09x06 - Reality Kills

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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09x06 - Reality Kills

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Poppin' bottles in the ice ♪

♪ Like a blizzard ♪

♪ When we drink we do it right ♪

♪ Gettin' slizzard ♪

- ♪ Sippin' sizzurp in my ride ♪

♪ Like Three 6 ♪

♪ Now I'm feelin' so fly ♪

♪ Like a G6 ♪

Move over, prime time,

because your favorite
reality series is back.

The Boroughs Take Miami
is celebrating its premiere today,

and you're invited to the party.

[cheering, yelling]

♪ Like a G6 ♪


Yo, Gabe C. from Queens here.

What up, party people?



You know what they call
the sixth borough?




- Hey.
- Huh?

Are you, like, a bodyguard
for the cast.

No, no. I'm a cop.

- Here to do crowd control.
- Oh.

You guys usually do that?

On a day when we have

five parades, yeah.

Hey, Miami, what's up?!

It's your girl Too-Shea here

representing Brooklyn,
that's right.

So, you can't, like,
introduce me to Too-Shea?

No, can't help you.

You having fun?

Listen, I got something y'all
are gonna kiss my feet for.

My new tanning spray
will be available

in all your finest drug emporiums

starting this month.

But y'all get a free sample!


- Whoo!
- Oh, I love you, too!

- Yo, yo, yo, Miami!
- I wasn't even done yet.

Yeah. What's up?

She loves it, she loves it.

Ladies, you love it.

Yo! It's your boy,
Zachary "g*ns" Rittner

saying holla from The Bronx!


So, y'all remember
to pick up some g*n Fire,

my signature

dietary supplement,

the next time you want
to catch some prey.



Possible g*nshots fired,

Hotel 220. Stand by.

Welcome to the g*n show, b*tches.


Oh, yes.

- You want me! You want me!
- [explosions booming]

False alarm. Fireworks.

- Oh!
- [microphone feedback]

Courtney's wasted.

Yeah, again.

Ow! Dude!

♪♪ [continues]

All units, person of interest
heading towards the main stage.

He's got on a blue flannel shirt,
blue flannel shirt.

- Keep an eye on him.
- [Rittner] Whoo!

[Man in crowd]
Have another drink, Courtney!

- [feedback squeals]
- Miami...


Get down! g*n!

- g*n! Everybody down!
- [fireworks explode]

[clamoring, screaming]

Move! Move!

Watch out. Watch out.

Watch out. Watch out.

This is Eric Delko.
I need an ambulance

and immediate backup
to Hotel 220. Hotel 220.

She's dead.
Listen, get up here.

Stay with the body.
Don't let anyone near her, you understand?

Don't let anyone near her!
Stay with the body!

Yes, security...

Watch out, watch out, move!

Get out of the way!

Coming through! Move! Move!

[car horn honks]

[tires screech]

These parking lots
can be active.

Now, get your hands in the air

- and get up. Slowly.
- [sirens wailing]

Hands in the air.

You got the wrong guy.

Is that a fact?

Then why are you
carrying that w*apon?

It's not what you think.

It's a pellet g*n, H.

It's just red paint.

Well, what are the pellets for?

Courtney has a hair care line.

The pellets represent
the blood of the animals

that Courtney used to test
her hair care products with.

- That sounds like motive.
- No.

I just wanted to send
Courtney a message.

I didn't k*ll her.
I didn't even get a shot off.

Well, you know what, my friend?

If I find out you're lying,

the same won't be said of me.

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ We don't get fooled again ♪

♪ Don't get fooled again ♪

♪ No, no! ♪

[Female Newscaster]
Reality got too real in Miami this morning

for a star of the hit reality
series The Boroughs.

[Male Newscaster]
Cast member Courtney Alderman

took a tumble that some say
might be fatal.

[Male Newscaster #2] Although police
have yet to confirm the star's death,

witnesses attending the show's
season premiere party at Hotel 220

immediately Tweeted
about this celebration gone wrong.

