10x16 - Rest in Pieces

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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10x16 - Rest in Pieces

Post by bunniefuu »





(mutters): Chelsea...

(choking, gasping)














(passing car horns honking)

(tires screech)

(honking continues)


(seagulls calling)

(garbled radio transmissions)

(siren whoops)

Victim's name is Kirk Armstrong.

He's headed to
the hospital, not the morgue.

So that's a good thing.


Got some blood
in the sand here, huh?

CAINE: Which is consistent
with a stomach wound.


Kept mentioning somebody
named Chelsea, Walter.

(Armstrong gasping)

-All right, okay, okay.

Got some possible sand
displacement back to front,

so maybe some digging.

We got more than that, Walter.

I think that's
Chelsea right there.

LOMAN: Medical alert bracelet.

Says her names
Chelsea Bartlett.

Allergic to penicillin.

She was just 19.

You have a cause of death, Tom?

Throat slashed,

carotid severed,
based on blood volume.

And her eyes. They're gone.

It's the signature
of Esteban Navarro.

LOMAN: Exactly like Nikki
Cervano and Vanessa Tillman.

Can't really explain the
gentleman you found alive.

Maybe as simple as
he got in the way, Tom.


I've been doing this work
a long time.

I've seen my share, but...


he needs to be stopped.

And stopped...

(helicopter whirring)

Move, move, move!

CAINE: See that Dr. Loman
gets all the help he needs!

We got a crime scene to protect.

(indistinct conversation)

CAINE: What are you doing?

WOMAN: I'm coming home.

This is an active crime scene,
and that was an illegal landing.

But I own this land,
almost 1,000 acres, to be exact.

That's our family beach house.

I haven't been there
in 25 years, but

I have every right to be here.

Vina Navarro.

I know who you are,
Mrs. Navarro.

Your grandson, Esteban,
is the subject

of a m*rder investigation.

I want to see this case closed,

no matter where it leads.

This negative publicity

is making our customer base
very nervous.

So, this is about the business.

My luxury yachts? Yes.

-I want this case over.
-Bring in your grandson.

I'll see what I can do.

Appreciate the help.

# Yeah! #

# We don't get fooled again #

# Don't get fooled again #

# No, no! #

(police sirens wailing)

Toes on the line, eyes
on the mirror in front of you.

And keep that hole right
below your nose shut.

So, um, any idea when I can
expect to be out of here?

I have a charity event--

a lunch date I'd like to keep.

Why don't you show
some respect sometime?

Just, you know, once.

I'm here.

That's police brutality.

DUQUESNE: Mr. Armstrong,
would you like some water?



You sure you feel up to this?

I have to be here,

for Chelsea.

How'd you know her?

She was my girlfriend.

We had a really good thing.

She fought her way back
from a really hard life.


Only to have it taken from her.

When I turn on the lights,
there's gonna be

five guys on the other side
of this glass.

The suspect may or may not
be in our lineup.

If you do see the man
who att*cked you,

just give us his number, okay?


Here we go.

Lights, please?

It's number three.

It's definitely number three.


Okay, I'll take it from here.

CSI Delko, correct?

Yes, that's correct.

I want to thank you for
bringing your grandson in.

Unfortunately for him,
our witness

has positively identified
him as his attacker

and as the k*ller
of Chelsea Bartlett.

I'd like to see him.

Hm, I'm sorry.
We're going to hold him.

My lawyers couldn't help but
notice the men in the lineup.

Excuse me?

Don't you think it would have
been proper processing

to have another Latino
present with Esteban?

I mean, it smacks of
racial profiling.

Our witness, who your
grandson bludgeoned,

was 100% certain
that it was Esteban.

But that isn't credible.

It's bias.

(wry chuckle)

So much for cooperation, huh?

I said wherever it leads,
and I meant it.

But don't you think we should
all play by the rules?

I think your grandson's
k*lled three women.

I think he'll do it again.

I suggest you find some hard
evidence against my grandson.

My lawyers tell me
your ID is flawed.

I'm taking him home.



-Good to see you.

My angel from heaven.


Do you validate?

VINA: Esteban, not necessary.


We'll see you again.

Besame el trasero cubano.

Tu vas a conseguir que te quede
eliminado in prison, you punk.

I thought the
Navarro matriarch was going

to get down off her
high horse and help out.

