08x21 - Meltdown

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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08x21 - Meltdown

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

This is so beautiful.

It's amazing.

I think this is it.

You, uh, you think
this is the one?

It will make her very happy.

All right, then,
this is the one. (chuckles)


About the price...

Can you, uh,
can you help me out here,

come down a bit more now,
just a little?

Sir, you already asked me that
last week.

I've done all I can.

I'm giving it to you
almost wholesale.

- Hey, come on.
- What are you doing?

Hey, get out
of the road, dummy.

Belt's busted.

I got to call a tow, man.

You know you can't
leave your car there.

Sir, she's going to love
anything you give her.


Let me show you some of our
more affordable settings.

No, no, hang on, hang on.

This is the one.

I'll make it work.

Can you, uh, spread it out
over these three cards?

Everybody down!

Stay down on the ground!

Out of my way!

Do it!

Let's go!

Somebody call an ambulance.

All MDPD units--
code two-nine with sh*ts fired.

Two motorcyclists heading
eastbound on the 913.

Suspects armed and dangerous.

This is Horatio Caine.

I'm on the bridge
and in pursuit.

I love her.

Where are they?

I didn't see 'em, Lieutenant.
That's impossible.

They just came right up here.

They never came this way.

Well, they didn't
just disappear.

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ We don't get fooled again ♪

♪ Don't get fooled again ♪

♪ No, no! ♪

Well, they didn't
just drive their bikes

off the side of the bridge.

They wouldn't have
survived that fall.

You got something, H?

These tread marks.

Made a pretty fast U-turn.

Why did they double back?

Look at that scraping.

Something was
definitely dragged.

Maybe they rode their bikes
up onto something.

Mr. Wolfe,
I saw a truck drive by.

We're looking for a fastball;
They threw a changeup.

Put out a BOLO?

They're long gone now.

These guys are good.

You got anything?


I checked the starter,
the belts,

the battery, the alternator.

There is nothing wrong
with this truck.

There's no reason
why it should have stalled.

Yeah, they dropped it off
here as a blocking maneuver.

Did you run the VINs?

That is the one thing
that is wrong with it.

It's been stripped.

That right?

What is it?

I thought I saw
somebody I knew.

Oh, yeah, who?

He's an ex-boyfriend of mine.

His name's, uh, Jake Berkeley.

He's an undercover cop.

You see this?


It's a VIN plate.

You didn't pull this?


That wasn't there before.

Look, if you don't park it,

I'm gonna cuff you to
one of these tables.

I already told you, I don't know
how they opened the cases.

Well, how do you open 'em?

With a key, but I
have the only copy,

and these guys-- they merely
just waved their hands

and the cases popped open.

Why didn't their magic
work over there?

They didn't even try,
and those cases have

some of our most
expensive diamond sets.

Say this is an insurance scam.

You'd want to take pieces
that would, uh,

attract less attention,
wouldn't you?

What are you saying?

I'm saying it looks
like an inside job.

I'm the only employee

who was here at the time.

Where were you
during the robbery?

On the floor, with
everyone else.

Here, look
at my security footage.

Hey, Frank, do you
know what this is?

I found this taped
to a flower pot outside,

and-and I could swear
that it's wreaking havoc

on my hearing aid.


Give me a minute, will you?
All right.

How's it going?

Does he have anything
to tell us?

Hmm, beyond the obvious,

there appears to be something
underneath his nails,

and I overheard the manager say

he was buying an engagement ring
for his sweetheart

and they snatched it
from his dying hand.

Wasn't enough to take his life.

Natalia, let me see
that doohickey.


Flip that switch.

Huh, you know what that is?

It's a signal jammer.

They used it to disable
the wireless security cameras.

Son of a bitch.

Excuse me.

You're gonna have to wait
on the other side

of the tape for me, please.

Oh, sorry, um,
I'm just wondering

if my boyfriend's
still in there.

If he is, he's probably
giving a statement.

Okay, I've been waiting for him

in his office for a while now.

Do you mind checking for me?

His name's Ben Rooney.

Ben Rooney.

You stay here

and I'll check it out, okay?

Tom, what are you doing?

Everybody can see the body.

Horatio wants me to get the
nail scrapings to you ASAP.

That I understand.

Is his name Ben Rooney?

This is his girlfriend.

Oh, my God.

