Révolte dans la prison (1931)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Révolte dans la prison (1931)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hi, Jean.
- Hi, Bill.

- See you later.
- Bye.

Kent Harve.

Manslaughter. Sentenced to ten years.

- First time?
KENT: Yes.

"Sir" to me.

Yes, sir.

- How old are you?
- Twenty-four.

- Ever serve in the army?
- No, sir.

- Use tobacco?
- Yes, sir.

Morphine, opium or cocaine?

No, sir.

Frisk him.


You can have your cigarettes.

Yes, sir.

- Married?
- No.

It's my sister, sir.

Thank you, sir.

You'll get the rest back when you leave

From now on, you will be number 48642.

Take him inside.


Look here.

Don't move.

Give him 24.


- Shirt.
- Shirt.

- Underwear.
- Underwear.

- Pants.
- Pants.

Hat, seven.


42. Go dress up there.

Arms. 75.


Scar on left thumb.

Left thumb.


Poor young fellow.

- Ten years for manslaughter.
- It was an accident, sir.

You were drunk.

It was New Year's Eve.

Your sentence...

...can be reduced with good behavior...

...and careful observance
of the prison rules.

Yes, sir.

You are not, in the truest sense
of the word, a criminal.

But I want to warn you...

...against the influences
you will encounter here...

...or in any prison.

Beware of their influence.

Yes, sir.

Be careful of your conduct...

...and your associations.

And also remember this:

If you are strong-willed...

...prison will not get to you.

But otherwise...

That's all.

Go now.

We were a little harsh with him.

Yes, 10 years.

He is not that bad.

He should have been alone
in his cell.

It's not possible.

You know who
they're putting that boy with?

- No, who?
- With Morgan, the crook.

And Butch.

Machine g*n Butch.

A weak kid like him...

...thrown in with a m*rder*r and a g*n man.

- Don't get chicken-hearted again.
- He might have a chance in a cell alone.

But with these two...

It's a pity, but what can we do about it?

We had 3000 men
for only 1800 cells.

That's all I have.

The administration.

I send file after file.

Never hear a word.

They send men to jail...

...but don't care about how we treat them.

But one day, we will pay for this.

We always do.

Here you are.

It's me, Andre.

Get in.


Cell 305.

Down here, and make a left.


A new one.


Nice meeting you.

Take off your ear muffs...

...I said hello.


Make yourself at home.

That's your flop up there.

Third floor.

Best view.

Thank you.

What's your moniker, your name?

- I'm Butch.
- Huh?


- You never saw my name in the paper?
- No.


Machine g*n Butch.

Remember the Mulligan
brothers that croaked?

For $10.

I k*lled three guys for $10.

That was cheap.

And you?



You ain't no pansy after all.

- Who'd you k*ll?
- It was an accident.

- An accident.
- I was driving my car...

Wet behind the ears...

Your nose ain't dry.


There's company in the parlor.

A new one.

What does he look like?

Here he is.


I'm Morgan.

Kent's mine.

It's stifling.

Don't we have any air in here?

Can't open the windows.

It's too bad.

- How long have you been here?
- Three years.

- What for?
- Robbery.

I had needs beyond my means.

I had to borrow some money without asking.

I can't stand thieves.

My cigarettes.


My cigarettes.

Give them back to me.

They are mine.

I'm going to kick your butt.


I'm going to call the guard.

Try me.

You don't want to give them back.


Shut up.

Shut up!

Shut up.

- What's happening?
- He stole my cigarettes.

Is that true, Morgan?

I don't know, sir. I was asleep.

Did you take the kid's cigarettes?

No, sir, so help me!

They're both lying.

Less noise, or you'll spend
your first night in the dungeon.

Don't put the kid in the cooler.

He's green.
I guess he just went off his nut.

He won't do it again.


You watch your step, you understand?

Well, yellow-belly.

There are things you don't understand.

First lesson.

In jail, when we rat...


And now?

It's nothing.

Hardly touched him.

Put him in his bunk.


Put him back in his place.

Now give him back his cigarettes.

- What?
- You heard me.

I ain't got his weeds.

Don't lie to me, Butch.

I've bumped guys off for calling me a liar.

And look where you are now.

Well, look where you are too.

Don't worry about me.

Now give the kid his cigarettes.

