04x07 - Pumping Iron

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Beavis and Butt-Head". Aired: March 8, 1993 – present.*
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Adult animated series follows Beavis and Butt-Head, both voiced by Judge, a pair of teenage slackers characterized by their apathy, lack of intelligence, lowbrow humor, and love for hard rock and heavy metal music.
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04x07 - Pumping Iron

Post by bunniefuu »


...and three and four.

And one and two and three and four.

And one and two and three and four.

Hey, look.





Hey, Beavis...

Shut up Butt-Head,
I'm trying to concentrate.

They're, like, giving
away free members.

I want a new member.

This is gonna be cool.

Free dismemberment.

What's going on?

Yeah, what is this?

These girls rap too slow.

They should, like, hang out
with Salt-n-Pepa.

- My name is Efti.
- Her name is "Hefty".

Tell 'em, Hefty.

See? See? It should be
like that, it should be faster.

Bad boy, come with
me, come with me.

It should be faster,
but it shouldn't suck.

A flying skull! That's cool.

It's too bad this music sucks.

Look at this guy!

This sucks!

It's a flying skull again.

That flying skull rules.

It had to, like, fly away and
go into a video that doesn't suck.

Or it could, like, start
its own show.

I would watch it.

Me too.

What's he saying?

I think he's saying
"yellow butter".

We've been expecting you!

We've been expecting youuuuu!

We want to join your club.

That's 300 dollars
each for the first year.

Huh, no.

We want to join for free.

- Free dismemberment.
- The free trial membership?

She said it.

She said "member".

Now... which muscles do you
want to exercise? Your pecs?

My pack?

Maybe your glutes?

Squat? Thrusts?

The clean and jerk?

Or maybe just a
little cardiovascular?

I'll just let you decide for yourself.

Right through that door.

That guy is stupid!

Hey pencilman, give me a spot.

- What?
- I said give me a spot, stick boy.




Hey Butt-Head, come here.

Check it out, Butt-Head.


You were checking
out a dude's butt!

Shut up Butt-Head, you
were checking him out too.

No, I wasn't.

I knew he was a guy.

I was just gonna, like, wait
and say something later.



That was cool!

No pain, no gain.

Come on, man, feel the
burn! Feel the burn!

Yeah, feel the burn!
The burn! The burn!

Beavis, come here,
check this thing out.

"Warp speed, Mr. Sulu".

"But captain, the Klingons
are approaching!"

That was cool!

Beavis? Hey, Beavis!

Are you, like... alive?

No... I don't know.

Now it's my turn.

Yeah, let's do that again.

- Did you see that guy's cheeks?
- Yeah, yeah! That was cool.

I've seen that, like, in a bunch
of other videos, too.

I can get my cheeks to do that,
like, if I eat a lot of peas.

No way, Beavis,
I've never seen you do that!

No, I'm talking
about my b*ttcheeks.

They should put that in every video.

That would be cool.

Hey Butt-Head,
what is all that stuff?

All what stuff?

I don't know, all this crap in
this video, what is all this stuff?

It's like... it's like, there's these... people,
and then there's this stuff and, like, candles,

and... and like, all this
out-of-focus crap.

Just the usual bunch of crap
they always have on here.

Oh, is that what that is?


I think this song is called "Blue Buddha".

Is that, like, when you get a blue veiner?

Sometimes I wake up
with a blue Buddha.

This chick's giving me
a blue Buddha right now.

Dammit, Beavis!

Pull up your pants, cut it out!

You were supposed to
be spotting me, stick boy!

There you are.

I spotted you right over there.

Don't make me kick your ass!

I'll kick your ass!

Exercise sucks!

I think I broke my pec.

- Yeah, biaaatch!
- Shut up, Beavis.

Check it out. That chick on the drums

that's that chick that's always at
games, like, holding up that sign.

Oh yeah.

It's like it says "John" on it,
then it has his phone number.

We should, like, call him up and say:

"Hey man, know where any parties are at?"

And then hang up on him.

That would be cool.

That'd teach him a lesson.

Uh, baby!

Lenny rules!

Yeah yeah, Lemmy does rule.

But like, what does Motörhead has to do
with, like, you know, what's going on here?

No, butthole, I didn't say
Lemmy, I said Lenny.

I think you said Lemmy, Butt-Head.

You monkey-spank.

Check out that chick!

She like, came out of the trunk!

She must be like, the spare.

That would be cool if like,
I always had a spare chick in my trunk.

You don't have a trunk,
buttmunch. You ride a bike.

Shut up, Butt-Head.

I'm gonna get a trunk and I'm
gonna like, put a spare chick in it.

Right, Beavis.
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