10x09 - A Few Dead Men

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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10x09 - A Few Dead Men

Post by bunniefuu »

(man panting)


(crow cawing)

(siren wailing)

TRIPP: This is Unit Five.

I'm at the location.

If I find anything, I'II, uh,

report back.

Copy that, Unit Five.


Oh, God.

This is Officer Frank Tripp.

Uh, uh, I found a body.

Uh, I need
a medical examiner ASAP.

Copy your last, Unit Five.


DISPATCHER: Your location?


Access road, mile marker two.

DISPATCHER: Copy that.

as the Slash Pine K*llers,

three teens have been arrested
in the grisly t*rture

and m*rder of 14-year-old
Troy Faber.

Although they maintain
their innocence,

witness testimony placed
the suspects

in the same area
where the young victim entered.

But unfortunately,
Troy Faber never left.

This is a tragic turn
for the three teens,

who were stand-out athletes
at their local school.

Having been found guilty

of m*rder in the first degree,

defendants Rocco Damara,

Victor Shetland,
and Darren Riggs

are hereby sentenced
to life in prison.

JUDGE EBERSOL: On this 20th day
of November, 2011,

in light of the key witness
recanting his statement

and admitting he never
saw the defendants

at the crime scene,

I have chosen

-to overturn their convictions.
-(gallery gasping and cheering)

(gavel banging)

Silence in the court.

I understand that the defendants
are ready to offer Alford pleas,

whereby they assert
their innocence

while acknowledging that there
is still sufficient evidence

to obtain convictions upon
retrial on the m*rder charge

of Troy Faber?

-Yes, Your Honor.
-Yes, Your Honor.

Yes, Your Honor.

The defendants are hereby

(gallery cheering)

WOMAN: Whoo!

Most of you know who I am--

singer-songwriter Kayla Bledsoe.

These men are finally free.

Justice has been served.

PROTESTERS (chanting):
Alford plea is a sin!

Throw the K*llers back in!

Alford plea is a sin!

This crowd is heating up.


Common people don't
understand the injustice

forced upon these men.

Each has their own story
of being falsely imprisoned.

Things just got interesting.

See that couple up front?

CAINE: Mm-hmm.

That's Bruce and Connie Faber--

parents of the victim.


Alford plea is a sin!

Uh, for the past 19 years,

it seemed, uh, that hope
was slipping away,

but I think now we can all
breathe a little easier,

and our newfound freedom

will not go unappreciated,
so I thank you very much.

I'll take the parents,
I'll take the parents.

-Come on, got to move now. Move.
-Let's go.

I ought to let
the crowd have you.

-BRUCE: You butchered my son!
-CAINE: Mr. Faber.

You took his life!

Bruce, listen to me, Bruce.

He was just a boy.

Mr. Faber, don't do this.

Okay, let me handle this.

I let the system
handle this 19 years ago.

I should have handled it myself.

Let me handle it, okay?

Take him home.

Bruce, please, come on.

I want you to raise your glasses
in honor of these free men.




Yeah, you, too.


Hey, to freedom.

To freedom.

KAYLA: Hey. Got a sec?

Hi. Yeah, sure.


It's sushi-- you have to try it.

-That's a big...
-It's really good.

-I promise.
-Okay, ready.


-Yeah, yeah, you like, yeah?
-Mmm, mm-hmm.

Thank you, thank you.


-Hey, how are you?

Oh, my God, this is good.


-Oh, man, that's great.

-Isn't it crazy? --Oh, that's...
yeah, show me how to use it.

Well, you just--
you press right here.

-Okay, ready?

All right, hold on, ready.

-Did I get it?

Wait. (laughs)

Oh, no, what'd I do?

What'd you do?

(door opens)

What the hell
are you doing in here?

Couldn't find the m*rder w*apon
anywhere in the mansion.

Partier stumbled on Rocco
here and called it in.

I guess one out of
three's not bad.

And the remainder
of the trio, Frank?

They took off as soon
as the cops were called.

I'm not surprised
they're running.