And if...


Okay. I was only kidding about that.

You're right.

It's for sissies.

I was only kidding. Heh.

Aw, look at that.

Reminds me of a girl I had a crush on.

Olga the Cow.

A beauty.

Shouldn't have k*lled her.

It's not her.

Aw, no.

Olga the Cow...

...was more distinguished.

She's not bad.







Let's go.


You heard the good news?

What good news?

He does not know.

We need to tell him.

You're gonna be released.

That's impossible.

Yes. Coming from the top.

People are looking out for you.

And you behaved well.

Lucky you.

I'm free!

For sure.

Who's the new one?

You? The warden wants to see you.


You need to say goodbye.

Give us some news.


- Where are you going?
- The warden wants to see me.

I'm free!

For good conduct.

Who said that?

The others.


It's true, isn't it?

They weren't ribbing me, were they?

Sure. They're kidding you, Kent.

- Go back there.
- I'm not going out?

No. You're going to be with us
for a long time.

Go on. Beat it.

Classic joke.

He'll get used to it.


What's the matter, boy?

Are you going home?

He does not wanna go.

You're right, kid.

We don't have any issues
with the IRS.


Keep this place clear.

Scatter out.

Any letters for me?

Move on, now.

- Are there any letters for Morgan?
- You know, Pop...

...if all the screws were like you...

Don't be calling the guards screws.

Don't call me Pop.


No letters for you, Morgan...

...but I've got ones for Butch...

...and Kent.
- I'll take them to them.

Thanks, Pop.

For real.

- It was a marquise.
INMATES: Ha, ha.

You should have seen.

For real.

Letter for you, Butch.

Letter for me?


...why don't those dames leave me alone?

I'm here for life.

You're such a deal.

You can't blame them.

Where's Kent?

Haven't seen him.

Shut up.

Hey, stick around.

I know the writing.

She's a blue blood...

...and she likes me.


Look at that.

Why, it's from Myrtle.


"Dear sweetheart..."


So what?


"Dear sweetheart...

...how I miss my great big boy.

I can't live without you.

I'm dying.


I'm useless.

The only fun I get is sleeping...

...because then I dream
about you every night."


The rest of this is too juicy for you guys.

Nobody gets to read this
but me and my pal Morg.

Go on.

Oh, go on.

Who do you suppose
would write me a letter?

Heh. I'll read it to you, Butch.

"My dear Butch..."

Who is it?


Well, it's about your mother, Butch.

My old lady?

Well, it isn't from her, Butch.

Something wrong?

Go on. Read it.

"Dear Butch,
when your mother was sick...

...she didn't want me to write
any letters and worry you.

Even when they took her
to the county hospital.

She died this morning.

Anyway, we sent her
a bunch of flowers...

...and I guess that's all."

Ma's dead.

I can't believe it.

I wonder if it hurt her much.

Oh, I don't think so, Butch.

She was pretty old, wasn't she?

About 70...

...and as big as a minute...

...and game.

Hard working.

And, say, the last time I was arrested...

...she fought like a wildcat. Ha!

It took two bulls to hold her.

Gee, she was a swell old lady.

I wish you would have met her.

Was a great lady.

Don't worry, mate.

Our turn will come.

- Morgan.
- Hmm?

I'm going to make a break.

I have to.

I'm going to get out of here
and I'm going to give that little old lady...

...the swellest funeral ever.
- Pipe down.

Here he comes.

Hello, Morgan.

Got a match?


Bad news, Butch?

Since when do you care?

Great kidder.

Ain't I?

- The guy's a stool pigeon if there ever was
- Wish I could get the lowdown on him.

Yeah, and then
what will happen to you?

I need to get out.

And then?

Down in the dungeon with the rats.

No. We got to take
our medicine, Butch.

It's all right for you to talk.

I'm here for life. I'd go nuts
if I didn't start trouble once in a while.

I'd rather stand up and fight...

...and even if I got the rope...
- Cut it out.


Yes, you.

I was only kidding.

I was only kidding.

Hey, listen, Butch. How about
that hot number of yours?

- The g*ng wants to hear it again.
- She calls him her "Dear sweetheart."


All right.

Morgan? Who knows anything about him?

But Butch...

That guy will k*ll me someday.

- k*ll you?
- He packs a knife.