So, what's under our
Vic's nails isn't skin.


Check it out.

Looks rubbery.


It's because it's latex.

Okay, so our K*llers
wore gloves.

And the transfer occurred

when they grabbed the
ring from his hand.


VIN number you and Jesse found,

we got an address.


It's the getaway truck
Horatio saw.

Looks like they're long gone.

What the hell?

Calleigh, come
take a look at this.

Let me guess.

It's a diamond.

How'd you know that?

They're everywhere.

There must be a million
in diamonds here.

This one's still in the prongs.

Somebody must have
been in a hurry.

Who the hell would
throw away diamonds

after they go to the trouble
of stealing them?

I don't know.

But we should get this back
to the lab.

Stay here.

Miami-Dade PD!

Slide your w*apon out
where I can see it.

Get down on the ground
right now! Hands on your head.

Get down now!



His name was Joe Tepper.

Robbery-Homicide started

tracking his movement in South
Beach a couple of months ago.

Dropped me into a

meet-and-greet with a guy,
and within a few days

I've been recruited
for the next heist.

So what went wrong?

He, uh, he sniffed out
I was a cop.

Is that why you shot him?

I did that to stay alive.

He drew at me first.

Were you in the store, Jake?


No, I just drove the truck.

Then when we passed you, the
other guys bailed a few miles

after, and Tepper

told me to meet him
back at his place.

So he just threw away

a hundred thousand dollars
worth of diamonds?

That's what I asked him, and
that's what pissed him off.

If you're just going
to throw them away,

I'll take 'em off your hands.

Tattooed with serial numbers.

Cops will track them
right back to us.


You ain't never tried to fence
a stone before, have you?

Relax, man.

I just, uh, asked you
a question.

You ask a lot of questions
for a driver.

You carry a badge, don't you?

What do you think he did

with the settings
of the other pieces?

I assume he gave 'em
to his partners.

And who are the partners?

I don't know.

That's what I was
trying to find out.

But, uh, he kept me on
a strict need-to-know.

All right, come on, Jake.

You got to give us something.

An innocent man was k*lled
this morning.

What do you think I'm doing?

I mean, giving you
that VIN number

is probably what put my ass in
the crosshairs to begin with.

Yeah. You're right.

Thank you for that.

So, what do you think now?

I think this trail's
officially gone cold.

Not yet it hasn't, Jake.

We've still got

the diamonds.

I need case

It was checked in by
Duquesne this morning.

Yeah, we got bin 15,
envelope five.

Bin 15, envelope
five-- there's your winner.

Thank you, sir.

Walter, the seal on
this box is broken.

One, two, three, four...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
No, no, no, no, no, no.


Walter, I'm missing
envelope number five.


One, two, three,

four... six.

Olansky. I need the chain of
custody on the diamonds.

What's wrong?

Man, just give me
the chain of custody!

Detective Duquesne logged them
in this morning.

Detective Wolfe checked them out
at 9:32.

Okay, so... you just forgot
to put them back?

No, I didn't forget to
put them back, Walter.

Calleigh had me come down here,
count them,

and I put 'em back in the bin.

So maybe you accidentally walked
out with the envelope.

Walter, what are you suggesting?

The diamonds are missing,

I'm trying to jog your memory
about where you...

Walter, I put the envelopes back
in the bin, and then I

checked out with him.
He's right.


Somebody stole
the stolen diamonds.


I see him.

So we have a hundred thousand
in diamonds gone?

On your watch.

But sir, I said the security
cameras were down

in this area of the lab.

Did it occur to you
to get 'em fixed?

I called Tech Services the
moment they went down.

And what time was that, Officer?

About 10:50, sir.

Wolfe reported the
evidence missing

at 11:17.

That's half an hour, Horatio.

I'm surprised the entire
locker isn't emptied out.

H, if I may.

You know, those monitors
at the jewelry store,

they went haywire, too.


That's strange.

This shouldn't be turned on.

How do you mean?

I disconnected the battery
before I processed it,

and I left it that way.

Battery's still connected.

Yeah, I got eyes, pal.

Look, someone must have
known this was in here.

And then they turned it on
before they lifted the diamonds.

Who's the last person
who touched

the signal jammer?

That's you, Mr. Simmons.

Horatio, I didn't do this.

I know you didn't, Walter.

Give me a minute, please.


Thank you, Walter.

