10x07 - Sinner Takes All

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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10x07 - Sinner Takes All

Post by bunniefuu »

(elevator bell dings)

The lady's raise is yours
to match, Mr. Paxton.

Mr. Huntsman raises $50,000.

Lady will now call,
raise or fold?

All in.


Pot is now two million.

Players will now
show their cards.

The lady wins the pot--
full house, aces high.

You got to be kidding me.

Who invited her? Was it you?



(siren blaring)

Suspect description, same
as the Bal Harbor robbery, H--

devil mask,
a TEC-9 a*t*matic.

So it's him again,
isn't it, Walter?

Yup. Makes it, what, ten big
games that he's hit so far?

Wonder how much he got
away with this time.

One, maybe two million?


All right, so, the chandelier
must have gotten hit

when the robber
opened fire.

Dropped on this poor bastard
who picked the wrong seat,

crushing him to death.

Maybe not, Walter.
That's a b*llet hole.

Look at that. Sure is.

Glass from the broken chandelier
bulbs inside the wound

means that he was shot before
the chandelier fell on him.

Collateral damage
from the sh**ting.

Guy's never shot anybody
before, H. He's making mistakes.

Yes, he is, Walter.

And we all pay for our mistakes.

# Yeah! #

# We don't get fooled again #

# Don't get fooled again #

# No, no! #

(siren blaring)

(camera shutter clicking)

So tell me how this guy smashed
through that window.

It's tempered glass,
at least a half-inch thick.

You're right.
That's odd.

I'm going to take this evidence
back with me to the P.D.

Thank you.

Hey, Tom, what have you got?

Meet Benjamin Paxton,

one of Hollywood's
biggest movie producers.


Is there something wrong?

The wound to his neck
is the g*nsh*t exit wound,

not the entrance.

Where's the entrance?

Tom, there's some blood here.

Wait, there's an entrance wound
here, above his hip,

but it appears it's
the only one on his body.

Wait a minute, you're
telling me that it came

into his hip and went
out through his neck?

How is that possible?


I think it rode the subway.

Meaning... it ricocheted
off his hip bone

into his abdominal aorta

and hitched a ride
up into his heart,

then passed along his clavicle

before it exited out
his trapezius muscle.

(train clanking)


-It's fascinating.
-So, where did

the subway b*llet end up?

Sadly, that is
not my department.

(clears throat)


Samantha Owens?

How goes it, teddy bear?

Good, how about you?
What are you doing here?

The sun's still out.

I scratched and clawed
to get off nights,

and here I am, day-shifting.

Yeah, I don't miss
graveyard much either.

How about you?
You miss me?

Uh... not really, no.



What's with the box
on my desk?

Your desk?

Wow, okay, that was quick.

This-- I collected all
this from the crime scene.

I need you to look it over.

Heard somebody jumped
through a window

-or something crazy.
-Yeah, yeah,

in the past,
this guy just marched in

to rob some poker games, but now
he's making Cliffhanger moves.

Ah, sounds
like he's evolving.


Loose bills, cards, a flask.

Uh, what exactly
should I be looking for?

Anything and everything,
Sam O.


All right, everybody, listen up.

You're interfering
with a police investigation,

so just back off.

Did somebody die?

I said back off.

Yo, that's Isaiah
Stiles, the rapper.

Stay there.

Hey, come here a second.

You hurt?

Yeah, I got clipped upstairs.

Tom, come here a second.

Take a look.

Hey, man,
hurry up before paparazzi

sees me like this, hurry up.

Want to tell me how you just now

figured out you got shot?

LOMAN: Likely from a rush
of adrenaline.

The effect made his body
oblivious to the wound.


Oh, what are you...?



Hey, thanks a lot
for your help.

All right, hold on a second.
Let's go get you bandaged up,

and then we're gonna take a
little trip downtown. Let's go.

(phone ringing)

Hey, Tom.

I got a b*llet
for you down here.

That's impossible.