Oh, he packs a knife, does he?




Say, listen, you guys.
What are you up to?

- Nothing.
- Sure hope so.

If I ever catch either of you double-crossing
Butch, I'll get you. You understand?

Get out of here.

Now, Kent, you keep
away from this rat.

He's been the only decent guy
since I've been here.

He wanted you to talk.

I'll give you some advice, but you've got to
learn that whining and double-crossing...

I'm not whining,
and I won't stand for your ribbing.

What right have they got to put me
in a cell with guys like you?

Oh, I see.

Too good for the rest of us, huh?

If you don't want to wake up
one morning with a knife in the guts...



Here's a letter for you.

What did he say?

- Nothing.
- Stop lying.

Ain't I your only friend?

- Yes, but...
- Play up to them.

It'll make your life easier.

They'll let you in on their plans.


Oh, I wouldn't do that.


These three dames
were crazy about me, see.

They were crazy about me


Say, hey, Butch.

Butch, I had a dream last night.

Aw, cut it out. You're full of hop.

I was sitting on a velvet cushion...

...and about 50 beautiful blonds
were dancing all around me.

Aw, gee, I'd go nutty over a rag doll.

You've been drinking!

And I...

I only like classy girls.

A beautiful butterfly!

A butterfly?


Aw, you're crazy.

Too bad it's not in your soup!


Here is your butterfly.

That's a racehorse.

- I'll take the thin one.
- I'll take the other one.

Say, what do you bet my racehorse
can't trim that one of yours?

Hey, Mr. Butch,
I'll hold the stakes.

Who's going to hold you?


Come on. Get up.


All right, you boys, make your bets.

- I'll cover all your bets.
INMATE 1: Two packs of weeds on my thin

All right, make all your bets.

The race starts soon.


And you?

Now, you can't
because The Hawk gave me this...

...and if I don't bring them back,
he'll tear my head off.

Get in there with them.

All right.

Come on, now.

I'll warm them up. All right.

All right, come on, now.

All right, come on, now.

All right.

All right, there they go.

Look at him go.

Hey, Butch, your bug...

...looks like it's coming to...


I win. I win.

That's just too bad.

Too bad!

He wins.

Chewing gum.

Hey, no wonder that bug couldn't run.

It's stuck.


Who did that?

Who did that?

What porch-climbing crook done that?

- Who did that?
- You did.

Who, me?

- No. You crazy?
- You wouldn't double-cross a pal, would

Any more of you guys
think I pulled a phony?

- You, Joe?
- Not me.

- You, Putnam?
- No.

You can't get away with that, Butch.


You're asking for it, ain't you?

One wiggle out of you,
and I'll give it to you.

You guys are liable
to get the hole for this.

Yeah? You'll get the hole,
just 5' 10".

- They'll have to dig a grave big enough for
- Oh, yes?

- Look out, Butch!
- Ditch that knife.

Well, what's coming off here?

Me and Morgan
was just wrestling a bit, sir.

Sure you weren't
mixing up a little fighting with it, huh?

Who, me?

Aw, no, sir.

You better not...

...or I'll fix you up.

Gambling, huh?

No, sir. Not me.

How did those cigarettes
and tobacco get here?


I was packing them in my shirt, sir...

...and Morgan and me start wrestling...

...and I get sweaty...

...so I laid them out on the ground to dry.

Don't lie to me.

I wouldn't lie. No, sir.

Leave them alone.

What's that you said?

I said, "Yes, sir."

Another move out of you,
and you'll go to the dungeon.

Who did that?

I did, wrestling with Butch.


Well, the next time I see you,
you'd better have it fixed.

- You get me?
- Yes, sir.

Bring that stuff.

I hate his guts.




Fish again.

That dirty, rotten, stinking codfish.

Yeah. It's spoiled.


Nice tenderloin steak...

...with mushrooms all over it.

Look at that trash.

It's terrible.

It's even k*lled one
of our poor little bugs.

I'd like to ram it down their throat.

Pipe down. Wallace.

You talking, Butch?

Who, me?

No, sir.

I'll get them someday.

He's on the hunt, Butch.

Tell the guys to pipe down.

Pipe down.

Pipe down.

I can't eat that stuff!

Who did that?

Me! What do you think of that?

