Anna and Elizabeth (1933)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Anna and Elizabeth (1933)

Post by bunniefuu »

I’m going to leave. It’s unbearable.

Ach, you just have to get used to it. It’s like this for years.

Sometimes it’s better. Sometimes it’s worse.

Today, the doctors are here on a home visit. That is especially aggravating.

Actually, you cannot help but to feel sorry for Miss Elisabeth.

She has to be completely reliant on a wheelchair year after year.

Will I be able to walk again? - Of Course, you will be able to walk again.

It is certain that the patient won’t be able to walk again.

I hate to be forced to outright confront you with my opinion.

Margarete, go to them! I cannot bear it any longer!

I must know what is wrong with me!

Elisabeth, you have to be patient a little longer. - Patience?! For how long will I have to be patient still?

Come in, if you please.



Goodbye, Doctor. - Goodbye.

Ach, Anna?! I totally forgot.

Go home now, Girl! I will bring the certificate of death round tonight.

I have no idea what to make of it.

"Incurable!", are the doctors saying.

Poor Elisabeth.

Dear God, don't take him away from me. Don't take him away.

I...I'm so fond of him.

Dear God, don't take him away from me.

Don't take him away. I ...

I'm so fond of him. Don't take him away.

Let him remain here. I'm so fond of him.


So very fond.

Let him remain here.


What's the matter?

He is alive.


Face it. She can't keep you from being as happy as you like, Margarete.

Be quiet!

Not so loud!

The lights are still on in Elisabeth's room.

Do tell! Why hasn't Nena put you to bed yet?

I didn't want to.

Where is the sense in that, Elisabeth?

What do you care?

I'm not meddling in your matters either.

Very well. Then I would like to put you to bed now. Yes?

Leave me alone! I don't want to.

What is the matter, Elisabeth? Be sensible!

I don't want to. Leave me alone!

I don't want to.

I don't want to.

I don't want to.

Come, Anna.


Come. Come. Come.

In case I had not examined the boy so thoroughly.

That's the point. You have not examined him thoroughly enough, Doctor.

I'm astonished, Reverend. I believe in a miracle. And you?

But you only believe in it because you don't want to admit that you were mistaken.

Indeed? Indeed?

If everything that happens and that you can't understand were a miracle, hehe, then our Lord God would be very busy indeed.

Good night, Doctor.

Good night.

Are you waiting for Anna too?

Yes, we are waiting for Anna.

We want to see Anna.

I would like to see Anna.

Anna is not at home.

Where is she?


Not at all.

Too difficult after all.

I am not miserable about my condition at all.

I live outside society. That has its advantages.

But you, Elisabeth, are struggling.

I want to recover.

I must recover.

Hey, Martin.

I dread going home right now.

There will be a crowd again waiting and staring at me and praying.

I have no idea what they want from me.

Don't let those people get to you.

If they don't leave soon, I will have a word with them.

What do you want from me?

Anna, you have to cure me.

Then why don't you recover?

Maybe I don't want to.

Maybe I lack the strength to want.

What about me?

Is there help for me?

Do you believe?

Listen to me. If nothing happens with me.


Something has to happen.

If you want to sing hymns and pray, go to church! If you are sick, go see a doctor! But what do you want here?

Reverend, we are waiting for Anna.

Leave the girl alone!

What do you want from her?

Reverend, I have been praying in church for a cure from the gout for 10 years. But the church fails as advocate in front of the Lord Gord.

But Anna

Have you lost your mind? Or why do you dare to talk like that? Go home now!

My judgement will strike you from the pulpit next Sunday.

Can she heal for real? Tell me, Testa! Can she heal?

Why shouldn't it work for me too?

Her name is Anna.

Come on. It's getting cold.

I have to admit that it is creepy. - I am afraid.

Maybe there is a simple explanation for it.

This woman has convinced herself so much of your ability to heal, that she got absorbed in her faith to heal.

And since faith can move mountains, why shouldn't it straighten a crooked neck?

She will come to me.

She will pray with me.

I shall

Testa? - Yes?

It's nothing. Go on.

The villagers have gone completely crazy.

Have you heard? Now she has cured "Crooked-Neck". Now they are all rushing to her.

They are blaring about. The girl is dreading leaving the house.

Such nonsense!

What are you laughing about? Not everything that you fail to understand is nonsense.

But Elisabeth.

He shall restrain himself from mocking the faith of other people although their faith might be their only support.

He wishes nobody ill.

Please forgive me.


You must bring her to me.

I would like to talk to Anna.

You're welcome Mister Testa. - Don't bother.

We'll be fine.

I'm so frightened. Suddenly everyone wants a piece of me.

