02x04 - Beast Friends

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x04 - Beast Friends

Post by bunniefuu »



but so are you



hey little sis what's going into you

flea problem

like you don't know why are you taking

draculaura to the dance cause heath was

being he okay claude sit stay this is

obedience class

i've got my friends over here and my

family way back over there that's the

way i like it so you stay in your yard

got it

she is one of my best friends so if you

do anything anything to hurt her

feelings i'm gonna be in your grill like

a hamburger understood whoa slow your

growl sis sure she's a cool ghoul but

i've known draculara since i was a pop

we're just going as friends promise

gloom beach fear camp we'll be in touch

big day today huh cleo big day why what

have you heard um

nothing i'm just totally sparking for

our big cheer

oh yeah right big chair yay

i know we haven't been our best lately

but we are going to bring it tonight

you'll see

aren't you gonna put on your uniform

of course i was just about to that's the

way that's the spirit why just talk when

you can cheer it


why aren't you wearing your fear-leading

uniform uniform uniform uniform i said

why aren't you wearing your fear-leading

uniform the rally is tonight aren't you

totally charged up yes of course tonight

is a very big night you bet your fangs

it is and we've gotta be on point for

cleo okay go get changed go go go

get changed


sup can i ask you something ghoul to


why are you going to the dance with my

brother did i do something to you oh no

it's not weird is it i hope it's not

weird i didn't mean it's not weird just

as long as you're going as friends right

oh yeah totes just friends bloodies

hey is that a new collar looks fab just

friends oh

too much drama i can't let this go on

any longer

tonight i will tell claude how i feel


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