People are celebrating
this death

like we just won the w*r.

What the hell are you doing
in here? (screams)

So what do you think
about a suspect?

How about the city of Miami?

# Yeah! #

# We don't get fooled again #

# Don't get fooled again #

# No, no! #


Doesn't surprise me,
you're not mourning

the loss of a friend.

You and Riggs have
been running around

like a bunch of jackrabbits,

like you got something to hide.

We got nothing to hide.

I can't believe
Rocco's dead, but...

this is our first glimpse
of freedom in two decades.

(whistles): Genius,
eyes up here, come on.

VICTOR: We got a boat.

We're going to ride the coast.

Guys, play it smart, all right,
take the police protection.

Rocco is dead,
you could be next.

You want to have cops
follow us around?

No, I don't think so, sorry.

It's for your own safety.

Not that you deserve it.

You're lucky I saved
your asses this afternoon.

What'd you say?

I saw what you sons of b*tches
did to the Faber boy in '92.

That look in his eye--

that's something
I'll never forget.

Consider the offer.

We ain't leaving this.

Here you go, gentlemen.

We don't need your help.


Come on, Frank.

Frank, come on.


Those punks don't deserve

to breathe the same air
as the rest of us.

A judge made his decision
and we got to live with it.


Multiple sharp-force injuries--
ten in total.

One puncture wound
on his upper back,

eight more puncture wounds
on the front of his torso...

...and a single wound
in his upper thigh.

the puncture wounds caused

extensive internal bleeding.

This man died a brutal death.

Those three guys were charged

with stabbing
young Troy Faber to death,

and now one of the K*llers
is stabbed to death.

I can almost see
your wheels turning.

This m*rder is
about revenge, Doc.

Well, there appears to be
a piece of fingernail

embedded in his forearm,

and this isn't just a nail.

This is a woman's fake nail tip.

It requires a lot of force
to break the acrylic bond

of a fake nail.

My mom used to make me
go with her

when I was a kid, to get
her hair and nails done.

You know, that singer

Kayla Bledsoe-- she was
all over this dude

at the press conference.

She's heading out of town,

-going to the next city on her
tour. -How do you know that?

I'm a fan of her music.

I wanted to go to the concert,

but I couldn't get the time off.

Well, that sucks.

All right, let's move this guy.

WOLFE: Kayla, come here,
I got to talk to you.

I have a show in Jacksonville.

I just want to forget
this all happened.

Well, that's not possible.

Does this look familiar?

No. Sorry.

I can't say that that means
very much to me, Kayla.

You could have gone this morning
and had your nails redone.

I guess I could have,
but I didn't.

Kayla, you know exactly
why we're here, don't you?

Is this because of Victor?

WOLFE: Victor Shetland?

No, we're here for
Rocco Damara. He's dead.


What happened with Victor?


Excuse us for a minute.

Let's go over here.

Kayla, do you want
to tell me what happened?

Did Victor hit you?


Victor... he r*ped me.

I couldn't fight him off.

(music playing,
indistinct chatter)


So, how about a kiss?



That was nice.

-Come here. No, come here.
-No. No, I... really have

-to get back to the party.
Really. Honestly. -Shut up.

-No. No! No! No!
-Shut up!


Were Rocco and Darren
part of your as*ault?

No. It was just Victor.

-Why didn't you tell anybody?

How am I supposed
to tell people that the person

that I helped free
did this to me?

It's humiliating.

I was hugging and
even kissing Victor.

I probably
brought this on myself.

No. It's not true.

Don't say that.

I need to take you
to the hospital.


(whispers): Okay.

You just let me know
if you want me to go, okay?

(whispers): Please stay.

Of course. Yeah.

'Cause Victor
could come after me.

We are doing

everything we possibly can
to keep you safe.

(door opens)

I need you to disrobe
on the paper

and place your clothes
in this bag, please?

I'll be back shortly.

You're gonna be fine.





CAINE: It's come to my attention
that Kayla Bledsoe

was r*ped by Victor Shetland.

