06x22 - Point of View

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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06x22 - Point of View

Post by bunniefuu »



Drop the w*apon!

Don't move! Freeze!
Slide the knife to me.

She deserved to die.
She took everything I worked for!

Slide the knife to me. Do it now.

Mac! Officer down.
I need a bus at 675 Bowery.

[# The Who: Baba O'Riley]

# Out here in the fields

# I fight for my meals

# I get my back into my living

# Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah #

[Flack] Mac!

Mac! Mac!

[distorted] We caught
the son of a bitch. We got him.

[Mac] Ah! Geez. Ah.

This lovely stack of papers

needs your signature.

Yeah, I'll do my best.

I'll have Adam pick it up
later tonight.

Do you need all this stuff
by tonight?

You show me no mercy.

I also need you
to take a look at this.

Photo was taken
from security footage

from a bar in Astoria, Queens.

Shane Casey's still posing as a cop.


And he still has Danny's badge
and debit card.

- Got a new hit on my debit card.
- [Flack] At an ATM in Midtown.

- Shane Casey.
- [Stella] This was last night.

We were investigating
an unrelated sh**ting.

We're trying to track him down.

Didn't you bring any good news?

Actually, I did. Breakfast.

Something fabulous.

Spicy orange chicken
from Senor Chow's.


You'll have to live with
smelling like garlic all day

but it may take the edge off
your pain medication.

Speaking of which,
how are those ribs?

[sighs] Still broken.



You know it's like a soap opera
in this complex over here?

I had no idea what was going on
in the world in the middle of the day

until I got marooned in this chair.

Mac Taylor!
You're spying on your neighbours.

That young lady there
is supposed to be in school.

She's about to get caught.
Her mother's coming down the hall.

[woman] What is going on?

She's in trouble, big time.

God. I miss being a teenager.

[Mac] Yeah, me too.

I was grounded
every other weekend.

We'll need something
to wash this down.

There's bottled water in the fridge.

Oh, great. I got it.

OK, I've got two waters

and two forks for those of us
who are chopstick-challenged.


Oh. Great. Let's eat.

Hurts to even inhale.

- [Lindsay] Whoa.
- Yeah.

About $2,000 in cash,
but no wallet, no lD.

And he had at least
$200 more than that.

When the bartender tried
to check his lD,

our vic said he forgot his wallet and
gave him $200 in cash to let it go.

- [Lindsay] Barman know who did it?
- [Flack] He saw no altercation.

A customer found the vic
when he came in to take a leak.

Did you just use "take a leak" and
"altercation" in the same sentence?

I don't know what we're looking at.
There's no g*nsh*t or s*ab wounds.

No sign of head trauma.
There is a, a bloody nose.

But no swelling or bruising
on the vic's face

to suggest he was even punched.

Maybe he knew how to duck
and throw a couple jabs of his own.

Nah, don't think so. There are no
defensive injuries of any kind.

His fists are clean. I don't think
this guy landed a punch.

So he wasn't the one
looking for a fight.

That means the blood and skin on
this mirror are our attacker's.

His only w*apon was his fist.

[glass shatters]

He musta missed with a jab,

and then landed
with a well-placed body shot

that caused internal injuries
and k*lled our vic.

Why didn't our John Doe fight back?


This guy?

Hey. He was clearly sweating.
Those are urine stains on his pants.

Are you kidding me?


Who could make
a big strong guy like that

scared enough to pee his pants?

Those are some pretty rough-looking
bruises on your hand there, big guy.

- I work hard.
- At what? Breaking glass?

What's that supposed to mean?

Your seven years of bad luck
is starting right now, Mr Picozzi.

[Mr Picozzi] This guy dead?

What? You didn't realise
how hard you hit him?

I didn't hit no one.
I don't know this character.

You didn't introduce yourself before
landing the punch that k*lled him.

But you didn't have to know him
to k*ll him.

I didn't k*ll nobody, lady.

I don't think he knows
how this works.

Your blood was in the
restaurant bathroom with his body.

[camera shutter clicks]

Center Street Grill ring a bell?

And unlucky for you,
that blood got a hit in CODlS.

You may be wondering how we got
a match to you in our database.

You got a bunch of priors for violent
as*ault. Is that your thing? Huh?

You like beating people up?
That's your MO?

'Cept this time you k*lled a man.

That's a bunch of crap. You guys
got this whole thing sideways.

What we got is your blood on
a cracked mirror at a m*rder scene.

Yeah, 'cos I hit it.
Not the guy. There was no guy.

All right. What happened?

