02x05 - Varsity Boos

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x05 - Varsity Boos

Post by bunniefuu »



but so are you


hey don't you have a cheer to be getting

ready for what's the point if we don't

get into gloom beach fear camp none of

this matters ah come on you won't know

till you know you know so stop worrying

about it try to have some fun


check this out


raising money for the football team it's

a good cause adorable hey it's cleo

gullia any messages attention student

body of monster high the spirit rally

will now commence

we're about to go on with cleo it's not

like her to miss a big cheer i know

she's testing us duh

gloom beach fear camp is right around

the corner and she wants to know that we

can think on our feet be ready for

anything they throw at us so come on

let's show her we've got what it takes

and now captain of the swim team


the casketball team





cleo's pretending not to notice us

that's her way of telling us we're

boring let's kick it up a notch


hey girls don't worry about that little

spill you're getting a lot better i'm

sure you'll make a big splash at gloom

beach vk thanks laguna

hey aren't you gonna dance with gil he's

smiling at you really

i wish things weren't so complicated

friends can totally dance together i

mean look at draculaura and cloth

i guess it is weird

you know there's something i've been

meaning to tell you really me too you go

well we've like known each other for a

long time right and i mean

you're friends with claudine and i don't

want this to be all weird


ever since you joined the

squad i think i know where this is going

you and i

yes are becoming

really good friends of course i'll be

your girlfriend


good friends yeah total best

i gotta go



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