-Where is he?
-He and Darren Riggs

refused our protection,
hopped on a boat.

Okay, let's find the boat.

PILOT: Suspects last seen
headed towards the marina.

Okay, we've got eyes on him.


(siren wailing)

Forget the rope!

TRIPP: Miami-Dade! Keep your
hands where we can see 'em!

Where'd your friend go?

-I don't know.
-Kayla Bledsoe

was just assaulted by Victor.
You know anything about that?

-You don't seem

to know a hell of a lot.

Let's start with the obvious:
where'd you guys get that boat?

Uh, s-supporter friend,

Zach Anderson, let us borrow it.

Look... come-come on, y-you...

please don't
take me in again, okay?

I didn't do anything.

Yeah, well, we're gonna
hold you till we confirm

you didn't steal that boat.

Take him in.

I'll call the Coast Guard.

I'd like to nail this punk.

You will, Frank.


It's full price on all the
merchandise, no discounts.

Mr. Anderson.

Who are you?

How'd you get in here?

This is how.

I need you to get off the phone.


You like the knives?

They're my best sellers
at all the hunting expos.

We know who you are.

You're the punk that got rich
selling weapons.

I'm a damn good salesman.

What exactly are you doing here?

Your boat was stolen today.

Uh, no. I let Victor Shetland
and Darren Riggs use it.

We ran track together
back in high school.

You were on the same track team?

Yeah. They're not ex-cons to me.

They're friends... who got
railroaded by the system.

No one on the team
thought they were guilty.

Victor assaulted a woman
on his first day out.

How's that for guilty?


-You have a tracking device
on that boat? -Of course.

It's attached to my phone.

We need to look at your phone.

You want my phone?

You're gonna have to get
a judge to sign a warrant.



(quietly): Listen up.

Victor r*ped a woman.

Do you understand that?

Give me that phone.

Sit down!

We need the address, Frank.

Boat's located at pier 32.

-That's near the hospital.
-Why the hell

would Victor be hanging out
in Miami still?

To silence Kayla Bledsoe.

Excuse me.

-(phone ringing)
-Excuse me.


CAINE: Calleigh, Victor's
still on the loose,

and he's heading
toward you right now.

Copy that. I'll stay with Kayla.

I, um...

I'm just gonna level with you.

There's a chance that
Victor's on his way here.

(wry chuckle)

(heavy sigh)

I write songs about being
strong and independent.

Never in my life did I think
this could happen to me.

When Victor looked at me
with those eyes...

I knew...

I knew he'd k*lled that boy
all those years ago.

I don't want you to worry,
'cause we're gonna get him.

Stay here.

No, pl-please don't leave me.

Lock the door.

Victor Shetland.

Don't move.


-Calleigh? -Horatio,
Victor's at the hospital.

He's on the run.

That's far enough, Victor!

(woman screaming)

It's decision time, Victor.

What do you want to do?

I ain't going back.

(woman screaming)



You should have listened,

Will God forgive me...

for what we did to that boy?

Not a chance.

-(sirens approaching)

SIMMONS: Hey, Doc, can I
take Rocco's clothes?

LOMAN: Absolutely.

Is that a bloodstain
on his pant leg?


I believe so.

Odd-- his zipper's
already undone.

Oh... (exhales)

Several incised wounds
lining the genitalia.


Same thing they did to
that Faber boy 19 years ago.

That was a hold-back, Walter.

That detail was never
released to the press.

Your perp is someone
with intimate knowledge

-of the Troy Faber case.
-I don't know, Doc.

It's hard to keep those
kind of details under wraps

for almost 20 years.

I mean, with all the
lawyers and jurors

and judges and officers involved
with the case, it's tough.

Well, then...

I assume
this will have to suffice.


You're welcome.


Those Rocco Damara's clothes?

Yeah. There's blood
on the pants.

(shutter clicks)

Well, prepare to be dazzled.

-(chuckles) Now, that'll be
a first. -Take a look at this.

The molecules in the blood
absorb the infrared radiation

that the camera's light emits.

But the pigment
in the pants doesn't.