What are we going to do now?

She's right.

We need some physical evidence.

LOMAN: Okay, gentlemen,
one, two three!

There we go. Perfect.

Taking your show
on the road, Doc?

The site is all yours, Walter.

(dog barking)

That dog is going crazy.

Land crabs have been known
to snack on the dead.


That eight-legged

little bugger could be stealing
vital evidence.


All the phalanges,
including the metacarpal.

A human finger.

From another body?

Get ready to get dirty, Doc.

Okay, uh...


Hear that?

Sounds like bone.

And there's... a hand.

Found the nine remaining fingers
and the body it belongs to.

There's the femur, ball joint.

So this should be the pelvis.

A woman has an elongated
pubis bone

for the purpose of childbirth.

This is truncated.

So, the victim's male?

No, this isn't adding up.

All of Esteban's victims
are female.

LOMAN: Well, this is his land,
and his family owns this beach.

Here's the skull.

Ocular cavity looks pristine.

No eye removal.

We got to ID this body.

Well, I'll need to bake
these bone samples

to more effectively extract
their DNA.

I don't suggest waiting
by the phone for the results.

What about that?


Ah, GSW to the skull.


(camera shutter clicking)

I was just coming to find you.

So, the stria from
the expended round

matches a .22 caliber g*n
registered back from 1980.

Check out who
it's registered to.

Diego, the father.

I'm gonna take your son
off the street

one way or another.

Unless I take you off first.

We've been looking
at the wrong Navarro.

Yes, we have.

140 Sam en route.

Requesting assistance
at the Navarro estate.

at the Navarro estate, over.

DISPATCHER: 140 Sam en route
to the Navarro estate.

(laughing): Come on.

Don't pretend like
you're here for the family.

You're here for your image
and your rich Arab clients.

I can't believe you're my son.

I always thought it was my
paternity that was in question.

No. You're his.

You're just like him.

No spine.

-(knocking on door)
-MAID: ? Se?or Navarro?


I'm coming.

Why don't you give them
a tour of the house?

CAINE: Diego.

DIEGO: Lieutenant Caine.

Tell him what he's won, Frank.

TRIPP: A little warrant for you
to read at your leisure.


A pile of bones
is found on our property,

so you think that I did it?

At 1,000 acres, we've seen
our share of trespassers.

Diego, the .22 caliber
handgun used to k*ll the man

is registered to you.

I owned a .22 once,

when I was 14,
a long time ago I'm afraid.

CAINE: Coincidentally, the man
was buried a long time ago.

Take him, Frank.

I'm gonna have a look around.

My pleasure.

You're under arrest. Let's go.


Hello, Lieutenant.

Staying for lunch?

This is the heel
of a woman's shoe.

Now, who would dispose
of their shoes in a fireplace?

That's a very good question.

Maybe somebody
who's disposing of evidence.

I don't even live here.

No, but you do own the house,
don't you, Mrs. Navarro?

Looks can be deceiving.

Not if you look closely,
Mrs. Navarro.



-You rang?

You're here.

Okay, I need a shoe expert.

That's me.

We've got some fancy...

high heels here.

That's my area.

Excellent. I'm trying
to find it on the Internet.

Look on Shoe Xanadu.

They have all the best ones.

DELKO: Okay.

Here we go.

Three-inch heel. Why don't
we start wit that?

Maybe try that one,
because it's

in the three-inch category,

but it's got the metal heel.

DELKO: Yeah, it has the same
wavy shape to it.

DUQUESNE: And it looks, um...

if you get my drift.

Our living witness did say

that Chelsea had
done some hooking.

Hm. Yeah, I know somebody
that might be able

-to help us tie the shoe
to the victim. -Oh, great.


Elizabeth Clark.

(car horn honks)

I don't think
that's a good idea.

Oh, why not? I mean...

same line of work
in the same area.

I don't like it, Eric;
I just don't.

I got it covered.

It'll be all right.

Okay, be careful.

I will.


How you doing?


Thanks for coming in.


Look, I need your help
with something.


You, uh,

know anybody that wore
a pair of shoes like this?


-You have a pair of
shoes like this? -Had.

I loaned them
to my friend Chelsea.

Chelsea Bartlett?


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, we found her body
at the beach this morning.

It's Esteban, isn't it?

Just like the others.

