09x04 - Manhunt

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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09x04 - Manhunt

Post by bunniefuu »

[siren wailing]

[Dispatcher] All units--
quadrant search in progress

for five escaped convicts
currently at large.

Units at MacArthur Causeway,
stand by

for immediate East and West

Air groups, report in
to base command on channel 11.

Suspicious activity reported
at Lexington Center.

[siren wailing]

Escaped convicts
from Miami-West Prison

running loose
in our very own neighborhood.

All looking for
the fastest ticket out of town.

So these are the bad boys, huh?

Yeah, and then some.
We got bikes, boots, air units

from prison to Broward County.

Hey, Marino, I need copies
of these photos ASAP, thanks.

[Dispatcher] Ground units Bravo and
Charlie en route from Bay Point.

Please confirm.

Broward 16 en route, copy.


[police radio chatter]

Right. Closer. Come on.
Right there. Hold it right there.

- [Caine] Gentlemen.
- [Officer] Lieutenant.

Wave the first bus forward.
I do not want hostages.

Got it.

[air brakes hiss]

[taps glass]

Ladies and gentlemen,
I am very sorry for the delay.

We will have you on your way
in just a few minutes.

Thank you. Sorry, folks.

- Morning.
- Morning.

Okay, my friend,

there are two ways
off this bus--

slowly and quietly,

or feet first.

You decide.

Tex Gilroy, serial r*pist, in custody.

One down.

Has he contacted
the Mala Noche yet, Frank?

No contact with the current leaders.

[Walter] Hey, that one guy.
That's Memmo Fierro, right?

Yeah. He m*rder*d Marisol--

Horatio's wife, Delko's sister.


I checked with Prison Gangs,
Organized Crime, A*F.

All negative for planned activity.

We'll get him, H.

If it's the last thing we do.


You need a service manual?

It's hard to be spontaneous when you're
strapped inside of a midshipman's hitch.

- [laughing]
- You're all thumbs.


What the hell was that?


Traveling in style, eh?

Get off my boat.

Nah, I'd rather take
a look around.


Let's see.

[glass shattering]



A little something to protect
yourself from pirates?

I bet you wish you got to this first.

It works a lot better that way.

- [g*n clicks]
- Oh, loaded, too.

My lucky day, not yours.



Dresses, jewelry.

Where's the missus?

She's meeting me here later.

Think about it, buddy.

How far do you think
you're going to get out here?

[hammer cocks]

Why? You doubting me, buddy?

Let's take it outside.

[grunting, blows landing]


[anchor chain rattling]

[engine starts]

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ We don't get fooled again ♪

♪ Don't get fooled again ♪

♪ No, no! ♪

[siren wailing]

The getaway boat is a Boston Whaler
heading for Virginia Key.

[Dispatcher] Lieutenant, the additional units
out there are coming up empty.

He may have ditched the boat,

so check with the port
and get back to me. Mr. Wolfe?

The guy rode a 500-pound
anchor to the bottom.

Found dozens of prison-issue
treads all over the deck.

This has Memmo Fierro
written all over it.

- Yeah.
- If we don't find him quick,

he's going to k*ll again.

All he wanted was jewelry?

Dougie's gone over jewelry?

I just-- I just thought
it was something nice

to bring on the trip.

I don't want it.

Look, Daisy, I know
that this is so hard,

but you cannot blame yourself.

Is this the man that you saw?

He took our g*n, too,

the one Doug insisted
we have on the boat.

I could see it

in his hand.

What he was doing.

It's like he took joy in it.

Ryan, did you hear that
they found the getaway boat?

Yeah, Memmo beached it
at Dover Bay,

so now we have no idea
how he's getting around.

Well, he might not
need transportation

if he ends up heading
to this location.

- Golden Sun Dry Cleaners.
- That's where his girlfriend works.

And it's less than a mile
from where he ditched the boat.

Okay, Calleigh's at the bay.
I'll see if you can find her.

Guess there's somebody
for everyone, huh?


Memmo's been in Miami-West Prison
for five years now?

He escaped, along
with seven other people.


Is this the first you're hearing of this?

Yes, I work.

I'm at the dry cleaners 24/7.

I had no idea.

- So he has not tried to contact you?
- No.

- Not that I know of.
- Do you have a cell phone, Ms. Hernandez?


Would you check it for us, please?

No missed calls from anyone.

- Where'd you get those earrings?
- They were a gift.

- From who? From Memmo?
- No. I told you. I have not seen him.

Really? Because I have
the matching necklace,

and I got it off a woman who was robbed
on her boat this morning by Memmo.

