11x14 - Episode 14

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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11x14 - Episode 14

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please, won't
you please, please

won't you be my neighbor?

Hi, neighbor.

I brought something
to show you today,

but I left it on
the porch swing.

Do you have any idea
what it might be?

It's something that I played
with when I was a little boy.

Come and I'll show you.

[SINGING] Please won't
you be my neighbor?

Hischer Booptrunk.

Hischer Booptrunk is a
ventriloquist's dummy.

And when you practice
being a ventriloquist, what

you try to do is to talk without
moving your lips, like this.

[DUMMY VOICE] Hello, everybody.

My name is Hischer.

Hischer, I'd like to show how
I can make your mouth open.

I'll show you the
controls back here.


Now, when you push
this down, then that

opens Hischer's mouth.


Like that.

And when I move this over,
that makes his eyes move.

There's very
complicated things here.

But there are
other things that I

can show you that Hischer does.

For instance, his eyelids can
go down like this, down and up.

I'll show you that.

See that?

Or he can wink like this, like
he's falling asleep there.

Ventriloquist dummies
are like fancy puppets.

But none of them is as
fancy or as wonderful

as a real live person.


Speedy delivery.

Oh, there's Mr. McFeely.

-Speedy delivery.

Hello there,
Hischer, Mr. Rogers.

-Hello, Mr. McFeely.

-Good day to you.

-What do you have
there, Mr. McFeely?

-Well, it's my new tricycle.

Just thought you'd like
to take a look at it.

-Oh, that is great.

-I have a rear view mirror.

-You sure do.

-And there's a--



-Well, that feels
good, you know?

-It's for small deliveries
and large deliveries.

-Is this part of it?

-Oh, no, no.

This is a walker.

I'm delivering to
someone who just

came home from the hospital.

I'll show you what I mean.

See, it's-- you put it down like
this, and it helps you walk.

You put it down like
that and lean into it

and say, walker, one, two,
and then walker, one, two.

Would you like to try it?

-Yes, I would.

You say you put the walker?


-That's like two canes, only
it's a lot sturdier than--

-That's right.

- --canes.

What happened to that
person, Mr. McFeely?

He was in the hosp--

-Well, he was working on a
high lift, and he fell off.

It was a scary accident,
but he's getting better now.

-Oh, he is?


I had better get the
walker over to him.

There you go.

That's the idea.


Boy, I'm glad there are
such things to help.

Just take the walker right
back to the tricycle.


And to close it, you
push this little button.

-And then what?

-Just push it together.

It'll collapse.


Squeeze it together.

Well, I suppose he's
anxious to get that--

-Yep, It was--

- --to help him to walk.

- --a scary accident, but
there were some people around

to help, and they took
him to the hospital.

And now he needs the
walker for a few weeks.

-Boy, I'm glad he's
getting better.

-Getting better.

I'll just-- oh, do
you think Hischer

could say, "Speedy delivery"?

-He could try.

-All righty.

-[DUMMY VOICE] What did you say?

-I said, Hischer,
do you think you

could say, "speedy delivery"?

-[DUMMY VOICE] Speedy delivery.

-That's right.

And I'll say, speedy
delivery, Hischer.

Good day, neighbors.

Good day to you.


-Goodbye, Mr. McFeely.

[DUMMY VOICE] Bye-bye.

It's fun to play
like that, isn't it?

That sounds pretty
scary, somebody

falling from a high
place like that.

could play about it.

All right.

Let's go inside
and play about it.

Want to be up in
this high place?


Do you want to pretend
that you're falling down?

don't let me get hurt.

Let's just pretend that
Hischer's falling down here.


Fall down went boom.

[DUMMY VOICE] i need a hug.

OK, Hischer.

Did you ever fall down go boom?

I think everybody
does sometimes.

But it sure feels
good to have somebody

you love close by when you're
not feeling good, doesn't it?

[SINGING] Sometimes
you feel like holding

your pillow all night long.

Sometimes you hug your
Teddy bear tightly.

He's old, but he's still strong.

And sometimes you want
to snuggle up closely

with your own mom and dad.

At night, you even need
the light sometimes,

but that's not bad.

VOICE] Please don't

think it's funny when
you want an extra kiss.

are lots and lots

of people who sometimes
feel like this.