We think it might
be Esteban's father.

Esteban's father?

Yeah, Diego Navarro.

I'm gonna close
the books on this,

but I'm gonna need your help.

You think you'd be willing

to testify in court that you
loaned Chelsea these shoes?

Will it lock Diego up?

I promise.


AVERY: The prosecution now calls
to the stand Elizabeth Clark.

Yes, they were my shoes.

I bought them a little
over three months ago.

And, Miss Clark,
you're saying you loaned

the shoes to the deceased,
Chelsea Bartlett?


She liked them, and I wasn't
wearing them that night.

It was no big deal.

AVERY: Ms. Clark, isn't it true

that you have documentation
of this shoe purchase

on your credit card statement?

Yes, I do.

And isn't it also true

that Chelsea Bartlett told you

she had a sex-for-hire

with not Esteban Navarro,
but his father, Diego,

on the very same evening
that she disappeared?

One date, yes.

CSI Delko, did you run
a scientific test

to determine the validity
of this shoe fragment?

Yes, we found a match between
a shoe fragment collected

from Diego Navarro's fireplace
and a specific brand of shoe.

The very same one that Miss
Clark loaned the victim.

Mm-hmm, is it true that
over the last three months,

you spent personal time with
the witness, Elizabeth Clark?

No, that's not true.

No, Mr. Delko?


Please look

at this photo.

I'm gonna ask again.

People were tailing me?

I was taking her
to a safe house, Your Honor.

l-I was just trying to help her.

So very helpful.

And in return,
she would help you.


Soon as you could land
a Navarro, she'd testify

to whatever you wanted?

No, okay, that's
not what this is.

Your Honor, the only connection
between the smoking shoe

and the victim is the analysis

performed by CSI Delko

and his female
friend's testimony.

Amazing coincidence.

Judge, this is a cheap
attack on CSI Delko.

The prosecution is
trying to present

evidence that is not credible
and not admissible.

Therefore, we are asking that
the shoe evidence be suppressed.

We found the shoes
in his fireplace, Your Honor.

He was covering up

-evidence of m*rder.
-JUDGE: Noted.

Thank you, CSI Delko.

With the facts before me,

I'm not sure if I can overlook

CSI Delko's relationship
with the witness.

The court has no choice

but to grant the
defendant's motion.

There will be no mention
of any shoe evidence at trial.

Note to prosecution:

I recommend that you go back
to the drawing board.

Hey, did you hear the
shoe evidence got thrown out?

Yeah, I know, we're toast.

All right, but this
is what I'm thinking:

The indictment was based
on the shoe and the b*llet.

But how are we gonna
put the g*n in the hands

of a 14-year-old
from 32 years ago?

That's why I was
coming to see you.

I say we go back
to the burial site.

Connect the body to Diego.

(sirens wailing)

BOA VISTA: Search crew really
trampled this spot

all around the Bone Man.

DUQUESNE: The remains were

at approximately
four feet deep.

So I say we just
widen this ditch.

All right. I won't have to
go to the gym tonight.

(garbled radio transmission)

DUQUESNE: I think I've got
enough to start sifting.

What about you?

BOA VISTA: Yeah, I do.

Thank you, sir.

You got anything?

Just a shell.

Look at this.

Looks like a little lapel pin.

I'd say based on the damage,

it could've been
buried with the body.

Both were about five feet deep.

What are you thinking?

Didn't Diego
belong to a yacht club?

That's right.
When he was a kid, right?

I read that in the report.

I think he could've lost that
when he was burying the body.

I can't wait to see Abuela
try to get him out of this one.

So what am I looking at?

Well, we found this

on your property, along
with the skeletal remains.

And we think it could
belong to the k*ller.


Does it look familiar?

Not offhand.

Would you mind taking
a closer peek at it?

I'm sorry.

I don't recognize it.

I think you do.

(quiet laugh)

Will you look at that?

Has been awhile, hasn't it?

1980 that picture was taken.

You and your son Diego
at his yacht club graduation.

He was 14 years old.

That was when he was in

the Junior Nautical
Training Academy.

There were 20 boys in that club.

They used to come over
to our house and play

all the time in those days.


I doubt any of those
other boys...

put a victim's shoe
in their fireplace.

We're done here.

A shirt clip? So what?

Anyone could've
placed that there.

It's totally irrelevant.