So... by inverting the image,
you turn the black pants white

and you make the
bloodstain dark.

-That's pretty cool.

Yeah, I'm getting from the blood
a triangular shape.

What do you think that is?

I don't know, maybe the victim
hit the corner of a counter

-on the way to the ground.

Wait, you know what it is?

It's the tip of a knife.

So the m*rder*r
wiped the knife off

on the victim's pants.

Let's see if we can
get a better look.


It's a knife with
two sets of wings.

Why is that one set
of wings upside-down?

It's not upside-down.
That's... That's a shadow.

That's the insignia
for the Shadow Elite.

That's a Marine
specialized unit.

The little boy's father was in
the service for over 20 years.

Yeah. Yeah, he was.

And he also knew every
detail of the m*rder.

That's right. I'll let H know.

Another Boilermaker, Tommy.

Sure thing, Bruce.

Here you go.

Not all of me shall die.

Non omnis moriar.

Shadow Elite's motto.

Thought you'd be
here a bit sooner.

The Shadow Elite's
insignia was pressed

into the victim's clothing.

This what you're looking for?

Step away from that knife.

Where'd you go
when you left the courthouse?

I came here.

Except for when you went back

to the house
and k*lled the victim.

There's over 10,000 members
of Shadow Elite,

all issued the exact
same knife...

But you are the only one
with motive.

You're under arrest.

Man to man...

What would you do
if your son was m*rder*d,

and the k*ller set free?

I wouldn't have got caught.

CAINE: Take him.

CAINE: Your knife was used
to k*ll Rocco Damara.

This is a photo of your knife.

This is a transparency
of the stain

we found on Rocco's pants.

See that?
It matches your knife perfectly.

Even the insignia.

And I'm willing to guarantee

that if we test the blood

on that knife,
it will match Rocco.

I was in Shadow Elite,
I was captured

and tortured by hostiles.

I never spoke.

It's going to take a lot more
than a bloody knife to break me.

What's my wife doing here?

She's been through enough.

Hey! Answer me!

What's going on?
Why is my husband here?

I think you know, ma'am.


I can handle this.

Ma'am, I notice
that you've broken a nail.

The same color nail tip
was found on our victim.

Everyone says it gets easier,

but it doesn't.

Every single day,

I think about all the things
my son never gets to do.

His high school graduation,

his first car,

being a father.

And that last day

with him,

we argued, and I yelled at him.

I yelled at him about his hair.

Mom, come on!

Leave me alone
about the haircut.

All of the kids...

All the kids are doing it.

Guess what?
Not my beautiful son.

Connie, let the boy have
his hideously ugly haircut.

CONNIE: And I never...

I never told him that day,
I never told him

how much I loved him.

And then, they let
his K*llers go free?

And they're... they're
smiling, and they're laughing.

My son is dead, my son

was tied to a tree!

And they're smiling.

And it was just too much
for me, so yes, I stabbed him.

(door opening)

(door closing)

What the hell
are you doing here?

I didn't k*ll your son.

-Shut up. Shut up,
you lying bastard! -(groans)

(both grunting)

You stabbed him multiple times.

No. I stabbed him once.

Come here.

WOLFE: Rocco was
stabbed a bunch.

You think she's lying?

I believe her.

Hey, Tom, Troy
Faber's mom confessed

to stabbing Rocco Damara.
Aren't we done?

Quite the contrary, Walter.

How do you mean?

Mrs. Faber confessed
to stabbing Rocco

with her husband's knife once.

The abrasion here
on this single, nonfatal wound

to the victim's chest
is consistent

with the hilt of her knife.

She stabbed him once,

but she didn't k*ll him.

Okay, but is it possible
that maybe

she just didn't apply enough
force to leave an abrasion

on the other s*ab wounds?

No. The numerous

fatal wounds are just as deep.

They didn't show a hilt mark.

They're jagged, rough,
less precise than her mark.

They're puncture wounds
coming from a much duller blade.

Maybe not even a knife.

So after Mrs. Faber left,

someone else came, att*cked
and k*lled this man?