They claim that I can heal the sick and that I raised my dead brother and...

All that just frightens me.

All those people mean you no harm. Look.

All those people believe in you. They want to believe in you.

Their believe supports them.

You should not take that away from them.

And do you believe that too, Mister Testa?

If I?

I don't know.

But it's not me, you are supposed to help.

I'm no help for the others either. I am not able to.

Now listen to me, Anna!

Do you know where Anna lives?


This Anna! - Yes, I do. But.

You shall take me at once to meet Mister Testa.

Now? In the middle of the night? - Yes, now. At Once!

Where are you heading at this time?

Get on with it!

Are you listening to what I'm saying?

Leave, Nena!

What's that supposed to mean?

What are you after, Elisabeth?

To be healed! Don't you understand? To be healed!

Nena, go to bed!


You would like to go to Anna.

You can't camp in front of her house like the crazy peasant women waiting for a miracle.

Leave me be! Get out! Leave me be!

You wish me to remain sick. Thereby you can treat me as you wish.

I only wish for one thing. To refrain you from doing something rash.

We have to take more care of you.

You have to do nothing! Do you understand? Nothing at all!


Take off your hand. Don't touch me!

Only she shall touch me. Only she.

Tomorrow at three at my place on the island.

Nobody shall know. No one else will be present.

Yes, but what am I supposed to do there?

You shall talk to her.


It might help her.

And when "Crooked-Neck" lifted her head, Anna had a halo, as broad as my hand, around her head.

Come in.

Mister Testa, Miss Elisabeth came by boat.

That's good. I shall go down to the landing stage.

Leave me now! I wish to speak to her alone.

Don't excite yourself so much!

Don't speak! Please, don't! Just leave!

She is going to help me.

I shall


So you are Anna.

Come closer, Anna!


Mister Testa told me that I... - Whatever.

You shall cure me, Anna.

You can do it. Only you.

I cannot cure you.

I cannot perform a miracle.

You are powerful, Anna.

I can't do, what you are asking of me.


I cannot do it. I cannot.

Anna, look at me!

I've always been forced to sit in this chair. Life has betrayed me.

You have raised the dead.

God heals through you.

I can't.


I have to go.

Anna, you may not forsake me. I can feel it. I'm certain.

You can help me.

I can't.

Stay, Anna! Stay!


Stay here. Anna. Anna.

Anna. Stay here! Anna! Anna!


I can walk.

I have seen the mistress and Mister Testa going to the island.

Prepare the boat! You have to search for her. - Yes.

Anna shall come forth!

Anna is no longer here.

The mother keeps the girl to herself.

Elisabeth can walk.

Anna was by her side.

She made her walk again. We are all heading for the manor. Come along!

Hey, Martin. Your Anna performed another miracle. Elisabeth can walk.

Come, Madam. They are coming.

Dear Anna. You've endowed me a new life.

This shall be the beginning of a new life for you too.

You shall stay with me.

You will be my sister.

The Reverend would like to have a word with you. - Fine.

I am delighted, Miss Elisabeth, to see you healed.

Science has failed you completely.

According to science, my case was indeed hopeless.

A miracle was due, like the one Anna has performed on me.

This miracle is divine dispensation and not Anna's achievement.

I don't understand. Anna has...

Anna has already caused enough agitation in my community. God alone can help. But this child here...

This child, Reverend, has healed me.

This child will help everyone.

It would be presumptuous, Miss Elisabeth, to lure this plain human child on a path to inevitable misery.

May God be with you!

And you, Anna?

I'm so happy. I'm *cough*


I'm very glad, Elisabeth. I'm very glad.


Damn it! You put up with that.

At first Anna was supposed to stay 3 days, then 5, then 10 and now she should never return home.

What does this crazy woman want from her?

I would be more careful. Even though nobody else dares to, I will be permitted to talk to Anna.

We thought Miss Elisabeth would become more agreeable as of now.

But now it got a lot worse.

Martin, here she is.

Let's fetch the laundry from the garden.

Ahem. You seem out of place in a kitchen now.

Don't talk rubbish.

Actually, I wanted to speak with you. - Come, come, Martin.

You may not hold it against me, Martin, that we are apart.

Take into account that I also left my parents and I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

I don't know anymore what's going on with me.

But I witnessed it with my own eyes when Elisabeth started walking again.

And everybody tells me that I healed her and the same with "Crooked-Neck" and the same with my little brother.

I don't know.

But Elisabeth harbours a strong conviction that I might be able to cure everybody.

Good day, Mister Testa.

Mister Testa, I have come to ask a favour.

Tell me in all detail about Miss Elisabeth's recovery.

The bishop takes an interest and it's my duty to report to him.

