06x09 - Manhattanhenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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06x09 - Manhattanhenge

Post by bunniefuu »

Prevlously on CSl: New York...

Do you know who this is?
It might be Hollis Eckhart.

He was a patient here.

We belleve the schlzophrenla

was brought on
by post-traumatlc stress dlsorder.

- Do you recognise this guy?
- Looks like Dario Gonzales.

Compass k*ller's first vic.
And that looks like Carole Hillcroft.

- Our third portrait...
- Richard Caldrone.

Who's this?

"To my beautlful Calllope. The sun's
rays are always jealous of you. "

- Calllope Eckhart.
- Hls wlfe.

Well, hopefully,
she can tell us where he Is.

No, It's not gonna be posslble.

According to this,
she was m*rder*d two years ago.

Danny, we just Identlfled
the Compass Klller.

Hollis Eckhart! That's him!

We got thls entlre place covered.

There's no way
he disappeared into thin air.

I want every inch
of this place searched.

We will find this guy.

The trace we found on the bottom
of Hollis Eckhart's shoe

is a definite match to the old New
York map in the Tent of Tomorrow.

So we know the Compass k*ller
is here somewhere.

The question is where?

We've locked down
the park since last night.

Nobody gets in or out of here
without going by us first.

We got K9, foot patrol, you name it.
Still no sign of him.

Detectlve Taylor,
we are ready for Infrared capablllty.

Thank you.

Time to go hi tech, huh?

Hollis Eckhart has over 1,200 acres
in this park to hide in.

Maybe the infrared camera
in that chopper

can flush him
out of Flushing Meadows.

We have a hlgh heat
slgnature In the northwest quadrant.

Heat source Is wlthln 10 yards.

- You seeing anything?
- No.

It says someone's here.

You think
Hollis Eckhart's down there?

We're about to find out.

* Out here In the flelds

* I flght for my meals

I'll check with Water and Sewer.
Find out where this tunnel leads.

Mac, are you hearing music?


* And she's always gone too long

* Anytlme she goes away

* Aln't no sunshlne when she's gone

* It's not warm when she's away

* Aln't no sunshlne when she's gone

* And she's always gone too long

* Anytlme she goes away

* Wonder thls tlme where she's gone

* Wonder If she's gonna stay

* Aln't no sunshlne when she's gone

* And thls house just aln't no home

* Anytlme she goes away

* And I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know

* I know, I know, I know

* Aln't no sunshlne when she's gone

* It's not warm when she's away

* Aln't no sunshlne when she's gone

* And she's always gone too long

* Anytlme she goes away

* Wonder thls tlme where she's gone

* Wonder If she's gonna stay

* Aln't no sunshlne when she's gone

* And thls house just aln't no home

* Anytlme she goes away

* And I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know

* I know, I know, I know, I know

* Wonder thls tlme where she's gone

* Wonder If she's gonna stay

* Aln't no sunshlne when she's gone

* And thls house just aln't no home

* Anytlme she goes away

* And I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know

* I know, I know, I know, I know

* I know, I know, I know, I know

* I know, I know, I know, I know

* Hey, I ought to leave
the young thlng alone

* But aln't no sunshlne
when she's gone

* Aln't no sunshlne when she's gone

* Only darkness every day

* Aln't no sunshlne
when she's gone...

It's an old generator.

So where are we
and where the hell is he?

Hollis Eckhart
knows we're closing in.

Which means he's out there somewhere,
hunting his next victim.

Shouldn't be here.

We lost Eckhart after midnight.

He clearly hid down here. Might have
left within minutes of our arriving.

I want every storm and sewer line
within the vicinity searched.

Eckhart could still be
in one of these tunnels.

- Armed and dangerous.
- We got it.

- Hey, you watch yourself.
- I'm good. I got my sea legs.


We're standing
in the Underground Home.

It was a pavilion
in the '64 New York World's Fair.

20ft below the ground
in a concrete Cold w*r bunker.

When the fair closed, they
trucked in top soil and left it here.

For Hollis Eckhart to call home.

- I wonder how he knew about it.
- He was a surveyor.

He probably studied every inch
of this city, above and below ground.

The question is where is he now?

His first three vics
were north, south and east

so he's definitely headed west.

We need to collect everything
we can from this place.

Something could lead us
to his next victim.

How are surveillance feeds
coming along down there?

We'll be live in one minute, Adam.

We're tapping
the NYPD surveillance system.

Over 3,000 cameras
around the city at our disposal

and a live audio link
to every detective.

Good. Priority is the West Side.

Closely monitor crowds
for automated facial recognition.

If anyone even remotely
looks like Eckhart, call me.

Need more eyes on the screens,
let me know.

Got it.

