23x06 - Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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23x06 - Love

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beauty-wood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please,

please won't you be my neighbor?

Hi, neighbor.

Welcome to this neighborhood.

How are you doing today?

I'm glad we can be together.

Do you know what this is?

It's called a suitcase,
because people usually

put suits of clothes
in it to carry

them when they go to travel.

But I'm not traveling.

I'm just using this suitcase to
bring some things to show you.

Do you want to guess
what might be in here?

It's furry and brown.

And some people like
to sleep with it.

And there are many different
kinds of them in the world.

A stuffed bear.

I know a lot of
people who really

love their stuffed bears.

Speaking of love,
sometimes people

draw a big red heart as
a way of saying love.

In fact, if I wanted
to say I love bear,

without using any words,
I could go like this.

Do you know any
bears that you love?

Well, there's something
else in this suitcase

that I'd like to show you.

I'll put this bear
right over here.

You can sit right
on the heart, bear.

It's a bear costume.

And I thought I'd just
try it on to see how

Mr. Rogers looks
in a bear costume.

Did you ever try on a costume?

You know, I'm going
to be inside here.

This customer has
a zipper on it too.

Now let's put on the hat.

It's like a hat, isn't it?

I'm somebody dressed
in a costume.

And this stuffed
bear is something

people made in a factory.


Let's see.

That may be Mr. McFeely.

I asked him for something today.

It is.

Come in, Mr. McFeely.

-Speedy delivery.
Speedy delivery.

A busy day today.

Now, I have something
for you here.

Don't go away.

Now, wait a minute.

Here we go.

-How do you like my costume?

-Well, I'm so busy,
I hardly noticed.

You look like a
stuffed bear yourself.

-That's right.

-Now, I have the tape here,
how people make stuffed bears.

-Just what I hoped you'd bring.

Come on down a minute.

-All right.

-I have an idea.

Would you have a chance to have
a little time to put this on?

-Never too busy for a costume.



I'll put the tape right there.

Can you hold my hat for me?


-I'll just put this on.

-Can you put that on?

I just wanted you to
try the head on there.

-There we go.

I feel a song coming on.

-Oh, good.

-[SINGING] That's what you get--
that's what you get of bear-ly,

bear-ly delivery.

A bear-ly, bear-ly,
bear-ly, bear-ly delivery.

There you go.

Speedy delivery.

-Good for you, Mr. McFeely.

-Now, here's your costume back.

I'll put my hat on.


-Do you have time to
tell us about that film?

-I do.

I have a moment.

I have a moment.

Let's put it into
Picture Picture--

how people make stuffed bears.

-How people make stuffed bears.

-That's right.

-Not costumes but
the toy stuffed bear.

-The toy stuffed bear.


How people make stuffed bears.

people make stuffed bears,

they start by
putting these shapes

on many layers of furry cloth.

[VOICEOVER]: You know,

those shapes look
like cookie cutters.

Oh, yes they do.

In fact, when this machine
presses down on them,

they cut through
the cloth and form

different parts of
the stuffed bear.

I see the cut-outs there.

Then she'll pull them out.


That's parts of lots
of bears, isn't it?

Now what happens?

[VOICEOVER]: Well, all

the parts will be sewn together.

She's taking them to the
sewing department right now.

This is a leg.

And it looks like she's about
to add the bottom of a foot.

With her sewing machine.

That's right.

Sews the foot on.

What's this woman doing?

[VOICEOVER]: Well, she's

going to put some soft,
white stuffing in the leg.

That stuffing

looks almost like clouds.

Yes, it does.

The stuffing is
one of the things

that make toy bears
so nice to hug.

That's for sure.

Now, next the stuffed legs

are sewn to the
front of the bear.

There it goes.

works carefully, doesn't she?

Oh, she has to.

Looks to me

as if she knows how
to sew very well.

I wonder if she's been
sewing a long time.

Oh, I imagine she has.

Oh, look.

Now I think she's going to
dew the front and the back


Yes, that's what
she's about to do.

It takes a lot of
practice to sew that well.

It certainly must.

You have to know exactly
how to make the machine go.

now it's time for the bear head

to be made.

This woman is making
the bear head.

She sure has to take care

to match the pieces before
she sews them together,

doesn't she?

Oh, she has to,

so all the parts fit together.

Now, after the head
is sewn together,

this woman attaches the eyes.


There goes one.

that's the inside, isn't it?

That's right.

That's the inside.

They put them on the inside.

And watch what happens
in just a moment.

There's another one going on.

Then she'll turn
the furry side out.

There you go.

starting to look like a bear.

Oh, there.

It really looks
like a bear's head.

Now, the same woman

who made the head will
sew it to the body.

She's getting ready to sew it.

The head has to be attached
in just the right way so it'll

fit on the body exactly
as it's supposed to.

Mr. McFeely,

I never knew it
took so much careful

sewing to make a
stuffed toy bear.

these women are real artists.

I wonder if she ever

thinks of all the children who
will enjoy the bears she makes.

Oh, I'll bet she does.

But most of it's

done inside out to begin with.

[VOICEOVER]: Inside out.