You know, he's k*lled
one man since his escape.

So stop playing games
with us, Ivonne.

He met me out back.

Behind the dry cleaners,
about an hour ago.

- Take it. Take it!
- What is this? Jewelry?

[Ivonne] He insisted on giving me
this jewelry as a gift.

Please. He will k*ll me if he knows
that I was here talking to you.

You're already in possession of
stolen property from a m*rder scene.

[Calleigh] Not to mention
aiding and abetting a fugitive.

I was living with Memmo
when they arrested him.

They investigated me, too.

I lost custody of my daughter.

Now, to have any chance
of ever getting her back,

they said that I need
to show stability,

that I can support her
on my own.

- Were you going to sell this?
- Yes, and put it into savings.

Okay? I-I didn't want
a gift from him.

Well, that will work out nicely for you,
because we're keeping them.

And the cell phone, too.

Look at me. Look at me!

We know Memmo's leaning on you.

Where did he say he was going?

He didn't say.
He wouldn't tell me anything.

[Woman on P.A.]
Dr. Alexander to radiology...

Can I help you?

Yes, just a quick question.

Do you happen to know, by any chance,
when you started working here?

- Me?
- Mm-hmm.

Uh, let me see.

I've been here since...
August of last year.

Wrong answer.
[hammer cocking]

[woman screaming]

- When did you start working here?
- [sobbing]

- When?
- Please! January!

- Wrong answer. You!
- [women screaming]

Step out, now!



When did you start working here?


Last week.

[g*nsh*t, screaming]


[crowd screaming]

[chatter on police radio]

[siren wailing]

[Dispatcher] Attention all units.
g*nshots exchanged.

Officer down at Dade Memorial.
Suspect is armed and dangerous.

- Commander.
- Yes, sir.

- What have we got?
- We've got two dead, one wounded.

We're in lockdown.
SWAT's on their way.

Contact K-9.
We'll use the elevator shafts, too.

- Okay?
- He might still be here.

There's one way to find out.

[siren wailing]

- Watch it.
- I know.

Hey. There's some discarded clothing
under the truck.

What do you think?
Does it belong to Memmo?

They've got fresh spatter on them.

It stands to reason,
if he departed from here,

he used one of these trucks.

[siren wailing]

[on radio] This is Lieutenant Caine.
The suspect is now in possession

of a department-issued
nine millimeter handgun

He has stolen a dispatch radio.

Please be advised,
and be careful with all transmissions.

All units, all units.

CSI reports suspect Memmo Fierro
shed his blue coveralls

and is now in unknown clothing.

All units use caution,
as suspect should be considered

armed and extremely dangerous.

[air brake hisses]

[woman screams]

You! Step out! Now!

Step out!

- Why did he spare me?
- We're not sure yet.

He kept asking the same thing
over and over.

What was that?

"When did you start working here?"

"When did you start working here?"

"When did you start
working here?"

Why was he doing that?
It made no sense.

Let me ask you a question.

Did he mention
any specific calendar dates?

I don't know. Maybe.

I'm going to give you
a minute by yourself.

This officer will bring you
anything you want. Okay?

You've been amazing, all right?
Thank you.

What the hell
is going on, Horatio?

Guy opens fire on a hospital staff,
then he's in the wind again?

What is he up to, Walter?
What does he want?

Could be avenging some g*ng thing?

- I guess that's possible.
- Lieutenant?

- Yeah?
- I got a civilian requesting you.

On our frequency.

- This is Horatio Caine.
- [Man] My name is Aaron Taber.

And I need for you to arrest me.

I need to arrest you?
For what reason, Aaron?

I didn't do my job.

And what is that job?

I don't want to die.

You don't want to die-- Memmo?

Are you there?

Unfinished business, Horatio Caine.

And this is my rainy day.

Yes, and if I catch you,
it'll be your last, Memmo.

I know the sound of a man
with a broken heart.

What's it been?

Five years?

Since you held your
newlywed wife's hand?

Still tugs at you.

Memmo, I'm going to k*ll you for that.

You mark my words.

Walter, Aaron Taber. Find him.

What do you think?
You think it ends here?

I forgive you...

for doing your job.

- He's gone, Eric.
- Damn it.

Why would he lure us here?

And what do we know about him?

I don't know. Walter was
checking his background.

Let's see what he sent me.

He was an employee at an agency
called Find Us Families.

- A case worker.
- Placing children.

After Memmo was in prison...

Child Services came
and found all of his g*ns

still hidden away in my house.

I never knew.

Okay? But they did not believe me.

And all visitation for Elsa
was restricted from that point on.