[camera shutter clicks]

I'm telling you,
there are no secrets.

I mean, you live together
in a hotel for three years,

you get to know each other pretty well.

Do you know this man?

Ew, pasty, granola hippie.

So not my type.

Yeah, well, we think that, uh, he
or the animal rights group he works with

may have something to do
with Courtney's death.

Oh. It was one of those
activist stalkers.

Yeah, Courtney and me--

we get, like, hate letters a day.

Some from stalkers with a cause.

Some from just plain-old stalkers
who wanted to jump our bones.

Yeah, we're going
to need to see those.

Oh, okay.

Statue of Liberty,
uh, booze luge.

Makes you miss college.

- Yeah, what you remember of it.
- Yeah.

Tell you what, I'm going
to go check the footage.

If the cast didn't
see who the k*ller was,

maybe the cameras did.

Here. These are the hate letters
we got just from today.

- I don't know what it is.
- People just love to tell us they hate us.

I don't know.
The dude needs to beef up.

Did you ever see him
approach Courtney?

Don't look like her type.

I mean, maybe if she was drunk.

And knowing Courtney,
she probably was.

[electronic whirring]

Fluoroscope's not picking up anything.

No pellets, no BFT,
no lacerations, nothing.

No pellets.

Well, that clears Wayne Bullock.

What if somebody took a shot at her

during the fireworks
display with a real g*n?

Have you got a through
and through?

Torso's clean.

All right. Let's go again.
Hands on.

Hey, Tom.
She's got blood in her ear.

Inconsistent with blunt-force
trauma from the fall.

Only a millimeter in diameter.

And yet...

the tympanic membrane's torn.

Shredded her internal auditory canal.

Her balance was gone.
That's why she fell.

The fall isn't what k*lled her.

Courtney suffered a s*ab wound
that penetrated her ear

and didn't stop
until it hit her brain stem.

An injury this severe, she would
have been dead within a minute.

So she was stabbed
near where she fell.

A regular knife wouldn't
do that, would it?

It would need to be
something specific

to navigate the ear canal
and penetrate the gray matter?

You're looking
for a unique blade.

Four inches long,

and only several millimeters wide.

Great. I know exactly
where to start. Thanks.


♪♪ [electronic dance]


To Courtney.

- [feedback squeals]
- [Woman] Hey...

Hey, people,
Miami-Dade Police Department.

The party's over.

Shea Williamson,
Zachary Rittner,

Gabe Calligan,
you're coming with us.

Let's go.
Come on.

What is all this about?

[Caine] This is about
finding the m*rder w*apon

that k*lled your friend.

Hands up.

Watch your hands.

What are you looking for?

Jeez, you don't have to paw-r*pe me.

I'm not paw-raping you.
I'm just searching you.

Why would I k*ll Courtney?

We've seen the footage from the show,

and it's clear you've had
problems in the past, Gabe.

I did not hook up with Too-Shea's sister.

You know what, fine.
Lie about it.

It doesn't matter to me, okay?

Shea's the one
that's gonna be pissed.


If Courtney's gonna
accuse me of lying,

she needs to realize that
I will eventually shut her up.

That's just my pocketknife.

Just your pocketknife,

yet slim enough
to match the wound

in Courtney's brain.

So witnesses confirm

that Courtney was in the green room
before she fell.


So the cast were the only ones
with access to the green room.

That makes you guys
the prime suspects.

Hold up.

Courtney was my friend.

Not in The Boroughs,
she wasn't.

Courtney, sweetie,

you have to stop [bleep] guys
after I do.

- We just went to dinner.
- You [bleep].

You think I've been naughty?

What do you think,
this is some ploy for the cameras?

Your friend Courtney
was stabbed to death.

Don't you mean shot?

By, like, that activist stalker with a g*n?

No, I mean stabbed.