I just finished bagging
the last of the 30 b*ll*ts

that our robber fired.

That would give us
one nine-millimeter too many.

Well, you're the expert,
but it looks

to me like a .45.

I just retrieved it
out of one of the players.


Tom, if you've got a .45, I
think that's our subway b*llet.

Are you implying

it exited Benjamin Paxton's neck
and struck another person?

I'm not implying;
I think that's true.

Come on, the only thing

you're gonna find in my pockets

is my lawyer's business card.

What are you guys
looking for, anyway?

A .45 a*t*matic.

Sorry, I only use
g*ns in my movies.

Mr. Hollywood's clean, H.

(handcuffs clinking)

What, you're arresting me--
on what charge?

For illegal gambling.

You're kidding.
I'll be out by lunch.

Ma'am, could I see
inside your bag, please?

It's not what it looks like.

That... is exactly
what it looks like.

You're under arrest.


CAINE: A producer, a rapper,
a movie star,

and now you-- a housewife.

I don't understand.

Look, l-I was at an illegal
poker game, I'll admit that,

but I didn't sh**t anyone.

But why have a g*n?

Because I was waiting for him.

You were waiting for the thief.


Six months ago he robbed a game

that my son Kevin
was playing at.

Kevin tried to stop him,

and the thief hit him over the
back of the head with his g*n,

and it caused a hemorrhage

and Kevin almost died.

I remember the case.

Kevin really was
such a brilliant kid,

and I'm not just saying this
'cause I'm his mother.

I mean, he was going
to medical school in the fall.

So, you were at the
game for revenge.


Kevin wasn't even a gambler.

After his dad passed away,

he was kind of lost,

and I think he just started
gambling to cope with it.

How is he doing now?

His issues come and go.

He's in therapy,
but he still suffers

from memory loss
and confusion.


How did you get invited
into the game?

Joey Ranzone.

He operated the games
that Kevin used to play.

So I contacted him.

RANZONE: My big games
are A-listers only.

Why should I let
some Miami Lakes housewife

have a seat at one
of my tables?

That's why.

You gonna give me the
address now, or what?

I can be persuaded.

EVELYN: Took out a second
mortgage on my home.

And then, before I knew it,
I was playing

every high-stakes poker game
there was.

Because you were waiting
for the thief to return.

Yeah. I know it sounds stupid,
but what else could I do?

You could have called
the police.

That's what I would have done.

Wolfe, give me what you got.
You find anything on that glass?

No blood on the glass
which means the robber

didn't cut himself
coming through the window.


WOLFE: And it's tempered glass--
for high-rises.

So Tarzan comes swinging in,
he collides with this glass--

it should have
pancaked him, right?

Exactly, which is why I switched
my search from looking

for biologicals to looking
for some sign of tampering.

Here. What do you think
that means?

-It's got a groove on it.

This one here.

Another groove.


Well, it's not
from the manufacturer.

And it's deep, too--

at least a quarter
of the way through.

That would compromise
the strength of the glass.

Which means it was
done from the inside.


Which also confirms
that our robber

was working with a partner.

Not a lot of materials that
could cut glass this deep.

No. A diamond, maybe.

Then again, ceramic can cut
up glass pretty good, too.

Did you just say ceramic?

Yeah. These are ceramic
frames, just like I thought.

Oh, they're all scratched up.

That happen
when you were scoring

the windows for the robber?

(chuckles) Please.

Yeah, well, see, we talked
to your ex-publicist,

and she said you're in the hole
for $400,000

from playing poker.

Where I come from,
that's chump change.

Where I come from,
that's motive.

So you rob the game,

you take the cash,
you pay off your debt.

That's a good plan.

Except I'm on the verge
of signing my next big movie.

Was going to pay off the debt
with that.

Do you guys seriously think

I would throw away
my entire career

over some poker money?

No, but do you know
what I do seriously think?

You're a really bad actor,
and you're not

going to be able
to lie your way through this.

Well, until you can prove that,

me and my glasses
will be on set.

