10x05 - k*ller Regrets

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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10x05 - k*ller Regrets

Post by bunniefuu »

(men speaking Spanish)

(siren wailing, horn honks)


(music playing over
truck speakers in distance)

(quiet beeping)


(beeping continues)

(ignition sputters)

(ignition sputters)

(ignition sputters)

(beeping continues)

(engine starts)

(engine starts)

(radio playing quietly)

(rapid beeping)

(beeping continues)





(distorted, echoing):


I can't get it out of my head.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I grabbed my brother, Carlos.

We drove straight
to the airport.

We were gone before
they knew to look for us.

After years
patrolling the streets,

I was the new sheriff
in La Cancion.

I talked so big.

I made myself a target,
and Geraldo paid with his life.

These are your husband's
personal effects?

Gathered as much evidence
as I could from the car b*mb.

Can your lab
run forensics on it?

Who do you think
called for the hit?

The man who k*lled your wife:
Memmo Fierro.

(distorted g*nshots)

Memmo is in jail.

My intel says he's still calling
the sh*ts for Mala Noche,

from here, in Miami.

How do you know that?

A few weeks ago,
I put his number two in prison

in La Cancion.

This is his payback.

I got nothing for you.

Your daughter does.

What does that mean?


is she okay?

That's up to you.

Be a shame if the state

had to take back custody
from her mother.

That sounds like a threat, man.

Torres family, Memmo--

did you order that hit?

The order came...


...from a Mala Noche chief
in Mexico.

How long ago?

Eight months ago.

That girl-- she's been putting
Mala Noche soldiers away.

She has shamed them.

She won't get away with it.

He assigned El Asesino.

El Asesino-- who's that?

Deadliest hit man in Mexico.

He likes to k*ll
up close and personal.

He won't stop till she's dead.

What's his real name?

Only his victims know,
and they ain't talking.

So you'll get it for me.

You're asking me
to betray Mala Noche.

I'm asking you

to earn some of that grace
you've gotten.

Hit me.

Hard. They can't know
I told you anything.

Yo, holmes,
what'd you hit him for, huh?

That's police brutality.



Damn, you been holding on
to that for a while, huh?

I want that name.

?Ese, esta bien?

# Yeah! #

# We don't get fooled again #

# Don't get fooled again #

# No, no! #


Hey, Calleigh, what's that?

I can't tell you.


If that's the evidence
from the car bombing

in Mexico, we have
no legal right to process it.

Look, Anita was a cop,

and her husband was k*lled
because of her job.

I understand that,
but you're gonna lose yours

if O'Shay finds out about it.

And I don't know about you,
but I still got student loans.

I don't think that assassin is

gonna give up
looking for her, do you?

I want to find him
before he gets to her.

Those belong to the husband?

Yeah. He was a teacher.

Damn it.

My dad's a teacher.

Oh, man.

(quiet, rapid beeping)

This looks like cast iron with
some sort of orange sand on it.

It's nitrocellulose
with inorganic nitrate.

It's E.C. powder.

That's an old-school expl*sive.

I've got a grenade spoon.


(engine starts)

(rapid beeping)

So the car b*mb's expl*sive
source was a rigged grenade.

A World w*r Two

Mark-Two Pineapple,
to be exact.

The U.S. Military stock number's
on the handle.

What the hell
is a grenade from 1942

doing under
the Torres's car in Mexico?

Since when are murders in Mexico
in our jurisdiction?

Scott, you head up
the Civilian Oversight Panel.

You know that if Memmo Fierro's
calling murders

from inside Miami prison,
that's on us.

You have evidence of that?

I'm working on it.


Maybe you'll find this
interesting-- I processed

the detritus from the b*mb.

Turns out the grenade that was
used in the Torres car expl*si*n

came from an A*F facility
in Brownsville, Texas.

First Mexico, now Texas?

Do I need to remind you
what city you're in?

The guy who heads up
that facility

has an office in Miami--
he's in town.

-It's a car ride.
-Yes, a car ride

is exactly what
I'm talking about.

Hank Craddock is on my panel.

He donated your Hummers.

Well, be sure and tell him I
said thank you when you see him.

