21x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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21x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »


--[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly
day in this beauty

wood, a neighborly
day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please won't you be my neighbor?

Welcome neighbor, to this
television neighborhood.

What do you think
might be in here?


-It's a big box.

And it's one thing in
here, not a lot of things.

It has a long handle.

And most people would never
expect to see such a big one.


-I'll give you another hint.

A big hint.

Come with me.

In this room is a
regular sized one.

Now let's go back and see it.

[LAUGHS] A huge toothbrush.

Friend of mine made this.

I thought it was--


-Oh, there's the telephone.

I like this.


Yes, I showed it.

It surely is a big one.

Oh, you found it?


Yes, I'd be glad to,
whenever you get here.


Thanks very much, Mr. McFeely.

All right, bye bye.

Mr. McFeely has found
a videotape he once

made that shows how
people make toothbrushes.

The real kind, not
a big one like this.

And he's going to bring it
over so we can show it to you.

In the meantime, [SINGING]
let's think of something

to do while we're waiting, while
we're waiting for something new

to do.

Let's try to think up a
song while we're waiting.

That's liberating and
we'll be true to you.

Let's think of something
to do while we're waiting,

while we're waiting till
something's through.

You know it's really all right.

In fact it's downright quite
bright, to think of something

to do that's specific for you.

Let's think of something
to do while we're waiting.


-Oh, maybe that's he now.

It is.

MR. MCFEELY: Speedy delivery.

-Just the right amount
of time, Mr. McFeely.

-What do you mean?

-It took you one
song to get here.

-Well, I didn't know
I was that musical.

--[LAUGHS] There's lots about
ourselves that we don't know.

-Well, that's for sure.

And a lot of things
about making toothbrushes

that I didn't know before
I made this videotape.

-Well, may we show it now?


-In Picture Picture?

-I have time if you have time.

-I do.

-OK, now's the time.

But before we do that, I
just wanted to show you this.

I brought this from the factory.

And on here are 24
toothbrush handles.

MR. ROGERS: The handles.

MR. MCFEELY: And this is how
they come out of the machine.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, they
make 24 at once.

MR. MCFEELY: 24 at once.

And then they make another

of the machine all day
long, it seems like.

Now here the brushes
aren't in yet.

And you can see that process.

As a matter of fact, you'll
see the process of putting

the bristles in and
the handles coming out

of the machine on the videotape.

Well, let's just watch
it together, all right?

-All right, speedy delivery.

-And you'll tell me
about it, all right?

-I will.

-"How People Make Toothbrushes."

MR. MCFEELY: There's Jim.

He's inspecting
the plastic pellets

that will be melted to
make the toothbrushes.


MR. MCFEELY: He has to make
sure they're just right.

Now there are pink pellets,
and some green ones,

red, and yellow.

MR. ROGERS: So many
different colors.

MR. MCFEELY: Yes, and blue ones.

That's the color they'll
use for us to watch.

MR. ROGERS: What's that?

MR. MCFEELY: Well, that's the
molding machine, where they

actually make the
toothbrush handles.

MR. ROGERS: It's big, isn't it?

MR. MCFEELY: Certainly is.

MR. ROGERS: And what's that?

MR. MCFEELY: That's the
inside of the machine

and these are the molds.

The melted plastic
is poured into them

and that's how the toothbrush
handles are formed.


Well, those look like
toothbrushes already.

do, but they're

not quite toothbrushes yet.

MR. ROGERS: I see.

Now do the brushes
that clean your teeth

go into those tiny
holes in there?


But that part comes later.

Now here's the outside
of the machine again.

Helen's going to start
the machine moving.

The blue pellets go up that
hose and right into the machine.

MR. ROGERS: That's sort
of like a vacuum cleaner

the way it does that.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

When the pellets get to
the machine, they're melted

and then melted plastic is
pushed through this tube

to the molds we saw earlier.

Remember what's
inside that window?

toothbrush handle molds?

watch carefully.

MR. ROGERS: All right.

MR. MCFEELY: Look familiar?

MR. ROGERS: Yeah, just like
the ones you brought today.

MR. MCFEELY: Well, because
they're still very hot,

Helen wears gloves
as she checks them

to make sure they're just right.



toothbrush handles.

Look at that.

this machine will

cut the toothbrushes apart.


Closes the doors.

There you go.

MR. ROGERS: Ooh, that was fast.

MR. MCFEELY: They're
cut apart now.

MR. ROGERS: Mm hmm.

MR. MCFEELY: She takes them out.

Sets them aside.

Now there's a piece
of plastic here.

Watch, she'll throw
that in the bin.

It's gonna be recycled.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, that's good.

They can use that again then.

can use it again.

