15x04 - Episode 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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15x04 - Episode 4

Post by bunniefuu »

[THEME SONG: "Won't You Be My

It's a beautiful day

in this neighborhood-- a
beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood--

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together,
you might as well

say-- would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please, won't you
be my neighbor?

Hi, neighbor.

Here we are together again
for another television visit.

We've been talking a good
deal about food lately.

And so I found this book
called "Vegetables,"

and I'd like you to see it.

Inside are pictures of lots
of different vegetables.

And as you look at
these vegetables,

you might just like to think
of whether you've eaten them

or whether you've seen them.

This is a bean.

It says "bean" down here.

There's a picture of a carrot.

Did you ever eat a carrot?

Lots of ways of cooking
these and eating them.

Corn, eggplant-- real eggplant
feels so good and so beautiful.


Do you ever eat lettuce?

What about parsnip?

That's a parsnip.

Did you ever taste a parsnip?



Radish is the last one.

Did your mom or dad
ever ask you to eat

a vegetable you
hadn't tasted before?

Did you wish you
didn't have to try it?

Sometimes, if you
try just a little,

you find you really like it.

Different people like
different things.

You know, some people
put a lot of vegetables

together and make
vegetable soup.

And if they don't know how
or they don't have time,

they sometimes buy
vegetable soup already made.

I know a place where people
make it and put it in cans

and send it to stores
for people to buy.

And I'd like you
to see that place

and meet some of
those people there.

Mary Ellis is the general
supervisor of Soup Products

there and she told
me that she'd be

waiting for us in
the vegetable room.

So I suggest that we just go to
the vegetable soup factory now.

Come along.


Well, this is the factory,
and she told us to meet her

in the vegetable room
on the second floor.

So let's just go on in.

Hi, Mary.

-Hi, Fred.

Glad you could make it.

-Thank you.

I'd like you to know
my television neighbor.

This is Mary Ellis.

So you're making
vegetable soup today.

-Yes we are.

I'd like to show
you how we do it.


-And before we get
started, I've got

some things for you to put on.

-All right.

-That's a hair net.

-Everybody wear
one of these here?

-In most areas of the
factory, we do wear them.


-And a hat, so your
head doesn't get

bumped as we go on our tour.

-Hard hat.

All right.

And we're ready!


You've got celery here.


We get our vegetables
from the farmers.


-They send it to us and
then we inspect it again.

Would you like to
see how we do that?


How do you do?

-How do you do?




You're inspecting
peas here, are you?

-Yes, we are.

-What is it that
you-- that you do?

Do you take out something?

looking for shells.

And all the peas have
to be just right.

-So you just take
out the shells,

and you want to be sure that
all of the peas that-- that you

put in the soup are good, huh?

-That's right.

-You have to have good
eyes for your work.


-We try.

-Thanks for letting us look.

Look at the peas
coming along here.

Oh, that looks like a waterfall.

It's a pea fall!

Look, it's a pea fall,
instead of a waterfall.

Ha ha.

All these vegetables--
oh, there's corn!

-We have corn--


- --Lima beans, green beans.

And they all go into
our vegetable soup.

Would you like to see
what we do with them?

-I certainly would.

What-- what do you
do next with them?

-We cook them.

-Cook them.

-Let's go see.


-This is where we're
getting the vegetables

ready to go into the soup.

We weigh them up,
following a recipe.

-Oh, you put so much
of everything in.

Is that it?


-Hi, I'm Fred Rogers.

-Hi, I'm Joe Perkins.

-Glad to meet you.
-Glad to meet you.

-Thank you.

What is this you're wearing?

-That's my beard cover.

-Oh, the beard cover.

-Yes, sir.

Like we wear this hair net?


-I see.

-What Joe's doing is the
weighing up of each vegetable.

Here he's weighed up the peas.

And he's going to do the
rest of the vegetables

according to our recipe.

-May we watch you?

-Yes, you may.


-Excuse me.

-What's next?

-The beans.

-Green beans.

He's putting in about 45
pounds of green beans.