He's not gonna be happy
they're being used

to clean up Mexico's mess.

(siren wailing in distance)

Copy that.



Agent Dwyer.

Agent Dwyer, CSI Delko.

CSI Duquesne.

I, uh, heard about
the Torres car b*mb.

Mala Noche has put Anita
at the top of their hit list.

Means she's doing a good job.

How can I help?

I found shrapnel from a
World w*r Two pineapple grenade

in the car b*mb, and I linked it
to an A*F in Brownsville.


Our, uh, weapons cache
was raided last June.

Stockpiled weapons were stolen.

Not our proudest moment.


Raided by who?

Well, that close to the border,

had to be Mala Noche.
I was there.


Took a b*llet.

So the b*mb-- it was attached

to the sheriff's
husband's car, right?

Yeah, you know something
about it?

Well, I hear things.

Uh, there's been cross talk
across the border

that the husband was
communicating with Mala Noche.

Are you telling us

that he was associated?

That's the rumor.

That's crazy.

He was a schoolteacher.

He played soccer
on the weekends.

So, he had no contact
with them at all?

He had nothing
to do with the gangs.

(speaks Spanish)


is there more to the story?

(speaks Spanish)

Mala Noche did approach
Geraldo once.


A few weeks ago.

Oh, my God.

We were getting something to eat
after a soccer match.

(grill sizzling,
music playing)

(door opens, bells jingle)

He put the money
in a church box.

Swore me never to tell you.

He said you had
enough on your plate.

He knew I wouldn't back down.

Neither will they, ma'am.

So our lives are in danger
even here?

They want it known
that if you stand up to them,

you die.

Make yourselves at home.

I'll keep an eye
on things outside.

This is nice, Anita.

How long do we have
to stay here?

As long as it takes.


Didn't you hear
Lieutenant Caine?

El Asesino is still after us.


What are we going to do
in the meantime?

You brought your books, right?


Better yet, help me with my bag.

(garbled radio transmission)

(car alarm wailing in distance)

(indistinct sportscast playing)


(silenced g*nsh*t)

I'm gonna get cleaned up.

And later,
we should eat something.

I'm hungry.

(music playing loudly
through earbuds)


(water running)

(silenced g*nsh*t)

(music continues over earbuds)

(door creaks open)

-ANITA: Carlos!
-(man yells)



(Anita shouting in Spanish)

DISPATCHER (over radio):
All units, all units.

sh*ts fired-- 29th and Caitlin.

Coral Breeze Condos.

All units respond.

29th and Caitlin?
That's Anita.

-All units, all units.
-(siren wailing)

sh*ts fired-- 29th and Caitlin.

Coral Breeze Condos.

All units respond.

All units, all units.

sh*ts fired-- 29th and Caitlin.

Coral Breeze Condos.
All units respond.

(ignition sputters)

Oh, come on!


(shouting in Spanish)

(siren wailing,
horn honking)



(tires screech)


(Anita shouting in Spanish)




It's me.

You're hit.

Carlos, call an ambulance.

(sirens wailing)

Damn it!

Wait, wait.

It's not my blood.

It's the attacker's.

It's okay, Anita.
Give me the g*n.

DISPATCHER (over radio):
Officer-involved sh**ting.

Suspect last seen
heading northbound on foot.

Consider him armed
and extremely dangerous.



Here's the situation.

We have two deceased.

One of them is a cop.

I don't know
where this guy went.

-He just vanished.

What about the blood
on Anita?

Running it against the database.
No hits.

Guy wore gloves.
No prints.

It's El Asesino.

He found us, and now,

someone else is
dead because of me.

How did you burn
your hand, Anita?

I grabbed his g*n.


The sil*ncer was hot.

Would you mind
if we took a picture of it?

Not at all.

Did you do something
to my car?

Craddock heard
about the car's foreign use,

so he had it cut off, remotely.

I was on my way to a sh**ting.

An officer was k*lled.

Until that moment,

the case was not
in our jurisdiction.

Give Craddock a message for me.

You tell him the next time
he touches my car,

at the very least, I'll have him
arrested for obstruction.

Excuse me.