Now here's the whole process.
It's starting again.

See, they're out of the machine.

She's checking them over.

MR. ROGERS: Mm hmm.

She's gonna make 24 more.

MR. MCFEELY: 24 more.

Cutting them apart.

is fast, isn't it?

She surely looks carefully
at all those things.

MR. MCFEELY: Now can you guess
what the next step might be?

MR. ROGERS: I, I guess for
putting the bristles on.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

Now it's time to
add the bristles.

You know, the bristles
are the little brushes

that clean your teeth.


MR. MCFEELY: There's Susan.

She puts the toothbrush handles
into the bristling machine.

Now watch this.

MR. ROGERS: Looks like an
elevator for toothbrushes.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right!

The handles come down
this chute and you

can see the bristles
being put in.

You see, if you look
carefully there.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, that
machine works so fast!

Speedy bristling!

that interesting?

Bup bup bup bup bup bup bup bup.

MR. MCFEELY: That's the
part that cleans your teeth.

This conveyor belt
takes the toothbrushes

to have the bristles
rounded and smoothed.

That happens inside the machine
so we can't see that part.

why do the bristles

need to be rounded and smoothed?

they need to be pretty

smooth to clean your
teeth correctly.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, I see.

they're all finished.

And Susan sprays
them with some air

to get rid of any dust or dirt.

Then she puts them in big boxes.

Then they'll be stored
in the warehouse

until it's time
for them to be sent

out so people can use them.

MR. ROGERS: Look at
all those toothbrushes!

Mr. Rogers, there

are lots of people in
this world who need them.

MR. ROGERS: Lots of people
like you and I who need them.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

-It is very interesting how
people make toothbrushes.

-Oh, I thought you
would enjoy that.

-Now of course, I'm wondering
how do people make toothpaste?

-Well, I was wondering that too.

I'll look into it.


Have you seen my fish lately?

-No, I have not.

-Come take a look.

-There they are.

-Do you think fish have teeth?

-I think some fish do, yes.

-I wonder how they
keep them clean?

-Well, maybe by swimming
through the water.

That may, may be one
way to keep them clean.

-Mm hmm.

-Now, I, I know you uh--

-Want to feed them?

-I'd like to.

But you don't put too
much food in, right?

-Oh no.

-So this is the
correct food, right?


Some here and some there.

-Some right over
here for this side.

-Mm hmm.

-And just--

-They like it.

-And here's some over here.

I'll put a--

-You're having some speedy
delivery food, fish.

-Speedy delivery.

And speaking of
speedy deliveries,

I have more to do today.

MR. ROGERS: I always like
your deliveries, Mr. McFeely.

-I do too.

I enjoy coming over here.

We look at a lot of
interesting things, don't we?

-We certainly do.

-I'll uh, see you
around the neighborhood.

-Farewell to you, Mr. McFeely.

-Farewell to you, and thanks.

Bye bye!

-Bye bye.

We have mutual interests,
Mr. McFeely and I.


-And my interest
at the moment is

the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

Lady Aberlin has been
doing some research

about laughing with
her laughing box.

She's been finding
that everyone has

a somewhat different
reaction to it.

Robert Troll even
thought there was

some little somebody
inside that laughing box.

Well, let's pretend
more about that right

now, as the trolley goes along
the trolley track in front

of the castle in the
Neighborhood of Make-Believe.


-OK, Trolley?



--[LAUGHS] Right, it
surely is, Trolley.



-Oh, Lady Aberlin?

Oh, oh, she's inside the
castle, and, and they're

opening the little box,
the little laughing box.



-Yeah, OK.

Easy for you to say.


-Why, Robert Troll.

-Oh, Queen Sara!

-How good it is to see you.

-Oh, it's good to see you too.


-Uh, where have you
been keeping yourself?

-Well, like I said, ma'am,
I'm under the bridge

over troubled
waters. [INAUDIBLE].

-I see.

Well, well I hope
you're all right now.

-Oh yeah, much better.

Yes, uh, you know,
Lady Aberlin's

in there opening the box.

-Oh, what box is that, my dear?

-Oh, the box with the little
laughing person in it.


-There's a box with a little
laughing person inside?

-I think so. [INAUDIBLE] Oh,
here she comes now. [INAUDIBLE]


All righty.


-Hi, Lady Aberlin! [INAUDIBLE]

-Well, Robert Troll,
Handyman Negri

fixed it so that I could show
you the inside of the box.

-Oh, yeah. [INAUDIBLE]

LADY ABERLIN: Hi, Aunt Sara.

-Is there a person in there?


Uh, but do you remember when
I used to press this button?


-Yeah, yeah.