Yeah, except they
give us probable cause,

so you and your glasses
are going to have to sit down.

DUQUESNE: Ballistics
came back negative.

She didn't sh**t anybody.

She's telling the truth,

and the sh**t
is still out there.

Question is, why didn't someone

see a sh**t with
a .45 k*ll Paxton?

There's one way to find out.

Okay, based on
our recovered casings,

our robber shot
his TEC-9 from there.

And he left a void.

He shot to the left and the
right above the table.

He hit the door.


He didn't even come close
to hitting Paxton,

let alone the table.

So he was just trying
to scare people.

Yeah, that confirms
that our robber

with the TEC-9
didn't sh**t him.

It means there
was a second sh**t

in the room
who shot him with a .45.


The question is, where
was he in the room?

Originally, we thought

that Paxton was sitting
at the table

and he turned

to shield himself.

Right, he turned away
from the robber

coming through the window.

But he couldn't have been shot
from that angle

because the wound is too low.

The table would have shattered.

What if he was facing
straight ahead?

Well, then that would mean

that the .45 that hit him
came from across the room.

Now, look at that.
We got marks.

Here you go.


Hey, Ryan, this vent is bent.

I will bet you anything

that our sh**t put his g*n
through it.

Perfect line of sight.

Easy shot for somebody
who knows what they're doing.

Yep. It's positive for GSR.

Okay, that confirms our sh**t
was up there.

One robber breaks in through
the window, lights up the room,

just as our guy in the vent
is taking a shot.

Then it exited
through one victim

and into Isaiah Stiles's arm.

(rapid g*nf*re)

But why would he sh**t
at Paxton?

It's not like he's a threat.

So that no one would know
he was a target.

Ryan, this was an assassination.

(rapid g*nf*re)

Walter, check this out.

The robbers weren't there
just to get the money.

They were there
to k*ll Ben Paxton, too.


What do you got?

I analyzed the playing cards

from the poker game,
and I found something.

Take a look at this.

It has a combination of tumeric
and rubbing alcohol on it,

which, when combined,

Fluorescent ink?

-Which is the same ink

used by the government
to mark bills.

But it's invisible
to the naked eye, so...

Every face card was
marked with it.

Okay, somebody was cheating
at the poker game.

OWENS: And if it was Paxton,
that might be

why somebody wanted him dead.

Hmm. Could be.

WOLFE: Now, if somebody
was marking the cards

with special ink, how'd they
do it without being seen?

By being very, very sly, boys.

See, I found traces of ink
both in this glass

and flask, and also on
the drinking straw.

Okay, so the cheater
poured the ink from the flask

into the glass by pretending
it was alcohol...

And then used the straw
to mark the cards with the ink.

Okay, so they marked the cards.

But like I said, it's invisible

to the naked eye,
so how'd they see it?

There was no big UV light
hanging in the hotel room.

By using lenses that enhance UV.

Natalia. I checked
Jason Huntsman's glasses,

and they don't have the
UV-enhancing lenses.

He was the only player
with glasses.

Right, but take a look

at Evelyn Bowers'
booking photo.

Take a look
at her license photo.


Notice something
about the eyes?

Brown eyes
in the license photo.

And the booking
photo-- they're blue.

That could only mean one thing.

CAINE: Evelyn, on your
driver's license,

you have brown eyes.

So why are your eyes blue now?

You can help yourself here.


Joey's games just kept getting
bigger and bigger.

Cheating was the only way
I could afford to stay in them.

WOLFE: So you had to win
to keep playing.

By marking the face cards.

WOLFE: And those contacts
allowed you to see the marks.

I didn't know what else to do.

This man who ruined my son's
life was out there walking free.

He had to pay.

Okay, but that's not up to you.

I can't sleep at night.

I have these nightmares about
what this man did to my baby.

I just want
the nightmares to end.

Okay, so contact
that hotel manager and find out

why an armed man had
access to those vents.

-Yeah. Excuse me.
-Yes, sir.