- I want food. I don't want any more of this
- Shut up!

You give me some food to eat!

I'm not going to eat that junk!

Come on! Give me some food!


I ain't afraid of your g*ns!

I ain't afraid of your g*ns!

I ain't afraid of nobody!

Yellow-bellies! Cowards!

Come on, you yellow-bellies!
Let's show them!

That volley went against the wall.

The next time, sh**t to k*ll!

Butch, sit down!


It's your last chance!

Sit down, Butch!

Cover all the entrances.

Listen to me, men.

I have treated you squarely,
and you know it.

If you have any grievances
I'm within my power to correct, come to me!

I'll do everything I can.

You can't get anything
by starting a row like this...

...and starting such a mess.

So I'm warning you, I'm running this show.

- Who started this?
MAN: Butch.

Take him out!

The knife...

- What?
- The knife.

Butch, in the aisle.

Search him!

I ain't got nothing.

Nothing on him, sir.

You had a knife.

- Who, me?
- Yes, you.

No, sir.

Someone's been stringing you along.

In the dungeon!

What for? I was only kidding.

That little joke just cost you 30 days...

...on bread and water in the dark!

Come on. Move on!





- I'm sorry about Butch.
- What?

I said, I'm sorry about Butch.


- Who is it?
- Your lawyer.


- Hello, John.
- Hello, Canton.

- What's up?
- Good news.


Don't be afraid.




Kid, you're going to be paroled.

Don't be funny.

You're going to leave this joint tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Aw, quit your kidding.

I'm not kidding. It's all settled.


I'm leaving the Director.

It's true? Free?

I'm almost gonna cry.


Next time, you'll play it smart.


...in a few weeks.

Hello, Anne.

Come sit down.

What's the matter?
You look so pale.

- You're not ill, are you?
- No...

...but you don't know
how terrible it is here.

What have they done
to get me out?

I'm sorry, dear.

I saw the governor myself.

He was very kind.

He said he couldn't do anything.

What kind of a dame would
you like to have me get for you?

Heh, any kind.

It's been a while.

How'd you like a little gal like that?

Say, you're a lawyer, not a magician.

Heh. I'll be around with a car
in the morning to pick you up.


So long.


Oh, Kent, please. I know
you're big enough to see it through.

You've got to.

But you don't know
what it's like in here.

Every hour, every minute is t*rture.

I'll go crazy.

Honey, but, listen. You've got to...


Anne, listen. Tell them to try again.

GUARD: All right. All visitors out!
KENT: Goodbye.

Bad news, kid?

Despite our best efforts...


No, you haven't.

If you get the goods on somebody,
you get plenty of time off.

And if you block a big job...

...it may open the gates for you.


How are you?


Tell me. Ho, ho.

Oh, you're going to be
a great comfort around here.

It's gonna be lots of fun.


Who's that?

Huh? New guy to take Butch's place.
Only speaks Russian.

- What are you doing?
- Eh?

- I'm getting out tomorrow.
- I thought you had another three years.

I did, but good behavior got me off.

Free, you hear me?

Think of it,
bright lights, good food, women!


- You're so lucky.
- Heh.

Say, I saw that sister of yours
in the visitors' room just now.

Is that the girl
that owns the bookstore?

Swell-looking kid.

- Everybody out.
- Come on, Rasputin.

Frisking party.


Shut up.


This your coat, Morgan?

Yes, sir, but that's not my knife.

No. It's Butch's knife. Heh.

You know that.

Smart, eh?

Trying to cover up for Butch.

No, I wasn't, sir.

You don't think I'd be crazy enough to do
that the day before I go out, do you?

Well, this just cost you your parole.

You can't do that, sir.
I've never seen that knife.

It's the truth.

I came in the cell...

...took off my coat...

...laid it on the bunk.

There was no one in there
but this fellow and...

And then Kent... You did this!

I didn't do it!

I guess the dungeon
will cool him off a bit. Strip him!

His shirt.

I'll get you for this, Kent!
Do you hear me?

I'll get you for this!

On your way.

BUTCH: Who's there?
MORGAN: Morgan!

BUTCH: Morgan, they got you?
MORGAN: Yeah. Where are you, Butch?

Second hole away from you. What

They found your knife on me.

My knife?

- You mean it was planted on you.