Please don't think
it's funny when

you want the ones you miss.

There are lots
and lots of people

who sometimes feel like this.

[DUMMY VOICE] That's true.

Yes, it is true, Hischer.

Thanks for helping me with that.

I played with Hischer a lot
when I was a little boy.

It just makes me remember
a lot of those times.

Let's make believe
now, all right?

In our Neighborhood
of Make Believe.


Let's make believe that
somebody in the neighborhood

climbs up somewhere
and falls down,

and that people come and help.

Maybe it'd be somebody
who climbs up on a ladder

and falls down.

All right?

Neighborhood of Make
Believe, Trolley.


QUEEN SARA: Oh, hello, Trolley.

Did you get the ball?


-Oh, good, Bob Dog.

You're such a playful creature.

Would you like me
to throw it again?


-All right.



-Oh, good for you.

You certainly can
brighten any day, Bob Dog.

-Oh, thank you Queen

-Oh, hello Bob Dog.

-Hi, Handy.

-Oh, Handyman Negri.

Why do you need a
ladder, Handyman?

-Well, Queen Sara, I was
trying to clean the turret,

and I just wasn't tall
enough to reach it.

-Oh, I see.

-Now, careful, Bob Dog.

Don't go near the ladder.

We don't want Handyman
Negri to fall.

You really do have to keep
your balance on these things.

-I know.

-That's true.

-Oh, would you answer the phone?

-Sure, I'll get it.


-Thank you.


This is the castle of the Queen,
the King, the Prince, Handy,

and the dog.

Can I help you-awrooowoo?


Sure, I can help you with that.

A ball, you say?


Take care of it right away.

I can borrow it,
can't I, Queen Sara?

-Borrow what, dear?

-The ladder.

-Oh, the ladder.

Well, you'll have to ask
Handyman Negri about that.


May I borrow your
ladder for a while?

-Oh, something I
can help you with?

-Well, see, X has a ball
that's caught up in the tree.

-Oh, I can get that for you.

-Well, I want to
do it myself, OK?


I'm finished here.

Now, you please be careful.

-Oh, I will.

-Yes, dear.

Please be careful.

I promise, Queen Sara.

-All right.

And we'll see you later, then.

-I'm af--

-[SINGING] It's a--

-I hope he'll be
all right with that.

-[SINGING] --a beautiful
day in the neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a ladder.

Would you climb on?

Sure, I'd climb on.

-Hey, well, that is really
quick service, Bob Dog.


Like Mr. McFeely.

Speedy delivery!

Speedy delivery.

Now, where's your ball?

-Well, it's right
up there somewhere.

Can you see it?

-No, not yet.

-Well, it's probably higher.


-Do you see it now?

Still can't see it.

Maybe it's up on top.

X [OFFSCREEN]: Do you see it?

-Not yet.

over a little bit.

-Oh, yeah.

I see it!

I got it!


-Oh, Bob Dog!

Bob Dog!


you hurt, Bob Dog?


-Does that mean that
you are or you aren't?


X [OFFSCREEN]: Hey, Henrietta,
Henrietta, come out here.

-Meow meow meow meow
meow meow trouble, meow?

-I think Bob Dog is hurt.

-Meow happened?

-He was up on the
ladder, and he fell down

and went boom on the ground.

-Meow meow hurt, Meow Dog?

-Meow, meow, [YOWLING]

-Meow better call
Dr. Bill meow way.

-I'll get him.

Where would he be right now?

-Meow meow office meow
meow Eiffel Tower.

-I'd better get
Handyman Negri, too.

We need somebody
big like Bob Dog.


-Meow meow get meow
play doctor's outfit.

-OK, Bob Dog.

Just stay right there and
we'll get some help for you.


-And it's wonderful to have
my office here, Grandpere.

-Oui, I like it very much to
have a doctor in my tower, too.

It's tres bien.

I see you later.

-OK, Grandpere.

X [OFFSCREEN]: Hey, Doctor Bill!

Doctor Bill!

-What is it, X?

-It's Bob Dog.

He was climbing on
a ladder at my tree,

and he fell to the ground.

And all he can do is howl.

And I think he's really hurt.

Henrietta's putting on
her play-doctor clothes,

but I think you should
come and see him don't you?