By something sharp.

Like a nail file.

Do you think one of us k*lled her?

What I know

is that you were all the
last people to see her alive.


And according to the show,

you all had motive.

Booty call!

g*ns, not tonight, okay?

It was some [bleep] nobody

she met at the bar.

Courtney can hook up
with whoever she wants.

I hope she catches that herpes
virus thing and croaks.

Yo, the show has nothing
to do with actuality.

Yeah, well, you know what,
Courtney was actually m*rder*d,

and you are all
actually suspects.

You understand that?

I told you, you wouldn't
find nothing on me.

Can I have my cell phone
back so I can go now?


Let me look at your jacket yet.

No, I told you I wasn't
sporting no m*rder w*apon.

Come on!

I wouldn't
be so sure about that.

You sure know a lot about our show.

What are you?
A fan?

No, I'm a police officer.

I do my homework.

- [camera shutters clicking]
- [crowd clamoring]

We're coming to you live now

from Miami-Dade Police Department,

where cast members of The Boroughs
have been released...

Representatives for the remaining cast

have insisted they were just brought in
for routine questioning.

[Man #2]
No charges have been filed

In the stabbing death
of Courtney Alderman.

[Woman #2]
Fans of the hit series are insisting

that the show must go on.

[Delko] So we luminoled
everything they had on them,

from the pocketknife to the nail file.

There's not a drop of blood
on any of them.

- Yeah, you, too.
- Hey.

They're mugging it up
for the cameras

the same day their friend dies.

At least they're not letting
m*rder get to their heads.

Hang on. Who's this?


- [crowd gasping]
- [Man] Whoa, whoa! Hey!

Eric! Arrest him!

What's your problem, man?

Get him, get him! Hey!

Mr. Calligan, are you okay?
Look at me.

Mr. Calligan?

[siren wailing]

Hello there,
"Dan Wilson."

Why did you hit that kid
back there, huh?

It's complicated.

Oh, yeah?
You want to explain to us why?

- I'm done talking.
- Okay.

For now.
Let's go.

Who would do that to you?

- Did you know that man?
- I don't know.

First Courtney, now me.

What is going on?

Why Gabe Calligan?

What about Courtney Alderman?
Did you s*ab her, too?

Who? No.

You shouldn't be talking to me.
I'm not the k*ller here.

Well, you did attack
Gabe Calligan,

and that's aggravated as*ault.

Mr. Wilson, I need a reason

not to send you to jail right now.

What did he do to you?

He tried to k*ll my baby brother.


Tyler, my brother, snuck
into a club last night.

He's been acting out.

Our mom died last year,

and since then, I'm all he's got.

He texted his best friend
from the club.

Said he'd bought dr*gs
from Gabe Calligan,

the famous kid from The Boroughs--

only they were bad dr*gs.

How do you know they were bad?

Tyler OD'd.

He's on life support
at Dade General right now.

You sure it was him?

I'm positive.

I just can't prove it.


They don't think he'll make it.

[siren wailing]

What do you think?

Not good, Lieutenant.

We haven't been able to identify
the drug in his system.

What about symptoms?

They're all across the board--

Dangerously low levels
of sodium and potassium,

constriction of the blood vessels.

This is unlike anything
we've seen before.

And until I know exactly
what we're dealing with,

I can't treat him.

The wrong therapy could k*ll him.

How much time do you give him?


We need to know what
he took, and fast.

I'll get you an answer.

So here's what we know.

Courtney was stabbed
through the ear

with an unknown m*rder w*apon.

And uniforms tossed
the green room

and came up with squat.

So, apparently,
our m*rder w*apon

just vanished into thin air.

All right, let's just say
for the sake of argument

that it wasn't
a fellow cast member.

Well, we also know
that the witnesses said

that there were no producers
and no crew in the green room

before she fell.

True, but we traced
all the letters that Shea gave us...

