Glass Castle, The (1950)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Glass Castle, The (1950)

Post by bunniefuu »


I've never been as happy
as I've been here.

It's night. I don't know where I am.

It's like I'm asleep.

I know. Sleeping Beauty.

All that, and...

And you R

You haven't talked to me
much, Evelyne.

But I want to talk to myself.
It's so much better.

Can you hear me R

A little.

-And do you talk to me?
-Yes. Can you hear me?


You see? Even I who loves you so.

How did you put it?

I who love you so.
I said it, R

Don't answer.
There's no point.

I don't want you to lie or
to tell me the truth.

I find you very handsome.

Your handkerchief.

-Can you see at night?

It's wonderful that you're leaving tonight.

I don't think I mind.

-Now I know that...
-No, R

You know you shouldn't.

I know.

Let's go inside.

I think I'm glad to be going too.

I don't wear lipstick.

You're not used to that.

Thinking of his train?

Yes, I am.
What time is the train from Paris?

11 p.m.

Leave us to play.

Your move.

I can't dance.

No, you're not dancing.
That's different.

I really like dancing with you.

The French are always scared
of missing their train.

I beg your pardon.

Never mind.
I'd rather you went.

You watching the clock makes me ill.
It will afterward too.

Why are you doing this, Evelyne?

Because I love you, R

-You know, Evelyne...
-I know.

Goodbye, R

Goodbye, Evelyne.

I can't get any nearer,
unless I drive onto the carriage.

-You've no luggage?
-Yes, it's in front.


-Can I get in?
-Of course.

Traveling in a sleeping car
is amusing.

You're wonderful, Evelyne,
like a little girl.

-Staying long in Paris?
-A few days as usual.

-It depends on?
-My patrons.

Perhaps one day you'll come to Berne.

-Of course.
-You don't have my address.

I do.

Go away.

It's the best thing you can do.

Thank you, El

Are you alone?

She was exhausted.
I sent her to bed.

-That life's worth nothing.
-It did her a lot of good.

You were better without me.

Oh, don't moan.
Have we finished?

No, we'll finish in Berne.
This is no good.

I play with chess pieces,
not museum pieces.

You have to get used to everything.

So, your Honor,

is your trial still haunting you?

You worry too much.

-I know you. We're leaving early.
-Meet you at dawn.

You're beautiful.


Oh, Laurent.

I'm glad you came for me.

Were you bored without
your husband?

I don't know. I was scared.
I'd have fallen ill here.

This hotel is insane.

The Doges' Palace down there,
here, the catacombs.

No, I don't mind that.

It's a place for El

-I'm not talking about El

You always talk to me like a child.

-A little girl.
-Don't say that.

Evelyne, what is it?

-There is, tell me.

You always think a
crime's been committed.

What does all that mean?

-Let go. You're hurting me.
-Oh, sorry.

Oh Laurent, pay me no heed.

I don't know what I have.

It's this room.

Would you rather I was happy

or content?


Yes, of course.



yes, this horrible place,

someone who interested her
a little too much

would you tell me?

What a psychologist!

Would you say?

As proof, I'll tell you, yes.


Yes, your Evelyne was courted.
Then he left.

Now, he's at the
end of the world.

At the other end, she's sad.
There you go.

Don't look like that.

Yes, that's fine.
I'd rather know.

I didn't think of that.

-Now everything depends on you.

Thank you, El

You're like your father.

You never could use your
knights in the end game.


-Could I phone Les Tourelles?

To get news of Ourson.

Is that you, Anna?

We came home earlier.

Very good, thanks.

How is Ourson?

Has he been good?

You're exaggerating.

Is he eating?

Of course not. Don't wake him.

Could you bring him tomorrow?

Tomorrow, Laurent?

Wait a few days.
He's better off in the country.

-Don't be selfish.

I'll let you know, Anna.


-I'm thirsty.
-Want some tea?

No, it's too late.
He lost.

Lost? Look at your rook.

Oh, please.
Don't be a bad sport.

-Was it a glass?
-It was.

-Leaving already?
-I've at least 20km to drive.

Same as last time.
It's that pawn.

You didn't get my pawn.

