06x12 - Criminal Justice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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06x12 - Criminal Justice

Post by bunniefuu »


We'll have to qualify it here.

- Hey. What's up?
- [man] Come on. Sit down.

[woman gasps]

[man 2] Docket number 09QN0323.

People of the state of New York
versus Antonio Reyes.

All rise.

Please be seated.

Mr Reyes.

You are being charged
with m*rder in the second degree

for having caused the death
of Christine Reynolds.

Do you wish to enter a plea?

Not guilty, Your Honour.


Your Honour, not only
was this crime horrific in nature

and completely unnecessary,

the tragedy was magnified by the fact

that the victim was found
by her own mother.

[wails] Oh, my God! Oh!

No, no, no.

As to notices.

The People serve 7-10-31-A.

A notice of an identification
by an eyewitness

to be disclosed at a later time.

As to the matter of bail.

In light of Mr Reyes'
lengthy rap sheet,

numerous past bench warrants and on
the strength of the People's case...

- Your Honour!
-...the Court hereby...

I hope you have a good reason

for barging in
and disrupting these proceedings.

- I do, Your Honour.
- Really? What would that be?

Antonio Reyes' release.


[# The Who: Baba O'Riley]

# Out here in the fields

# I fight for my meals

# I get my back into my living

# Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah #

What you're saying
pertains to evidence

you and your investigators
collected and analysed.

I'm well aware of that.

And this could not have waited until
after the defendant was remanded?

With all due respect, Your Honour,

would you rather make rulings
without knowing all the facts?

If what you just told me
goes on record,

Antonio Reyes could walk out onto
the street, free to do more harm.

Are you prepared to live with
the potential consequences of that?

Are you, Detective?

You say you heard screaming?

It was Christine.

I thought she was laughing
like she had friends over.

She does that all the time.
I had no idea.

I should have done something.

The way you can help Christine now
is by helping me, OK?

I think I saw someone
in Christine's room.

I know it's hard, Ms Winston.
But I need details.

It was dark,

but I'm sure I saw the same guy
leave her building

a few minutes later.

Did you see him then?

Did you see what he was wearing?
Hair colour, length?

Any little detail helps.

He had on a dark-coloured jacket.

- Shoulder-length hair. Maybe brown.
- What about facial features?

- Hey, Craig.
- Hey.

Supervising DA's salary

and you still wear that cheap suit.

Keeping tabs on me, Bonasera?

You wore the same one
at the Donnelly scene.

And how did that case turn out?

- Full confession.
- Lucky suit.


Congratulations on the promotion.
You deserve it.

- Thanks.
- What brings you here?

Pricey neighbourhood like this,
higher-ups want the play-by-play.

Put me on speed dial, will you?
Keep me in the loop?

[sobs] I don't wanna go back in.

My guys checked the place
three times.

No sign of forced entry.

- Maybe the victim knew her attacker.
- Who found her?

Her mother.

She came home
from visiting relatives in Philly

at about 8:00am
and this is what was waiting for her.

Christine Reynolds.
She's 18 years old.

- Is there a father?
- He's not around.

What about a boyfriend?

Apparently she was seeing a guy
who goes by the street name, Demon.

What's scary is when I run the name

through the system,

I get hits to 50 other morons
using the same name.

That's a lot of Demons.

My guys are trying to find
the one we're after.

I'm gonna go downtown
with the neighbour

and have her work
with a sketch artist, OK?

Guys, I went over the bedroom
with the leucomalachite green

and there are no usable shoe prints.

This floor's
almost entirely carpeted.

Limits the likelihood of finding any.

The bathroom, however,

has a marble floor.

I was able to get
at least one usable print.

Throat laceration would have led
to a lot of arterial spurting.

k*ller probably cleaned himself up
in the bathroom.

It implies he knew he had time.
Wouldn't be interrupted.

Several incised wounds
to the palms and fingers.

She tried to fight off the blade.

[screams] No! No!

There's also some perimortem bruising
and several cuts to the face.

What about time of death?

Based on liver temp,
I put TOD at 10:00pm last night.

All right.

Let's see if we can put
the boyfriend in this room.

[camera shutter clicks]

[# Holly Miranda: Slow Burn Treason]


- [Danny] You find anything?
- A lighter.

But nothing to suggest
she was a smoker.

Could be our k*ller's.

# You wake up
and you're next to nothing

# But the weight of the world
is on your side

# Most days you don't even notice #

I'm the only guy in the city
with a lighter like that?

Well, this one was found
at a m*rder scene.

And it had your fingerprint on it.

- How do you have my fingerprint?
- It's in our database.

