10x11 - Crowned

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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10x11 - Crowned

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER: Welcome, everyone,
to the Royal Azalea Pageant

two-day extravaganza!

Tomorrow night,
one of these lucky beauties

will be named
the overall winner!

(Ioud cheering)


Kierra, you're up next.


There's one down.

No! I don't want
to wear the flipper!


without it you get
the runner-up ribbon;

with it you get
the big crown.

I will give you one
of your special treats.



I feel like a bunny rabbit.

Well, you look
like a winner.

Got to keep
your energy up.


Oh, hey, Suze!

Today might be our day.

Good luck, sweetie.

All right! Thank you, Sapphire.

Next we welcome to the stage,


Mr. Chambers,

why is my age group
now moved up to 3:00?

Blakely is at her prime
between 8:00 and 11:00 a.m.

Well, my wife handles
those aspects

of the pageant.

Oh, I see.

Ow! Stop, Mommy!
You're hurting me!

Beauty is pain, baby.

If you want to beat Melrose,
your hair has to be perfect.

(crowd cheering)

And now welcome...

-Go, honey. Go, honey.


-MAN: Aw...


-ANNOUNCER: Thank you, Tori!

-Now we welcome to the stage
-Come here, honey. Good job.

two-time Royal Azalea champion,


(crowd cheering)

Hi. I'm Melrose and I'm six.

My favorite color is magenta,

and I want to be a ballerina
when I grow up.

(crowd cheering, whooping)

Get it, girl!

Hit those "X"s!

You are a star! Whoo!

-(crowd cheering)
-Go get it! Work it!

Good job, honey!

Smile big!


Say good-bye to Melrose!



-(door creaks quietly)

You in here?

Mrs. Gramercy?

We're ready for Melrose
in the beachwear lineup.

Mrs. Gramercy?

If you don't get downstairs
in five minutes,

you're gonna lose points.

Mommy says I have to learn
how to do my own makeup.

Where is your mommy?

She's sleeping.

Of course she is.

Come on. Let's get
you out of here.

(camera whirring,
shutter clicking)

This woman was m*rder*d

while her six-year-old
daughter was hiding

in the bathroom, Tom.

Did she see the k*ller?

That's yet to be determined.


Aha. There's my
cause of death.

The spike

penetrated the ocular cavity and
passed into the frontal lobe.

Caused intracranial

Seems to me like someone
in the pageant

wanted to send a message.

There are no winners
today, Tom.

Not today.

# Yeah! #

# We don't get fooled again #

# Don't get fooled again #

# No, no! #



Smile, Molly.

You know, even
without the m*rder,

this is looking a little creepy.

You know, as a former pageant
princess, I'd completely agree.


Oh, I see it.

Well, it's just like
a rite of passage,

you know, for
Southern girls.

Sort of like
football is for boys.

We spent thousands of dollars

getting Tori ready for this,
and you're canceling?

Thousands? Thought the top prize
was a $200 college savings bond.

Excuse me, we're looking
for the pageant director.

Yours truly. Darla Chambers.

Great. I'm Calleigh Duquesne;
this is Ryan Wolfe.

We're with Miami-Dade
Police Department.

Excuse me. What about crowning?

My daughter was
on track to win.

Officers, you have
to understand

that our contestants,
they spend months

preparing for Royal Azalea,

and their moms spend
a lot of money.

I understand
what you're saying.

It's just that one of your
mothers was m*rder*d.


Oh, my God.

Yeah, I hadn't
made that announcement.

Okay, ladies, I'm going

to need you all
to back up, please.

Just back up. Thanks.


You want me on mom patrol?


Ladies, I can try and get
answers for all your questions.

There are complimentary

in the banquet room.
Follow me.

We're gonna need a list of all
the contestants in the pageant.

And I see that you have video
cameras taping the event.

Yes. It's for our Sizzle reel.

Okay, we're going to need
all of the footage.

I can get that for you.
It's gonna take a little while.

As soon as possible.

Do you know where
the victim's family is?

Right through that door.


So the two of you were staying
in a separate room

from Melrose and your mother?