You were supposedly present.

I was very close by.

Yet very far away.

The only one present during a miracle is the one receiving the miracle.

And in this particular case it was Miss Elisabeth.

Had you no contact to Miss Elisabeth for the last few days?


She still seems to be rather taken with the miracle of her recovery.

Evidently, she plans to make Anna's healing hand accessible for all the world.

I doubt that she has any clue how.

Too bad about this woman.

You have talked to him. - Yes, I have.

Anna, you may not do this.

You have to be alone. All alone.

Nobody is allowed to disturb you.

A lady is waiting outside and wants to talk to Madam. - Show her in.

Mary Lane, New York Publicity Society, Advertisement.

Please sit down.

I'm honoured by the presence of the famous prophet in front of me.

I’m convinced that your idea will prosper tremendously by our support.

Every idea needs its propaganda. Do you already have photos in every newspaper? No.

Are your memoirs published yet? No. How is your idea supposed to flourish?

In order for it to flourish, you need us. We write. We photograph. We publish.

I have the contracts right here with me. You just have to sign.

I don’t understand you. – You don’t need to.

Where is the miracle? We can start photographing right away.

But you mustn't bury yourself here. The masses need to be shaken awake. You must deliver the speeches and the little one the miracle.

I feel obliged to ask you to take your leave. You might have found yourself at the wrong place.

I’m certain that you will reconsider the matter. You miss the point.

You will realize that you have to assign tasks to your prodigy.

I shall hear from you. If you call for me, I will be there.



Dear Miss Elisabeth, as you might have guessed, the case of little Anna can’t remain a secret for long.

Today at noon, two men from the episcopal ordinariate will arrive to look into the matter.

Reverend, we are ready.

Anna has prepared herself for her great task with quiet weeks of contemplation.

Do you believe, Miss Elisabeth, that Anna's powers will be sufficient to withstand a thorough inspection?

I vouch for her, Reverend.

In this case, I may ask you to gather here with Anna tomorrow.

Reverend, Anna's powers shall serve everyone.

Give her the opportunity to prove herself in front of all.

I suggest that you hold the meeting tomorrow in the community hall.

If that doesn't seem too bold to you.

They will be there with us.

Tomorrow, you will witness your miracle. The whole village is in suspense. Fabulous.

Tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to inspect both women closely.

Well, our point of view is clear.

As follows: "We do not deny the possibility of a miracle,

because with God nothing is impossible,

but we take care not to recognise it, as long as the source, it originates from, remains unknown to us."

It is my deep persuasion, my dear Fellow Minister, that this attitude will find the approval of his eminence.

Gentlemen, see you tomorrow.



You see, Testa? It will be alright.

It's a real shame with all your efforts, Doctor.

Yet, neither do I want to.

We would like to go, Anna.

Yes, Elisabeth, we shall go.

Are you..., Anna? - Yes.

And do you feel strong enough?



Don't you want to visit Testa?

What is the matter?

I think. I think, he is near the end.



You are going to heal him.

I cannot take the responsibility for this. - Now, now, Doctor!

I have recovered, Matthias, and you must recover too.

Anna is here.

Do you want to pray me healthy again?

Yes, Matthias.

Anna prays for you.

Anna shall help you.

Let him get well! Help him! He will get well?





Matthias is dead.







Martin, help me! I had enough. I had enough.

I want to stay with you forever. I will never part from you again. Therefore help me, Martin! Help me!


There you are.

Come on, Anna! We shall go to the meeting.

I can't go.

You can't.

You must!

The people are waiting for you.

I can't heal. I can't and nobody needs me.

You should leave her alone now, Miss Elisabeth. She is a human being as everyone else.

No! It's her duty to help.

I want her to do her duty. - But Matthias has died!

He lacked faith. - No. No. No. No.

That wasn't the problem.


You have raised your brother.

You have healed me. Does that mean nothing?

At this very moment, people are gathering and waiting for you.


You can't desert me now.

You can't leave me now.

You must rediscover your faith.

You must believe in miracles again.

In your strength.

I can't believe anymore.

I can't believe.

Have you noticed Elisabeth's look? She is totally confused.

I'm frightened.

I can't bear it here anymore, Martin. I'm afraid.

Now, now, Anna! Calm down! Elisabeth will calm down again too.

No, No, No, Martin. You don't know her, Martin. You don't know her.

I know it for certain.


Elisabeth. Come, Martin! Come!

My father would like to inform you.

My father says that Elisabeth has fallen into our stone quarry.


Don't hesitate to go home. I will look for her.


Leave me alone with Anna!

Anna, I have never felt so free.

I have reached my goal.


Anna, you shall also be lucky, happy...
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