If you were only half as
smart as you think you are.

Diego, I love you.
You're my son.

But you're a royal screw up.


And what do you plan on doing?

What I should've done
from the beginning.

You think you're
going to turn me in?

32 years is long enough
to keep your secret.

You're not going anywhere!

(Vina screams)

Get back here!

(phone ringing)

(phone beeps)

This is Lieutenant Caine.

VINA: He's gone crazy!
He's trying to k*ll me!

-Who's trying to k*ll you,
Mrs. Navarro? -Diego.

-You're not gonna do this!
-I've got myself locked in.

-Get off the phone! -He's trying
to break down the door.

-I'll k*ll you!
-Please help me.

CAINE: Okay, ma'am,

stay where you are.
I'm on my way.

(sirens wailing)





(Vina sobbing, speaking Spanish)


Quedate conmigo.
Quedate conmigo.

Oh, Diego!

(sobbing): Don't go, please.

-My son...

I never saw him like that.


(crying): No...

-He came at me.

l-l-I had no choice!

He broke in the door.

-(sirens wailing)
-Call a paramedic.


-Dr. Loman.

The bones from the beach?

Our 30-ish male.

Not finished yet.
I'm baking and pulverizing

the bone material
to extract the DNA.

We'll have a great sample,
but nothing to compare it to.

We might now.
That's Diego Navarro's blood.

It'll still take some time.

We don't have much, Tom.

I'll speed this up
so we can compare the two.

(respirator hissing,
monitor beeping)

SIMMONS: You believe how lucky
this guy is?

Paramedics said they couldn't
find a pulse,

and that he flatlined
for, like, 20 seconds.

Okay, this will be everything
that Diego had on him

at the time of the sh**ting.
Thank you.

Could you excuse us, please?

All right, get into it.

Open it up. Don't wait
to get back to the lab.




Great. Like father, like son.


Does that sound
like hard candy to you?

I don't know, Wolfe.

Last time I had one of
those I was, like, nine.

You just gonna
eat the man's candy?

It isn't.

It isn't hard candy.

It's plastic.

It's fake.

Why carry around
a fake lollipop?

Walter, to hide something
in plain sight.

(saw buzzing)

It's definitely some kind of...

data storage chip.

Can you get the information
off of it?

Very carefully.

One nick and it's
not gonna tell us anything.


Oh, great.

It's in Greek.

It's code.

I know it's code. I know code.

Easy, guys.

Let's let the software
find the translation.

Okay, there.

South gate. What's that?

Main entrance.

Numbers next to that.

Great. More code.

That looks like an actual code.

-Security code.

Hmm. What are you hiding?

Whatever it is,
the Navarros have properties

all over the world.

No, no. This has got
to be in our backyard.

Scroll down. See if
there's any more data.

Great. There. Kelser Square.

-It's in Little Haiti.
-Access series?

That usually means
the common denominator

for all codes listed.

Okay. So, 4341,
Northwest 101st Avenue.

That must be the address.

-Want to take a ride? -Yeah,
but not without this chip.

Good job, Benton.

(sirens wailing)

(tires screeching)

Mr. Wolfe.


Looks like we stumbled on
the Navarro family museum, guys.

TRIPP: This car has got to be
from the '30s.

(whispers): Hey, hey.

I got some stairs.

Okay, I got surgical equipment.

This whole place
is sound-proofed.

Why do you soundproof
a basement?

So the neighbors couldn't hear
the victims screaming.

I don't want to die!

I got a light over here.

Oh, my God.


This is a k*lling chamber.

Booties and gloves.

It's Esteban Navarro's work.

So, it's a...

family affair.

Yes, Walter?

H, we scrubbed this
place top to bottom--

nothing implicates Esteban.

Okay, what are you telling me?

The place is clean;
the guy made no mistakes.

All due respect, we all
make mistakes, Mr. Wolfe.

Bring it all back to the house.

Let's go!

We'll go over it again!


Ms. Boa Vista.

Take a look at that.

-Looks like it could be latex.

From a glove?

Yeah, maybe.

Let's get that to DNA.



(gavel banging)

COURT CLERK: Everyone take
your seats, please.

Court is now in session

for the preliminary hearing,

The State of Florida
v. Esteban Carlos Navarro.

AVERY: CSI Wolfe, you entered
what appeared to be

a storage facility.