You had to give up a set of prints
when you were hired as a paralegal.

For a background check,
which I passed.

Well, every criminal
has a first time, Rob.

Looks like
Christine Reynolds' was yours.

That's him?

We found his fingerprint on
the lighter recovered from the scene.

It's a start.
Now we just need a confession.

Well, you got your lucky suit on,

Look, we'll keep pressing him.

- I'll let you know what we find out.
- OK. Thanks.

Told you. I lost the lighter.

Somebody must have found it. That's
who you should be talking to, not me.

- I've never met this girl before.
- When did you say you lost it?

I don't know. A couple of weeks ago.

- Maybe three.
- Where?

If I knew where,
it wouldn't be lost, would it?

Where were you last night
about 10 o'clock?

- At home. Alone.
- That's too bad.

Fingerprint at the scene
and no alibi.

- Get up.
- All right. Wait, wait.

- I was with someone.
- Who?

Her name's Sarah Hansen.

- Mac.
- Hey, Sarah.

- How are the kids?
- Good.

Bobby scored his first goal
in hockey last week.

Hey, great.

- But it was against his own team.
- That's not so great.

It's good to see you, Mac.

But I could tell on the phone
that something's going on.

- What is it?
- I realise this might be difficult.

You know a Rob Meyers?

Uh, yeah. I, l...

I know of him. Why?

His name came up
in a m*rder investigation.

- He's using you as his alibi.
- An alibi?

Wait a second.
He, he didn't hurt someone, did he?

That's what I need your help with.

The m*rder happened last night
about 10 o'clock.


I don't need you
to give me specifics.

I just need confirmation
that Rob is telling me the truth.


Yeah, I was with him, Mac.

Just promise me you won't tell Craig.

Hey, vic's neighbour, Karen Winston,

just provided a composite sketch
of our suspect.

[Stella] This is good.

The print that Hawkes developed
at the crime scene got a hit

in the shoe print imaging database.

- Clearly it's the same guy.
- Yeah. Antonio Reyes.

We got a case-to-case hit.

He left the same prints at a burglary
scene in Jersey three months ago.

- I spoke to the vic's boyfriend.
- Demon?

- Yep.
- Does he look anything like this?

No. I had a hell of a time finding
him. His real name is T rent Jacobs.

He has an alibi, so we can
scratch him off the suspect list.

What I did find out is he owes 15
large to a guy called Antonio Reyes.

That's Antonio, isn't it?

- He quick or what?
- Yeah.

Antonio must have tried to beat
T rent's whereabouts out of Christine.

Either she didn't know where he was
or she wouldn't give him up.

And paid the ultimate price
for her silence.

Means we got motive.

And a print in the vic's blood
that puts Reyes at the scene.

- Let's bring him in.
- Yeah.

I can't believe it.
Sarah cheating on Craig.

Until she confirmed it,
I couldn't believe it either.

They seemed so happy.
The couple that had everything.

This is so sad. I had no idea
they were having problems.

Now we got one of our own.

Her lover's fingerprint was found
at the same crime scene

Craig was assigned to.

And we need to find out
how that lighter ended up there.

- Adam.
- Oh, hey, yeah.

Sorry. I didn't see you come in.

The lighter Lindsay found
at the crime scene.

What do you know about it?

Uh, well,
I detected a female DNA profile.

Looks degraded.

The lighter was collected
from inside Christine's bedroom,

protected from the elements.

- I know. It's weird, right?
- [woman] Here's the trace report.

Ha! This is why.

DNA's degraded because
of leucomalachite green inhibition.

It makes sense. Hawkes sprayed LMG at
the scene for shoe print development.

The highest concentration of it
is on the side of the lighter

that was face down on the floor
at the scene.

Are you sure?

[Mac] Take a look.

The emblem side was face up
when Lindsay found it.

That means the leucomalachite green
was on the floor

before the lighter hit the ground.

That lighter was left
at the crime scene

after Hawkes started processing.

- Planted evidence?
- [Mac] Maybe.

Besides us,

there was only
one other person at the scene.

All rise.

Thank you. You may be seated.

In light of new evidence
presented to me

by the lead detective on this case,

bail will be set at $500,000.

Your Honour. Your Honour.

This man is a m*rder*r.

Why is a k*ller being let out
on our streets?

Because you are under arrest.


[judge hits gavel]

You wanna tell me
what the hell's going on, Stella?

You tell me, Craig.

A lighter.

- Ever seen it before?
- Sure.

On the shelf of every cigarette store
and newspaper stand in the city.

Look, Craig.

I've known you for, what?
15, 16 years?

At least. And you don't even
extend me the courtesy...