-Can I help you?
-I'm here,

um, to post bail for my mom.

Okay, your mom's name is?

Evelyn Bowers.

l-I would've been here earlier,
but I had to bum a ride.


All right, um, have a seat.

I'll be right back.

-All right?

All right.

(clears throat)

Mrs. Bowers, your son
is here to post bail.


That's impossible.

Why do you say that?

I told him to stay home.

He's a kid; he doesn't
even have any money.

I mean, he just, he gets
confused a lot after his injury.

Okay. What are you
planning to do?

I don't know.
I'll figure something out.

But in the meantime,

he needs to get home
till I can get out of here.

What if I were
to give him a ride?

-You would do that?

Sit tight.

It's locked.

You got a key?

Yeah, yeah, I think,
I think so.

Sometimes sequences get
out of order and, you know...

gets all jumbled up
in my head.


You know, it's just hard
to keep track.

Notes help.

That's my mom.

She's good to me.

Kevin, where's the furniture?

My mom sold it.

Well, most of it.

She's in trouble, isn't she?

I hope not.

I got your text.
What's up?

Okay, I've been
going over

these photos that Ryan took
in the air vent at the hotel.

Mm-hmm. That's where
the second sh**t was, here.

You got anything?

Well, you see that imprint

of the triangle?

It turns out, it's blood.

-That's great. We get a DNA hit?
-No, so I sent it

over to Trace and it popped
positive for titanium.

That's weird, right?

Maybe not, right?

The naturally occurring oxide
from titanium

is titanium dioxide,

which, when it's in
pigment form, is titanium...

Titanium white.

Which is used in the
application of tattoos.

Are you thinking this is
from a freshly-inked tattoo?

I'm thinking that
when our sh**t might have

pressed up against the vent,
it left an imprint.

Who gets a tattoo of a triangle?

People are getting tattoos

altered and added to
all the time these days.

You're thinking that the
triangle could have been

added to a preexisting tatoo?

Yeah, or around an old one.

It would explain
the void that's there.

We got to figure out
what the original image is.

That looks like an H.

Or some symbol.

We've been adding tattoos
to booking photos.

Let me input this
and see if something comes up.

Okay, this guy is in jail,

but that's the g*ng tattoo
of the Hialeah Kings.

Yeah, well, I think I know

someone that knows
a bit about that

and could possibly help us
with the second sh**t.



Each triangle represents
a job done--

robbery, arson, you name it.

Far as I'm concerned,
they can tattoo

"born to lose"
on their forehead.


Have you arrested
any of them recently?

Uh, yeah. A few last month for
a home invasion-- petty stuff.

Anybody in there
sophisticated enough

to pull off this morning's job?


There is a guy that
specializes in high-end jobs.

We've watched him once before.
His name's Carl Raines.

-Carl Raines?

All right, thanks.

This is Carl Raines'
last known address.

(dog barking nearby)

Wait a minute.

Hey, got a visual
on our suspect.

That's him.

Got a visual
on our suspect.

He's headed for that truck.
He's headed for that truck.

(garbled police dispatch)


You got him?

Where's your partner?
Where's your partner?!

Why'd you k*ll Benjamin Paxton?

Was... was paid.

Paid by who?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

He's gone. Damn it!

(sirens blaring)

You heard him.

Hired to k*ll Ben Paxton.

Maybe we'll find something
in here that'll tell us

what Carl couldn't while
he was still breathing.

I got a bunch of trash,
a bunch of fast food wrappers.


Yeah, I got something
right here, actually.

In the crack of the seat.

It's a thumb drive.

Let's see what we've got.

Okay, looks like we got
about a dozen files,

all audio tracks.

-(hip-hop music playing
over speakers) -Uh.

Wait, how come no lyrics?

Oh, wow, these must be
the raw instrumentals.

These are never
released to the public.

Usually only the artists
have access to these.

Isaiah Stiles just got released
on bail; he's our rapper.

Can we link him to this?