Are you the new transfer?

Jamie Mitchell, Tallahassee.

Walter Simmons.

This a photo of Anita's hand?

Yeah, she grabbed
the assailant's sil*ncer.

It left this really weird
burn pattern.


It's because silencers
work like car mufflers.

They absorb heat
as the b*llet is fired.

Thanks, Professor.
I know how a sil*ncer works.

The thing is, I've never
seen a pattern like that.

It's 'cause this one's homemade.

Great. Now we'll never have
a shot at I.D.'ing it.

Don't give up so easily, newbie.

You ever hear of
a frequency-shifting sil*ncer?

I thought those were a myth.

No, they're real.

They quiet the g*nsh*t
by causing the heated gasses

from the shot to collide,

shifting the frequency
from audible to ultrasound,

out of human range.

Kind of like a dog whistle.

(silenced g*nshots)

If we digitize the pattern,
we can create a 3-D replica.

Let's compare it
to the silencers

we've collected from felons.

Why not?

See who pops up.



Okay, let's see this.

Okay, so 02-26480.

Ah, that's not it.



I've looked at
at least six dozen silencers,

and not one match.

Oh, I know.
I think I'm going blind.

I need coffee.

Two sugars and a dollop
of cream.

What am I, your barista?

What? I'm taking you up
on your implied offer.

(Simmons scoffs)

Wait. Wait.

What, Jamie?
You want two dollops of cream?

I got a match.

Sit down.

So, one of your silencers

was used
to k*ll an officer today.

You recognize
this frequency shifter?

Some of your work.

I stopped making that design
years ago.

I can't help it that my stuff
is still out there.

Yeah, well, who'd you sell
that type to?

Look, man,

I got a constitutional right
not to get shot at a stoplight.

I can make you
an accessory to m*rder,

or you can give us a name.

These guys k*ll people.

Okay. You can talk or I can put
you in a cell with one of them.

Take your pick.

You got to promise me
this don't come back on me.

No one else has to know.

I made that sil*ncer especially
for Memmo Fierro, like,

six years ago.


What is this?

It's a sil*ncer, Memmo.

Just like the one you had,
just like the one used

on Anita Torres.

I had a sil*ncer like that
back in the day.

Who knows what happened to it?

I think you lied to me.

I think you ordered the attack
in Mexico,

and then blamed it
on a made-up assassin.

El Asesino exists.
I can prove it.

I think you better do so
right now.

Then I want to see
my daughter first.


Nothing's for free.

No daughter.
I'm sorry.

Aim a little lower.

I'm hungry.

Steak grilled over an open fire.

Time's running out
till El Asesino kills the girl.

WOLFE: These are Mala Noche
hit men who operate

in and out of the United States
and Mexico, right?

Do you recognize
any of these guys

as your attacker in the condo?

We didn't get
a good look at him.

Couldn't really see his face.

Um, I don't know,
I think this guy here

is the right height and build.

-WOLFE: Anita.

How'd you break
your fingernails?

Fighting with the assailant.

Too bad you didn't
get his mask off.

Well, I was concentrating
on the g*n.

What is that? Is that paint?

Well, it wasn't there before.

Is that spray paint?

It must have come
from the attacker.

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

You know what?

I think we just narrowed down
our suspect list.


TRIPP (over phone):
Tripp here.

Frank, hey, you want
to ask that little weasel

who said he made
that sil*ncer for Memmo

if he's come in contact with
any Mala Noche that are huffers?

Paint sniffers?


El Asesino likes
to sniff paint, huh?

Who? Ow!

Take a look at this.

Oh, yeah.

Is that where you got shot
by Anita Torres,

huh, when you tried
to attack her in her condo?

You got the wrong guy.

We got PD at your place
right now,

and they're looking for a g*n
with a sil*ncer

that looks just like
this one right here.

You'd better wise up
and make a deal

before that g*n walks
through the door.

Yeah, otherwise
it's out of our hands.

You know what happens then?

You get a needle
right here in your arm.

How long have you had
Memmo's sil*ncer?

Picked it up a few years ago.


I was holding onto it for him.

Years ago.