-45 pounds!

How much vegetable soup
is this going to make?

-This is going to make a lot.

We're talking about 5,000 cans.


There go the Lima beans.

-Lima beans.

-And the corn.

-The corn's next.

-He'll finish up with the corn.

So no we're ready
to cook the soup.

Would you like to go see it?

-I would.

-Let's go.

Right this way.

-Thank you, Joe.

-You're welcome.

-This is where we cook the soup.

-Cook the soup.



-Fred Rogers, this
is Lawrence Woods.

-I'm glad to meet you.

-It's nice to meet you.

-Thank you.

-Lawrence is our
cook here-- he's

in charge of the
finished product

before it gets
filled into the can.

-In charge of the
finished product before

it goes into the can.

Now the stuff that
you put in here

is what we saw being mixed.


I uh, put all the
ingredients together.

-I see.


And all the vegetables
are going to go in there?


-Excuse me.

-He'll empty them all in.

-Hey, look at that!

Look at all that
mixing up there!

-Lovely, isn't it?

-Oh, yeah.

-Isn't that nice?

-Have you been cooking
for a long time?

-Uh, yes I have.

I've been here 16
years, but I have

been cooking ever since
I was a little boy.

-You started when you
were very small, huh?

-When I was very small.

-I bet you make good things.

-I love cooking!

-Well, since this has to cook
another 15 minutes, why don't

we go and see what happens
after the soup is cooked.


Glad to meet you.

-Glad to meet you.

-Thank you.

Do you like to
make soup yourself?

-Oh, I sure do.

I make lots of kinds at home.

-Do you?


-What about when you
were a little girl?

-That's how I started in
getting interested in food.

I made lots of soup.

I helped mom cook soup at home.

As a matter of fact, that's why
I have the job that I do now--

I like working with food.

-So that's really the
roots of your profession.

-Yes, it is.


-Would you like to go see the
soup being filled into cans?

-Sure, where's that?

-OK, it's over in
this department here,

but it's a little bit noisy.

But we can, at
least, go look at it.


OK, Mary.

Let's go.

-This is where the soup
gets filled into the cans.

Soup comes down from the kettle
upstairs, where we saw it, down

through this pipe into
the filling machine.

-Oh, that machine's all
filled with soup now.

-It's filled with
soup, where it goes

into the can--
you'll see it here.

And you can see the soup here
as it's in the cans, comes

down here, where we
put the lid on it.

After the lid's put
on, the soup travels

down to the Labeling Department.

-Could we see that, too?


Let's go.

-All right.

-After the soup is
filled into the cans,

it comes down here to
the Labeling Department.

-And this is where they
put the labels on the cans?

-Yes, they do.

-What's this stuff here, Mary?

-That's label paste.

-Regular paste?


And that's what makes the
labels stick on the cans.

-And what are all
these people doing?

-These people are making
sure that every can has

a label on it and that the
labels are put on straight.

After they're labeled, they
come down here into the packing

line, where they're put in
boxes and sent out to the store.

-And that's where we see them.


And here's the soup in boxes all
ready to go out to the store.

-And so this is what they
get into-- like this.

My, there's soup
everywhere you look

here-- lots and lots of soup.

-It takes a lot of
people to make this soup.

-That we've seen.

And I've really enjoyed
seeing it, Mary.

I guess you'll want my
hat and my net back.

Thank you very much
for showing us around.

-Well, thank you.

Come again.

-I wish you well.

Bye bye.

-Bye bye.

-So, let's go back to my place.


It takes so many people
to grow and prepare

the food of the
world, doesn't it?


That was very interesting.

Let's have some make-believe.



-Well, last time, we pretended
that the people of Northwood--

that's the place where
Old Goat lives-- we

pretended that they
didn't have enough to eat.

So everybody in the
Neighborhood of Make-Believe

was going to have an all-out
effort to grow a lot of food

for those hungry
people in Northwood.

Well, let's pretend
that there are

gardens growing
everywhere today.

Different people are
growing different things.

And, of course, it's
all make-believe.




