?

Not sure I like who you're turning into.

- Not sure I like who you've been.
- Can you stop bickering? I beg you.

[lilting instrumental music plays]

[Camilla] How was supper?

Well, I'm sad to say
it was all rather unpleasant.

- The boys were snapping at each other.
- Well, that's just boys.

Can I make one request?

That you don't make
my wedding day a misery.

I've waited too long for it.

Yes, but you didn't witness it.
It was horrid how they were to each other.

Vicious and unkind.

[Camilla] They're young.
Riding the waves of emotion.

Understandable after
what they've been through.

[Charles] Are they going to blame me,
do you think, and hold me responsible

for the way they've turned out?

Well, being their father,
you are responsible.

For making it better.

As soon as they're through tomorrow,
everything will be fine.

Well, I do hope so.

And how are you?


I'm all right.

My sister persuaded me to get a fake tan,
so now I smell like the dog's blanket.


Are you having any last-minute doubts?

Not me.

I'm in.

For all of it?

For whatever being married to you
turns out to be.

Well, you might find out
what that entails sooner than you imagine.

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, I've been told
that the Queen intends to make a speech

at the reception afterwards.

A speech which nobody's seen

and which she's, um... written herself.

It feels like
she's planning a big announcement.

My father met with Anne
to ask what she thought was in it,

but she's as baffled as the rest of us.

Then Anne rang Andrew,
and he went riding with the Queen,

but, well, you know Andrew.

Drew a complete blank.

So if her intention was
to set tongues wagging,

she's certainly succeeded.

Don't give it any further thought.


Just think about the boys.

Thank you, darling.

[receiver clatters]

[lilting instrumental music ends]


Dinner was weird.


When he overcompensates like that...

"This can be
an exciting new chapter for us all."

Barf. [exhales]

A few years ago,
it would have pissed me off.

Now I just don't care.

I heard Granny's going to
make a speech at the wedding.

Would you like to know what else I heard?

That she's going to use the occasion
to tell the family she's standing down.

- After 50 years in the job.
- She'd never do that.

And even if she did, why on Pa's big day?

Because it's the wedding present
he most wants?

- He does want it, doesn't he?
- Craves it.

[both scoff softly]

For him and for Camilla.

If she did, know what else it would mean?

It would be you next.

That'd make you William the...


Better than Second.

- He was assassinated by his brother.
- [chuckles] Was he?

Who, would you believe,
was also called Prince Harry.

He had William k*lled
in a sh**ting "accident,"

then galloped off to Winchester
to claim the throne for himself.

[both chuckling softly]

Don't worry, mate.
I wouldn't do that to you.

[light instrumental music builds slowly]

[indistinct overlapping chatter]

- Really?
- Yeah.

Good spot for it.

And a white one.

For the boys.

[lively overlapping chatter]

[music fades out]

- [crowd chattering]
- [jaunty music playing]

[hydraulics hissing]

[girls screaming]





[newsreader] The cheers from the crowds
lining the streets of Windsor

can be heard for miles around

as Prince Charles
and Camilla Parker Bowles

pass through them on the way
to their civil marriage ceremony.

Wonderful scenes here
as the royal couple smiles

and waves to the hundreds of well-wishers

who have been waiting since dawn
to get the best view

of the happy couple.

And they've just arrived at the Guildhall,

stepping out of
the Queen's own Rolls-Royce Phantom VI,

which was originally
presented to Her Majesty in 1978.

I don't know what you think you're doing.

[Elizabeth] I'm doing the sensible thing.

The responsible thing.

If we're not careful,
if I go on another 20, 25 years,

a tired, white-haired geriatric queen

will hand over to a tired,
white-haired geriatric Prince of Wales.

Those are the rules.

But if he were then to go on
another 20, 25 years,

it would mean
that for the next half century,

the British monarchy would be
a very decrepit experience indeed.

Is that the right thing
to do to the institution?

Charles is in the prime of his life now.

Honestly, I've never heard
so much nonsense.

Have you forgotten the oath that you took?
I declare...

...before you all that my whole life,

whether it be long or short,
shall be devoted to your service.

You're fit enough to ride and drive.
You're fit enough to wear the crown.

You remember what Queen Mary told you.

- Another geriatric.
- [door opens]

[lilting instrumental music plays]

Monarchy is something you are,
not what you do.

The Crown is a symbol of permanence.