Who done it?

MORGAN: Never mind who.
BUTCH: You tell me, old pal.

I'll get him the first day I'm outside.

I'll get him myself.

I swear.

INMATE 1: I knocked over my cup of water!
BUTCH: Oh, forget it, kid!

- They'll bring you another cup tomorrow
INMATE 2: Shut up!

Hey, Morg!

When I get out of here,
I'm going to make a break, you hear me?


Yeah. I'll do it if I have to k*ll a flock of

BUTCH: I'm going to use my brains.

MORGAN: Your what?
BUTCH: Well, maybe I ain't got no brains...

...but I got strength, you hear me?

Hey, when my time's up,
I'll bet you I'll still be standing on my feet.

You hear that, Morg?

And you, I bet,
you'll travel out of here feet first.

You know, that's a swell idea.

BUTCH: What do you mean?
MORGAN: Use your brain!


Shut up!

I can't sleep!

Gee, but he was a swell guy...

...and smart, too.

One time he dug himself
out from underneath a wall...

...and it took him 18 months to do it in.


What did he do with the dirt?

Oh, he ate it.


Well, he said he did.

Aw, dry up.

And you believed him?

Your plan sure is swell.

We should try it out.

Yeah. Morgan's the guy to do it.

He and Butch
finish their stretch in the hole today.


Of course.


Come out here, Butch.

Oh, I'm coming out.

Well, I'm still on my feet.

Get Morgan out.

I ain't heard his voice now for a week.

I told him he'd come out of there feet first.

Come on, Morgan!

He's not moving.

Bring in a stretcher.

- You k*lled my pal.
- Shut up...

...or you'll spend 30 more days in the hole.

You'll pay for that.

I was only kidding...

...just kidding, that's all.

I was kidding.

Son of a...

I was only kidding.


He's just a weak-kneed guy.

He ain't got no backbone.

But me...

I'm on my feet.

Take Morgan to the hospital.



Slight congestion.


Carter has just passed away.

Oh, yes. Put him in the morgue.

Have the wagon take him away tonight.

Yes, sir.

Will he be all right, doctor?

Yes, I think so.

Number's 44789.

Watch the Canadian border.

Watch the best hotels. That's his racket.

- That's the first break we've had in five
- We'll get him.

- How'd he make his getaway?
- Went out in the dead wagons.

Great article.

For sure.

I beg your pardon.

It's nothing.


Good evening.

If you'll look around,
I'll be with you in a minute.

Thanks. I'm in no hurry.

Here's your book, Mr. Garrett.

CUSTOMER: How much is that?
- $2.

Thank you. Good night.

- Have you found what you wanted?
- No, I haven't.

- Just what were you looking for?
- A book on the Pacific Islands.

- A romance?
- No.

Something that would
give me an idea of the life there.

I'm sure I have something
in a new shipment...

...if you don't mind waiting a few minutes.
- Not a bit. No.

I told you I had a cellmate called Morgan.

You must have read that he escaped.

He believes I am responsible
for his demise

and has sworn to take his revenge.

May I help?

I was just going to look in these.
I think the travel books are in the bottom

Here. Let me help.

Well, thank you.

You don't mind, do you?

Why, no. Of course not.

I'm delighted to help.


- Stay where you are!
- Eh?

I thought I recognized you.
I saw you in the visitors' room at the prison.

Yes. I remember you too.

Hello. Hello.

Give me police headquarters.

Yes, please.

Well, why didn't you
go through with it?

Because I just
couldn't send you back there, that's all.

You may go now, Mr. Morgan.

Go away.


I'll take that g*n.


- Oh, good evening.
- Hello, Miss Harve.

Oh, excuse me.
I didn't know you had company.

Oh, that's quite all right.

My friend...

...Mr. Everett, Sergeant Donlin.

Glad to meet you, Mr. Everett.

Same here, sergeant.

Face is kind of familiar.

No. I don't think so, sergeant.


Well, maybe not.

Mr. Everett is one of my best customers.

I thought it was past your closing time
till I saw the lights.

Well, it is, but we were unpacking some

Oh, I see.

Mrs. Donlin like the book I sent her?


I have another one
I'm sure she'll be crazy about.


- I'll get it. It's in the next room.
- Don't bother.

She'll drive in tomorrow.