-Oh well, that does sound
like somebody laughing.



-My, it is contagious.


-Yeah, it's contagious.

And I, I, I, what
if it is somebody?

Why don't you let
them out of there?



-Now I, I'll press the
button and turn it off.


-And show you the first
part of the machine.


-Oh, it's a machine in there.


-Why, that looks like a
little toothbrush up in there.


That is exactly
what it looks like.

little tiny toothbrush.

[INAUDIBLE] there must
be a little tiny person

inside there too [INAUDIBLE].

-[LAUGHS] We'll see.

We'll see.

Now, now I'll just
press this button.


-Well, now what is that?

-Yeah, what's that? [INAUDIBLE].

-This is the second
part of the box.

-What is it?



Where's its mouth?

[INAUDIBLE] Where's its mouth?


Oh, it doesn't have a mouth.

Uh, it, it has a speaker.


-Ah, there it is.

The speaker.

-See, it's just a machine.

-But, but, but that's not a
little tiny laughing person?

-No, it's not a tiny
laughing person.

It's just a machine.

-Oh, well I, I feel a whole
lot better about that.

Don't you, Queen

-I, I thought you would.


But what, what, what's
the little brush for then?


-Oh, to keep the
mechanism clean.


To [INAUDIBLE] clean the
machine, sure. [INAUDIBLE].

-Yes, there seems to be
one more part to the box.

-Oh, yes there is.

-Oh yes.

-I, I haven't looked
inside there yet.

Would you like to see?

Are you interested?

-Oh, I am.

I love surprises.

I'd like to watch.

But uh, Queen Sara?


--[INAUDIBLE] is it all
right if I hold your hand?

-Well of course, Robert Troll.

I'd be glad to hold
your hand, dear.

-Oh good.

-While we watch together.

-While we watch
together. [INAUDIBLE].

-Why, it's a little
uh, oh, it's a sticker.

-Sticker. [INAUDIBLE]


-It says UR.

QUEEN SARA: Well that's,
that's very nice.


-Seems like there's
some instructions too.


[INAUDIBLE] what does it say?

-It says, "As the
ultimate researcher,

you now have for a limited
amount of time, the opportunity

of changing into what
you've always wanted to be."


-I think it means
that Lady Aberlin

can be whoever she wants to be.

-Oh! [INAUDIBLE] But who, who
do you want to, want to be,

Lady Aberlin? [INAUDIBLE] Who?



-Well, I never expected
anything like this!

I, I'm not quite sure
who I want to be.

I, I--

-You can put on the
sticker and find out.


-Do you still want
to hold my hand?


-Maybe I, well I'll,
I'll try putting it here.


--[INAUDIBLE] This is
all too magical for me!

[INAUDIBLE] I'm, I'm outta here!


-What happened to Robert Troll?

-I guess he got
scared of you, dear.


I feel the same as ever.

-But you look like a tiger.

-A tiger!

-What you've always
wanted to be.

-The opportunity of
changing into what

I've always wanted to be.


I'm a tiger!

-I think I'd better
tell your Uncle Friday.

-Oh, let's keep it a secret
for a while, Aunt Sara!

I want to see what people will
do when they see me. [GASPS]

Isn't this wonderful?

-Now be careful!

Be careful, Niece Aberlin!

-Tiger Aberlin, you mean!

-Uh, for a limited
amount of time.




-Ex-excuse me.

Queen Sara said to be sure that
Lady A. Tiger was all right.

I thought it was a joke.

-It's no joke.

Isn't it wonderful?

-Well, if you like it, it is.

I'll tell you
something though, I'd

never know it was
you Lady Aberlin.

-It isn't.

-What do you mean?

-It's Tiger Aberlin!

-I know.

But it's you inside, isn't it?

-I guess so.

I guess it's always me inside.

But don't tell anybody.

I want to have
some fun with this.

-All right, but be careful.

-I think I'll go over to school,
see if anybody recognizes me.

-Maybe I better go with you.


-Well, no need to
scare the children.

Uh, I, I, I'll tell them
you're a tame tiger.


All right.

But please don't tell
anybody who I really am.

-Oh, I won't.

-We're off to someplace else!



-And so you see, class, uh,
we need to brush our teeth

from the time we are very small.

-Oh, mm hmm.

-Tooth care is exceedingly
important for princes,

platypi, tigers, and cows.

Any questions?

-I have a question, Miss Cow.

MISS COW: Uh, uh, what
is it, Prince Tuesday?

-What will happen to you
if you eat a lot of candy?

-Well, you could get
a lot of cavities.

-What are cavities?

-They're little
holes in your teeth.

-And you don't want to have
holes in your teeth, do you?

-I know I don't.

How about you, class?