Horatio, I have to request that
I handle this investigation.

This is my lab.

It's going to be
my investigation.

As soon as I have the results,

I will share them with you.


Got Joe Tepper's clothes
from the morgue.

Tepper's the guy that
Berkeley popped. Yeah.

Let's see what we've got.

There's faint white rings
under the bloodstain.

Looks like something splashed
on there and then dried.

Look at that.

Looks like a memory card
from a digital camera.

We can pop that in
and see what spills out.

These were all taken
by the thieves

casing the jewelry store
in the neighborhood.

And unfortunately,

they didn't manage to take
a picture of themselves.

Who's that?

This is the manager opening
the store in the morning.

Keep going.

This is the key
of the display case.

Can you make a copy of a key
from a photo?

All you have to plug
into the key code

are the measurements
of the teeth,

and if these guys had
a computer program

that normalizes the size
and the position,

they could easily
make a duplicate.

Well, then this is how they
broke into the display cases.

Is it me, or does that photo

look like it's taken
through a window?

Yeah, it does. I wonder if it's
from one of the offices

across the courtyard.

Let's find out.


This is it.

This is the perfect perspective
to get a close-up on the keys.

So then it must have been taken
from inside that office.

It's a real estate office.

You're kidding. What's the name?

Ben Rooney Properties.

Ryan, that's the name
of our victim.

Maybe our victim wasn't
so innocent, after all.

Miss Pennington,
the owner told us

that Ben was in the store
every day last week.

Now, would you know why?

I guess he was there to buy me
an engagement ring.

Actually, we don't think so.

We believe that Ben was
casing the store.


Ben was also
taking pictures

of the manager's keys, so that
he could make duplicate copies.

I'm sorry, I-I don'
understand this.

So... if Ben was one of them,
why would they sh**t him?

Thieves will often turn
on each other during a robber.

That way they get
the extra share.

We also know
that Ben was working

with at least
three other people.

Does this man look familiar
to you at all?

Or did you ever hear Ben talk

about somebody
named Joe Tepper?

I-I don't know.

How well

did you know Ben?

I only knew him three weeks.

I went into his office
to buy a condo.

Are you still
showing houses today?

Whoa. Geez.

Didn't see you.


Here you go.

My fault.

What kind of place
are you looking for?


How about this one?



Miss Pennington,
is there something

that you're not telling us?


You do realize that Ben

probably knew his K*llers

and anything you can tell us
will help us find them?

I'm sorry. I just...

I guess I didn't
know him at all.

We've got a splatter stain found
on the jeans of Joe Tepper.

♪ ♪

Mr. Wolfe.

I got boric acid--
what's that used in?

Uh, insecticide,
flame retardant,

metal casting.

Metal casting.

Diamonds were removed
from their settings.

What kind of
settings were they?


They're all made of gold.

That's what they're using

the boric acid for.

With the acid, gold goes liquid

at 1,800 degrees.

Maybe it's not the diamonds.

Maybe it's the gold.

So, why are we talking
to this Spano guy?

He's been in lockup
for the last two months.

The biggest fence in the city.

He will have information

about who our thieves are
and where our gold is going.

Have a seat, please.


I understand you guys need me
as a technical consultant.

So how does this
affect my situation?

Depends on how generous you are.

Okay. So, whatcha got?
We've got

a jewelry store smash-and-grab,

and they were only concerned
about the gold.

They used boric acid.

Very nice-- these boys know
what they're doing, for sure.

So why just gold?
Aren't diamonds worth more?

Yes, sometimes,
but in the heart, my friend,

gold is the Golden Rule.

What happens when
the economy tanks?

Gold skyrockets.

You know, people trust it.

They can hold it in
their hands, they can

put it under their bed at night.

And with the current
state of affairs,

gold is up over
$1,200 an ounce, amigo.

That is a better investment
than Google.

So, who were

your buyers, amigo?


Trick question.

I'm losing interest.

Who are they selling
the gold to?

Everyone buys gold.

You're not gonna find

your boys through the buyers.

Gold can't be traced.

It doesn't have serial numbers,
like diamonds.

You melt it down,
it cannot be traced.

It's easier to move than heroin.

Well, these guys

were pretty efficient.

They were in and out
in less than 60 seconds.

You have any idea who they are?

Thanks to you fine people,
I've been out of the loop.

A man died in the store.