Oh, what's that?

The boys are after someone, I guess.

Well, I'll be running along.

I'm glad to have met you, Mr...

- Everett.
- That's right.

- Good night, Mr. Everett.
- Good night, sergeant.

Good night, Miss Harve.

Good night.


Why did you come here?

To square a bad deal.

- What do you mean?
- Hmm? Oh.

I was framed
the day before I was to go free.

Miracle I got out.

Do you know who framed you?

Yeah. Yeah, I think I know.

Well, good night, Miss Harve.

I won't bother you again.

Are you going away?

If you're ever around here again...

...drop in.
- Oh, you don't mean that.

- Of course I do.
- Heh.

Gee, you're a peach of a girl.

Thank you.

I picked him up one night...

...trailed him to a bookstore.
He goes under Everett.

MAN 1:

Yeah. He's Morgan, all right.
Plenty smart too.

I lost track of him
for a couple of weeks.

When I found him, he was actually working.


I sent out a man to spot him.

That night he quit his job.

MAN 1:
Working? Ha, ha.

Must be a woman in the case.


I know the woman too.

MAN 1:
Then you got a line on him.


I haven't lost one yet, have I?

MAN 2:
All right, Eddie.

Well, Anne, I hate to go.

Oh, you'll come back someday.

I don't think so.
The minute that d*ck...

...walked into where I was working, I knew
there was no chance for me to continue

Wouldn't it be better if you went back
to prison and served out your time?

No. They'd give me
seven more years of it.

I've got a pretty good grip on myself, Anne...

...and my only hope is in some other country
where they can't get me.

And I'd like to make a new start.

Well, I suppose you're right...

...but I'll... We'll miss you.

- Will you really?
- You know I will.

Anne, I have no right to tell you this...

...but, you know, I get
sort of a choky feeling.

- Don't be angry at me for saying that, okay?
- I'm not angry.

You see, it's the only way I have of telling
how much your friendship has done for me.


- What are you going to do?
- Work. Does that please you?

As soon as I get to the islands,
I'm going to get a little plantation.

- Such a great idea.
- I heard of a chap who made a fortune out

Oh, that sounds marvelous.

Doesn't it?

You know, if it weren't for you,
I wouldn't mind going.

And yet, if it weren't for you,
I wouldn't be going.

- How are you going to figure that one out?
- Hello, Morgan.

Let's see what you've got on you.

I guess you didn't know
who this fellow really was, Miss Harve.

That's too bad.

I'm sorry this had to happen here.


Now, let's get going.

Careful, Morgan.

You're going to find things
tougher than ever here.

The state has closed the mill.

You know what idleness does to a man...

...so you better watch your step.
- Yes, sir.

- All right, Morgan. Let's go.
- Yes, sir.

We're going to have
a lot more trouble with that bird.

I think you're wrong, Wallace.

I believe he wants to go straight.

Two weeks with the old g*ng,
and he'll be right back where he was.

I hope not.

BUTCH: Hello, Morg.
- Get over that line, or I'll knock your block

- Who, me?
- Yes, you.


How's all the dames outside?

See my initials
carved on many bedposts, Morg? Ha, ha.


Move over.


Let go!

You know, the food's getting worse here too.

Yeah? Heh.

Well, what's the g*ng
been up to, Butch?

Listen, six of us are going...

...right out through that gate.
- Really?

I'm giving it to you straight.
Me and the gopher framed it.

The gopher? Why, he's been
the prison gardener for seven years.

He's had an idea
in the back of his bean, though.

He's tired of gardening.

There he goes now.

For three years, every day,
he's been going to that gate.

The screw's used to it,
pay no attention to him.


Every once in a while,
he has an extra big bunch of flowers...

...and the screw opens the gate...

- I see.

And you six guys go through, is that it?

- Simple, ain't it?
- Sure. What happens when you get through?

We crash that outer gate...

...and there's a car waiting outside.

When does it come off?

Easter day at noon. Most of the screws...

...go home to a turkey dinner.

We'll give them a bellyful.

It's an Easter...

...they will remember.

You know it means the rope, Butch...

...if they catch you.

Who's in on it?

Well, me and Olsen...

...and Joe and the Hawk.

The Hawk? Oh. That means blood.