That's what
the evidence indicates.


Hey, Doc, look at his leg.

Did you see this?

Some sort of flakey residue.


What is that?

Huh. That could be blood.

Hey, I'm gonna run this up to
Calleigh. If you figure out

what the actual m*rder w*apon
is, could you send up a flare?


DUQUESNE: The flakes we found on
Rocco in the other s*ab wounds

were dried blood
from Troy Faber.

So the question is, why would
we have 20-year-old dried blood

on today's m*rder victim?

Same w*apon, one k*ller,
20 years apart.

DUQUESNE: So someone recovered
the m*rder w*apon from 1992.

CAINE: And it was used today
to k*ll Rocco.

Yeah, what's the connection?

CAINE: I think I know.

Thank you, Calleigh.

Why is Mr. Anderson here, Frank?

Apparently, uh, Zach's
Darren's new groupie.

That's not how it is.
Zach felt guilty.

He came to pick me up.
I don't have a car.

And why would he feel guilty?

I told you before.
We're very close friends.

I wanted to do anything
I could to help out.

Is there something
you're not telling us?

ZACH: Look, that could've been
me in prison for 19 years.

Darren and I used to walk home
from track practice

every day after school,
but I didn't get dragged

into this mess because
the one day

that I didn't walk back home--

that was the day
that everything happened.

All right, we're
gonna separate you two.

We have a few questions
for Darren.

CAINE: Seem like you're
in a rush, Mr. Riggs.

Well, I... I would just
rather be anywhere but here.

Okay, explain to me
why the same w*apon was used

on two different men
20 years apart.

How should I know?

Because you have
intimate details of the case.

Is this some cosmic joke?

First you arrest me, and now,

you're gonna accuse me for
two murders that I didn't do.

You k*lled Rocco today,

liked you k*lled Troy Faber
19 years ago.

I'll tell you exactly what
I told everyone back then, okay?

I didn't k*ll Troy.

What about Rocco?

I didn't k*ll him, either.

You don't believe me,
you can talk to Kayla.

I was with her when
he was k*lled.

So, you were with Ms. Bledsoe?


We were having sex.

Okay? We done here now?


Diane, give us a minute,
would you?

Yes, ma'am.

Kayla, I want you
to think very carefully

before you answer
my next question.


Darren Riggs said
that you slept with him.

Is that true?


I slept with Darren.

Here's what you don't know
about me.

I hate being lied to.

Especially when I've
trusted the person.

These are the results
from your sexual as*ault kit.

It shows one DNA contribution
from Victor the night

you were assaulted.

So, why are you lying
for Darren?

Because he's innocent.

He's innocent.
He didn't k*ll that boy.

What do you know?


At the party,
I tried to talk to Darren.


Hey, you okay?

You know, for a free man,
you seem pretty down.

Some people shouldn't be free.

Well, considering everything
you've been through,

you know, a little depression--
it seems normal, right?

You don't get it.
They're guilty.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What are you saying?

I just overheard
Victor and Rocco talking,

and they actually
k*lled that kid two decades ago.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

When Victor...

...did what he did to me,

I knew that Darren
had been telling the truth.

It's not fair
what happened to him.

So I lied.


Stay here.

I don't care where it is.

Okay, John,
let's get it straight.

You better get it over here,
because I guarantee,

you do not want me
to come and get it.

Hey, I'm sorry.

I still don't have
the box of evidence.

That's all right.

Until then... we got that.

Is this your book
from the first time?


The Faber kid
was my first homicide.

First time I'd seen
a m*rder like that.

What are you thinking?

We know that Darren lied
about sleeping with Kayla.

We don't have anything to
connect him to Rocco's m*rder.

Well, there's nothing to
compare to our new victim.

You know, maybe, maybe we
can find something else

in the old case to
tie back to Darren.

Fresh eyes never hurt.

Do you mind?


(Tripp sighs)


Hey, Frank,

the m*rder w*apon
was never recovered.

Did you have any sort of a lead?