Here are the people that we know
were busted for stalking the cast

in the last year.

That girl is in prison.

- And that dude--
- That's a woman.

Is in Latvia.

Right, so no one was
even remotely near Miami.

Okay, well,
maybe this was personal.

Maybe we should be
looking into her past.

The show gave
Courtney a fake identity,

but we got a warrant
for her real Social Security number.

Get anything from it?

Sure did.

Courtney's real name
is Megan Rauch.

She was born and raised
in Darien, Connecticut.

- What?
- Really?

Thought she was from a borough.

Apparently not.

She was homecoming queen,

captain of the field hockey team,

president of the drama club.

She has a squeaky clean record.

Really? Because on the show,
she's drunk and disorderly

every other second.

Maybe it was an act.

Maybe she was hiding
who she really was.

Well, that's not
all she's hiding.

So I found myself going through
the footage of the show.

Don't you mean avidly
catching up on the season?

Maybe that, too.

I found something
kind of interesting, though.

Take a look at this.

♪♪ [electronic dance]

Yo, listen, if I impregnated you,
you'd have twins.

You cannot tell anybody.

Tell anyone you did what?

Come on, it hasn't
happened for months.

Holy [bleep]!

You two [bleep] guys hooked up?

You're dreaming, Shea.
It never happened.

Yeah, me and Court, man?

No [bleep] way!

This is good.

I mean, I would keep
that a secret, too,

if I'd hooked up with
that roided-out freak.

Yeah, point taken, but, uh,
look at the freeze frame.

Look what she's holding.

Her stomach?

Maybe she was sick
from partying all night.

I don't think so.

Maybe she was pregnant.

Thank you.

She is holding her belly

like an expectant mother.

Hey, Tom, is there any chance

our victim was pregnant?

She really was knocked up?

How long after you
started sleeping together

did you find out?

Well, no, we never did that.

We all just watched
the same footage.

I don't think that
there's any point in lying.

- Yo, g*ns ain't a liar!
- All right, Zachary,

you've got two girls
who know a lot about g*ns.

You can sit down.

Look, Courtney's blood
tested positive for HCG,

so we know she was
pregnant when she died.

All we have to do is run
a paternity test on you,

and then we could
book you for m*rder.

Did you k*ll Courtney
and the baby

because you thought
they might cramp your style?

You're a good-looking guy.

I'm sure the ladies like you.

Did you think they wouldn't
like you if you had a baby?

All right, look.

That was all an act,
a setup for the cameras.

It wasn't real.

All right?
Look... Courtney and I never hooked up.

In fact...

I've never slept with anyone.

I'm sorry. Do you expect us
to believe that you're a virgin?

I mean, if that's true,
why would you get buff?

What's with all the buff?

To quote from Corinthians,
chapter six, verse 19,

"Your body is a temple
of the Holy Spirit within you."

Is this guy for real?

Look, this is the real me.

Zachary Rittner,

seminary student...

and future priest.

Then who is "g*ns"?
Who is that?

I don't know.
A made-up character.

The producers of The Boroughs--
they saw me on a beach in L.A.,

and they liked my look,
so they offered me a part in the show.

Said I could play
the part of "g*ns."

Look, I know what you're thinking.

"Why would a future priest take
such an immoral job?"

What better way
to reach out to sinners?

And the money, it goes straight
to the Church.

You never slept with Courtney?

And I will gladly give
a DNA sample to prove it.

That baby wasn't mine.

- Yo, Wolfe!
- Hey.

So, I went through
Courtney's phone records

and found one incoming
Connecticut number

that popped up more than
any other, a guy named James Reed.

But there's no mention
of him in her file.

Can we track his cell phone,
see if he's in Miami?

Way ahead of you.
Reed's at Hotel 220.

Been registered there
for the past two months.

Two months?
How did we miss this guy?

Guy's been hiding in plain sight,

in a room directly across
from Courtney's.