Danny, our audio and video feeds
are now live.

Gotcha, Adam.

I got your back.
Let me know If you spot hlm.

NYPD. Show me your hands!

Adam! In pursuit of suspect!

Roosevelt and a 126th!

You getting this, Adam?

Roosevelt Avenue.
Queens Communication. Channel 12.

Take hlm down If you must,
Danny. Don't let hlm get away.

I don't have a clean shot!

He's on the street!

There we go, 126th.

- Flack, you see him?
- Negative!

Mac, we lost hlm!

Not for long.
Bring up that side street.

There. West on Willets Point.

Danny, he's half a block
up Willets Point.

Go that way.

He's 100 feet ahead.

Right at the corner.

- Have a vlsual?
- Take a right.

I got hlm! I got hlm!

Don't let hlm out of your slght.

- I'm on his heels, Mac.
- Come on, come on.

- He rounded the fence.
- I got him!

- Don't lose him, Danny!
- Not a chance!

We got him, Danny. He just ducked
into an alley between 37 th and 38th.

Put your hands on your head now!

Slow! Nice and slow!

- Come out now!
- Don't move!

Mac, it's not him.

I repeat, this is not Hollis Eckhart.

- I went down there to stay warm.
- Why did you run?

I was scared, man. You don't get it.

Some punk already got
the jump on me today.

- You get a good look at him?
- Yeah. Only wish I hadn't.

He put the hurt on me good and...

You're not supposed to be here!

His face was all...

It looked like a horror movie.
That's all I can tell you.

Did he say anything to you?

Yeah, once he chllled out a blt.

Now that you are here,
you are gonna stay.

Oh, no! OK!

Seemed sorry for what he dld.
He gave me hls jacket.

Said I could keep it
if I stayed there a couple of hours.

- This jacket?
- Yeah.

All right, hand it over.

- You gonna take it from me?
- I'm afraid so. Take it off.

Did you see where he went?

I don't know.


Hey, thanks, man.

- That was nice of you.
- Thanks. I'm back.

Mac, so it looks like Eckhart was
just trying to buy himself some time.

Do you wanna glve us new dlrectlons?

Let me get back to you.

Let's focus
on all surveillance points

between a 2, 5 and 10-mile radius
of the manhole they exited.

Facial recognition
and body-shape similarities.



This is a picture of Hollis Eckhart.
Age three.

We recovered it
in the Underground Home.

I ran through
some simulated ageing software.

Definitely a match.

Yeah, but the background
on the original photo was faded.

So with some contrast
and correction tools...

- Voila.
- New York World's Fairgrounds.

- Yeah.
- These are sun charts.

Yes, they plot the sun's movements
through the sky on any given day.

And check this out.

And this is?

This is a solar illumination gauge.

This side measures the sun's path.
See those lines?

They're for a given latitude.

So wherever the window's reflection
appears in the lens,

it tells you exactly
what times of the year

a given point
will receive direct sunlight.

- Uh-huh.
- Look at the dots.

Each dot represents
a 0.1% sky factor.

That's the ratio of sunlight inside

to the brightness of the sun
when it's shining outside.

So if you count the number of dots
in the window's reflection,

you can add up the sky factor
for any position.

Yeah. But why?

Land surveyors often use the sun's
positioning for their calculations.

That's true.

But it feels to me like Eckhart's
using all this stuff

to calculate something much darker.

Mac, hey.

The paper fragments in the bedroom
of the underground Home,

they're a match to the previous notes
we found on Hollis Eckhart's victims.

- Another fake su1c1de message.
- Hard to tell when it's like this.

I'm on my way to the QD lab.
See if I can clean it up.

Good cos whatever's
underneath these scratches

might tell us who he's after.


Eckhart's writings,
collected from the Underground Home.

They read like an accusation of guilt
directed at each one of the victims.

Take a look.

"All the stupid bastard had to do

"was run a permit check
the way he was supposed to

"before he sold the damn g*n
to that butcher.

"But, instead, he chose
to take the money and run. "

Sounds like he's talking
about Dario Gonzales.

"She was a court-appointed shrink.

"How could she not see

"he was still a threat
to his ex-wife and everyone else?

"How hard would it have been to send
her a simple warning in the mail?"

That's gotta be Carole Hillcroft.

"Is that what they paid him for?

"To take a cosy little nap
while Death walked by his desk

"and took my angel away?"

Richard Caldrone, the third victim.

But it still doesn't make sense.

Dario Gonzalez was a maintenance man,
not a g*n salesman.

Right, I know.
And Carole Hillcroft isn't a shrink.

Richard Caldrone may have been
a nightclub bouncer

but never a security guard.

None of Eckhart's victims
are connected

to the jobs he accused them of doing
or connected to each other.