-Want a carrot, Trolley?


Machines don't need our kind
of food, do they, Old Goat?


-You know those Speedy
Seeds really worked well!


-That's a good idea!

If you plant some
right away, well, you

should have a very
good crop by next week.


-And in the meantime, everyone
in our neighborhood and all us

"all-outers" will
be happy to help.

Well, hello there, hons.

Isn't this a
beautiful day and all?

And when I thought about it
more than a minute or two,

I thought, certainly no
one will bring parsnips.

So that's what I decided
to put in my basket.

What do you say to that?



JONES: Well, that's

just what I'd hoped, Old Goat.

Now some neighborhoods
don't care for parsnips.

But I'm very glad to know that
you all love them in Northwood.

I just think that Northwood
must be a lovely place.

Don't you think so, hon?

-Well, yes, I do!

It's just that right now,
they don't have enough food

to make their hunger go away.

-Well, hon, that's
exactly the reason

why I brought these parsnips.


Did you know that the
platypuses are growing pumpkins?



Want to go over and see?


-Would you like to come
with us, Mrs. Templeton?

-Well, hon, I promised
Lady Fairchilde

that I'd come for a visit.

She wanted some help
with her pea-picking.

But I'll see you later, hons.


Well, just call on
one of us all-outers,

in case you need any extra help.

-Oh, we will, hon!


-You're more than welcome, Goat!

You know what I mean--
"more than, welcome"?

That's a silly thing to say.

How could a person
be more than welcome?

Anyway, I just
wanted you to know

that those of us in Southwood
are very glad to have those

of you in Northwood,
especially since you

like parsnips and all.

Well, OK then, hons.

Bye bye!

-Uh, bye bye!


-Oh, all right.

All right, I'll
see you there later

and we can pick some pumpkins.



-Hi, Lady Aberlin.

-Hi, Bob Dog!

-I'm glad I ran across you.

-Me, too!

Have you been picking
anything today?


But I'm going to, soon.

Maybe you can help me?

I--I-- I'm-- I'm-- I'm looking
for some little vegetable can--

vegetable soup cans.

-Vegetable soup cans?

-Mhm, wee little tiny ones.

-Well, there are lots of
vegetables around here.

you could make a soup
with all of them!

-No, I need the little
cans, Lady Aberlin.

-Oh, I'm afraid I can't
help you with that.


-Oh, I guess the neighborhood
store would probably have some.

-The grocery store!


Thanks, Lady Aberlin.

I don't know why I
didn't think of that.

So long!

-Bye, Bob Dog!

-Oh, there's Daniel.

Hi, Daniel!

-Oh, hi.

Can you come over, Lady Aberlin?

-Yeah, for just a minute.

-You're busy picking, are you?

-Oh, yes!

I'm going to be
picking pumpkins next.

What about you?

-Well, I'm waiting for my
vegetable soup to grow.

-You're growing vegetable soup?


See here?

I've planted a can
of vegetable soup,

and it should be
growing very soon.

-Oh, I-- I- I wouldn't be
too sure about that, Daniel.

-Oh, but-- but it would be
easy to send to Northwood.

And then uh, they could use
the cans anytime they wanted.

He he.

-But I've-- I've never seen
vegetable soup growing.

-Well, now you're seeing it.


-You mean you planted a little
can right in the earth in this

pot, and--and you
expect it will grow

just like a-- a Speedy Seed?

-Yes, isn't that clever?


-Well, yes, it is-- it
is a clever thought.

In fact, um, well, Daniel,
it's a very whimsical thought.


-But I just don't
think it will work.

-Well, Bob Dog thinks
it's a very good idea.

So we'll just wait and see.


But uh, as time
goes on, maybe we

could talk about it some more.

All right?

-All right.

Thanks for caring, Lady Aberlin.

-Oh, I do care, Daniel.

See you later.

-All right.

I'm going to play inside now.

Bye bye.


-Oh, good!

Let's show her how many
we've picked so far.

-Hi, Old Goat.

Hi, Ana!