Oh, great, we've
got another stalker.

I know.
I already brought him in.

So, you were stalking Courtney Alderman.

Look, we know that
you came to Miami the same day she did.

We know you requested the
hotel room across from hers.

I wasn't stalking her.

You don't need to lie to us.

I'm not!

Then why were you following
her every single move?

You want to explain that?

Because she was my wife.

Look, Courtney's contract required

that we keep the marriage a secret.

What about the baby?

We agreed that she was gonna
quit the show

and go back to Connecticut.

All right, look, Mr. Reed,

we searched your hotel room.

We found a broken lamp,

we found a broken vase
by the bathroom.

You know what that looks like to me?

Signs of a struggle.

That looks like you two didn't have,

I don't know,
very happy discussion?

Look, I'll admit it.

I reacted badly when Courtney
told me she was pregnant.

Is it even mine?

You know you're the only one
I've been with!

Everything else is just editing!

Is it?

I thought
you were gonna be happy!

I thought you wanted
to start a family

and make a new life with me!

Baby, calm down, okay?

Baby, calm down.

Once we cooled off,
we agreed she'd leave the show

and start a new life...


You do realize how bad this looks?

You and Courtney had an argument
the same day she was m*rder*d.

And you never stepped
forward as her husband.

Look, I was a mess, man.

I didn't know what to do.

But I did not k*ll my wife and baby.

I loved them.

So, you gave this kid poison?

But I didn't.

What do you mean, you didn't?
He O.D.'d on dr*gs that you sold him

last night at a club.

He dies, that's on you.

Either you stop lying to us,

or getting punched in the face

will be the best part of your day.

Look, I got no talent,

no shtick, no nothing.

All I have is my fame.

I just wanted my own thing.

What, so your thing is
selling dr*gs?

What's in the drug?

She said it was ecstasy.

Who's she?
Your supplier?

Look, I know what
happens to a rat, okay?

- I'm not stupid.
- Listen to me.

You don't talk,

people are gonna think
you did anyway.

Least if you do,
we can get the D.A. to drop the charges.

You're looking at 15 years,


what's her name?

What is her name?

Hannah Beckstrom.

Her name's Hannah Beckstrom.

- I'll track her down.
- [Caine] Okay.

Is he gonna die?

You better hope not.


Hey, so do you believe
that Courtney's husband

would really k*ll his own unborn child?

Look at Scott Peterson.

And you know that they say
that m*rder

is one of the top causes
for death among pregnant women?

- Wow.
- Yeah.

That's awful.

We know Courtney was stabbed
here in the green room.

Maybe this was a crime
of opportunity.

Then the easiest way to get rid
of the m*rder w*apon

would be to drop it.

It has to be here.

No way it just disappeared.

Hey, Lady Liberty.

You know why
the real one's green?

No, but I bet
you're gonna tell me.

She's green
because she's made of copper.

So the oxidation process

causes a green patina to form.

Did you moonlight as a tour guide?

Hey! I spent some time in New York.

I took the tour...

and I learned that her crown
has seven spikes for the seven seas.

But there's also another spike

that not many people know about.

Wanna know where it is?

Please tell me where it is,
because you are k*lling me.

Bottom of the torch.
Check it out.

Uh, no.

- No?
- No.

That spike is not there.

What do you mean, no?
I-- I saw it.

I took the tour.
It's supposed to--

Well, okay, it's not there.

I mean, in your defense,
it looks like somebody

broke it off, like it's missing.


Wait a minute.
How big would that be?

Would that be about four inches long

and a few millimeters wide?

Small enough yet sharp enough
to penetrate the ear.

No wonder we couldn't find
the m*rder w*apon.

You were right.
It didn't just disappear.

- It melted.
- It melted.

A m*rder w*apon
with a guaranteed expiration date.

Okay, but even if the m*rder
w*apon did melt,

the sculpture itself
might be able

to lead us to our k*ller,

so we really should take this in.