Yeah, my mom likes to keep
everything calm for her

the night before the pageant.

Is there anyone else
who had a key?

Absolutely not.


Okay, Mr. Gramercy, I'd like
to ask Melrose some questions,

and it is our protocol
to talk to a child separately

in a neutral location
away from the family.

Keep her out of it.
She's six years old.

I understand your concern.
However, your wife was m*rder*d,

and we don't know what
happened in that room.

It's best if Melrose
spoke to a doctor.



This nice lady is going
to ask you some questions, okay?

But Hoppa, I want to be here
when Mommy wakes up.

We're going to see
about that, okay?

(whispers): It's okay.

Please look out
for my daughter.

I will.

Let's go, sweetie.

I know.

You see this?

She doesn't even look real.
She looks like a doll.

I don't understand why parents

put kindergarteners
through this.

Just let kids be kids.

It's disgusting.

Check this out.

It looks like

a pink bead.

Yeah. Maybe it's from one of
those dresses. You see anything?

Yeah. That rack there.


No, I don't think
it came from any of these.

Well, if it didn't come
from one of her dresses,

then maybe the k*ller
tracked it in.

You said that this crown was
already in the room, right?

Yeah. Melrose won it
in her last pageant.

Mommy brought it
for motivation.

And this was used to s*ab her?

Maybe someone thought Melrose
didn't deserve the title,

and they decided to
take it out on her mom.

Sam O., I got something.

Oh, way to go, Simmons.

Was that supposed to be funny?

Well, seeing that you're holding
biological evidence

in the trace lab,

I figured you came in here
for an ego boost.

Oh, no. Always appreciated,
but I'm good.

You see, this hair
has no follicle.

Ah, so no DNA.

Yes, which is why
I came to you.

-Are you thinking a drug test?
-I'm hoping if we can find

any prescriptions,
then we can cross-check it

against the other
registrants at the pageant.

Yeah, but for that kind
of analysis,

I usually have several strands
to work with.

I know. Isn't it funny?
But you can do it!


It worked.

Your hair shows me
that the only drug

this person ingested
is isotretinoin.

And what's that?

Prescription acne medication.

So, most likely from a teenager.


Jan, we found

a strand of your hair
on the m*rder w*apon.

You told the police earlier
you were never in that room.

Well, I wasn't.

Oh. My hair was.

Your what?

Yeah, my mom--
she makes me grow out my hair

so she can cut it off and use it
to make Melrose's wiglet.

A wiglet?

Oh, it's a little hairpiece,

makes her hair look fuller.

Are you always that generous
with your sister?

I had my chance,

winning crowns and stuff.

I hit puberty, and,

well, it was Melrose's turn.

Were you angry about that?


My mom liked the pageants
more than I did anyway.

You still go every weekend
to cheer on Melrose.


we're a close family.

You know, if you want
to find her k*ller,

you really should look
at the other kids' moms.

They're competitive.

They're crazy.

Especially this one woman,
Alicia Haverford.

Melrose beat her daughter
in the last four pageants.

She was beyond pissed.

So, Haverford's here in 107.

Yeah, she must be
crazy competitive.

TORl: No! No!
No, Mommy!

-Hey, Miami-Dade!

-Miami-Dade Police!
Open the door! -No!


What's going on?
What are you doing here?

What are you doing?!

What's going on in here?

What is happening?

-Are you okay, honey?
-I was just

bleaching Tori's teeth.

You're just bleaching her teeth.
She's six years old.

Mommy says beauty is pain.

-They're just baby teeth.

We're gonna get her some real
great caps when she's ready.

This says 16 and up.

You know,
what you're doing, lady,

is borderline child abuse.

Everybody here does it.

Great, well, then, I'll have

Child Protective Services
start with you.

Is she doing anything else

that's hurting you,
or that you don't like?

These pins
she pokes into my hair.

They hurt my head.

I bet they do. Well, you know
what? I'll just take them, okay?

And what about this?

What about this?

No, that one's my favorite.

I hope you plan to
reimburse me for those.