Here. Your son will be glad.

-What do we say?
-Another few days.

Be very good.

-Worried about Ourson?
-Not for him. Are you working?

-Going to sleep?
-I hope so.

-You sleeping?

-Happy holidays?

"Very happy," El

Yes. Very.

The Morel trial begins tomorrow.

I don't like this business.

What's Morel?

Oh yes, the woman who
k*lled her mother-in-law.

Yes, to keep her husband,

-She did right.

If she loved the man.

I thought love was an excuse,

even for judges.

-Not always. You have to be sure.
-That she loved him?

-What are you thinking about?

She thought, "This can't go on."

"I have to get out, even badly."

-Will you convict her?
-I think so.

So you'll convict her,
and then what?

When we're punished,
are we finished?

A good crime,
good punishment, and it's over.


Good, evil,
what does it matter?

I didn't say that.

Remorse, then.


True remorse.

True remorse must be unbearable.

Are you sleepy?

I'm asleep.

Give me your hand.

-You're hot. Got a fever?

-Are you bored?

You mustn't be.

And you. I can feel your hand beating.

No, it's yours.

When shall I wake you?

Not an hour before Paris.
Half an hour.

Very good, sir.
Good night.

-Rue de Bac first.

If it's not too much trouble.

-Who is it?
-A gentleman.

We expected him yesterday.

-He couldn't make it.
-That's no excuse, R

I'm not presentable.
15 minutes?


-Can we lunch together?
-Here or outside?

Outside's better,
but here's best.

Here, then.
See you later, darling.

Shall we kiss?

You won't kiss me?


Wait for me.

There you are. We expected you
yesterday. The boss is furious.

What boss?

You leave for Amsterdam in 2 days.

So soon? Is he mad?
If he takes it like that,

tell him I'll call in this afternoon.
He can wait for me.

-Who does he think he is?
-The boss.

And I think I'm me.


-Alright, Garden Hotel.
- I can't.

-I have to go to Gennevilliers.
-Can I take my luggage?


You were expected yesterday.

How did people manage
without me yesterday?

-Hi, Jeanine.
-Hello, sir.

Jeanine, do you have
Mr. R

This is for me?

Your mail.

The elevator is working.

-Don't make jokes.
-I swear it!


It's not working.

-Hey, Marcel!

-Want an Italian cigar?

-Thanks, I'll save it.
-Good idea.

Here comes the general

Limp, lousy, and limping

What will I do with that?

-It's a present.
-You're silly. Anyway, we'll see.

The nice thing about traveling
is drinking from boredom.

You were very bored?

Well, like usual.

And business?

Good, naturally,
I'm selling like hotcakes.

I know about selling.

Don't you think it's sordid?

You've taken to Directoire?
That's a new one.

I won't stay long.
Everyone wants Directoire.

Oh! I did something truly
amazing earlier.


I changed a shoelace
before the old one had broken.

-I swear it.

What's happened
this past week for you?

I was proposed to.

By whom?


Sorry, I thought he
was already married.

Well, it must be good for him.

And what have you decided?




Because of me?

What's bothering you?

That I was asked or that I refused?

-Maybe you should accept.

That's all you can say?

Marion, he's not much.

But me, what am I to you?

Not much either.

Because I don't love you?

Oh, you don't love anybody.

I know.

-Hardly cheerful.
-Not for the others either.

Was Italy nice?

Did you meet a beautiful
Italian girl?

-She wasn't Italian.
-Oh, Bulgarian?


From Switzerland.

A good tennis player?


That's usually how you find them.

A good dancer?

Oh, leave me be.

A bad dancer?
That's serious.

-You see?

Your thumb.
You can tell you're not happy.

-You lack common sense.
-And you, sincerity.

-Let's not fall out over the Swiss girl.

You brought her up.

Because I know you.
You want to talk about her.

Let's talk, then.
I'm listening.

Don't get carried away, R

It's a shame she lives so far away.

But for that,
Marion would close her eyes again.

And that'd make us both happy.

Will I see you soon?

When you like.
Call me.

Goodnight, darling.

Julie, coffee!

The pin!

Allow me, sir.


-You know it's across the street?
-Yes, 4th floor.