Maybe so.

Let me pull up
a music recognition database.

I'll have the computer run
it against its own catalog,

see if we get
anything that pops.

Turn it up a little bit.

(music playing louder)


We got an exact match
to Stiles' latest album.

We just linked him
to our sh**t, Carl Raines.

Time to bring Stiles back in.

The only people with access
to these instrumentals

are you and Carl Raines.

Why'd you hire Raines
to k*ll Paxton?

You got me sitting here
'cause of Carl? Really?

We know he was involved in
that robbery this morning.

So give it up, Stiles.
How you know him?

He used to work for me.

A'ight, he was my bodyguard up
until a couple weeks ago. Why?

Why'd he used to work for you?
Why'd you get rid of him?

He jacked those tracks from
my house, so I fired his ass.

Then he goes,
he tries to blackmail me.

You believe it?
He tries to blackmail me.


Why am I here, Carl?

I want 500K or I sell these
beats before your album drops.


I ain't paying you a nickel,

you pathetic little bitch.

See, I've got friends
that'll put you

six feet under if I say go.

Are you threatening me?

Not if you send
some cash my way.

I think I got
a better idea, Carl.

A better idea.

So you know what I do?

I leaked the album
on the Internet the next day.

Making his tracks worthless.

That's pretty clever.

Maybe not.

All I know is
that if Carl was involved,

that explains this b*llet
in my arm.

No. Our evidence indicates

he was there to k*ll
Benjamin Paxton, not you.

Really? How you know he wasn't
aiming for me and just missed?

How... How you
know that for sure?

I know that it doesn't matter.

Because Carl's dead.

I shot him.

You wanted to see me?

I heard one of
the thieves got k*lled.

Was it him?
Was it the man who hurt my son?

We believe it was
his partner.

So this guy's still out there?

I noticed you haven't
posted bail yet.

Well, I tried.

All my bank accounts
have been cleared out.

Who else had access
to the accounts?

Ten K. Just like you said.

Kev, buddy,

we've been over this.

It's 50K, not ten.

I'm so-- I'm sorry.

l-I thought you said ten.

You want to get in next week,

you better bring me
another envelope.

But I cleared
my mom's bank accounts.

-That's the last of her money.
-That's my problem how?


Joseph Ranzone.

We've been looking
for you, Joey.

Turn around.

Aw, what the
hell is this?

Illegal card games,

stealing money from a kid--
does that ring a bell?

Go inside, Kevin.

So, you're taking
advantage of the kid,

letting him back
into games.

And he's in no condition
to be gambling.

You're going to give
him back every dime today.

I was just messing with him.
I wasn't going to keep it.


You ever been to jail?

Hey, no sweat, all right?

Pump the brakes.

What if I told you something
about this morning's game?

I think you better.

There was another player at the
game that wanted Paxton there.

And who was that?

The rapper, Isaiah Stiles.

He called me nonstop for
two weeks about making sure

-Paxton was at the game.
-I got a question.

Why would a rapper want
to k*ll a movie producer?

How should I know?

I was just trying to get him
to the game.


My man.
You came through for me.

(chuckles) Favors aren't
free, all right?

Does that clear my balance?

I take cash only, hip-hop.

What'd you get for it?

He offered a diamond.

-A real flashy piece.
-You got it on you?

Do I look like a pawn shop?

Cash only.

You can prove this, of course?

Yeah, I got half a dozen
rants on my voice mail.

Check it, Frank.

It's all here.

The guy was relentless.

Joseph, you don't
know relentless.

This is harassment.

You have absolutely no right
to drag me back in here.

BOA VISTA: Okay, why
don't you have a seat?

My man Stiles.
Hey, listen to this.

Yo, Joey, it's Stiles again.

Listen, I know you've been
ducking my calls,

so let me remind you.

Work your magic. Make sure
Paxton's at that game

and I'll make it
worth your while, okay?

Was that you?

Kind of proves

that you made sure Paxton was at
a game where he was m*rder*d.

