02x28 - Hiss-teria

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x28 - Hiss-teria

Post by bunniefuu »




i've been looking for you

what's up i need to borrow your bite

ology book i left mine i don't have it

can you just check yeah but i'm just

late for that thing that i'm late for


what's gotten into deuce have any of you

noticed him acting strange lately deuce

yes it's probably nothing but earlier

oh hi

so he was in the catacombs below the

school with operetta that's slimy that's

just not duped you need proof his locker

he stopped me from looking at it but he

can't stop spectra what do you see it

appears to be some type of bouquet

addressed to my pet oh that does it cleo

where are you going to give operetta a

piece of my mind

i want everyone to know about this

operetta is trying to steal my man do i

even know you stay away from deuce y'all

are picking on the wrong fiddle whoever

deuces if he's going out with you

then i might could doubt i'd be

interested you think you can steal him

because you're both rebels and into the

same dumb music maybe you should look in

the mirror what is that supposed to mean

y'all got a spider on your face


i have never been so humiliated

she really had no idea who deuce was

what if this is a misunderstanding we

need to track her and catch them



what is this place it's the monster high

catacombs they built the school on top

of it


cleo what are you doing down here

surprised we tracked you and your new

girlfriend operetta down here your pets

my what oh no no no no no it's not what

you think it's kind of embarrassing but

this is was my pet smokey he was the

first thing i ever loved first thing i

ever ruined today is the anniversary

i was just a boy i couldn't control my

powers of poor smokey he was just trying

to play

it's supposed to wear off on the

anniversary i just don't know which one

the bouquet snapdragons his favorite

treat i'm sorry if i was acting weird i

accept your apology

i was right

maybe you should apologize to operetta

too i'd sooner set my hair on fire and

besides i still don't trust that ghoul

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