-Oh no!


-I don't either.

I'll go in first.

-What's that?


-It better be a surprise!

-Hello out there!

May we help you?

-Uh, excuse me.

-Oh hello!


-Hello, Handyman Negri.

-Uh, I just wanted you to
know that the next person--

uh, animal-- that you see is a
tame one and certainly not one

to be afraid of.


-Uh, uh, who is it, Handyman?


-It's a tiger!

A T-I-G-E-R!

-But very tame.

-Mm hmm.

-It, it looks awful big to me.

-And even if it's tame,
it looks scary to me!

-Ooh, what's all
this about teeth?

Tigers brush their
teeth too, you know.

-You, you have fine
teeth, Miss Tiger.

-Oh, fine as they come.

Pretty big teeth, we call 'em.

Brush 'em every day.

-But where did you come from?

-From Tiger Land!

-And why do you have that
sticker on your forehead?

-It's part of ultimate research.

-Well, Daniel's a tiger.

And he doesn't have a
sticker on his forehead.

-Oh, Daniel's a
real ti-- a real,

a real, real wonderful tiger.

-Uh, Miss Tiger, have you
ever been in our neighborhood


-Mm, not exactly this way.

-I just wonder.

You sort of sound like--

-Uh, like a tame tiger?

-Well, like a tame something.

-Oh well, it's uh, time for
me to travel on and on and on.

Keep up the good work, and
remember to brush your teeth.

Come along, Negri!

-Yes, Miss Tiger.


-Uh, uh, bye.


--[SIGHS] You never know what
we'll see in school, class.

-And anyway, she still
seems like somebody I know.

-Mm hmm.

-Maybe one of your
other tiger friends?

-I'm not quite sure.

-Uh, oh, OK.

Now let's sing our
class song now, class.

OK, ready?


--[SINGING] Anna,
Prince and Daniel.

Anna, Prince and Daniel.

Daniel, Prince and
Anna are learning.

-It's always a pleasure
to welcome you back

to our castle, Princess Zelda.

-Oh, you know me.

I love to come here.

-Are you on a special mission?

-I heard that you had
a director of research.


Lady Aberlin has
assumed that post.

-Well, I'm trying to find
out some of my family history

and I thought you
all could help.

-If anyone can help with
royal histories, it is we.

Ooh, here comes
Handyman Negri now.

-Who's that with him?

-Uh, it looks like a
large forest creature.

-I'll say.

-Greetings folks!

-Uh, Handyman Negri
and friend, I presume.

-Correct as usual,
Unc-- King Friday.

-I'm glad to see
you, Princess Zelda.

-Me too.

But who's this friend?

-Uh, a temporary tiger.

I, I, I mean a,
a research tiger.

I mean Miss Tiger.

-Oh, speaking of research.

I'm looking for the
director of research.

I understand that's
Lady Aberlin.

-Well yes, but uh--

-Well, I'm working on
this family history

and I need her help.

-Uh well, well maybe we
can talk about that later?

-Yes, yes.

Certainly there is all
kinds of help here.


there's always another day.


-So Miss Cow was teaching
her class about teeth.

And who should step
into that school

room but Handyman
Negri and a tiger.

Lady Aberlin turned into a
tiger for a little while.

Of course, that's just pretend.

Nobody could ever turn into
something that she isn't.

We'll think more
about that next time.

Right now I'd like to
show you something.

I'm going to put
it on and I'm not

going to turn into
anything but myself.

[GIGGLES] There I am.

Does look different
though, doesn't it?

Here's another one.

Different hat on this one.

I've got a coat too.

When I was a little boy, I used
to love to put on my dad's hat

and coat, dark glasses,
shoes, everything.

[SINGING] I can put on
a hat, or put on a coat,

or wear a pair of glasses
or sail in a boat.

I can change all my names
and find a place to hide.

I can do almost anything,
but I'm still myself inside.

I can go far away
or dream anything.

Or wear a scary costume
or act like a king.

I can change all my names
and find a place to hide.


I can do almost anything,
but I'm still myself.

I'm still myself.

I'm still myself inside.

Who you are inside is you.

Nobody can take
that away from you.

That person is you
and that you can

grow, but will
always belong to you.


Now I must put these away,
get my big toothbrush.

Where did I put
that big toothbrush?

It's not in here, is it?

Not in there.

I think it's over here.

[SINGING] It's a great
big toothbrush and it

fits in the box.

In the box and out of the box.

With a top on it.

It's a good feeling,
isn't it? [SINGING]

It's such a good feeling
to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.


[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling, a very good feeling.

The feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

We'll have lots of things to
do and talk about next time.

I'll be back then.

Bye bye.

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