02x08 - Fatal Error

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x08 - Fatal Error

Post by bunniefuu »

no no no no this can't be happening go

you do something

i can't see what's going on the girls

can get into the gloom beach fearleading

competition if they get a million hits

on fright tube and they're way close but

they gotta get it by three o'clock oh i

thought it was something i cared about

why isn't it working this is a tragedy

what's not working what down in front i

can't see okay hang on it says here that

the sight shut down what so nobody can

watch it now

one minute to go go go go go go go go go

go go go go go go go go go go go

i can't believe this we were so close

excuse me coming through

what did i miss ghouls

i want you to know how royally proud of

you i am you're gonna make me cry

i'm serious the way you came together as

a squad to try to make this happen

well you guys have got more spirit than

any ghouls i have ever met and that's

what fear squad is all about

i'm not crying as if cleo cleo check it

it's all over the monster news now site

frighttube crashed because of all the

traffic to a single video your video

no way i knew you

could million hits that broke the

all-time freight tube record what does

this mean did we get in

i can't look what's it say

monster high fear squad you are hereby

invited to attend gloom beach beer camp

congratulations to the monster high

cheerleading squad who have just been

invited to gloom beach clearcast way to

go girls

i can't believe it i have to start

packing right now

how many swimsuits should i bring 40

pairs of shoes enough is there a

suitcase limit congrats girls i'm so

happy for you ah you are so nice we're

totally pumped oh i wish you could come

with us what are you talking about love

i go to gloom beach every spring break

new dad says they got the best

underwater camping this side of the

barrier reef this is so awesome

everybody together we're gonna have the

time of our lives okay on three



two three
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