Yeah, but how do we stop it
from melting?

Find out if the hotel has
a freezer truck.

Look, I'm double parked.

I better not get a ticket.

You guys totally
dragged me in here.

Miss Beckstrom,

parking tickets are the least
of your problems right now.

That's a nice bag.

Bet you paid about
two grand for that?

I think we know
where you got the money.

You sold dr*gs to this man
last night at Club Rev, right?

That guy from that reality show?

You gotta be kidding me.

- I do not sell dr*gs.
- But you used to.

That's right.
You got a few priors

for possession with intent to sell.

Hannah, a boy is dying in
the hospital as we speak.

I need to know what you
sold to Gabe Calligan.

I just told you,
I didn't sell him anything.

So, what, did you move
from selling to manufacturing?

This is ridiculous.

I don't have anything
to tell you.

And actually, I don't have to.


if I were you, I'd sit down.

Now open your bag and dump
the contents on that table.

Do it.

Look at this.

Yep, it's marijuana.

At least 28 grams here.

That's a felony, right, H?

Hannah, look at me.

What is in the drug?

I don't know.
It's not like I make it or anything.

- I don't do anything big like that--
- Okay, who does? Who makes it?

We meet at
the same place every time,

but a different guy sells
to me each week.

What is the location?

Ten years

in a penitentiary.


what's the location?

Arthur Martinez.


Get up, Arthur.

I have a teenage boy
dying in the hospital

because of a drug deal that happened
in this restaurant.

We need names
of all your patrons.

Please. I don't keep names.

And I can't control
who does business here.

What about credit card receipts?

We're cash only.

This is a family business
started by my father.

He didn't believe in credit.

Just honest work.

This is not going anywhere.

Not necessarily, Frank.

You know what, Arthur?

I'm gonna guess

and say you manufacture
the pills here on the premises.

What pills?

I don't know anything
about any pills.

Really? It's degrees outside...

and you're sweating like a pig.

Why is your air conditioning off?

The A/C trips the fuse.

I turn it off when I'm cooking.

Yeah, but you're not cooking
food here, are you?

Get your hands
on your head right now.

Got a warrant for that?

Arthur, this is my warrant.

It's here.

[Doctor] He's bradying down.
We need another ABG.


Come on, kid.

- [Woman] Doctor, here it is.
- [Doctor] Thank you.

We need to rush.

[Man] We're gonna have
to narrow down what he took.

Starting the analysis now.

Wait! V-fib!

- Starting compressions.
- [Woman] I'll get the scope.

We need the crash cart and I.V.

[Man] It's loaded.

[Doctor] Come on, hurry up!
We're losing him!

- [Doctor] Charge at 200.
- [Woman] Charged.

- Clear.
- Clear.


No response.

[Man] Negative for
cocaine and benzodiazepine.

No match in the opiate family.

- Charge to 300.
- [Woman] 300 joules.

- Clear!
- Clear.

Positive for a Schedule I
controlled substance-- GHB.

Wait, it's also registering positive

for an unscheduled substance.

We need to run it
through the database.

- It's methedrone.
- [Woman] We got it.

We need eserine
and Diazepam, stat!


Doctor, we got it. Got it.

Starting I.V.

Charge at 400.

- Clear!
- Clear!


- [breathing]
- [Woman] Are we good?

Yeah, let's check vitals.

You're gonna be fine.
I know.

It's gonna be okay.

- Guess I should've worn a parka, huh?
- Yeah.

The quicker we find out who
handled the m*rder w*apon,

the less we have to freeze.

I don't see anything.

There's no trace where
the k*ller broke off the spike.

Yeah, I don't have
any prints, either.

This thing's been
melting this whole time,

so any evidence
probably slid right off.

What if it slid down?

Maybe trace
from the spike flowed

to the ice at the base
of the statue.

Hold on a second.

Get a little bit closer...

Yeah, right there.