Let's not play games with each other.

I wanna help you.

But the only way I can do that
is if you work with me on this.

Help me with what?

This is the lighter found
at Christine Reynolds' crime scene

with Rob Meyers' fingerprint on it.

I hope you start
making some sense soon.

I know about Sarah's affair with Rob.


This lighter, Rob's lighter,

was found at the same crime scene
you were assigned to.

Do you expect me to believe
that was a coincidence?

what other explanation is there?

The truth.

You found Rob's lighter
somewhere it shouldn't have been,

so you planted it at
the Christine Reynolds' crime scene.

This is crazy.
Why would I do something like that?

Because you believed Sarah was having
an affair but didn't know who with.

You planted it at the scene knowing
my lab would run it for prints

and possibly lD Sarah's lover.

- Come on, Stella.
- Oh, trust me, Craig.

I do not wanna believe this.

So if there's another explanation,
please tell me what it is.

This is the problem
with people like you and me.

We've worked two many cases,
investigated too many murders.

We're trained to be suspicious.
We throw out theories and hunches.

You think I would barge
into a courtroom,

jeopardising a m*rder investigation
to arrest you on a hunch or a theory?

- I've got evidence, Craig.
- What?

Residue levels
of a shoe print developer

proving the lighter
was placed at the scene

after forensic processing had begun.

That's what this is about?
A discrepancy in residue levels?

Yeah, and if you don't give me
a more reasonable explanation,

I have to book you
on evidence tampering.

- Don't do this, Stella.
- Then tell me what's going on.

I don't know.
I'm telling you, I don't know.

Then I'm sorry, Craig.

You're making a mistake,
a huge mistake. You hear me?

If you pursue this any further,

I will sue you and your crime lab,
you hear me?

Stella, you're finished.

[Flack] Just got word.

They assigned a new DA
to the Christine Reynolds' case.

All right.

I'll call him, tell him
all the physical evidence we had

on Antonio Reyes is now useless.

Unless we find more forensics
to use against him,

this entire case rests
on the testimony of one eyewitness.

Then we need
other evidence against him.

I'll put everyone on it if I have to.

Tell me why. Why did you do it?

- Mrs Reynolds, I'm so sorry.
- You're sorry?

After what you did?

I had no choice.

The prosecutor's actions
were unacceptable.

- I was compelled to go to the court.
- I don't want a textbook answer.

I am truly sorry for having to do
what I did today.

And now Antonio Reyes is gonna go
right back out onto the street,

where he can do more harm.

Where he can m*rder
somebody else's child.

I promise you, I will do everything
in my power not to let that happen.

Really? Like what?

There are things I can do,
steps to take.

Are any of those steps as good
as having him back behind bars

where he belongs?

Hey. What is that?

Nothin'. Just precautionary.
My back's been acting up.

- I probably just pulled something.
- When?

A few weeks ago when Flack and l
were chasing Hollis Eckhart.

[tyres screech]

You know, Danny.
Maybe you came back to work too soon.

What are our other options, Linds?

Take any more sick days,
they'll force a medical leave on me.

Well, you'll get to spend
more time with Lucy.

You are her favourite.

I'll be fine.

Don't worry about it.

...postponing all proceedings

in the brutal m*rder
of Christine Reynolds indefinitely.

What I can say is the alleged k*ller
in the case, Antonio Reyes,

has just been released
on $500, 000 bond.

There have been no reports
as to his whereabouts at this time.

But we'll update you as the
controversy around this case

continues to unfold.

In the meantime,
back to you in the studio.

So much for the sufficiency hearing
the judge placed on him.

Someone in Antonio's crew must
have access to a lot of legit funds.

Ensure we have eyes and ears
on Antonio Reyes.

- I wanna hear about his every move.
- Yeah.


- You OK?
- Uh, can we talk in private?

Uh, absolutely. Come on in.

- I'm so sorry. Uh, I'm...
- I never...


I never thought
that this would happen.

Not to me and Craig.
We were always so happy.

But, it did, and we just, you know,
grew apart somehow.

Sarah, you don't owe me
any kind of explanation.

No, yes, I do.

I am the one who created
this whole mess.

Sarah, we all make mistakes,
do things that we're not proud of.

I know, Stella.

But if I had told Craig earlier
about my relationship with Rob,

then we wouldn't be here right now.

And I wouldn't be asking you
for your help.

With what?


Sarah, what is it?

I can't find Rob.

You know, I tried his cell.
I went to his apartment, his office.

No one knows where he is.

I think Craig might have done
something horrible.

- You mean to Rob?
- Stella.

You think you know my husband,
but you don't.