No. He promised me
he wouldn't bump nobody off.

Why, he offed his own mother.

Sure, he did. He cut her throat.

He was sorry for it. He's all right.

Anybody else in on it?

Well, there's that big Swede...

...and Kent.
- Kent?

Say, listen,
you're all wrong about that Kent guy.

It was the Russian
that planted that knife on you...

...not Kent. Kent ain't in on the plans...

...but he's got to go out with us.

We ain't telling nobody outside of you
till we get ready to make the break.


Not for me, Butch.


Not for me...

...l'm going straight.

The law, the court...

I'm over it.

Done. I want to be quiet.

I'm going straight.

You wouldn't kid an old friend, would you?

Hey, listen. Don't let that g*ng know.

They used to have a lot of respect for you.

Hello, Morg.


Welcome back home.

See you later, Butch.

Come here, you.

Let's see that book.

Where is that Bride's Confession?

Well, you see, it's worn out.

Well, you get me Sappho.

Say, you don't mind
if I take a powder, do you, Mr. Butch?

No. Go on. Scram. Scram.

- Hey, Kent.
- Morgan.

- I want to explain to you about that knife...
- Don't worry.

Butch told me all about it.

What you've done doesn't interest me.
It's what you're going to do.

- Are you in on this break?
- Yeah. They took me in on it.

I know. It's dynamite.

- They haven't told me their plans yet.
- Keep out of it.

Not that I care about you...

...but if you get caught, it's the rope.

Hey, you.
Morgan trying to turn you against the g*ng?

That's what he was doing, all right.

- You wouldn't think it of him, would you?
- He's a rat.

- I wonder what Butch will say.
- Think you'd better go and tell him.

I wouldn't have voted for him.

- I'm all for Prohibition.
ALL: Ha, ha!


I'm all for it.

And bootleggers.

Say, Butch...

...you take Morgan in?
- Morg? Sure.

- You sure he's going with us?
- Sure, he is.

He can't wait.

- Don't lie to me.
- Who, me?

Why, I never told a lie in my life.

You know he's not going with us.

I just heard him
telling Kent to keep out of it.

You suppose Morgan will go yellow?

Who, Morg?

Well, something's changed him.

Yeah, something's changed him.

You don't suppose he'd rat on us?

- What's that you said?
- You don't think he'd squeal?

Say, listen,
he wouldn't squeal on nobody.

He's changed, that's all right...

...but I'll k*ll the first guy
that says he's a double-crosser.

So Kent's got his ear to the ground...

- You think?
- Absolutely.

I promised him
we'd cut his sentence in half.

Heh. Stool pigeons.

We need the information.

I wish we could
run this place without them.

Yeah, well, we can't.

Who's in on it?

All of Butch's g*ng.

How about giving them solitary?

That would only
keep them quiet for a few weeks.

It isn't any one group.

It's 3000 idle men
with nothing to do but brood and plot.

You can't put them all in solitary.

We can crush them.

That's what's
happening to them now.

We've tried to crush them, with this result.

Search every corner of this prison,
but you find those g*ns.

Don't worry, sir. If those g*ns are here...

...l'll have them on your desk before Easter.

And now to record our thankfulness...

...on this glad Easter...

...let us rise...

...and sing hymn number 84.




Our father, who art in heaven...

...hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come...

...thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread...

...and forgive us our trespasses...

...as we forgive those...

...who trespass against us...

...and lead us not into temptation...

...but deliver us from evil.

[b*llet CLATTERS]

The Lord bless you...

...and keep you, both now and forevermore.






Noon. Come on, scram.



KENT: You're going through with this?
- Noon. Watch me.

- Don't do it, they'll get you.
- We'll get through...

...if we don't get double-crossed.
- They'll mow you down.


- Morgan?
- Yes, sir.

I want to see you in my office.

Yes, sir.

Who's in on this break?

I don't know anything about a break.

Morgan, you're a liar.

They've got g*ns.

You know where they are.

Where are they?

If I did, I wouldn't tell you.

What kind of a rat do you think I am?

Not even if we opened the gates for you?

Is that all you've got to say to me?

Hold him here.

Keep an eye on him.

- I can't get anything out of Morgan, sir.
- Don't worry. I've got the dope from Kent.

The break is set for noon.

Just two minutes.
What are they going to do?