Yeah, I don't because
they're part of a crime scene.

Every single thing
in this room is evidence

in a m*rder investigation.

Uh, sweetie,

why don't you go
brush your teeth?




Am I a suspect?

DELKO: The hotel's computer
key log system

has you leaving your room
at 2:43 a.m.,

and Suzanne Gramercy's
door opening at 2:45.

Must have been around the time
I went to get some ice.

Really? Because I found a bead

just like this one
at the m*rder scene.


Well, I didn't want
to speak ill of the dead.

Why don't you try the truth?

Suzanne tried to sabotage Tori.

(pounding on door)

Hey, hey, what are you doing?

Melrose is sleeping.

You ripped Tori's dress.

I did not touch
your cheap costume.

Cheap? This dress
cost five grand.

It's custom.

-Look, Melrose is taking
that crown. -(scoffs)

Don't go counting
your chickens yet.

We've got a backup outfit.

Oh, would you just get out?

Get out before
I call security. Go!



And then I went
back to bed.

You sure?

Because the door
never fully closed.

Oh, please.

I would never k*ll someone
over a Regional.


Sweetie, I need to leave
the room for a minute, okay?

Please don't leave.

How about this?

Do you see that mirror
right there?

It's actually a window.

And I'm just gonna be
on the other side of it,

and I can see you
the whole time.

But I won't be able to see you.

That's a good point.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you hold
my necklace for me, okay?


It's very delicate.

This way you'll know
I'll be right back.

It matches your shirt.

Thank you.

Medically, Melrose appears
to be unharmed.

-Thank goodness.
-But I think

she knows more
than she understands.

Do you think
she witnessed the m*rder?

I can't say for sure.

I'd like to revisit
this morning's events with her.


My job is to listen to kids.

And today, my job is
to listen to you.


Now, I have some rules.

If I ask you a question,
and you don't know,

just say, "I don't know."

Think you can do that?



Now, what's my favorite color?

I don't know.

That's exactly right.

You don't know
my favorite color,

so "I don't know"

is the right thing to say.

What do you remember

about the last time
you saw your mommy today?

She fell down.

And then what happened?

I got scared, and...

I closed the door.

To the bathroom?

(door squeaking)

And then I did my makeup.

Did someone say angry words

to your mommy before she fell?

I don't know.

Did anyone hurt your mommy?

Do you know who that was?

It was Hoppa.


-Tripp, hey, it's Calleigh.

I need you to bring in
Melroses Gramercy's father.

All right.

(siren blaring)

Have a seat,
Mr. Gramercy.


What's going on?

This year, you and your wife

spent $60,000 on the pageants.

That's more than half the annual
income from your garage.

You-you checked our tax returns?

You wasted
your hard-earned paycheck

on tiaras and ball gowns
for a six-year-old?

Yeah, that has to be
a little aggravating.

I wasn't happy about it.

You ever fight about it?


Did it ever get ugly?


You think I k*lled Suzanne.

You told us
the last time you saw her

was about 8:30 last night?

-That's right.
-That's a lie.

Your daughter put you in your
wife's room several hours later.

She also said
that you hurt Suzanne.

I thought Melrose was asleep.

Can you please tell me

why my credit card
was denied today?

I canceled it.


How is Melrose gonna
win this pageant

without the Deluxe
Confetti Avalanche

at the end of
her runway strut?

$250 for a bunch
of cut-up paper.

They are flower petals.

I can buy 20 of these for $250.

Well, you obviously don't care

about making
your daughter happy.


LARRY: I had no idea
she heard all that.

How far did you take it?

I raised my voice.

That's it.


DUQUESNE: Are these the tapes
from the Sizzle reel?

All 263 of them.


Okay, let's pull up all
the images of Suzanne Gramercy.

If this was, in fact,
a premeditated m*rder,

maybe we can catch someone
on tape stalking her.

-(tape squealing)

And there's Suzanne
in the lobby.

Hey, Ryan, why do all these
images have snow around them?

Do you see that?

Oh, when the videotape is paused
or freeze-framed,

the tape gets damaged.