You have no idea
what he is capable of.

[policeman] Clear. All clear.

It's all clear.
There's no sign of Rob.

Well, we do have signs of a struggle.

I'll go get my kit.

- You find something?
- Potential m*rder w*apon.

Can you get me some luminol?

It's positive.

But not for blood.
I'm not picking up any absorbents.

Well, positive for what, then?

I'm thinking peroxide.

Hansen must have used it
to clean all blood evidence.

He didn't use bleach

as that would cause discolouration
and leave an odour.

Making it obvious
a clean-up took place.

He also left the alarm clock
on the window sill,

exposing it to direct sunlight.

He knew the sun's UV rays
would break down any remaining DNA.

Craig is so good.
He knows exactly how we think.

15 years in the DA's office.

You'd learn a thing or two
about getting away with m*rder.

Rule number one,
make sure the body's never found.

Now, how do we know
we're looking for a body?

He could still be alive.

We have a w*apon that's been cleaned,
signs of a struggle

and a clear motive.

You and I both know that rage
rarely ends in a struggle.

Craig had nothing to gain
by keeping Rob alive

and so much to gain by k*lling him.

Once he k*lled Rob,
he took him somewhere

and disposed of the body.

If we don't find it,
we have no shot at a conviction.

DA or not,
no one commits a perfect crime.

[camera shutter clicks]

[Hawkes] Yeah, come on.

You find anything inside Craig's car?

Actually, I found something
outside of his car.

After ripping apart
the vehicle's interior,

something on its exterior
caught my eye.

[Mac] You get a chemical composition?

XRF indicated potassium
chloridemorphology was granular.

- Road salt.
- Yeah.

Deposit layer seems to be superficial
suggesting it was picked up recently

and imbedded in the tire tread.

It hasn't been cold enough
in the city to need de-icing.

Hansen must have taken
a recent trip up north.

Which is why I pulled
the vehicle's GPS unit.

The memory has been erased and I'm
trying to find any retrievable data

using a digital restoration program.

Got it.

6235 River Walk Lane,
Catskill, New York.

246 miles round trip.
Time stamp, 1 1 :18pm.

I finished interviewing Rob
at four in the afternoon yesterday.

Last time he was seen.

Hansen was back in court
for Antonio's 9:00am arraignment

earlier today.

That's a narrow time window.

That's where he took the body.

- [Stella] Thanks.
- [man 3] No problem.

- Cabin's empty.
- Yeah, no luck out here either.

Shoreline's just about 100 yards away
on the other side of the bend.

If we don't find a body, we may
end up having to drag the river.

That's exactly
what he wants us to do.

Hansen worked with me
on the Rosen case.

k*ller almost got away while
we spent two weeks dragging a lake.

Body ended up being found five
miles away, completely decomposed.

The ME had a tough time
even calling it a homicide.

So Hansen did something else
with Rob's body.

Question is, what?

[dog barks]

[policeman 2]
On the other side of the building...

Thank you.

Hey, Mac. Got something.

Positive for blood.

Its location is very incriminating.

Let's get it to DNA.

Blood's not human. Could be from
a cat or another kind of roadkill.

Run it again.

Stell, the instrument and
control samples are all working fine.

If I run it again,
we'll end up with the same result.


[Stella sighs]

No, no, no, no.
Don't do this to me right now.

No. No, no, no.

- Lindsay Messer.
- Hey, babe. It's me.

- Still at the acupuncture studio?
- Yeah, I'm still here.

Someone stole my wallet.

- Are you sure you had it with you?
- I'm sure it was in here.

They got everything.

I mean, my, my, my wallet,
my, my cards, my money.

Even my grandfather's dog tags.

- My badge.
- Can you talk to the owner?

Maybe he saw something.

[groans] They got my badge, Lindsay.
What am I gonna do?

All right. Look, we'll find it, OK?
Don't beat yourself up.

Come back here.
We'll figure something out.

All right.

Damn it!

Hey, any luck finding a connection
with Hansen and the cabin owner?

Five databases, nothing so far.

Maybe it's time to rethink
dragging that river.

I ran the blood sample a second time.

Same result. No DNA.

You ran an Ochterlony
for species determination?

Confirmed what I thought.
Not human. Blood is canine.

Someone's dog
must have been hit by a car,

ended up in a snow bank,
a snowblower comes along and...

- But there was no dog.
- There had to have been.

- I can show you the test results.
- No, I mean at Rob Meyers' flat.

I remember seeing a dog bowl.

Lindsay and I searched the whole flat
and there was no dog.

It may have been elsewhere,
like at the vet.

We saw the leash and it looked like
the dog food had just been put out.