Kent couldn't tell me.

I've doubled the g*n guard.

Where is he?

Why doesn't he come?

There he is.

Frost is k*lling the flowers,
so I picked a whole lot today.

Make a big bunch, don't they?

Fine. Thank you.




Grab all those g*ns.

Get those screws...

...and take them to the cellar.


- We've been double-crossed!
- It was Morgan!

- Morgan?
- Yes!

I'll get that guy!

I'll k*ll you.

If it's the last thing I do.

Joe! Get those screws,
put them in the hole.

Get in there!

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]


We'll fix them.

Go and get Sandy!

Come here, Sandy.

Come out of there.

Come on. Get over there.

Over there. Come on.

You go to the warden.

Hurry up.

Tell him to open those gates
and let us go through.

If he don't, we're going to bump off every
screw in here and throw them out in the

- Beginning with Wallace.
- Yes, beginning with Wallace.

Here, take that g*n.

Hang that out that gate.

All right. Open it just a little bit.
Not much!

All right. Come on.

Get to moving, you.

Butch said if you
don't open the gate...

...they're going to k*ll
all the guards beginning with Wallace.

I'll see them in hell first.

Let them have it.

Come on out of there, Wallace. Come on!

Hurry up!


...you said your prayers?

I don't know any prayers.




Miller! Miller! Give them the gas b*mb.
Give them the gas b*mb.

Open those gates
and let us go through...

...or we'll send
the rest of these screws to hell!

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

You dirty double-crosser!
They'll get you for this!


Butch! Joe!

Let me out!

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

Joe! Joe!

Get me another screw out of there!

What's the matter, kid?

Morgan locked the door.
He's got the key!

Butch! Butch, come here.


Morgan's got the key. He's locked the door.

Don't k*ll me!

Don't k*ll me! It's not my fault!

I didn't mean to squeal!
I didn't mean to. They made me do it!

Don't tell Butch.

So you double-crossed
the g*ng, huh?

Don't let them get me, Morgan!

Coward. I guess you're not to blame for that.

Go hide.

I didn't mean to do it!

They made me!

They told me they would get me out.

Don't k*ll me!

I don't want to die!

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

The army tanks are here, sir.

All right. Send them in.


What's that?


We'll get the rope for this...

...but I'm going to get that rat Morgan.

Morgan, you in there?


Come out of there, you rats!

Get out of there! Come on! Is Morgan there?



Is Morgan in there?

Where are you, bastard?

Where are you?



I know what you're coming for, Butch,
but I didn't rat on you.

One step closer, I'll sh**t you.

[g*nsh*t THEN JOE YELLS]

He shot me in the arm, Butch!

I warned you, Joe!

I didn't double-cross the g*ng.

You stick your head out of that door...

...and I'll throw a slug between your horns.

Stand back, Pop!

Morgan didn't turn you in.

Even the screws are protecting him.

Come on. Let's go in and get him.

INMATE: Wait. My eyes!
I must be losing my sight. I'm going blind!

You're all right. It's only the gas.

Morgan, we're coming after you...

...you snake.

I warn you, Butch.
Stay where you are! Stay where you are!

Joe! Joe! I got him.

I'll finish him.



You're badly hurt.

I'm on my feet.


Don't lie to me.

Who, me?

MAN: Listen, Butch. It was Kent
who sold out the g*ng, not Morgan.


Butch, my friend.

You know I wouldn't
double-cross you, Butch.

Sure, I know you wouldn't.

I was only kidding, that's all.

Just kidding. Just...

Sure. Sure, Butch.

I knew that the whole time.

I knew it.

I knew it.




John Morgan, forger,
who had escaped from prison

is now a true hero.

The mutiny cost 50 inmates
and guards their lives.

I want to thank you, warden,
for all you've done.

You deserve it.

All ready for a new start, Morgan?

Yes, sir, I am.

Have you made
plans for your future?

Yes, sir. I thought I'd
go to the islands of some new country...

...and take up government lands.

Good idea. New friends...

...new surroundings, hard work...
That's a man's salvation.

Are you going alone?

Well, I don't know, sir.

Goodbye. I wish you luck.

- You deserve it.
- Thank you.

- Well, so long, Pop.
- So long, Morgan.

See that you don't get homesick again.
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