So, are you telling me that
people have reviewed these tapes

and paused where
these images are?

-Can you find other artifacts?

Yeah, sure.

It's every image
of Suzanne Gramercy.

It's as if the person
is studying her.

Wait. So, you're thinking

that the k*ller had access
to these tapes?


Well, here's Suzanne

right here--
no artifact.

Ryan, see if you
can find an image

of Melrose without
Suzanne in it.

All right.

(tape squealing)

There's one
of her alone.

Look at how blurry
it becomes.

I'm starting to think
the focus wasn't on Suzanne.

-(dials phone) -No. I think our
k*ller was after Melrose.

Maybe Suzanne died
protecting her daughter.


Hey, it's me.

Listen, do you know
where Melrose Gramercy is?

She's here in MDPD
with her father.

Keep an eye on her
for me, would you?

You know what I say
when it comes to kids?

Yeah. Trust no one. I know.


Hang on, Eric. What?

Take a look at this.
I found another artifact.

Melrose wasn't the only
little girl being watched.

This one, too.

Oh, my God.

Eric, get to Tori Haverford's
room right away.

I think she's our k*ller's
next target.

All right. Hey.

-Watch her.

-Don't take your eyes
off of her. -Yes, sir.

(sirens wailing)

Tori! Tori! Mrs. Haverford!

What is it?
What's going on?

Where's Tori?
Where's your daughter?

She's in the room, napping.

Open the door.
Open the door now.


Stay back. Stay back!


Where's my daughter?



She was sleeping
in that bed ten minutes ago.

Right. She's not here
right now, all right?

Please, where is she?!

Tori! Tori!

-We're gonna find her.
-(dials phone)


This is CSI Eric Delko.

I have a critical missing:

Tori Haverford, six years old,
brown hair, green eyes.

She was last seen at
the Casa Bena Hotel, room 107.

Send search-and-rescue dogs

I need an Amber Alert
put out right away.

(sirens wailing)

I don't understand.

Just 'cause I organized
the pageant,

you think I know where Tori is?

They are your promotional tapes.

Whoever watched them
was targeting Tori.

So, who had access?

You think
that I'm somehow responsible?

Did you give someone the tapes?

Oh, so ridiculous!

You know what I'm doing?
I'm calling my lawyer.

Great. In fact, I will scroll
through your contacts myself,

because I'm sure whoever you let
watch the tape is in here.

You know you have no right.

I have probable cause.

I am focused.

You sure?

DARLA: Oh, I'm sure.
I'm sure you're gonna like this.

I can't wait to see it.

(Darla laughs)

Who's a pretty girl?

# Head and shoulders,
knees and toes. #

Oh, my God.

(people cheering)

It's your husband.

You're helping him.

Where's your husband, Darla?

Where did he take Tori?

Sweetie, this is where I insist

on a lawyer...

right now.

(sirens wailing)

(tires squealing)

Let's go.



Edwin Chambers! MDPD!

It's empty.


Listen, I found something
in the backyard.

You need to see it.

The yard-- it looks like
it ends here, but it doesn't.

What is this?

This is setup
for a little girl.

It's a jail cell.

This is Tori's.

She was here.

So where is she now?

Okay, how about
if I take the house

and you take the tent?

Yeah, there should be
something in there

that will lead us
to where he took Tori.

Oh, no, Tori's mom's here.

I'll go take care of it.

-OFFICER: I'm sorry, ma'am.
You can't pass. -Excuse me.

-What are you doing here?!
-I had to come here.

I need to know... My baby!

No, no, no, no.
Tori is not here.

That is just evidence.

She's not here.
We're still looking for her.

You don't understand.

She's never spent the night
without me.

I need to do something.

Well, what you can do
is you can give me

the pictures that
we asked you for earlier.

That would be very helpful.


Mrs. Haverford,

this is not what Tori
looks like right now.

Do you have a picture
of your little girl

that your little girl
actually looks like?

Is this okay?

This is perfect. Thank you.

l-I just...

This is my fault, isn't it?

I put her on display.

