02x34 - Rising From the Dead

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x34 - Rising From the Dead

Post by bunniefuu »

falling apart

Oh Draculaura stealing my heart

hot-dogging movie make me howl of the

moon question this booth I k*lled it now

you so big I even though you so far and

do says stone cold I'll these are my

boots Michaela stand through a little

strange but so are you

let the transition begin surrender your

gear don't deserve them yeah

good luck winning without my world-class

routines you're right we can't do it

without the book we're giving up we're

not giving up we were beaten think of

everything we've been through together

thinking about it just makes me sad

we're still a team we can still compete

I let you down all of you

I'm well it's gonna take more than some

thread and a jolt of electricity to

bring this back to life never give up

never never never gonna oh I remember

this with a good cheer the school needs

us we need us and I need some help will

totally help hey guys I was just

thinking you're right I mean it's just

silly old fearleading I've never lost

football it's the new feel eating team I

know I had the worst practice of my life

the new fearleading team is gonna cost

us a title ah too bad there's nothing we

can do I see what you're doing if

Draculaura is willing to give it another

shot then I will come on means me I'll

take that as a yes now just need to meet

at the trophy case I'll text clear ok

what's the emergency look remember this

one never give up I was there this is

about more than fair leading it's about

us listen to our own Cheers

anything about surrendering no we can be

great together but Cleo we need a leader


you failed to live up to my legacy as

captain you didn't fail you won the

spirits dad another reminder of my

failure cameo denial the only captain to

win the spirits tab and never even make

it to Nationals I don't ever want to see

this scary movie

you couldn't just press the button yeah

to throw it on the ground I'm sorry I

failed again we give up the only thing

that disappoints me Cleo is that you're

giving up look at them they need you

never give up never never never gonna

but we're a second-class team as you

were at gloom beach but you found a way

to win that I guess you're right of

course I'm right look you have

everything you need to win each other

I'll help you if you're up for it yes

oh thank you thank you miss Murphy and

thank you Frankie Stein now let's

reclaim what is
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