Of stability. Of continuity.

If you step down, you will be symbolizing
instability and impermanence.

You'll also be indicating
the luxury of choice,

which is the one thing we cannot have

if we claim the Crown is
also our birthright.

So you would have
a superannuated old lady running the show

while a fit,
energetic Prince of Wales watches on,

straining at the leash.

[young Elizabeth]
But I don't see you as decrepit.

Since the jubilee, since Mummy's death,
I see you as liberated.


You say that Charles is in his prime.

Well, I see you in yours.

And admit it.

You sometimes think there's a difference
between you and the rest of the family.


It comes naturally to you.

They all seem to make such a mess of it.

I didn't say that.

No, but you've thought it.


And with good reason.

This system is
a dreadful thing to inflict upon people.

It's not natural.

It's not fair.

It's not kind.

But you seem to thrive in it.

And, more importantly,
it seems to thrive under you.

So, shouldn't you stay
for every single day that you can?

But what about the life I put aside?

[melancholy music builds slowly]

The woman I put aside

when I became Queen.

What sort of question is that?

For years now,

there has been just one Elizabeth.

Queen Elizabeth.

If you went looking for Elizabeth Windsor,

you wouldn't find her.

She's gone.

Long gone.

You buried her years ago.

[music fades out]

[newsreader] And here they are,
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales

and Her Royal Highness
the Duchess of Cornwall

facing the public
for the first time as man and wife.

No fairy-tale kiss
from the happy couple for the onlookers.

Instead, smiles and a brief wave.


Yes, I think so.

This, um...

This speech you're about to make.

- Yes?
- [chuckles softly]

Everyone's got their knickers in a twist
about it.

- [Elizabeth] Have they?
- You sure you don't want to discuss it?

Quite sure. Thank you.

Come on.

["Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven"
playing on organ]

♪ Praise, my soul ♪

♪ The King of Heaven ♪

♪ To his feet, thy tribute bring ♪

♪ Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven... ♪

[priest] Almighty God,

father of our Lord, Jesus Christ,

maker of all things,

judge of all men.

We acknowledge and bewail
our manifold sins and wickedness,

which we from time to time
most grievously have committed

by thought, word, and deed
against thy divine majesty,

provoking most justly thy wrath
and indignation against us.

We do earnestly repent

and are heartily sorry
for these, our misdoings.

The remembrance of them is
grievous unto us.

The burden of them is intolerable.

Have mercy upon us,
have mercy upon us, most merciful Father.

Forgive us all that is past.

Grant that we may ever hereafter
serve and please thee in newness of life.

In the honor and glory of thy name.

- Amen.
- Amen.

[classical wedding tune playing]

[indistinct chattering]

[overlapping chatter and laughter]

Sorry. Excuse me. Beg your pardon.
Thank you very much.

Ready for you, ma'am.

Thank you.

Pray silence for Her Majesty the Queen.

[crowd hushes]

Thank you.

I suppose one has to start these things
with an introduction.

For those of you who don't know me,
I am the mother of the groom.

[all laughing]

Today has been a memorable day,

with a single happy event
bringing the whole nation together.

The Grand National steeplechase
finished 20 minutes ago,

and the results were as follows.
Hedgehunter, the 7-1 favorite,

ridden by Ruby Walsh,
trained by Willie Mullins,

won the race by 14 lengths.

Royal Eclair finished second,
Simply Gifted third.

[guests laughing]

In other news,

there is a small family wedding
in the Windsor area...


...which the police are
keeping their eyes on.

Chief Constable Darren Dedds said
he was hoping

that displays of excessive exuberance
would be kept to a minimum.

Is she looking at you? She is.


She means the boys.

Almost 650 years ago,

the chapel at Windsor played host
to the wedding of another Prince of Wales,

Edward, the Black Prince.

The young Edward was widely expected
to marry a European princess,

but Edward had other ideas.

He set his heart on a woman
he had known his whole life,

slightly his senior,

a mother who had previously been married.

What ensued was a devoted, loving marriage

that would last their whole lives.

[guests] Hear, hear.


I know that over the years,
it hasn't been easy.

Being Prince of Wales is hardly
a recipe for happiness.

History has taught us that.

To be condemned to watch an old parent

do a job one can imagine oneself
doing better, for years and years...