Excuse me.

I think the court can
dispense with this witness.

The defendant told me he didn't spend the night

in the Brosi house.

This wasn't an alibi.

We do know that Morel
was not at home.

You're here?

If I had a country house,
I wouldn't have to come 20km.

-How is Ourson?
-He's a lovely big boy.

You know what he said to me this morning?
He said...


I entirely agree.

I thought she was younger.

Who's that there?

The husband.

That's wonderful.

So you lied.
You weren't at Brosi's that night.

-Where did you sleep?
-On a bench in the park.

-An odd alibi in October?
-It wasn't warm.

Where did the vegetables come from,
if not from Brosi's?

-I bought them.

-The covered market.
-Thursday, October 14th?

He knows nothing of the market.
Leave him alone.

What do you mean?

That market is closed Thursdays.

Another lie.

He is a liar.
I know better than you.

Pierre, tell him you're a liar.

At least look at me.

Don't be afraid, Pierre.

What do vegetables matter?

Life with his mother was impossible.
You know. Tell him.

He won't.
He's too good.

She had him in her clutches,
same as everyone.

A man doesn't belong to his mother,
but to his wife!

Everyone in one room,
even at night.

Always saying
I wasn't good enough for her son.

Not pretty enough.
But he loved me as I am.

Isn't that right, Pierre?

Just seeing her made me
sick to my stomach.

If there are women here,
may they forgive me.

Morel, you may stand down.

Pierre, write to me!

You knew she'd taken out
life insurance?

Of course.

-That's all.
-What does he mean?

He supposes you
did it for the money.

You're mad!

You don't believe anything.

Be quiet.

You can't plead passion

when you did it to
collect on the insurance.

I don't want to see this.

Once again, I don't like lying.

He's the m*rder*r.

See where these love stories lead?

It's even better.

-She accuses herself to save him.

It's just that women aren't
punished as much.

She could get away with 10 years.

Would you give 10 years of
your life for me?

Of course.

Really, why?

Because I love you.

How about you?


It has to be proved it's him.

She won't help you there.

Something must be found.

A can-opener.

-What was it?

I have to find the right t*rture

to make that woman talk.

-Will you come back today?
-I don't know.


See you tonight.

Yes, you may be right.

I should think so.

I might embarrass her.



Thank you.

This is Berne.
You may speak now.




Hello, yes?

I can't hear.

Yes, it's here.

From Paris?

Yes, go ahead.

Is it you, Evelyne?
It's R

Yes, R

How are you?

Are you alone?

Yes, in Paris.

I know, but where in Paris?

Not that it's any of my business.

Is the weather nice?

Here, it's lovely.

Have you thought of me
since that strange place?

That often?

Hello? I said,
I received your flowers.

Hello? I can
barely hear you.

Tell me, Evelyne.


No, of course not.


I swear,
it's very easy.

If you want to,
do it.


Your train's at 10:26 p.m.

Tomorrow morning,

Come and have a wonderful day.


Hello? Hello!

-So is she coming?
-I have no idea.

You were shouting loud enough.

I couldn't hear.
I don't know about her.

And deaf with it.

You're scared she won't come.

Marion, I sometimes wonder

if you're not a little stupid.

You're scared she'll come.

A good point.

Because you really do want
to love this one.

Two good points.

A woman who's difficult, forbidden,
even your pure ideal.


-You whistle. She comes running.
-Like I said, I have no idea.

Don't worry, R

You won't love her more than the rest.

Why not?

Because she came.

Well, what's the matter?

It stinks in here.


-From him?

-Is he here?

-Is he coming?

I'm glad.

-He telephoned.
-That's why you're in a state?

I don't know.
I don't understand anything.

What's happening to me?
I'm hot. I'm cold.

I can't think.
I'm suffocating.

Evelyne is in love.
She's not the first.

-You don't believe me?
-It's obvious.

Evelyne, look at me.

No, face to face.

Stand up.

It's quite simple, little girl.

Italy, flowers, a phone call...

He's not far.
He travels a lot.

Wait for him.

You're horrible, El

-It's not about that.
-Not yet.

Don't you see?
I don't want to love him.