Maybe Rob Meyers' dog att*cked Hansen
so he k*lled it too,

then ran 'em both
through the snowblower.

We need to tear that thing apart.

I just spoke to Flack.
Antonio Reyes slipped his tail.

- Where was he last seen?
- Headed East on 57th.

[Danny's mobile rings]

He's going after the eyewitness,
Karen Winston.

And her testimony is the only thing
that puts Antonio away for m*rder.

- Yep, I got it. Thanks.
- What do we know?

Surveillance team lost Antonio
at First Federation on Broadway.

- ATM or did he go inside?
- They said he went inside.

Only reason for that would be
to make a big withdrawal.

He's cashing out. Once he silences
Karen, he'll flee the US.

- Where are the intercept team?
- They're three minutes out.

- Lindsay's right behind.
- Oh, this better work.

[TV presenter]
Five teams race to Stockholm.

On the confusing streets
of Stockholm,

Gary and Matt got turned around
and left...

[contestant] What do I do?

[contestant 2] For five of us,
it's all work all day.

[TV presenter] Do the boys figure out
how to open this door

to the building of the Mustpeade,

the secret lair of the Brotherhood of
the Blackheads for their next clue?

- [contestant] Where's the ferry?
- [contestant 2] Downtown Stockholm.

At this point in a race,
every team to make it this far...

- [policeman 3] Go, go!
- [policeman 4] Freeze!

- [policeman 5] Hands up!
- Expecting someone else?

- You're done, Antonio. T ake him.
- Put your hands behind your back.

What are some
of the most common motives

you've seen in your 15 years as DA,
Mr Hansen?

- Motives for what?
- m*rder.

I'm not sure I know
where this is going.

Answer the question.

Money. dr*gs.

- Um...
- And jealousy?

The kind of jealousy that builds
into a rage that leads to m*rder?

That would qualify as manslaughter,

Not if there's a plan.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

You could have hired
a private detective but didn't.

The risk of embarrassment
if it got out was too great,

so you used our lab
to identify the fingerprint for you.

That's him?

His fingerprint was on the lighter
found at the scene.

You almost got away with it,
except for one detail

you couldn't have planned for.

Shoe print developer.

It told us that this lighter
had been planted at the scene.

Do you have any idea
how ludicrous this sounds?

You used the information we gave you
to k*ll Rob Meyers,

betraying our trust

and making this lab
an accessory to m*rder.

Are you even listening to yourself?
What jury is gonna buy that story?

When I testify at your trial
I'll be extremely convincing,

as will the evidence.

When I told you
about the fingerprint hit to Rob,

you waited for him to leave,
followed him home and confronted him.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Don't lie to me. I know you're the
bastard who's been nailing my wife.

- You're crazy.
- I have proof, do you hear me?

I found your lighter in my bedroom.
Do you understand? In my bedroom!

I want you out of here. Now!

You may not have
intended on k*lling him

but nevertheless,
he was dead on the floor.

Another great theory, Detective.

But you don't even have a body
to prove Rob Meyers is dead,

Iet alone m*rder*d.

No corpus delecti.
Remember the Stuart case?

We had all the physical evidence
in the world.

But the jury wouldn't convict because
they accepted the defence's theory

that he was lying on a beach
somewhere, sipping umbrella drinks.

Well, see, that's where you're wrong

because we do have the body.

It's a photo of a bone fragment.
The DNA is a match to Rob Meyers.

We found it in a snowblower
that your GPS led us to.

We also found blood
from Rob Meyers' dog.

Just too many connections
that all lead back to you.

What is it that you used to say
in your closing arguments?

If you're not guilty,

then you're the unluckiest guy
on the planet.

I love Sarah.

But is it possible she hired someone
to k*ll Rob Meyers?

- Come on. Don't do this!
- She was fraught with guilt.

She's gonna end it,
but he's not having that.

So he, he even threatens to tell me
they're having an affair.

So, isn't it possible that
she hired someone to k*ll Rob Meyers?

I... Isn't it possible that
the real k*ller is still out there?

Isn't it possible?

Good luck with that, Councillor.
I'll see you in court.

[# lmogen Heap: Wait It Out]

# How do we carry on?

# I can't get beyond the questions

# Clambering for the scraps
in the shatter of us collapsed

# It cuts me
with every could have been

# Pain on pain on play, repeating

# With the backup makeshift life
in waiting

# Everybody says

# Time heals everything

# But what of the wretched hollow?

# The endless in between?

# Are we just going to wait it out?

# And sit here
Just going to wait it out

# Sit here cold
Just going to sweat it out

# Wait it out #
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