And, uh, this man was assigned

as the case worker for your daughter?

Yes. They transferred our case
to a-a private company.

They kept talking about
a backlog or something.

He promised me
that he was going

to find a good but temporary
home for Elsa.

Memmo shot and k*lled him
in his own driveway today.

- Why would he do that?
- Memmo's not in my life anymore.

And if I have any chance
of ever seeing Elsa again,

I cannot let him back in my life.

You did just let him back in.

And you had no intention
of telling anyone.

I was protecting myself.

Maybe it is time to protect
someone else, Ivonne.

He just wanted to see his daughter,
and I told him that he couldn't.

- And he pushed.
- The man is on a k*lling spree.

Why don't you visit me, baby?
Look at me.

- You better not find someone else.
- You can't be out like this, okay, Memmo?

- Please, just go, okay?
- Ivonne, just take it.

Trade it, keep it, whatever.

Where's Elsa?
Did she come to work with you?

No. She can't be with me,

because of everything
that you've done.

- They took her!
- What are you talking about? Who took her?

She's in foster care.

I never went
to go see him in prison.

So I had to explain that
a case worker had her.

A man named Aaron. Him.

Memmo shot and k*lled two intake workers
today at Dade Memorial.

Aaron Taber have any
association with that hospital?

I don't think so.

A couple weeks ago,

Elsa was rushed to the hospital.

And Aaron said there had been
some kind of accident

in her new foster home.

And it made me really angry.

You told Memmo about this accident?

Yes, I did!
I blamed him for everything.

They rushed her to the hospital,
and they won't even let me near her!

Because of what you did!
You did this to her!

She's going through
this because of you!

I thought that he
was just going to leave.

I never thought that he was
going to do anything, and...

I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said anything.

I agree, Ivonne.
Sit tight. Eric?

[Eric] I'll get on the phone
with the foster placement agency.

Yeah, that's a good idea.
It might be his next target.

Yeah, Aaron's been a case worker here
almost six years.

Everyone's in shock.

We're afraid this escapee is targeting
everyone associated with his daughter.

Elsa Hernandez? Poor girl.

Born into this world
with Memmo Fierro as her father.

So you're familiar with the case?

Do you know where she is now?
- Uh, no, actually, that was all Aaron.

We're faster than the city services
at placing children with families,

but we don't have a lot of time
to compare notes with each other, so...

Let me pull the file
from Aaron's desk.

Kenneth? I have Russell on one.

Hold the calls, please.

Uh... Yes, yes,

his daughter is currently living
with a foster mom.

- Thank you. Excuse me.
- May I see that?

Hey, H. Yeah, it's Walter.

So, uh, the daughter
is living with a foster mom.

A woman named Joanne Connors,
at 312 Gardenia Drive.


I'll let you know what we find out.

- They're headed over right now.
- Okay.

So, I understand
that Aaron had told

the biological mother that
there'd been some sort of a hospital visit?

Oh, yes, yes,
I remember that day.

Uh, yeah, he was gone
most of the afternoon

assisting the foster mom--
a household accident, apparently.

[Natalia] The girl had second-degree burns
on her arm and was admitted

to Palo Vista Medical Center.

Not Dade Memorial.

Probably 'cause
they couldn't take her right away.

Mommy, it hurts.

Please, she's in a lot of pain
right now.

I understand, but we have
a lot of emergencies, sir.

Take a seat over there,
or take her to Palo Vista.

That's, like, ten miles away.

Those are the choices. We're sorry.

Ah, for God's sake.

- Mendez!
- Thank you.

- Can you give us a minute?
- Yeah, sure.

That's why Memmo showed up
there asking those questions.

He's trying to get the people
responsible for turning her away.

- [g*n hammer cocking]
- Uh, do you know, uh,

by any chance when
you started working here?

I've been here since
August of last year.

Wrong answer.

[woman screams]

And if you follow that logic,

she suffered the burn injury
on the foster mom's watch.

She could be a target, too.

Oh, God.

It's clear, H.

Mr. Wolfe, call an ambulance.

This is CSI Wolfe.
I need an R.A. unit

at 312 Gardenia Drive! Now!

I left my phone out here.

Here we go.

He was bald, and wore tattoos.

[Caine] Nice and easy.
We're gonna elevate this leg.


Ma'am, I know you're in a lot of pain.

- Where is Elsa?
- I don't know!

Did the man that shot you
take the girl?

Did he take the girl?

[labored breathing]

No, I told him
she was gone already.

She went to school,
and she didn't come home.

I've spent the past two days
trying to find her.