Yes, of course.

It's hard, isn't it?

Leave me alone.
You're not helping.

-I'm saying what I think.
-Yes, thank you. Nothing.

-I know it's not your fault.


Are you mad?

No, not anymore.

I'll tell Laurent everything.
It's for the best.

And it'll do me good.

He'll understand.
He understands everything.

Good idea.

You give me bad advice.


I don't know.
He'll know what to do.

If he can't help,
nobody can.

-He can't.

He can do anything.

Whatever you say,
you don't know Laurent.

Excuse me.

You, here?

You see.

Evelyne, what's the matter?

Lots of things, Laurent.
I'm not well.

I'm taking her to Les Tourelles.

She only just got back.

Don't moan.
Look at her.

You really want to go?

I don't know if she wants to,
but she needs to.

Well, it won't do her any harm.
Me neither.

I'll come on Sunday.
Then we can talk.


She'll be better by Sunday.

We'll join you.

Quick, your case.

It's true. It'll do you good.

-No, El

-I'm not going to Les Tourelles.
-Where are you going?

To the station.
I'll take the train.

The train?

I'm going to Paris.

Oh, so that was the phone call.

-No Evelyne.

Laurent trusts me.
Les Tourelles.

Look out! Good God.

Les Tourelles.

I don't belong in Les Tourelles.

I'll jump then.



Say what you like.
Do what you like.

-I'm off to Paris.
-I'll never forgive you.

Your ticket.

Your return, ma'am.

Porter, taxi, ma'am?

You came.
That's good.

I almost missed you at the exit.

-I looked everywhere.
-Tell me.

You've changed something.


Oh, I know.
It's lipstick.

-You don't like it?
-Of course I do.

Was it hard to come?

Oh yes. In fact, R


-Isn't she?

-You have any luggage?
-This is all.


Come, Evelyne.

Do you know Paris well?

Hardly at all.

It's nice.
You'll see.

It's not a big city.
It's lots of little towns.

I live in the prettiest.

I know it.
A garden with arcades.

I didn't ask.

-Was it a good trip?

No, I couldn't sleep.

You can rest later.


-You see in the daytime too?


Take Madam's case.

Room 23.
Did you have a good trip, ma'am?

I gave Madam room 23.

The card, if you don't mind.


You live in the hotel?

No house, no car,
no manservant.

Nothing. I'm not
looking for sympathy.

I'm not sorry for you.

-If Madam requires anything...
-Thank you.

-You like it?
-It's very nice.


-Isn't it pretty?
-Yes, very.

-I didn't remember how much.
-See that bench?

I'll wait there.
Come down when you want.

Or it'd be nicer if
you called me from here.

And throw me a
rope ladder.

Rest, Evelyne.

Yvonne, do you have the key to 35?


-May I?
-Go ahead.

-They like you.
-It's knowing how to treat them.

I was looking for you.

-The lady has gone.

-Gone with her case.

Half an hour ago.

At 13 minutes 'til.

I asked if she'd leave a message.

I know.



No, ma'am. He's gone out.

-Who was it?
-I don't know.

-The train to Berne?
-You just missed it.

But she left.


Scared, I think.
Of me or herself.

It amounts to the same.


Of course I'm put out!


I'm even very unhappy.

But that's what I like.

Not like the rest.
See, you don't get it.

That's possible.

Don't be like that!
Play the game.

Good! That's better.

Can I come to lunch?

Whatever you're having.

Good. See you later.
Goodbye, Marion.

Hello? Berne?

Go ahead. You're
through to Berne.

Hello? Hello?

-What are you doing here?
-And you?

-Looking for you.
-I missed my train.

That's wonderful.

What's wonderful, Evelyne,

is not that you missed your train,

it's that you wanted to take it.


Bravo. I like people
who get scared.

-And you?
-Not anymore.

Evelyne, while waiting for your train,
will you have lunch with me?

I'm not hungry.

Me neither.
What a nice lunch we'll have.

In fact, there's no train to Berne.

Thank you, R

I looked.
There's one at 9 o'clock sharp.

I know, but 9 o'clock
is a world away.

Aren't the timetables nice?