Have you been helping, too?

-I helped to plant
the pumpkin seeds,

and now I'm helping
to pick them.


They grew so fast!

-I know!

But Daniel's vegetable soup
can isn't growing very fast.

-Oh, you know about that.

-Yes, I do.

It's a good idea-- if it works.

-I just hope he's not going
to be very disappointed.

-He wants to help--
just like all of us.



-You're going to
take all the food

to Northwood on a sailboat?


-Where is your boat?


-Maybe we should take
some of these over there.

-Good idea!

Did you say behind the castle?


-What did he say, Ana?

-He said that Bob Dog was
over at Daniel's tree.

He meant over at Daniel's clock.

-Oh, yes.


Daniel Tiger.

-Oh, hi, Bob Dog.

-Oh, hi, Daniel.

Look what grew!

-What grew?


It did grow!

My vegetable soup
plant did grow!

Oh, boy!

Isn't that great?

You told me it would, Bob Dog.

Oh, I'm so glad!

-You really like it, don't you?

-Oh, I do!

I do!

And some people told
me it wouldn't work.

-They did?


And they said they
hoped I wouldn't be

disappointed if it didn't.


Uh, who--who were they?

-Oh, Ana and Lady Aberlin.

But I'll show them!


-Now, will you help
me with something?

-Well, sure.

What-- what-- what do you
want me to do, Daniel?

-It's really going
to be wonderful.

I want to plant each one
of these little cans,

and we'll have that
many more trees.

And then I'll get more
big cans and plant them.

And we'll have a
whole garden of trees

and get lots of cans
of soup every day

for this neighborhood and
any other neighborhood

that needs them.


-Cans ev-- every day, hm?

-Oh, sure!

If we can grow vegetable
soup right in the cans,

we've really discovered
something very important.

Don't you understand?

-Yeah, I--I-- I'm
beginning to understand.

-All right.

Will you help me?

-Well, yeah, I'll-- a little
later on, though, Daniel.

Because I got to
go-- I got to go

help Lady Aberlin
and Ana and Old Goat.

They're loading
up Old Goat's boat

to take what we've picked
in Northwood, you know.

Uh, but I'll be back.

-Well, here.

Take one of these little ones
to go right away to Northwood.


-And then I'll plant the rest.

-Oh, OK, then.

-Oh, my!

Thank you, Bob Dog.

Thank you!

What fun this is!

And tell everyone it's
working, will you?

They can come and see the
vegetable soup growing.


-Ha ha.

Oh, OK.

OK, Daniel.




WORKER: Hi, Bob Dog!





-Yeah, I know.

I-- I'm not really sure I did
the right thing back there,



-Yes, I hope so.


-What do you think might
happen if Daniel plants

those little
vegetable soup cans?

Do you think that Bob Dog will
have to tell Daniel sometime

that cans aren't
things that grow?

Cans aren't like seeds.

They don't grow, do they?

Poor Daniel didn't understand.

We'll think more
about that next time.

Here's your special food, fish.

Even though it's
sometimes very hard,

most people like to know
the truth about things.

be told when you're going away,

when you're going to come
back, and how long you

will stay-- how
long you will stay.

I like to be told.

I like to be told if it's going
to hurt, if it's going to be

hard, if it's not going to hurt.

I like to be told.

I like to be told.

It helps me to get ready
for all those things--

all those things that are new.

I trust you more
and more each time

that I'm finding those
things to be true.


I like to be told, because
I'm trying to grow.

And I'm trying to learn.

And I'm trying to know.

I like to be told.

I like to be told.

Even if it's something

it's still better
to know the truth,

because people can deal
with disappointment.

And once they've
done that, they can

feel that they've really grown.

And that can be
such a good feeling.

It's such a good feeling

to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

"I think I'll make
a snappy new day!"

It's such a good feeling, a
very good feeling-- the feeling

you know that I'll be
back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will, too.

We always have lots of things
to talk about, don't we?

Every day, we think
of things that we

want to tell each other.

I like having our
television visits together.

And I'll be back next time.


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