All right, I can tell you,

this one job ain't enough;
It takes a lot to make a score.

I suggest you widen
your net, but...

If I were you I'd do it fast,

because once they have enough for
a sale, they're gonna move on it


And then...



Speaking of which, take him.

That's it?

What about me?

All right.

Well, now what?

You heard the man, Jesse.

Let's widen our net.

Make a call to the Feds.

Hey, have you seen
that signal jammer?

Uh, yeah, it's
right over there.


Hey, you okay?

Yeah, yeah, no, I'm good.
Hey, I hear

you're gonna be playing
on our team again.

Hey, I've always
been on our team.

What are you talking about?
Hey, I'm just here

helping you guys out until
your case load lightens up.

Will you do me a favor? Will you
turn that thing off, please?

It's making me crazy.


It is off.

It is?

It's got to be you,
then, because my hearing aid

(whirring grows louder, then
quieter) just totally...

Started freaking out
right when...

...right when you walked in.

You didn't come back here

to just help us out, did you?

What are you talking about?

You forget I was
an FBI informant in this lab,

and I know you've got
to be wearing a wire.

I am.

It's off.

Thank you.

Is this about the diamonds?

That's the fastest

I've ever seen
the state's attorney's office

move on something.

We've been working on this

for a couple of months, Natalia.

When we were receiving
evidence for trials

things would be missing:
dr*gs, cash.

Small amounts.

We couldn't find
where the leak was.

Until today.

Does Horatio know?

Of course. When were you
gonna tell the rest of us?

Or do you actually think
that it is one of us?

That's why I volunteered
for this-- to protect you guys.

I'll filter the recordings.

Something's still going on.

Look, I need you
to keep this between us.

Okay, but you've got
to be careful, Eric.

I'm not gonna
let anyone get hurt.

I meant you.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You know, Calleigh carries
the same drop g*n you do, a...

Ankle-holstered .45.

That's right.
She, uh,

she showed me how she
makes custom a*mo for it.

She uses a
Russian-brand primer.

She, uh, mixes it with
Whitefield 296 p*stol powder.

"Hand loads," she calls them.


She said you showed her
how to make them.

Is that why you
brought me in here?

Because you're jealous
that your girlfriend

still has something from the ex?


No, actually, we found, uh, GSR
on a video signal jammer

that was used to disable
the cameras here in the lab.

And they contain mercury.

That's unique
to Russian-brand primer.

Well, like you said, I'm not the
only one who uses those loads.

Calleigh could've
got it on there

during processing.


Except she never touched them.

Are you working for I.A. now?

No. No, I'm not, but, uh,

I'm gonna have
to take this to them.

So, where were you, Jake,

when the diamonds went missing
from the locker?

Are you kidding me?

Now I'm the
Pink Panther?

Hmm? Don't you think
I've had enough trouble today?

I nearly got k*lled, Delko,

in case you haven't heard.

No, you did the k*lling, Jake.

So, let me tell you
what I think.

I think that you've
been undercover too long.

I think you've seen
some big money change hands,

and, uh, thought it was time
to take a piece.

The carrot we dangled
in front of Tepper,

to take me on, was
the toys that I could bring.

Like a wireless signal jammer.

And if I did get GSR
on that thing...

it was before I
passed it off to Tepper,

not after you guys
logged it into evidence.

And you know what,
until you pull

undercover duty...

Don't lecture me
on how long I've been under.

'Cause you have no idea
what it's like.

I widened the search

by using the FBI's National
Data Exchange System.

So I searched for any unsolved
jewelry store robberies

that fit today's M.O.

New York, Seattle,


They're nationwide.

23, not counting today's.

And the FBI's calling
them 60-second men--

in and out in less
than a minute.

I'm telling you,
it's all the same.

They have keys to
open the displays,

they take only gold,
escape on motorcycles

through staged traffic jams.

Except this time, they
put a man in the morgue.

Do we have photographs
of the thieves?


Uh, no, like today,

they always knocked out
the security cameras.

What about photographs
by witnesses?

Yeah, I'll run a search.

Those two are blurry.

That leaves us with four.

You know what, Jesse?

Zoom in on those faces.

They're all different.

Maybe the latex we found

wasn't from the
robbers' gloves.

Maybe they wore
facial prosthetics.

Is there any way we
can see their real faces?

Can we make a composite?

