02x30 - The Bermuda Love Triangle

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x30 - The Bermuda Love Triangle

Post by bunniefuu »

hey i was rocking out to this mix holt

made for me and i guess i got carried

away you two are really getting along

huh he's really sweet once you get to

know him sounds like someone has her

first crush it's not a crush and it's

not my first what about

frankie hey jackson jackson i just heard

that boys are fighting by the

creepeteria so they're fighting over

oh so romantic

when do they start this is it

zombie fights are slow

all because they were both crushing

angular what if this happens to holton


my fist plus your face equals epic win

one dexter your mouth is wrong

yeah i gotta figure out what to do

so you like two boys do you and wanna

know what to do about it talk to your

friends wow the oracle's really lazy

hey laguna

um i think i like two boys too wow good

for you some of us are lucky if we can

find one much less get his parents to

accept us or even keep him in the same

school but two boys good on you mate i'm

very happy for you


we still on for tomorrow night hey

draculaura just to say actually claude

tomorrow we're supposed to go visit

grandma at the farm we sent her to last

year what about the next night brother's

birthday two other brothers obedience

graduation how many brothers do you have

which litter hey we're a big family you

wanna date a wolf it comes with the

territory never mind i'm beginning to

think that the oracle is really bad at

her job

cleous i can't know we're here all right

wait who damn

spectra tipped me off i'm just waiting

for the right time to strike now what is

it you need you see there are these two

did you see that he gave her a thumbs up

that doesn't mean anything that does

give me a hand will you

you make my life complete our love is

stronger than concrete

excuse me frankie i have a boyfriend to

destroy in a very public way

oh i'm sorry did i answer your question

you bet you did

oracle now i know what you were trying

to tell me all along relationships are

hard enough by themselves why do i want

to make things even harder i've got to

make a choice


or holt
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