From everything we've gathered,

they're not remotely related
to the original act of v*olence

that left Eckhart's wife dead.

This might sound crazy
but, then again, so is he.

Eckhart's medical records cite him
as a delusional schizophrenic.

He frequently accused
doctors, staff, other patients

of doing things that they didn't.

Blaming strangers
to explain how something happened.


I believe Hollis Eckhart
is incapable

of separating tragedy from reality.

The gunman at the m*ssacre was able

to purchase a w*apon
at a pawn shop without a permit

after a judge ordered him
to get psychiatric counselling.

Security at the surveyor's office
claimed not to see the gunman

enter the building
until it was too late.

In Hollis Eckhart's fractured mind,
he draws pictures of people

he holds responsible
for k*lling Calliope.

And then he punishes them one by one.

They're not the real people that
might have had a hand in her death.

No, they're figments of his
imagination that he draws on paper.

And the first innocent victim
that looks like one of his sketches

becomes Eckhart's target.

Which means anyone in this city
could be next.

And, right now, we have
no way of knowing who that is.

Can I help you find something?

I'll just ring you up
at the register.

Hey, buddy. Plan on paying for that?

Mr Birnbaum? How are you doing? NYPD.
Somebody roughed you up a little bit.

You are about 20 minutes too late.

Dispatch said a man came
in your store and stole some rope?

One way of puttin' it.

I got a full register.
Safe just waiting for a deposit.

This arseface decides to p*stol-whip
me over three bucks' worth of rope.

Can you give us a description?

This is a fruitcake you don't forget.
Scarred-up face.

Switched-off look behind the eyes.
This guy was messed up.

- Got any idea which way he went?
- I was trying hard to play dead.

After he stole my jacket,
I saw him go that way.

West on 48th on foot,
about a half an hour ahead of us.

Hey, do me a favour.
If you catch the guy, keep the rope.

- String him up with it, would ya?
- Yeah, we will.

Come on!

What's the problem?

Not all our cameras
are outfitted with night vision.

Since the sun went down
I'm losing a lot of views.

Well, tap into private. Or homeland
security feeds, if you have to.

- Just keep looking.
- I just keep looking.

I'll keep looking.
I got this. I got this.

Let's get these to Layout
as quickly as possible.

More evidence
from the Underground Home?

Yeah, Eckhart must have been
down there for a while.

Probably since he escaped
from Crestridge Psychiatric Hospital.

It's period stuff.

Explains trace evidence we found at
crime scenes relating to the 1960s.

- A k*ller obsessed with the past.
- Or trapped there.

Eckhart suffers from acute PTSD.

His medical records
say he has b*llet fragments

lodged in the temporal lobe
of his brain.

Nothing is real to him.

Let's hope there is something
in those boxes

to uncover the method to his madness.

- Got anything on that su1c1de note?
- Yeah, it's not a su1c1de note.

It's another sketch.

Like the ones we found at the asylum
of Eckhart's first three victims.

This could be the fourth.

The video spectral comparator
gives some improvement to the image,

but I don't think we're gonna get
the detail we need to make an ID.

Try 3D forensic handwriting analysis.

Based on the indentations,

maybe it'll identify which
pencil layers were applied last.

- Then you can remove them.
- Will do.

But, Mac, you can
practically feel Eckhart's rage

in the way he scratched
this drawing out.

If you ask me, he hated this victim
more than everybody else.

I finished my third cup of coffee.
Figured you could probably use one.

I thought we weren't
supposed to drink in the lab.

We aren't.

But at some point the human body
either requires sleep or caffeine.

- God bless you.
- How's it going here?

Great, if you like playing
"Guess Who?" one pixel at a time.

Hollis Eckhart doesn't make it easy.

No, he doesn't. Then again,
he didn't have it very easy.

Imagine losing
somebody you love like that.

Hls wlfe came to see hlm

and somebody's boyfrlend
showed up and started sh**t.

Under the desk! Here!

All that bloodshed. All that fear.

The attack at the surveyor's offlce
llterally shattered hls mlnd.

No, no, no!

Worse than that, it broke his heart.
That's a rage you can't control.

No. But it's one we've gotta stop.

- So what are we looking at?
- Manhattanhenge.

Manhattan what?

It's a biannual phenomenon
in which the rising or setting sun

aligns perfectly with the east-west
grid of Manhattan streets.

A Stonehenge meets concrete
and hot-dog carts kinda thing.

- Huh.
- Here's how I got there.

I took all of Hollls Eckhart's charts

and ran them through
the NOAA's solar posltlon calculator.

And he was deflnltely plottlng

the movement of the sun
for an exact date and tlme.