Can you tell the court
what you found?

Yes. I found a soundproof room.

AVERY: What did you find
in the soundproof room?

WOLFE: We found a wooden chair

with leather straps
covered in blood,

surgical instruments...

a mattress spattered
with blood...

a blood-covered tarp.

What else did you find?

I found a jelly jar that
was filled with human eyeballs.

(Esteban snickering)

They were treasures
from the victims.

Objection! Speculation.

Relevancy. Anyone could've
placed those items in said room.

JUDGE: Overruled.

AVERY: Prosecution calls
Lieutenant Horatio Caine.

JUDGE: Do you swear to
tell the truth,

the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth?

-I do.
-You may be seated.

AVERY: Lieutenant Caine,

when you examined
this jelly jar,

could you tell the court
what you found?

I found a small piece of latex
threaded inside the lid.

AVERY: What else did you find?

We found Esteban Navarro's
DNA on the latex.

AVERY: And what are the chances
that said DNA

does not belong to Esteban...

CAINE: As forensic science
would avail us,

there is zero chance
of a no-match.

JUDGE: The Court finds
sufficient evidence

to hold the defendant,
Esteban Carlos Navarro,

over for trial...

for the murders

of Nikki Cervano...

Vanessa Tillman...

and Chelsea Bartlett.

I'm innocent.

I don't even know a Chelsea
or any of these girls.

This can't stand.
This can't stand.

It can't stand.

-(gavel banging)
-Sit down, young man.

Judge, you want to talk
about the gifts?

-Sit down! -You want to talk
about the gifts I sent you?!

-Do you want to talk about that?
-Remand this man into custody!

-Do you want to talk
about your... -Bailiff!

Bailiff, cuff the defendant!

You sit down, young man!

Transport him to Miami West.

(gallery murmuring)

Your Honor, may I step down?

Yes, you may.

You sure you want to do this?

JUDGE: Control him.

-(Vina murmuring)
-You're... you're useless.

VINA: Forgive me for not
congratulating you.

CAINE: I don't blame you.

This is not how I hoped
things would work out.

In case you're interested,
Diego is going to survive.

-Can he communicate? -The
doctors are very optimistic.

Oh, that is good news.

Thank you.

-I'd better be going. -They're
not gonna

-let you see him.
-I beg your pardon?

You heard me.




-We get something?
-Yeah, we did.

The DNA on the towel
you gave us from Diego

is a paternal match
to the Bone Man.

So the Bone Man
is Diego's father.

Was a missing persons
report filed?

Let's see.

Uh... yes, by Vina,

32 years ago,
for Alfredo Navarro.

Take a look at this.

Diego's father; Vina's husband.

Looks like he was
being investigated

for bank fraud at the time,
and the authorities

just thought
he fled the country.

So he was k*lled and buried
on his own property.

By his own son.

Maybe not.

VINA: Alfredo, time for dinner.


VINA: He's gone crazy!
He's trying to k*ll me!

CAINE: Who's trying to k*ll you,
Mrs. Navarro?

VINA (panting): Diego!

I've got myself locked in,

but he's... he's trying
to break down the door!

Please help me!

Hey, Frank.

She lied to us--
she left the door unlocked.

Find her.

(phone dialing)

(line ringing)

(phone rings)

This is Lieutenant Caine.

VINA: We didn't have
our proper good-byes,


Where are you, Vina?

Wouldn't you like to know?

Vina, you need to come in and
answer for your husband's death.

I'm afraid that
won't be possible.

You see, I'm otherwise engaged.

Why did you k*ll Alfredo?

Unfortunately, my husband

was very shortsighted.

Once he left Cuba,

he refused all business
opportunities with the island.

And our boating business
was dying.

You see, I had no choice--
I couldn't just

stand aside
and let him ruin it.

CAINE: Diego spent his life

keeping family secrets for you,

I'm afraid that burden was

too much for him.

You led him to the room,

but you left the door
unlocked, didn't you?

You k*lled my father.

And then you made me bury him,

with my bare hands!

I was 14.

14 years old!

And I've been covering
for you ever since.

But all that is over.

Are you listening to me?!


They'll never believe you.

-(body thumps)

I'm gonna find you, Vina.

I'm not gonna rest until
I put you down a dark hole.

VINA: Ah...

I can't wait.
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