[laughter rises and fades]

It is to your great credit
that you have filled this vacuum

not, like several predecessors,

with idleness and excess,

but with a great swell of activity
and charitable endeavor.

[guests] Hear, hear.

- Harry. She skipped it.
- Skipped it?

[Elizabeth] And now,

a word of thanks to Camilla.

It can't have been easy for you either
over the years.

But your good cheer and warm humanity
work wonderfully in your favor...

[guests] Hear, hear.

...both as a strength and stay
for the Prince of Wales...

and as an addition to this family.

Thank you

for your patience and forbearance.

So, now will you all raise your glasses
to the young couple?

[guests laughing]

Charles and Camilla.

[guests] Charles and Camilla.

[cheers and applause]

[girl] I'm gonna get you!

- [girls chattering]
- Girls! Oi!

[girls laughing]

[girl] This way!

[squeals] No, can't get me!

Nice speech, Granny.

- Thank you.
- Though surprisingly short.

Sure you didn't forget half of it?

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- [chuckles softly]

What do you think?

[Harry] I've got you!


It's better than the beer cans
Harold wanted to tie to the bumper.

[Elizabeth chuckles]

Be kind to him.

In many ways, it's harder
being number two than number one.

The system protects number one.

Number two tends to...

Go mad?

I was going to say,
"need extra care and attention."

- Got you!
- Harry, put me down!

- [man] Ma'am.
- Ah.


Very good. Let's go inside, come on.

- Very good.
- [William sniffs]

- Come on.
- [photographer] Your Royal Highnesses.

Your future Majesty.

[camera clicks]

[photographer] Thank you.

Your Royal Highnesses,
thank you very much.

Ladies and gentlemen! Tutti!

Come on.

Girls, if you're gonna have them,
keep them down,

and shush. Be quiet.


[Philip] Charles. Charles.

Where's Harry?


- There's the Queen.
- Ready for you, Your Majesty.

Right. For goodness' sake!
Get out of the way!

[photographer] This way, please, everyone!

Our revels now are ended.

These, our actors, as I foretold you,

were all spirits and melted into air.

For God's sake,
take the bloody photograph, will you?

Here we go.

[Philip] Good God.

[photographer] All's well that ends well.

Still, it defines the Crown.

Oh Jesus Christ.

What e'er the course,

the end is the renown.

[Philip] There you go.
That's it. All right.

There we go.

[overlapping chatter and laughter]

[photographer] This way, please!
This way, everyone, please! Thank you!

Thank you. Well, that was a surprise.

Where did they get those?

[lilting choral music playing]

[overlapping chatter]

[Philip] Ah!

There you are.

[Elizabeth] Yes.

Here I still am.

[Philip chuckles]

Good day, I think.

Oh yes.

I had the winner
on three of the four races at Aintree.

How are you planning on celebrating?

Ooh, night on the town?

- Joyriding? Ram-raiding?
- [Philip chuckles]

Give Chief Constable Dedds
something to worry about after all.

Well done with the speech.

- Thank you.
- It was funny.

Don't sound so surprised.

And not a hint of the torment
you've been going through.

Was it that obvious?


But the right decision has been made.

You will continue as Queen for as long as
you possibly can, for one reason.

- Because those are the rules.
- No.

Because those that come after you
are not remotely ready to take over.

No, but I wasn't either.
Remember? I was so young.

Ah, no, no. You were always ready.

You were born ready.

You are one of a kind.

By contrast, this lot...


The good thing is, it's not our problem.

This is where we will be, you and I.

Right under this stone.

We'll never hear the screams
from inside there.



You know I'm right.

The system makes no sense anymore
to those outside it,

nor to those of us inside it.

[breathes deeply]

All human things are subject to decay

And when fate summons

Even monarchs must obey

We're a dying breed, you and I.

Oh, I'm sure everyone will carry on,
pretending all is well.

But the party's over.

The good news is,

that while Rome burns
and the temple falls,

we will sleep, dearie, sleep.


You looked.

[chuckles] Yes.

A piper's lament.

Your sole musical choice.

It's very you.

And your coffin being driven
in an old Land Rover is very you.


- You looked.
- I did.


I'll leave you to it.

Say one for me?

["Sleep Dearie Sleep" playing on bagpipes]

[regal instrumental music joins bagpipes]

[regal music swells]

[bagpipes rise]

[closing chord rises and falls]

[gentle instrumental music plays]
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