All it proves is that
I wanted him at the game.

SIMMONS: Ooh-wee,
you are shining, Stiles.

Man, ooh, need some shades.

-You mind if we take a look
at your rings? -Why?

It's the same rings
I had on earlier.

-All day?
-All day.

You know what, just-just let
her have a look then.

Just a look.

Just a little peek.

Thank you.


Oh, what, y'all do
appraisals now?

You got jokes.

This one's clean.

Like me.

Well, see, now that's weird.
This one's not.

This one has glass
particles all over it.

Which proves that you scored
the glass at the hotel

to help the robber.

You lied to me.

You organized
that robbery.

You ordered the m*rder of
Benjamin Paxton, didn't you?

Didn't you?!

-You know what?

-You set up the robbery
and the m*rder. -You know what?

Paxton got exactly
what he deserved

after what he did to me.


The man hired me
as the lead role

in his movie, City Streets.

I made the soundtrack off
my own dime-- my own dime!

And then out of the blue,
out of nowhere,

he goes and fires me
right before filming.

Hey, hey, hey. Hey!

My agent called me,
said you replaced me

with some British actor
or something?

-What's up, man? -Yeah, I'm
going in a different direction.

Different... This was my
movie, my franchise.

-Your franchise?
-Yeah, I already

blew half a mil of my own cash
prepping a soundtrack, doing...

Hey, whose fault is that?

You want the truth?

Huh? You never had the real edge
I was looking for.

STILES: Word got out
about what he said.

Doors started shutting.

My label dropped me.

Fans turned on me.

All you got in this town

is your rep. That's it.

And Paxton took mine from me.

So you wanted to take
everything from him.

What the hell you think?

I called some old friends, yeah.

They pointed me to the guy

that was hitting those
poker games around town,

so I told him about
today's poker game.

I told him about the pot.

He says he wants in,
I said I wanted a cut.

And you helped him
by scoring the glass.

That way he could come in
sh**ting, distract everyone

and then his partner
Carl Raines could sh**t Paxton.

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)


Now see, you got it all wrong,

I thought you
were smart cops.

You see, he never even knew
my boy Carl was in the vent.

-They weren't partners?

You double-crossed the robber.

You set the robber up to take
the fall for Paxton's m*rder.


It's like they do it
in the movies.

You set somebody else up
to take a fall.

You know, Paxton would have
appreciated the irony.

Yeah, well, this
isn't a movie.

So give it up, snitch.

I want a name right now
for the robber.

Or else what?

Or else I'll damage more than
your little reputation.

You got it?

Alonzo Santoya.

Put your hands where
I can see them, brother.

Get 'em up.

Turn around slowly.

You got to be kidding me.

Horatio, he was at
the crime scene this morning.

Turn around.

All right, everybody back off.

-You're interfering with
an investigation. -Somebody die?

Hey, I said back off.

Yo, that's Isaiah Stiles,
the rapper.

Best place to hide--

-in plain sight.
-CAINE: Apparently not, Alonzo.

Stiles set me up.

Made it look like
I hit that producer.

I didn't hurt anyone;
I never have.

Kevin Bowers.

What, am I supposed
to know that name?

You should know his name because

you took
his whole life from him.

Take him, Frank.

Let's go.

(siren wailing)

Thank you.

You are pathetic!

-I hope you... -TRIPP: We got it
from here, all right?

We'll take care of it.

Go home, Mrs. Bowers.

Go home.

Is this where you
rough me up, chief?

You know, that's really going
to be up to you.

I want you

to give that kid back
every dime.

I don't do business that way.

You heard what I said.
Every dime.


Kevin? Baby, is that you?

I told you not to slam the door.

-It's all here.
-What is all this?

It's all the money I lost--
your money.

Second mortgage.

How did you do this?

I'm sorry for all this, Mom.

I just hope that this
can make it right.

Oh, God, baby.

You don't have
to apologize.

I love you, no matter what.

You always remember that, okay?
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