I'll be honest.
It-it made it easier.

But you're not
the criminal here.

The person who took her is.

And I promise you we are
doing everything that we can.

I promise you.




Jan, we found your fingerprints
on this box

at the Chambers' house.

Oh, well, that's impossible.

I was never there.


it was your fingerprint.

But it was smaller...

like a child's.

Please... I just don't
want to talk about it.

What is it, Jan?

Did-did Edward Chambers kidnap
you when you were little?

It's vague and it's mixed up.

I just don't know what happened.

(music box plays lullaby)

Jan, anything you can remember

may help lead us to Tori.

(girl screams)

I can't remember.

I'm so sorry. I just can't.

So, you and your husband

used the pageants
as a hunting ground.

LAWYER: Save the accusations,

My client was a victim
of Edwin Chambers as well.

He would have k*lled me.

I'm a survivor.

Yes. Have the State Attorney
grant her immunity

and she'll cooperate.

A six-year-old girl is missing,
and you're working for a deal.

I've seen the video
of the girls on your phone.

Do you know what they do
to a pedophile in prison?

Don't listen to him, Darla.

They're gonna tear you
into little pieces.

Where is your husband?

There's a place
that he likes to go

on Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday afternoon.

Where would that be?

I don't know. I don't know.

It's his private place.

I think Edwin Chambers
left these smudges

on the m*rder w*apon.
I'll run an analysis.

Maybe it'll lead us
to where he's keeping Tori.

Hold on a second.

These marks
weren't there before.

Is it makeup?


Well, we found this tanning g*n
at the crime scene.

My guess is that it's bronzer.

Bronzer darkens over time,

which is why we haven't
seen it till now.

Yeah, Wolfe, but how is
that even possible?

DHA darkens skin cells
by reacting

with its amino acids
and proteins.

This is cotton.

It's the sweat
in the lining.

It contains a protein
which reacts with DHA.


(dialing tones)

(phone rings)


Hey, Doc, it's Walter.

-Are you close to Suzanne
Gramercy's body? -LOMAN: Yes.

-Could you check it out for me?
-Anything specific?

-Uh-huh, her hands.

Does it look like she's been
using bronzer?

Her right hand does have

some dark markings on it.

Honestly, I don't know how I
could have missed this earlier.

Not even your fault.

Don't worry about it. They're
just starting to show now.

(phone ringing)

Do you need me?

Hey, hey...

are you with Melrose right now?

What do you need?

Does it look like there was
bronzer applied to her?

It does on half her neck,
her arms and her hands.

Mm-hmm, back of her hands?


Is this important?

Maybe. Uh, I'm working
a theory here.

I'll get back with you. Thanks.

So, uh, what's up?

Suzanne had to be m*rder*d

while she was applying
bronzer to Melrose.

Okay, so you're saying
that her attacker

would also have bronzer residue?

No, no, you're totally missing
the point.

Look at the crown's lining.

There's voids
in the bronzer.

Oh, yeah.

They're too small to be fingers.


We're not talking
about adult fingers.


Sweetie, will you...

just hold this for me?

Do you want to talk about it?

Come here.

It's okay.

It wasn't your fault.

What's going on?


There's a reason why
Melrose saw your wife fall.

What's that mean?

I made Mommy fall down.


(Ioud whirring)

Melrose, stop jumping around.

You are not behaving
like a winner.

Don't you want to win?


It's stinky!


Don't you want to win
another one of these?


Now, let me make you pretty!


I don't want to be pretty!

Melrose Princess Gramercy!

Melrose Princess


(screams, thud)


(applause in distance)

I didn't mean to hurt her.

Oh, hey, I know that.


I know that. It's okay.

What happens now?

It was an accident, Larry.

It was a tragic accident.

We'll close the case.

So you're sure?

Melrose isn't in trouble?

No, she's not.

But there's another little girl
who's still out there.


I'm sorry. I wish
I could help you.

But I have no memory of who
took me, or where. It's blank.

I have a specialist here
who may be able

-to work with you.
-(scoffs )

God, what makes you think
it would even work?