His charts show the precise path
of the sun across New York City

for December 5th at sunrise.

What about this photograph?

That's Hollis and Calliope Eckhart
on the same day two years ago.

All the signage and advertising
in Times Square confirms it.


According to medical records, Hollis
Eckhart was born on December 5th.

His wife was m*rder*d
two years ago on his birthday.

This photograph might have
been taken on the day she died.

Plus, it's facing east,

which makes that a Manhattanhenge
dawn right behind 'em.

His birthday,
the anniversary of his wife's death

and Manhattanhenge
all on the same day.

- That day begins again at sunrise.
- What time is it?

It's almost 4am.
We've only got two hours.

So where are you now, Mac?

Heading west.

Based on Eckhart's previous murders,
Flack's got all units

descending on every iconic
West Side location we can think of.

Hawkes get anythlng from the tlckets?

He's trylng to restore
the thermal Ink prlnt.

There's no guarantee It'll polnt you
In the rlght dlrectlon.

No tlme for guarantees.
We gotta go wlth our guts.

This is like looking for some kind of
crazy, twisted needle in a haystack.

Yeah, I know but Lindsay's
still working that sketch.

Wlthout a speclflc person
or place to search...

All we can do Is hlt
the same streets as Hollls Eckhart.

- I'm seeing what we've got.
- Keep me on the llne.

They say
It's always darkest before dawn.

Let's hope they're rlght.

I know where he's going.

- Hey, Stell...
- Hold on, Mac.

These are two unused tickets
for a concert by the Philharmonic

two hours
after Calliope Eckhart died.

Mac, get to Lincoln Center now.

It's Hollis Eckhart.
He's the fourth victim.

Flack, what's your 20?

I'm heading near 8th.
Danny's over on Hudson Parkway.

Oh, no! No, no, no!

Move, move, move!

We have a visual.

Hollis Eckhart,

Mac Taylor, NYPD!


Put the g*n down now!

Drop it right now!

Put your hands in the air.

Hollis? What's happening?

This isn't how it was supposed to be.

I know, baby. None of it was.

Please don't make it worse.

I shouldn't have asked you to come.
If you hadn't, you'd still be here.

But I am still here!
I am! You know that!

No, you're gone! You're gone!

That bastard k*lled you!

Just like the man
who sold him the g*n!

Like the shrink
who should have warned his wife

and the guard who should have
stopped him from coming in!

But I'm just as much to blame
as them. Don't you see that?

No, baby! Please don't do this!

- I have to.
- No!

- There's nothing left for me here.
- You're wrong!

Listen to your wife, Hollis.
We can help you.

Yes! You can trust him!

I lost my wife, too.

But she never really left me.

And I promise you...
Calliope won't leave you either.

Now just put the g*n down.

He's right, baby.

If you love me,

then please do what he says.

Oh, God.

- What have I done?
- It's OK.

What have I done?

Authorltles allege Hollls Eckhart

Is responslble for the murders
of three New Yorkers

and Intended to take hls own llfe

before belng apprehended
thls mornlng.

Eckhart Is undergolng
psychlatrlc evaluatlon

pendlng hls arralgnment.

In other news, the New York
phenomenon known as Manhattanhenge...

So what's his final note mean?

"I shouldn't have asked her to come.
I'm sorry. "

Eckhart was supposed to meet his wife
at Lincoln Center after work.

But when he was running late, he told
her to go to the surveyor's office.

Figured if they were gonna miss the
show, they might as well be together.

He blamed himself
as much as everyone else.

Maybe more.

Each man is the architect
of his own fate.

And sometimes the fate of others.

We've got spaghetti and meatballs,
chicken parmesan,

saut?ed vegetables, garlic bread.

- Pass the garlic bread.
- There you go.

- Thank you.
- Pass it down.

- And a bag of ice.
- Ah, grazle, grazle!

Enjoy! Thank you.

- That feels good.
- All right.

- Got it? You OK?
- Yeah.

Here's to a great team.

And to getting Hollis Eckhart
off the streets.

And to reminding us
that life is fleeting

and we should hold on
to the people we love.


We did good.

We did.

Every one of us
is gonna sleep well tonight.


I'll be sleeping in my own flat.

- Nice. Score a new pad?
- Tell me it's not underground!

No, it's a rent-controlled studio
off Bleecker.

- Nice!
- Good for you.

This mean I get my couch back?

Well, actually, it's unfurnished.

Side of meatballs?

- Right here.
- Here we go.


* Sundown, you better take care

* If I flnd you've been creeplng
round my back stalrs

* Sometlmes I thlnk It's a sln

* When I feel llke I'm wlnnlng
when I'm loslng agaln

* When I'm loslng agaln
I'm loslng *
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