There's just a little
more sewing to do.

Now she takes a minute to
check what she's just done.

At last she turns
it right side out.

Now look.

Is that a leg?

That's a leg.

[VOICEOVER]: Two legs.

Some arms coming in.

There goes the head.

You'll see it in a moment.

[VOICEOVER]: Oh, yeah.

Little by little, it's really
looking like a bear, isn't it?

It certainly is.

It's not finished, is it?

Doesn't it need
some more stuffing?

Oh, just watch.


[VOICEOVER]: The rest

of the stuffing is put
into the bear this machine.

mean that machine blows it in?

Blows it right in.

There it goes.

It looks like there's

some extra stuffing
coming out the back.

See it back there?

You'll see in a moment,

this woman sews up the back so
that stuffing won't come out,

you see?

Next a nose and a
mouth are sewn on.

Now, watch this.

There's a piece of thread
going in to form the mouth.

And the other side.

And it's a smile.

Smiling bear.

Look at all those bears.

And finally, each bear

is brushed and checked
once more by this woman,

and she makes sure
everything is just right.

looks mighty good to me.

And now the bears

are ready for people
everywhere to enjoy

them for a long, long time.

-I like to see how
people make things.

Thank you very much for that.

-Oh, you're welcome.

I thought you'd enjoy it.

I'll take it back
to the library now.


-Well, I noticed over here
there is a stuffed bear

that looks something like the
one we just saw on the tape.

-That's right.

-You know, it reminds
me of the bear

I had when I was a little boy.

I still think about that
bear every so often.

-Oh, yes.

There are a lot of people
who love their stuffed bears.

I want to show you this.

You know what that stands for?

-For love.


There are a lot of people
who love their stuffed bears.

-Oh, that's for sure.

People can't love unless
somebody loves them first.

Well, I have more deliveries.

See you around the neighborhood.

-Yes, Mr. McFeely.

Thank you.

-Speedy delivery.

-You're welcome.

-For many things.


-Thank you for many things.

People can't love unless
somebody loves them first.

Mr. McFeely is
such a wise person.

Well, let's have
some make believe.

I'll get the trolley.


Let's make believe that somebody
is dressed in a bear costume

like this, and nobody else
knows who it is for a while.

Ready for the Neighborhood
of Make Believe?

All right, Trolley.




-Oh, that trolley-- it
always seems to be on time.


Real faithfulness.


And you, my dear,
are you researching

something special today?


As a matter of fact, I'm
just planning a little fun.

-Oh, that's lovely.

Is it a surprise?


Sort of.

-I'll be on my lookout for it.

-Remember, there's more than
meets the eye in this life.

-There's more than meets
the eye in this life.



-Oh, Friday.

-Queen Sara, I presume.

-Of course it is, dear.

You don't have to be so formal
with me when we're alone.

-It's just my nature, Sara.

-Just one part of
your nature, Friday.

-That may be.

But today I'm checking on how
people are using their time.

-I see.

-And how are you
using your time, Sara?

-Oh, I'm enjoying this
beautiful day, Friday.

Everything seems
so fresh and new.

-Certainly you must
have something better

to do than just enjoy the day.

-Oh, I just love life, dear.

-Well, some of us here
have to work in this life.

I'll see you later, Sara.

-Hello, Queen Sara.

Speedy delivery.


Oh, hello, Mr. McFeely.

-It's a perfectly
beautiful day, isn't it?

-I thought it was
a few minutes ago.

In fact, I was just loving life.

-Well, that's wonderful.

-But evidently
that's not enough.

-Well, it's enough for me.

It makes me happy
to see people loving

all kinds of things,
especially life.


are you going on a
trip, Mr. McFeely?

-Oh, no.

This is a delivery for
Lady Elaine Fairchilde.

In fact, I have to make
it speedy to her museum.

-May you have a beautiful time.

-Well, thank you.

And keep on
life-loving, Queen Sara.

Speedy delivery.

-I'll do my best.

Keep on life-loving.

-Look at that.

Hello there, bear.

Do I know you?

-We may have let before.

-Are you a friend
of Lady Elaine?

-You might say so.

-Well, I have this
delivery for her.

-Just ring the bell.

-Oh, I almost forgot.

There's something very
familiar about you, bear.

-I'm a friendly sort.

-Well, I'm glad.

-Hello there, Mr. McFeely.

Who's your new helper here?

-Well, this bear is
not mine, Lady Elaine.


Who are you bear?

-I'm a visitor.

-Have you ever been here before?

-Part of me has.

-Which part of you?

-The inside part.


You're somebody dressed
up, aren't you, toots?

-Well, I wondered about that.

-If you don't ask,
you don't find out.

-I guess there's
some truth in that.

Oh, incidentally, Lady Elaine,
would you like your delivery?

-Oh, sure.

-Mind if I stick
around for a while?

-Oh, yeah.

You can help with
this decoration.

That's what the delivery
is, isn't it, Mr. McFeely?

-Well, let's open it up and see.

Here we go.

Open up the delivery.

There we go.

Just what you
ordered, Lady Elaine.

-That's it.

Yeah, just put it up anywhere.