Hell, Calleigh, we searched
all of our suspects' homes,

cars, even the lockers
at school.

We didn't find a damn thing.

Was the whole m*rder scene
like this--

heavily wooded,
lots of vines, dense brush?


And you arrested the suspects
not far from the scene?



What are you thinking?

What if the m*rder w*apon
is still there?

Found the boy tied to this tree.

His face was frozen,
staring right at me.

Kid knew he wasn't
gonna make it home.

Was he standing
or seated, Frank?

Seated, about where Ryan is now.

Mr. Wolfe, what is that?

Looks like, uh...

there was some damage done
to the root.

The bark's discolored.

You think that gash could be
from the m*rder 19 years ago?

Could be-- check it.

You know what?

I think the blade impacted
the wood, left a chip of metal.

Over the years,
bark grew over it.

Could have come
from the m*rder w*apon.

Nice going. Frank.

Okay, Calleigh,

aluminum, steel
in a fine zinc coating.

Aluminum and steel
is pretty basic.

What do you think
the zinc coating is for?

Zinc coating
prevents corrosion,

so the knife must
have been designed

for sporting or outdoor use.

Darren had an athletic
scholarship, didn't he?

Yes, he was,

uh, he was an all-American
in track and field.

So was his buddy Zach Anderson.

What event
did he participate in?

Uh, javelin.

Wolfe, I think
it's entirely possible

that the metal came
from the tip of his javelin.


That would mean
that Troy Faber and Rocco Damara

were k*lled by Darren Riggs.


I tried to make it right,
Troy, I really did.

BRUCE: You...


Don't you ever say
my son's name.

CAINE: Bruce!


Sure you want to stop this?

Bruce, stop now or I have
to take you into custody.

BRUCE: I come to visit

my son's grave,
and this son of a bitch is here,

trying to apologize
for what happened.

Him and his apologies
can go to hell.

CAINE: Bruce, step back.


Do not move.

Stay where you are.

What'd you get, Frank?

m*rder w*apon you used
to k*ll Faber and Damara.

Only Rocco deserved to die.

I truly believed that the three
of us were wrongly convicted

until I overheard them
this morning.



ROCCO: Do you believe this?

I'll be back.

We just got away with m*rder.

Those idiot cops
couldn't find the javelin.

What do you think?
You think it's still

buried in the woods
out by Stoner's Rock?

What are you guys saying?

Are you telling me that I was
the only one telling the truth?

-You actually k*lled
that kid? -VICTOR: Whoa, whoa.

Look, I had a full
scholarship to Dade U, right?

I wasn't gonna let
some punk kid ruin it

'cause he caught us
getting dusted on PCP.

Look, Darren, it's over,

so why don't you just enjoy
your newfound freedom

and leave the past
in the past, all right?

I lost all of my chances,
my opportunities.

But you got another one.

Victor and Rocco--
they k*lled that kid

and then they lied to the world
and then they lied to me.

So you took it upon yourself?

They used my javelin to take
a life and send me away.

So I used it

to put Rocco in the ground.


You believe this?
That dead kid's mom?

She tried to k*ll me.


I can more than believe it.


You owe me so much more

than what your
pathetic life is worth,

but this will have to do.




And you took care
of Victor for me.

And now you're going
back to prison.

At least, this time, it's
for something that I did.

I lost half my life.

I can't say I'm sorry.

Take him.



ROCCO: Ah, Darren,
you out of here?

-Got to get home.
-All right.

All right, bro.

Hey, man, you forgot
your backpack.



Now we're talking.

-Take it like a champ.


What are you guys doing?

Get the hell out of here, punk.

Beat it.

I have to tell Coach
you were getting high.

Don't do that, kid.
Let's just keep this between us.

You're not my boss.
You can't tell me what to do.

We can't let him tell Coach.
We'll get kicked off the team.

I can't lose my scholarship.



CAINE: You okay, Frank?

Been 19 years, Horatio.

I don't know if
I'll ever be okay.

And that's exactly what
makes you good, my friend.

I'll be up on the road.
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