Well, here's the
recognition software

to compare facial structures.

Maybe if I... I remove
the differences,

that might subtract
the prosthetics.

They're women.

The image on the right, Jesse,

is the victim's girlfriend.

Ben was honestly
buying you that ring.

He wasn't a part
of the heist, was he?

Ben was just a mark.

Oh, I think
he was more than that.

No. His office had
the vantage point

we needed
to photograph the keys.

Thanks for waiting for me.


If that's true, then why didn't
you just melt that down

with the rest of the stuff?

Because I'm stupid.

I did the one thing
you're not supposed to do.

I fell for a mark.

♪ ♪


I got to go.

I have an appointment.

I'm dead if I miss it.

Oh, I know.

I have appointments, too.

Let's just play hooky
today, huh?

Just you and me?

All right, but we got
to stay in bed all day.

And that's why

you went back
to the jewelry store.

I went back to see if...

Ben was still alive.

Yeah, I guess you wouldn't
have had that problem

if you didn't sh**t him.

I didn't.

I couldn't.

Well, then, who did?

Out of my way.

Do it!

Forget about him.

Come on, let's go.

Why don't you, uh...?

Why don't you tell us
who your partners are?

I'm not a snitch, okay?

You're also not a m*rder*r,

and I'd hate
to see you go away as one.

Okay, look, Kayla,

if you had any feelings for Ben,
don't let his k*ller go free.

All right.

You already know Joe Tepper.

He was our utility.

He basically did
whatever we told him.

And that's Whit.

Whitney Dern.

How about you tell us
where she is right now?

This is where
we melted the gold.

But she's shipping it out
this afternoon.

And she's going with it.


What did you think you'd find?

Pile of gold?

Check it, Jesse.

It's just a shipment of bikes.

Whatever you're looking for,

it's long gone by now.

If that were true, lady,

you would have left
the truck behind.

Stay where you are.

I'm coming up.

Jesse, you got a gold pen?

Yeah. There's one in my kit.

This motorcycle's made of gold.

Hide it in plain sight.

Easiest way to get
it through customs.

Where was the gold going to?

I don't know, Your Honor.

I'm just an innocent bystander,

threatened by these big men
with g*ns.

You're under arrest
for the m*rder of Ben Rooney.

Don't know a Ben Rooney.

Kayla Pennington did.

And you're taking
her word for it?

That's the way this works.

Cuff her.

Stupid bitch!

We were so damn close.

Get her out of here!

And you sold us out?

$24 million down the drain?

I hope he was worth it.


Um, Jake told me what happened.

I just wanted
to stop by and let you know

you don't have
to worry about him.

Look, I'm not
worried, I just...

Look, it's not about
you and me, Calleigh.

It's about the lab.

No. I meant he couldn't
have taken the diamonds.

You're just gonna take his word?

Well, he was with me.

What do you mean, with you?

I took him to the hospital
to get checked out.

And that's it?


You know, it's funny

because I thought
that you weren't jealous.

I'm not.


I just, uh...

I'm just curious.

That's all.

All right.

Well, I should go,
because I'm tired.

It's been
a really long day, and...

...I have to go home.

Save a little something.

♪ ♪

The guy

from, uh, Forensic Engineering
on the second floor

with the beady eyes and
the scissor hands...

Oh, Mitten.
Yes, yes.

Yeah, yes, yes. If 50 pounds
of beef jerky was missing,

then I'd believe it was Mitten.

So still no word
on those diamonds?

No. Gone. Thin air. Poof.

Telling you guys, heads are
gonna roll on this one.

I guarantee it.

I got an announcement to make.

I'm not going out
for a drink tonight.

I'm too tired.
I'm sick of this mishegoss.

I'm going home, taking a bath.

It's too bad, 'cause
I was gonna go get myself

a tasty beverage at Crosby's.

I'm in.

Count me three.

Is five a crowd?

Definitely not.

This is where we get to break

the new guy in.

The new guy. How about
the new guy's buying?




Ugh! You know what?

I should probably hang back.

I know it's stupid.

What? What are you
talking about?

It was you idea, BV.
I know.

I forgot that I have got
to be in court tomorrow morning.

I haven't even begun
to look at my notes.

You know, I'm gonna have

to catch up
to you guys another night.

That's sad.

Let's go.

Have one for me.

Have a nice night.
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