03x29 - Boo Year's Eve

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x29 - Boo Year's Eve

Post by bunniefuu »


all my friends have big plans for the

next year we've only got seconds left

until midnight

whoa did i do that

oh frankie

what is going on don't touch anything

until i can figure out how to fix this

look at all of them so excited for the

coming year i wish i was

take claudia i'm gonna launch my own

scary cool clothing line

the word of the year for cleo in 2013


of course you're gonna cure scoliosis

uh heath what are you doing what uh not

building a fort out of zombies that's

for sure

operetta's gonna ride a rockabilly opera

venus is gonna organize a cleanup of

gloom beach rebecca's gonna rocket jump

over monster high you see every monster

i know has a plan for 2013

everyone except me doesn't that make it

more exciting not knowing what's coming

up maybe there are so many surprises

waiting for you in the new year yeah

you're right hey when'd you get to be so

smart it's kind of a secret but the

easter's got a pretty big brain in

here it's okay not to know what's in

store you know what now i'm pretty

sparked about 2013.

hey monsters don't fear the year to find

out more go to monsterhigh.com celebrate

2013 with monster high where screams

come true
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