-Oh, I certainly do.


-You say he's at your tree?

-Yes, he's on the ground
in front of my tree,

and I'm going to go ask
Handyman Negri to come, too.

-Oh, very good.

I'll go right over myself,
and you bring Handyman.

He can be of great help.

Bob's a big dog, you know.

-Yeah, I do know.

Thanks, Doctor Bill.

I didn't know whether
you'd make a tree call.

-Oh, of course, X

-OK, see you later.
-I'll see you there.

All right.

-Handyman Negri!

Handyman Negri!

Speedy delivery!

Handyman Negri!

Handyman Negri!

Speedy Delivery!

-Handyman Negri!

-Handyman Negri!

-Oh, thanks for helping
me, Mr. McFeely.


-Well, I need him myself, X. I
have a delivery here for him.


Well, I need him
for an emergency.

-What's the matter?

-It's Bob Dog.

-What happened to him?

-Handyman Negri!

-Have you been calling me?

-We sure have.

-We surely have.

-Well, I was in the back of
the castle doing some work,

and I just heard you right now.

-I have this delivery
here for you.

-And I have this problem,
this bad problem.

-What is it, X?

-Well, I was just starting
to tell Mr. McFeely.

It's about Bob Dog.

He brought your ladder
to my tree, you know.

And when he got the ball
out of the branches,

just before he was about to
come down, he fell, boom!

-Oh, well, we'd better
call Doctor Bill.

-I already have,
but he said to get

you to come, too, because
Bob Dog is so big.

-Oh, you'd better come
along, too, Mr. McFeely.

-I'll be glad to help.

-Oh, thanks, both
of you, thanks.

-See you there.


-You're going to be
all right, Bob Dog.

We'll take good care of you.

-Meow meow coming.

Meow Handyman, meow
Mr. McMeowly, meow X.

-How is he, Doctor Bill?

-He's going to be
all right, but we'll

have to take him to the
hospital to see about his bones.


-No, no, not bones to eat,
Bob Dog, your own bones.

You need some x-rays.


-Aw, and to think that we were
all having such a good time,


-Meow anybody told meow
King Friday meow Queen Sara?

-No, we'll have to do that.

-Meow call them
meow meow telephone.


-Can we help, Doctor Bill?

-Can you lift him
up very carefully?


-And try to keep the weight off
his leg by supporting his arms,

just like crutches.


-And I'll move to give
you some more room here.


-Over here.

-Meow Friday meow meow have to
take them meow right away meow.

-Well, that's on the way
to the hospital, Henrietta.

-And I'll meet you
at the hospital.

Come as soon as you can.

-All right.

-Let's go.

-And I want to thank you
all for all your help.

-And thank you, X. You did a
lot in a hurry, a good job.

-I'm so sorry for poor Bob Dog.

-There was a lot of playing
going on today, was there not?

-Oh, we were having
a very good time.

-It didn't end up
that way, however.

-Mr. McFeely, Handyman
Negri, Bob Dog, I presume.

ALL: Correct as
usual, King Friday.

-Oh, poor Bob Dog.

I'm so sorry you're hurt.


-Well, of course.

But we'll take good care of you.

-And I'm going to
see that there will

be no further accidents here.

I now make a new rule.

There will be no more
play in this Neighborhood

of Make Believe.

ALL: No more play?

No more play.

Nobody may play
anything anymore.

-Oh, but Friday, that
would be just impossible.

-I will not have any more
foolishness causing accidents.

Is that understood?

ALL: Yes, King Friday.

-And is it understood
that there will

be no more play in
this neighborhood?

ALL: Yes, sire.

-We'll talk more
about that anon.

-In the meantime,
I think we should

get over to the hospital.

may exit, but remember the rule.


-Yes, yes, sire.

-Well, of course
you're sorry, dear.

We'll work everything out.

-You won't change my mind.

-Well, here we go
to the dog hospital.

-And remember, no more play.

-Yes, King Friday.

-Why Friday, that's
just impossible.

-Not so playful with
your running, Trolley.

No more play in
this neighborhood.

-So, Bob Dog falls
down and gets hurt,

and King Friday makes
a rule that nobody's

allowed to play
anything any more.

Well, the King's rule
is a very foolish thing,

because if they
can't play, nobody's

going to be able to
grow or learn anything,

especially ways of
managing their feelings.