-Finished, sir?

Didn't you enjoy the
calves' sweetbreads?

-I had kidneys.
-Sorry. Excuse me, sir.

I love it when you smile.

Don't you like this time,
waiting for your train?

This time, when nothing
can happen.

Earlier, when I left,

I thought the most terrible thing:

"He'll think I don't love him."

Thank you, Evelyne.

Won't you stay with me
until tonight?

All the time?

Your eyes are lighter than I thought.

I'd like to visit Paris with you.

Why not?


Do they do that in Berne?

I'm in Paris.

Well, what a time to have lunch!

It was always engaged.
And afterwards I couldn't.

I've had lunch already.

That's fine.
Who with?

In the end, she missed her train.

So, why did you call me?

At that time, I thought she'd gone.

What do you take me for?

Bravo. She can stick up
for herself.

Making you run to the train platform.

She leaves tonight.

Might we know at what time tonight

she will not take the train?

My word. He's in love.

-Please, it's not funny.
-But you are.

Well? In love?

-I don't know, Marion.
-You know,

loving is a gift.

You aren't a lover.
You're a ladies' man,

incapable of loving.

It's obvious. You can tell.

That's how it is. It should be
written on your passport,

under "distinguishing marks".

In general, they write "none".

-It's the same.

At your service.

I don't understand.
Have we played or not?

If there's no more game,

that was your strength and mine.

There's no game.

You should say so, then.

I thought you were hard,
but you're cruel.

I thought you were lucid.
You're mean.

I love you, and it's k*lling me.

You're intelligent,
but stupid.

And be quiet.
I didn't even say I loved her.

How do I know?

Where is she, in fact?


Marion, I forbid you!

-I want to see her.
-It's not your affair.

I'll tell her this,

"Ma'am, you are
far too good for him."

"He needs a woman who isn't.
And he's got that."

"So leave us alone, please."

You want to know the truth?

You're jealous.

Ah, you're in love and I'm jealous.

Since we're speaking a language
I don't understand,

I think the game's over.

And I beg you politely,

tears in my eyes,
to quote you,

to go back to your "edelweiss"
and never come here again.

Go on.


Pretend you love her.


Just look at you...

You're ugly.

You're scared.

Frighteningly ugly.

-I'm sorry.
-Not at all.

-Where do you want to go?
-Shall we keep the car?

-You're not tired?
-No, I like walking.

Rive gauche. It's prettier.

You seem troubled.

You don't know how wrong you are.

You stayed awhile.
Was it important?


Do I look troubled now?

Not now.

-It's a burden.
-The case?

Show me.

-Oh, it's heavy.
-No, it's nothing.

-What's this place?
-Place du Panth

Oh, I like it.

It'd be nice without that thing.

-What is it?
-The Panth

Oh yes.

-Can we go up?
-I really hope not.

It's beautiful.


I could have shown you all the monuments.

Look. Everything is so small.

It's all yours.
Come on. I'm dying of thirst.

-And Palais-Royal?
-That's the Op

I'm just behind that.

Our hard luck.

-So, tell me.

What you do,

where you come from,
who you are.

It's not very interesting.

I sell machines throughout Europe.

I sell well.

People like me.

That's all there is.

I'm just a man on his own.

Alone, really?

There aren't that many of me.

And... women?

Of course, there are women.

Are you cheating on one
at the moment?

No. Not anymore.

-Would you like something?


-What did I say?

A white wine.

No, then.
Two white wines.

-You like them?
-All of them.

Let's go and see.

-I'm dead tired.
-Me too.

You have an excuse.

-How pretty it is!
-It's amusing.

How many famous lovers are there in Paris?

Henry IV and beautiful Gabrielle.

Chopin, Georges Sand.

Madame R

Nobody around the Gare de l'Est?

Maybe it'll be on all the scarves.

And all the plates.

-You never smoke.

In my pocket,
I have a ticket to Amsterdam.


Yours is different.



There you have it.


It's discouraging.

What use is all this?

What was the point of you coming?


Yes, what's the point of...

of being called R

Of having this wonderful day.

It was beautiful.

Why "was"?
It's not over yet.


-A little.

-A little.