-Yeah, that's fine.


Now bear, you take that end.

And I'll-- well, I need
a little more here.

And I'll start on this side.

-Oh, good.

Yes, all over the place.

-All over the
place, Lady Elaine?

All right.

Oh, is this the spot?



-See the hearts?

Heart, heart, heart.

-There's one here.

-Yes, look at that.

-There we go.

-It's really pretty.

-I like the way
you've done that.

-You're someone I
know, aren't you, bear?

-Uh, you might say so.

-There's something very
familiar about you.

-You know, this is just perfect.

I think I'll just call
it my museum of love.

BOTH: Museum of love?

-That's it, toots.

I just felt like
it for a change.

-Well, it certainly
looks good, Lady Elaine.

-I'll say.

Now, I'll need some
more deliveries,

so would you please come inside
so I can show you, Mr. McFeely?


-And you're welcome
to come in too, bear.

-Oh, thanks anyway.

I think I'll just roam around.


See you later, toots.

Come on, Mac.


-Just right around here.

-You know, Lady Elaine, that
bear sounds awfully familiar.

-It certainly does.

-I wonder who's out here.


Who are you?

-Oh, I'm a bear.

Who are you?

-Oh, well, I'm X the
Owl, and I live here.

And Henrietta Pussycat
is my neighbor,

and-- are you the kind of bear
who hurts owls and pussycats?

-Oh, no.

I'm a friendly bear.

-That's good.

-Meow meow meow meow-- meow!

Meow, bear!


-Oh, it's all right, Hen.

It's a friendly bear.


HENRIETTA: Meow meow you say!

-That's what the bear says.

stay meow-side here.

-Oh, I guess she's
scared of new bears.

-Oh, I'm sorry I scared her.

I guess I'll go over
and see Daniel Tiger.

-He lives over
there in that clock.

-I know.

-Say, bear, I wonder
if I know you.

-I think you know part of me.

-You're somebody dressed up
in a costume, aren't you?

Well, I'm going over
and tell Henrietta

that you're nothing
to be afraid of.

Something tells me
you're even a friend.

-Something tells
me you're right.

-You're just having
fun, aren't you?


-I'll see you later
then, whoever you are.

My neighbor needs some cheer up.

-Well, you're a
good neighbor, X.

-Thanks, bear.

Say hi to Daniel for us, OK?

-Oh, I will.

-Oh, thanks.

-I'm coming over, Henrietta.

-Oh, a new bear in
the neighborhood.

-Well, part of me is new.

-Just part of you?


Just the outside part of me.

-Maybe you're not
used to your fur yet.

Maybe I could help you.

You see, I've always had my fur.

-You have really
nice fur, Daniel.

-Oh, you know who I am?

-Oh, X the Owl asked me
to say hi to you for him.

-He has a lot of feathers.

-And you have a lot of love.

-Sounds like you do too.

Could I give you an ugga-mugga?

-Oh, sure, Daniel.

-I thought that was you
inside, Lady Aberlin.

-It was the ugga-mugga
that did it, wasn't it?

-It was the kind way you talked.

I knew you were a friend.

-[SINGING] I love someone.

Do you know who?

Yes, I love someone who sounds
like, and looks like, and does

ugga-mugga like,
and loves like you.

-I do too.

-I'm going over to
the castle to see

if my family knows who I am.

-You're always
welcome at my clock

no matter what
your outsides are.

-Thanks, Daniel.

-Well, well, well, a new
bear in the neighborhood.

-I'm really somebody
you know, Aunt Sara.

-So that's your fun
surprise, Niece Aberlin.


Oh, here comes Friday.

-Queen Sara and Niece
Aberlin, I presume.

BOTH: Correct as usual--


--Uncle Friday.

-And what happens
to be your form

of employment today,
Niece Aberlin?

-I've been surprising
people by being

inside this bear costume, sire.

-Not doing serious research?

Well, fa la la!

One of you just loving
life and the other one

dressing up in some
transition objectivity--

perfectly ridiculous!

Shape up and farewell.

-Goodness, what's-- what's
the trouble with Uncle Friday?

-So that was Lady Aberlin
dress in that bear costume.

Lady Aberlin's costume
looked like this one.

But on the inside, it
was somebody different.

And of course it's the insides
of all of us that matter most.

[SINGING] It's you I like.

It's not the things you wear.

It's not the way
you do your hair.

But it's you I like-- the
way you are right now,

the way down deep inside you,
not the things that hide you.

Not your costumes--
they're just beside you.

But it's you I like, every part
of you, your skin, your eyes,

your feelings,
whether old or new.

I hope that you'll remember
even when you're feeling blue

that it's you I like, it's
you yourself, it's you.

It's you I like.

You I love.

Put all of these
in the suitcase.

You know, every time
I get ready to leave,

I think about the next
time we'll be together.

That gives me a good feeling.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling.

You're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day,

it's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling.

The feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new,

and I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

We always have lots of things
to talk about, don't we?

Lots of things to
do and think about.

You always make each day
a special day for me.

You know how?

Be just your being yourself.

I'll be back next time.

Bye bye.

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