Two days? She's been missing
for two days, you haven't reported her?

Are you kidding me?

- [Joanne groans]
- [Caine] Ma'am, hang in there,

we got an ambulance coming.

♪ I'm on a rampage
Rippin' up the damn stage ♪

♪ Full-time faith healer
Some say renegade ♪

♪ Part-time psycho
Trippin' on the lemonade ♪

♪ Don't want trouble
But I give it to you anyway ♪

♪ Yes, I'm insane
Put you in pain ♪

Horatio, where is she?

- Where's my daughter?
- I don't have her, but I'm gonna find her.

Why am I supposed to believe you?
You can't even find me.

That's because
you're running from me.

How do you know
she's not running, Horatio?

How do you know she's not somewhere
right now, alone and afraid?

Here's what we do.
You turn yourself in, we focus on Elsa.

This is the city that let her fall
through the cracks to begin with.

They took Elsa from her mother.

Her mother was living with
a cold-blooded k*ller, Memmo.

They dumped my little girl into
the system and they forgot about her.

Why else would they leave her
with a pathetic woman?

They don't care, it's all about
their damn spreadsheets.

I'm gonna take those spreadsheets
and I'm gonna hang them with them.

And if you don't show me
my little girl,

all of this is gonna get
a lot worse.

Do you understand me?

[camera shutter clicking]

Whoa. That's a lot of blood.

- She gonna be all right?
- Yeah, we got to her in time,

but the little girl's still missing.

And Tripp says the last time
she was seen was boarding a bus

at the end of
the school day on Friday.

He's canvassing the bus route,
he's canvassing the campus

to see what he can turn up.

So what should we be looking for,
if she never came home?

Yeah, well, here's the thing.

The foster mother never
told anyone she was missing.

- She's covering for something.
- Yeah.

Yeah, she's definitely
covering something up.

I bet you it's right here in this house.
Where's the girl's bedroom?

- Bedroom's this way.
- I'll go to work outside.

[chatter on police radio]

All right, so the screen's
been busted out,

and I got pry marks along the
bottom edge of the window frame.

Window frame is split.

Looks like someone
tried to jam it open.

Here and here.

Somebody was trying to break in
to this little girl's room.

Let's hope that the intruder
left some evidence behind.

What do you got?
You got something?

Got a torn piece of paper
with some printing on it.


All right, guys, I got nothing but this
little piece of paper that doesn't belong.

You got a piece of paper?

Eric, you got
a piece of paper, too?

You know I do.

So maybe they're connected.

[camera shutter clicking]

Hey, so your piece of paper and mine
are definitely from the same source.

Identical texture and thickness.

This piece right here,
it has a crease-- bang, right there.

So I'm thinking maybe
it was folded over something

before ripping and separating.

Yeah, I mean, that's the last
of the block lettering, there.

That stripe...

It's professional printing.

It looks like it's from
a local business or something.

- We're grasping, aren't we?
- [laughs] Yeah.

It could be from a flyer,
a pizza joint...

junk mail from a retail store...

You know what?

Here's a list of all
the businesses in the area.

- This one?
- No, I think the lettering is too bold.

The color is off on that one.



Golden Sun Dry Cleaners.

Great! Now we know where
the foster mom does her laundry,

but it won't help us
locate the missing girl.

No. No, you're thinking
of the wrong mom.

Elsa's mom,

Ivonne Hernandez,
she works at a dry cleaner's.

She works at that dry cleaner's.

[siren blaring]

Were you or were you not
in the house, Ms. Hernandez?

Just answer the question.

I was, okay? I was.

But it was a couple weeks ago,
before Memmo had gotten out.

Elsa and the foster mom,
they weren't even home.

[dog barking nearby]

- What were you doing there?
- I don't know.

Aaron had got me
some visits with her,

but it wasn't enough.

He had told me that
she had hurt herself, and I worried.

I needed to be near her somehow.

For a minute there,
it made me feel better.

I know I've made some mistakes,

but you've got to let me go find her.

We can't.

In order to keep you safe,
we need to keep you here.

She's right. All right?
Let us find her.

[door closes]

You find her... before he does.

We will. I promise.

What are you thinking?

Yeah, I'm thinking I hope
that's a promise we can keep.

I ran a report on the foster mother
with the b*llet hole in her leg.

Turns out she had a nine-year-old
under her care two years ago,

and he was hospitalized.

Look at that.
You know what I'd like to know?

I'd like to know how this foster mom
even qualified to take care of Elsa.

I don't know. The whole
Find Us Families operation is hinky.

Will you look through
the employee roster?