What will we think about that?

We'll have to make up
more about that tomorrow.

One thing we can do is to
give some food to the fish.

Just a little.

If you want to,
you could pretend

about Bob dog in the hospital
and how he's doing there.

In fact, you could
use one of your toys,

and you could pretend you
were the doctor, or the nurse,

or Handyman Negri,
or Mr. McFeely--

people who were helping Bob Dog.

It feels good to
pretend you're a helper.

There's something
I want to show you.

A tractor.

You could even
pretend that you were

a helper driving
along in a tractor.

This is a sturdy toy.

I think I could
sit on it myself.

It's so well-made.

See the different
pieces of wood?

That's one piece right there.

This is another piece,
a round piece of wood,

the steering wheel.

There's another piece here.

Let's take a look at the wheels.

Two of this kind,
and two of this kind.

You know, I'd like you to
see how people make toys

like this, a fine, sturdy
toy like this tractor.

a pile of raw, thick wood.

Can you imagine that that wood
would be made into a tractor?

The wood gets sawed into
pieces by this machine.

People have to be
very careful when

they use machinery like that.

And the wood rolls
down this conveyor

to a machine that smooths
it so that it's not rough.

See how smooth it looks?

Now, those are
sheets of plywood.

Different kinds of wood,
different thicknesses of wood

to make different shapes, all
for the same little tractor.

Look at all of those
blocks of wood.

Now, the people use a machine
that rounds off the wood.

It's called a router.

See the rounding
bit on that machine?

Well, that puts a
round edge to the wood.

Each piece of wood is
rounded off like that.

It takes a lot of time to
make a toy like this tractor.

People use an electric drill
to make hole for the screws

to go in.

What do you suppose that
round piece of wood's

going to be used for?

Can you imagine?

There's one round piece of
wood on every toy tractor.

You just keep watching
carefully, and after a while,

you'll see what that's used for.

And every piece of wood
is sanded very smoothly

so there won't be any splinters.

Someone's spraying
lacquer on this wood.

It seals the wood and
gives it a shiny look.

But the round piece is
going to be painted blue.

That's the Only
piece of wood that's

painted a different color.

Look at all those parts that
are going to be put together.

The screws go in to hold
two of the parts together.

And now more parts go
together with more screws.

I like to look carefully
at work like this.

Now, do you see what's
going on the back there?

The two wheels.

It's really starting to look
like a tractor now, isn't it?

Look at the front wheels.

Piece by piece.

Now they're going to put
the round blue piece on.

You see what it is?

It's the steering wheel.

Don't you suppose
those craftsman

are proud of what they've made?

And the people who
make toys like this

want children to use
them in safe ways,

just like your parents want
you to play safely, too,

because they care about you.

They don't want you to get hurt.

That's why sometimes
they'll say,

don't climb so high
on that ladder!

Or, don't touch
that broken glass!

That's what caring parents do.

But a caring parent
would never say,

you may not play
at all, not ever.

No, because there are
lots of safe ways to play.

Come on, Hischer.

I'm going to give you
a ride on this tractor.

And go around in a circle.

When I was a little boy
and had had a hard day,

I often liked to take a ride
with my parents and friends.

I also liked to pretend
about things, too.

It's good to be able to pretend.

[SINGING] Pretending you're
a pilot or a princess,

pretending you're a doctor
or a king, pretending you're

a mother or a father.

By pretending, you
can be most anything

you want to think about.

By pretending, just
pretending, you

can try out many
things by pretending.

Your own make-up play can
be different every day,

but it's your work.

It's important pretend.

You can try out
life by pretending.

You can even say you're a
baby today by pretending.


Sometimes you feel
like pretending

that you're somebody very
big, and sometimes you

feel like pretending
you're somebody very small.

It's really important learning
to play, being a good player.

If you've ever been to the
doctor or gone to the hospital,

you know how good it feels
when it's time to come home.

You can often feel how
much you've grown inside

after you've done something
that has been hard to do.

And isn't that a good feeling?

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling.

You're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day,

it's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know
that we're friends.

Come along, Hischer.

You always make each
day such a special day.

You know how.

just your being you.

I'm not much of a ventriloquist.

I'll be back tomorrow.

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