I'm not sure
it's going to work.

But if it does,
we can save this child.

Look, you can ask me what
he did to me a thousand times.

I just can't remember.

Your father says he remembers
you went missing for a few hours

during one of your pageants.

Do you remember that?

That time I got lost.

It's like shock therapy.

The doctor's trick is to not
dwell on the perpetrator.

PORTER: When did you know
you were going to be okay?

When I saw my mom and dad.

When you were lost,
what did you see?

It was dark.

There was this little light.

We'll have fun.

It was... like a flicker.



I kept trying to move my hands,

My special friend.

JAN: But I couldn't
because they were tied.

And he had these gloves.

We'll have fun.

White, fuzzy gloves.

That doesn't sound
like latex gloves.

Gardening, maybe?

The room you were in,

-was it a house?

It wasn't a house.

My special friend...

It was cold.

And it smelled.

-Like what?

like butter, or...

or oil.

Butter or oil?

-Do you think that's...

That would explain
the butter smell.

And Eric found popcorn
stuck to candy wrappers

at the Chambers' house.

And what about the man
that was with you?


The man...
had this pet mouse.


JAN: But it wasn't like
a normal mouse; it was...

Will you be my friend?

It was big.

Do you recall anything else
about that day?

The man...

he was looking through
this little window.

My special friend...

There was this clicking noise.

And I was trying
to undo my ties.

But I was scared.

I was so scared
that he was going to come back.

Clicking could be
a film projector.

And maybe he was looking through
a window in a projection booth.

And projectionists wear
gloves to protect the film.

A movie theater.

You did really good, honey.

(film projector whirring,


You're really going
to like this movie.

WOLFE: I went over
Chambers' work history.

There's no record of him
being a projectionist,

ticket taker, usher,
candy vendor, nothing.


So then why a theater?

-These are all the theaters
in the area? -Mm-hmm.

In a 20-mile radius
of the Chambers' house.

There were two movies with
cartoon mice out ten years ago.

These are the screens
they played on.

I don't get it. How would you
hide a child during work hours?

-It would be hard, right?

Wait. Wait, wait, wait.


Chambers' wife told Horatio
he went to a...

special place on Tuesdays.


That one.
It's closed on Tuesdays.

Yeah, that's it. That's
where he's got Tori. Thanks.

Horatio. Yeah, I got an address.

(siren wails)

-(film projector whirring)

So how's my sweet little friend?

This is playtime.


I'm going to undo
your chains now,

and we're going to play, okay?

All my friends like to play.

-We'll have fun.


-No, let me go!
-It's time to play.

You're so pretty when you cry.

(zany cartoon music playing)

That's enough. I've had it.

Everything stops right now.
Right now!

No, let me go!


Fine, just sit.

I want Mommy.

I'll be right back.

The thing is... I don't mean to.

It's just that bad luck
follows me around wherever I go.

Bad luck? Is that all?

Man, listen to
what you're saying...

My special friend took me here
when I was your age.

I brought you some treats.

Now, I'm going to ask you
one last time:

Will you be my friend?


I want to be your friend.

Get away from that girl.

No, no, no! No!



You let me out of here
right now,

or she gets it.

Right now!

I mean it!
I will k*ll her!



that's not necessary.

You know what, Edwin?
Go ahead.

Go. Go!

Stay with the girl.

I got her.

Are you okay, sweetheart?

He didn't hurt you, did he?

What's going on here?




Am I gonna get shot?

You are not going to get shot.
You are going to be fine, okay?

I promise I am going
to make sure that you're safe.

Did you see where
he put the key?


Oh, I got it.
I got it. I got it.

This is a little trick
that I learned a long time ago.

All right.

That's far enough, Edwin!


Here we go.
We got it. We got it.

You're all right, sweetie.


Sweetie, come here with me.

I got you, baby. I got you.


I'm sorry, okay?

I can change. I know I can.

None of us changes that much.

(Edwin grunts)

I think you're going to fall.

Then you gotta help me!

Do I?

Ah! Ah! Come on!




(zany cartoon music continues)
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