There's got to be at least one person
who has an idea of where the girl is.


[sirens wailing]

Okay, great. Thanks.

- Anything?
- No.

No, patrol's still just going door to door
talking to all of her school friends.

Did you find anything, any prior
placement locations in her file?

Nothing that we didn't know already.


Well, Kenneth McGuire
is the agency rep here.

Walter and I spoke to him earlier.

He was supposed to give us
his employee roster.

Secretary says
he'll be back any minute now.

[Natalia] Aaron Taber made
regular visits to the house.

He did more than that.
Look at this.

Says here he was trying
to do the right thing.

He recommended that Elsa
be removed from her foster home.

He recommends that Joanne Connors
be terminated as a foster mother.

But the whole thing is denied.

- By who?
- Kenneth McGuire.

Kenneth McGuire said he didn't know
anything about Elsa Hernandez's case.

Yeah, he was lying to you.
He knew it inside and out.

[dialing phone]

[recording] You have reached
the voicemail of Joanne Connors.

Please leave a message, and...

[phone button clicks]

It just connected me
to Joanne Connors.

So, McGuire has a direct line
to Elsa's foster mom.

Where the hell is this guy?

Hey, excuse me.

You do know that this agency
is under police investigation, right?

I need to speak to McGuire right now.

Not five minutes from now. Now.

He was supposed
to be back ten minutes ago.

- I don't know where he is.
- You call him.

You need to make that phone call
right now. Right now.

- I tried. He's not answering.
- Let's call him again.

[cell phone rings]

I'm happy for you, Elsa.

Good things happen
to good kids.

A family like this,
you'll never have to look back.

[ringing continues]

I don't know his license plate.

Do you know what kind
of car he drives?

Some kind of Lexus.

- A color? A model?
- I'm getting that information.

Does the car have a GPS unit?
Does it have navigation?

- Yeah, yes.
- Okay.

The car has navigation.

This is Lieutenant Caine.

We are tracking a possible
kidnapping suspect.

Copy that, Lieutenant.

Assistance requested for all units
in the vicinity of Reservation Parkway.

Repeat, Reservation Parkway.

[siren wails]

k*ll the engine! Let's go!

k*ll the engine and
toss those keys, right now!

Do it!

Hands up high!
Let me see those hands.

Okay, slowly
get out of the vehicle.

Hands where I can see them.

Very good, Kenneth.

So, what are you doing out here?

- You okay?
- I'm giving her the life she deserves,

after everything she's been through.

Look, beyond those gates
is a wealthy family

that will love her
and take care of her.

And what is your cut
of that love, Kenneth?

That's what I thought.
What about the biological mom?

A death row inmate's girlfriend? Yeah.

Even you don't believe that.

Believe me. No one was going
looking for this girl.

- [Caine] You're wrong, Kenneth.
- [Eric] H!

[tires screeching]

Keep your hands on the steering
wheel and stay in the car.

You're good, Horatio.
I knew you wouldn't let me down.

Let him go, Memmo.

- I got a clean shot, H.
- Easy, Eric.

You're too good a man to k*ll me
in front of my own daughter.

You know how important
family is, don't you?

You shut your mouth.
You don't talk to me about family.

Bring her out.
I want to see her now.

- Not a chance.
- Bring her out!

Or I put one in this
gabacho's head, man.

Elsa, listen to me,
go back to the car right now.

Right now!

Hi, sweetie.
Do you remember me?

You're getting so big.
You're all grown up.

Memmo, let him go.

Elsa, listen to me. This is probably
the last time you're going to see me,

'cause I have to leave.

Everything's going to be
okay now, though.

- Just be good for me.
- [Caine] Elsa?

- Go back to the car right now.
- Can you do that?

[mouths words]

I've got somewhere to be.

- If I smell a cop tailing me, he's done.
- [Caine] Memmo--

- I'm gonna take him!
- Easy, Eric. Memmo!

- H, I'm gonna take him!
- [Elsa] Please don't sh**t him.

- Please.
- Elsa, baby...

I love you. I'm sorry.

Memmo, today is about her.

Tomorrow will be about you.

You okay?

- This is CSI Delko. Please be advised--
- All right.

...we have a stolen yellow cab
heading east on Oak Hill.

- Okay.
- Passenger is Memmo Fierro.

[Eric on police radio]
He is armed with a hostage.

I repeat, armed with a hostage.

Oh, my God.
I got a chance with you.

Everything's gonna be
okay, baby, okay?

I thought you didn't
love me anymore.


Don't you ever think that.

I will always love you.


Good luck.

♪ Yeah! ♪
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