Memmo had you k*ll Anita Torres
at Coral Breeze, yeah?


Order came from Mexico.


So you're responsible
for the car bombing

at La Cancion, too?

That job went undone.
I was called in to clean it up.

You're El Asesino.

I'm not, but he was
at that condo today.

Well, you better start talking.

That girl didn't sh**t me.

El Asesino did.

(music playing over earbuds)

I didn't really get to see him.

-ANITA: Carlos!

But I know it was El Asesino.

-(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

Why would he sh**t you?


Because he knows
that it's his job

and that no one should
get between him and his target.

-TRIPP: Hey.

We got to talk.

Know what? Luis is good
for the Coral Breeze sh**ting.

Yeah, I know.
I found this in his car.

But when the car b*mb went off
in Mexico, he was talking

to his parole officer in Miami.

I just talked to the guy.

So he's not El Asesino.

And if he's telling the truth,

that means El Asesino
is going after Anita.

I don't like it,

but whatever Memmo knows,
we got to have it.

Wish we didn't have to make
a deal with that scumbag.

Yeah, well, sometimes you got
to dance with the Devil

to get out of Hell.

That's what we got to do.

(indistinct announcement
over P.A.)

Come on.



I don't like this;
it's too pink.

Memmo, who is El Asesino?

-I can't tell you that.
-You'd better

give me something, Memmo,
or that is the last steak

you're going to have
on this planet.

I can tell you...

that he's here in Miami
to finish the sheriff.

Okay, what else?

I can give you
his weapons supplier.

He thinks he's meeting Mala
Noche in one hour for a buy.

My men won't be there.
I assume you will be.

Where is the buy
gonna be, Memmo?

The port, terminal 231.


Enjoy your steak.

(tray clatters)

(helicopter whirring)

Any sign of him, Frank?


This place is quieter than
a church on Monday morning.

Wait, scratch that.

I got a little activity
at the gate.

Green truck approaching.

No way.

This guy's name's Brendon Dwyer.

Calleigh and I
just met with him.

-He's an A*F agent.
-A*F agent?

What is he doing here?

He's opening
the back of the truck.

Let's go.

(tires screeching)

(sirens wailing)

Oh, no.

You got to be
kidding me with this.

You're kidding me!

-God. -Get your hands
where I can see them!

You guys are kidding me.

Put your hands in the air,
Agent, right now.

You're kidding me with this.

-Get 'em up.

Oh, I don't believe this.

Do you know how much work is
down the drain because of this?

Enough AK-47s in there
to supply a small army.

Look at these tags.

These are all U.S. Department
of Defense weapons.


You don't know
what you're talking about.

Educate us.

I work for
the United States Government.

Yeah, right, the government
selling g*ns to gangbangers?

Oh, g*ns with sensors.

We're tracking low-level
Mala Noche g*n buyers

so they can lead us
up the food chain.

-And what was the result?

DWYER: The Mala Noche found
the sensors and pulled them.

But we got some good intel.

Good intel?!

Sheriff Torres's husband
was m*rder*d with your weapons!

You got to believe
that wasn't our intent.

Have you ever sold weapons
to El Asesino?

I don't know that name.

I guess we'll see about that,
won't we?

(Dwyer groans)

-Give you a hand.

I've got the sensor
Dwyer was talking about.

I'm gonna run this g*n
for numbers.

Oh, my God.

What's that?

There's a second sensor
in this g*n.

Dwyer never mentioned that.

So the weapons you sold
to Mala Noche

all had second sensors.

That's classified.

Not after it appears
on the local news, it won't be.

All right.

On the most expensive weapons,
we hid a second sensor.

We assumed they'd end up
with priority targets.

So the special requests
all had second sensors?


And the Mala Noche
hasn't discovered this yet?

Not yet.

Did you sell an assassin

a w*apon designed
for close proximity?

Yeah, mostly it was
a*t*matic weapons, but there was

a special request for a .22
with an extended barrel.

And that had a second sensor?


How do you track these weapons?

I'm accessing
the A*F tracking system now.

Is the sensor active?

Yes, the .22 is in Miami,

which means that
so is the hit man.