No time.

I must object to this attempt

to treat my client's love life

-Is that all?

I think so.

Morel had decided to marry you?

After his mother's death.

You knew Morel was already married?



You knew?

Scum! Thief!

It wasn't me who
k*lled the old woman.

It was him.


-I think, your Honour...
-Yes, Ma”tre. One moment.

The hearing is adjourned.

I knew there was a love story
behind everything.

But how to make her talk?

I looked for a can-opener,
as I said to Evelyne.

I found one thing,
but it worked.

-Good idea.

It makes people do extraordinary things.
Doesn't it?

Yes, of course.

You know that?

I had to prove Morel had a mistress.

I was lucky.
It's true.

I spent last night in some
curious spots, that's for sure.

This morning,
a little bird told me.


Say, I'd like to tell Evelyne about this.

-Shall I call Les Tourelles?
-You think?

I was a little short with her.
I'd like to speak with her.


You're awash with
noble feelings today.

Good evening, dear.

Yes, later.

Are you in bed?

She's sleeping already.

Yes, I'm with him.

No, I'm very good.
He's proud as a peacock,

as if he'd come top of his class.

He'll tell you.
I'll pass you to him.

Hello. Hello?

Cut off.

Hello? Hello?

Let her sleep.

-Good evening.

-It's this your room?

And my home.

It's funny.

You have toys,
like a child.

-What's that?
-It's like a castle.

Basically, you're like a child.

It's pretty.

A little child.
I'd like that.

Why do you say that?

Because it's true.

-And you're a little girl?

I was told that once.

And I believed it then.


Because I was told.

People who knew nothing about women.




look what's happened.


Make it stop.

Leave it.

It's pretty.

Now I recognize it.

What time is it?


How do you know?

The metro worker going to work.

How do you know?
You don't get up at this hour.

No? Sometimes I come home.

-What is it?
-Nothing, darling.


Another 2 hours till the train.

You won't take the train.

I will.

I'll keep you here.

Hold me, R

Sorry, Evelyne.

How unhappy you are!

I'm very happy.

I'm very unhappy.

Because now I know something
I should have never known.

Never mind.

I don't want you to go.

Not now.

Why? I know I'm strong enough
to talk to him. So...



Perhaps I am.

I'm sacrificing nothing for you.

I want to be a day older.


Look how easy it is.

The train time...

The train.
The restaurant car.

I arrive in Berne.

I talk to him.

I've talked to him.

It's over.

Look how easy it is.

Oh no!

Not in my eyes.


It won't work.
I can see you.

It's frightening, R

-I always want to see you.
-Here I am, then.

No R

when I thought of you,
I wouldn't see your face.

Just your body.

It's your body.

To think it's the same word
for you as for...

What is it?

It's the castle.

-What castle?
-The glass castle.

Look, I could die from that.

Look here, me too.

We'll die together.

One second!

Come in!

Good morning.

-Won't you have breakfast too?
-Yes. Another.

Ooh, I'm starving.

-What time is it?

-Yes, 7:15.

No breakfast, then.
Call a taxi immediately!

7:15. Hurry, or we'll miss it.

It's alarming.
Do you think we'll make it?

I hope so.
Don't panic.

It's just this taxi.


-Come in!
-Can I take the tray?

-I asked for a taxi, dammit!
-Marcel went for one.

I think it's too late.

It can't be, R

I'll come back,
but I must go.

-You don't realize.
-I know.


What if you stayed?

You did this on purpose.

Oh! Sorry, R

Quickly, darling.

Still not here?

Two minutes.

-Gare de l'Est.

Ma'am, please let us take it.

TEA Airlines flight CR has
landed from London.

SO 161 RTA TT has landed.
The Air France flight from Nice.

What did he say?

He's trying, but he's not sure
you'll get a ticket.

You didn't really think

I did it on purpose?

-I do want you to go.

Firstly, because you so want to

so that I can barely look at you.

And also, to wait for you.


Look at the Paris lovers.

Give it back to me.

It's waiting for you.

Would the person who requested
an urgent flight to Switzerland

please go immediately

to the departure gate.

You've got it.

Goodbye, Evelyne.
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