03x06 - No Place Like Nome

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x06 - No Place Like Nome

Post by bunniefuu »

falling apart

Oh Draculaura stealing my heart

hot-dogging movie make me howl of the

moon this goo I clearly know you so big

I even though you act so far and do says

stone-cold bad these are my boobs my

skeleton crew is a little strange but so

are you

hmm hey Abby are you ready for finals

week oh um are you okay

I'm fine feeling top of world it looks

like you've been crying

me never I'm not sad must go late for


Abby wait what's with her huh this is

the time of year when all girls from

Abby's village go through a challenge

the Himalayas they survive off the land

and pass various grueling physical and

mental tests hmm and women in your

grills this is the week so that's why

she's so sad if she couldn't go because

of finals for thing oh yeah please

that'll never work

will it yes I'll talk to blood good what

a great surprise for Abby hey ghouls

want help for study biology oh sorry we

can't yeah we have to go to the mobile

the boys why

Frankie Draculaura she's here what is

going on we talked to Bloodgood and you

can hang out in the freezer for the week

GUI has set up a webcam so you won't

miss any class we know it's not quite

the Himalayas but wait

Abbey you know it's okay to tell us when

you're sad we're your friends

hey leaky do you know how to arm wrestle

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