I don't know, give me a second.

29th and Caitlin.

Eric, that's the Coral Breeze.

Anita and Carlos just went
back there to get their stuff.

That means El Asesino
is still hunting them.

Unless he's one of them.

(sirens wailing)

(shouting in Spanish)

Anita, where's your g*n?

-Where's your g*n?
-What are you doing?

-Check every room.
-Where's your g*n?

In my bag. What is this?

What's going on?

Carlos, what are you doing?

I was getting my books.

Get up, get up.

Let's go.

Let's go, Carlos.

Have a seat. Sit down.

He had this on him.

Those are my books.

What are you doing?

Hey, don't I have
a right to privacy?

So you are a history student,
huh, Carlos?

That's what you were
looking for?

What do we have here?

What is that?


is proof that this is
El Asesino's g*n.

That's what that is.

Anita, it's not what you think.


-That's not my g*n!
-Yeah, whose g*n is it, then?

-I found it!
-You found it, yeah. Where?

Under Geraldo's dresser.
I took it for protection

when we left for Mexico--
that's the truth!

-So it's Geraldo's g*n?

Is that possible?

Well, I've never
seen that before.

La Mala Noche must have
planted it in our house.

Did you hear
what she said, Carlos?

I swear, I don't know
how it got there!


What do you want to do?

We got to go back
to the beginning.

Car b*mb.

What's wrong?

-This is impossible.
-What do you mean?

H, I did HemaTrace,
and I got nothing.

Now, we know blood can't hide

-from luminol even after
it's burned. -Absolutely not.

Take a look.

Look at that.

No blood.

There never was.

He wasn't in the car.

(rapid beeping)


What are you saying?

Geraldo faked his own m*rder?

I'm saying that Geraldo
is El Asesino.

I can't believe this.

Do you know how that sounds?

When did you meet him?

Eight months ago.

That's the month
they assigned the hit.



So why couldn't he
go through with the hit?

Because, I believe,
he fell in love with you.

So, today he was at the condo.

CAINE: He was at the condo today
not to k*ll you,

but to protect you.

I told him the one thing
that could make me second-guess

doing my job was if...
if it put my family in danger.

He faked his own m*rder

because he thought
that would make me quit.

And now I became
even a bigger target

-by coming here and finding you.
-I agree.

We have to bring him in.

How can I betray him?

He's a k*ller.

You took an oath.

Geraldo is my husband.

If you don't help me,
I can't protect you.

I can't do it.

With or without your help,
I'm gonna bring him in.

(siren wailing)


(water running)

Anita Torres, a sheriff

from La Cancion, Mexico,
was gunned down today.

Now, police don't have
a suspect in custody,

but sources say
the Mala Noche drug cartel

is responsible for the sh**ting.

Right now, Mrs. Torres
is in critical condition,

clinging to life
at Dade Memorial Hospital.

(monitor beeping steadily)

I'm so sorry.

(monitor flatlines)


Let me see those hands.

And get up slowly.


Hands where I can see 'em.

Anita, you betrayed me.

-Get those hands in the air.
-Don't do it.

-Hands in the air.


-Don't do it.

Your hands!

I love you.

Don't do it.




So, El Asesino...

ain't so mythical.

Looks like your face
paid the price

for talking to me.

I guess you've been demoted.

Yeah, well, you know,
nothing's for free.


is she okay?

She's okay.

You know, I've been thinking...

about the thing
you mentioned before.


It's like forgiveness, right?

It can be.

So what I did today
might have earned me a little?

That's up to you.

(gate buzzes)


Mr. O'Shay?

I think you have
great potential.


But if Horatio continues
to ignore procedure,

your whole team
could be in jeopardy.

And I don't want
to see that happen.

What is it that you want,
Mr. O'Shay?


A little cooperation.


Think about it.

I would never work
with that guy.

I know you wouldn't.

But it might not be a bad idea
for him to think you would.


I love it here.


If you and Carlos
wanted to stay,

I could arrange that.

I can't.

I'm needed back home.

But if you go back to Mexico,

they're gonna k*ll you.

What would you do?

Thank you.

You take care of yourself.

You, too.
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