See that sparkly substance?

- I recognize those particles.
- Excuse me?

I think that's DHA.

What do you have,
X-ray eyes?

No, no, it's just, it's the main
ingredient in spray tanner.

And how would
you know about that?

I have a lot of friends
who work around the clock,

and, uh, still manage to keep
those perfect Miami tans.

Just like someone else I know.

Roll tape, and action.

Zachary, come on...

Courtney would have
wanted us to do this.

[Boa Vista]
I don't think she would,

since you k*lled her.

Shea Williamson,
you're under arrest

for the m*rder
of Courtney Alderman.

Give me a break with this.

I didn't k*ll nobody.

We found evidence of you on
the Statue of Liberty ice sculpture.

We know you used it
as the m*rder w*apon.

Get outta here.

Get outta here, like, now!

You can't prove anything.

Everything must be
all melted by now.

The m*rder w*apon
may have melted,

but you left behind
your signature tanning spray.

Are you guys, like, seriously
arresting me right now?

You know what, Shea?
Drop the act.

Drop the accent.

We know who you really are, Elizabeth.

We know you have
a very impressive degree

from MIT--
chemical engineering.

That fancy degree came
with a quarter-mil of debt.

Courtney was messing
with my livelihood.

You can't leave the show.

We can't do The Boroughs
without you.

Some things are more
important than the show.

Oh, really?

What's more important
than the paychecks?

I'm guessing you would've
made enough money

to pay back your
student loans by now.

And then some.

Before the show,
I had papers published,

my peers respected me,

and I spent every Saturday night
at home, alone.

So, I mean, are you telling us

that you went on The Boroughs
just to get a social life?

I put on this idiotic act,

gave the producers
what they wanted,

and, in return,
they gave me a new name

and background,

and the pilot aired,

and my phone
hasn't stopped ringing.

I never want to be Elizabeth again.

And as long as the show airs,

I don't have to be.

So you thought
that if you k*lled Courtney,

you would save the show.

You don't just walk away
from an opportunity like this.

What opportunity?

Another year of partying and puking?

I want to grow up, okay?

I want to start my life.

What about the rest of us?

I'm sorry, Shea,
you're not my problem.

[Courtney cries out]

I just didn't want it all to end.

You're under arrest.

Turn around.

Let me ask you something.
Is this real enough for you?

I'll be sure to keep you updated, okay?

Thank you.

So the doctor said Tyler took
something called mephedrone,

cut with GHB,
a stimulant and a depressant.

And if you hadn't found out what
the hell he took, Lieutenant,

my little brother
would've been dead.

We got lucky, didn't we?

Can I see him?

Go ahead.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

♪ I need another story ♪

♪ Something to get off my chest ♪

♪ My life gets kinda boring ♪

♪ Need something that I can confess ♪

♪ Till all my sleeves are stained red ♪

♪ From all the truth that I've said ♪

♪ Come by it honestly, I swear ♪

♪ Thought you saw me wink, no ♪

♪ I've been on the brink, so ♪

♪ Tell me what you want to hear ♪

♪ Something that were like those years ♪

♪ Sick of all the insincere ♪

♪ So I'm gonna give all my secrets away ♪

♪ This time, don't need
another perfect line ♪

♪ Don't care if critics never jump in line ♪

♪ I'm gonna give all my secrets away ♪

♪ My God, amazing how we got this far ♪

♪ It's like we're chasing all those stars ♪

♪ Who's driving shiny big black cars ♪

♪ And everyday I see the news ♪

♪ All the problems that we could solve ♪

♪ And when a situation rises ♪

♪ Just write it into an album ♪

♪ Singing straight, too cold ♪

♪ I don't really like my flow, no, so ♪

♪ This time,
don't need another perfect line ♪

♪ Don't care if critics never jump in line ♪

♪ I'm gonna give all my secrets away ♪

♪ All my secrets away ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪
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