I was at the Grill, OK?
At the bar, drinking with my girl.

Outta nowheres the broad tells me

she's pregnant.

Inside, I'm freakin'.

I do the gentlemanly thing -
excuse myself from the table -

enter the bathroom
and punch the hell out of the mirror

'cos I ain't ready to be a dad.

Wow. That was a good story.

It's the truth. And I want a lawyer.

Hmm. You know, T roy. Innocent folks
don't usually ask for a lawyer.

'Cos they're dumb and don't have the
balls to sue you for false arrest.

No way. Oh. No way.

- Is this really Namath's signature?
- Yes.

Put the football down, Adam.

Not good thing to touch things.

Oh. I gotta get me one of these.

[Adam laughs]

What is it?

It's a ball chain machine.
It's a rare and very fragile antique.


You know boss, I would've never
imagined you had such cool stuff

in your apartment.

It's not that you're not cool.

It's just, you know, I thought that,
you wouldn't be so, well not so...

- Cool?
- No.

That is... It's not what I meant.

- Are you done with those signatures?
- Yes. We're good.

Give you this. And I'll take that.

It's a case file of a crime
we picked up today.

- And I'm outta here.
- Adam.

- Yeah.
- We have a name on this vic?

No. Still a John Doe.

When were we sent to the scene?

- Just after lunch.
- No autopsy report?

Sid is still trying to determine
the cause of death.

[Adam] Something wrong?

I believe I saw this guy this morning
in that apartment over there.

Was he dead?

No. Very much alive.

- Let yourself out.
- OK.

Don't touch anything.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[woman 2] Hey, how are you?

What a great place!


[Mac groans]

[voicemail] The number
you have called is not in service.

Please check the number...

I printed our vic. No hits in AFlS.

This guy is clean,
and I mean, really clean.

His body was coated with
various disinfectants, head to toe.

Compulsive disorder,
a possible germaphobe?

It would certainly be
an extreme case.

- Do we know cause of death?
- No.

I searched the torso
for subdermal bruising,

any broken bones

or fatal internal injuries
to major organs and found nothing.

Confirmed your analysis at the scene
of no evidence of blunt force trauma.

My next thought was heart failure
or stroke. Not the case.

This was a very healthy young man.

So he died at the scene of a fight,
but wasn't in the fight.


Confirms T roy Picozzi's claim
that he didn't hit him.

Not the guy. There was no guy.

That leaves this eczematous type
reaction on the victim's left hand

and wrist,

which at this point I can only say is
symptomatic of some type of allergy.

That doesn't explain the nosebleed.

Lindsay confirmed it was our John
Doe's blood in the bathroom sink.

- So the answer's in our tox results.
- Has to be.

If that comes back negative,
our vic died of natural causes.

[phone beeps]


It took me a while to track down
your number.


Uh, l, l, I'm in New York.

I know you're in New York.

You look great.

Look out the window.

Building across the way. I'll wave.

[Peyton] When did you move in?

Eight months ago.

So what brought you back to New York?

A meeting with
the Pathologists Association

and I have a charity benefit
tomorrow afternoon.

Get to catch up
with some old friends.

You do look great.

How well do you know that guy?

Oh, he, he's just a friend.

Hmm, well, there are plenty
of really nice hotels in the city.

He had a spare room
and it just made things easier.

Your escort to the charity benefit?

I hope you're following
Dr Hunter's orders.

she's got great taste in flowers.

An orchid.

In England, they're a symbol
for beauty and love.

Chinese believe
they're a cure for illness.


Aubrey's a lovely name.

Good bedside manner?

- How do you know this Kevin?
- Professor Scott.

He was a colleague of mine when
I was teaching at Chelsea University.

What do you know
about his background?

Any arrests? Criminal record?

Mac. Is this an interrogation?

Strange things have been going on
in his apartment the past few days.

Have you been peering through
your neighbours' windows?

Peyton, a man was found dead
yesterday afternoon.

A few hours before,
he paid a visit to Kevin Scott.

I, l, I should go.

No, listen.
He brought home a canary.

I saw him dispense something
from a dropper

in the bottom of the bird's cage.

Whatever it was, k*lled that bird.

Mac, Kevin Scott is a brilliant
professor of mathematics.

He's an intelligent, funny,
smart human being.

He's probably quite distressed that
his bird and a man he possibly knows

are both dead.

Did he mention either of them to you?

There is a briefcase and a
canister somewhere in that apartment

that can prove
that he k*lled that bird.


The thing that impressed me the most
when I met you

was your passion for your work.

But not everything is a crime.

- It was really great to see you.
- Peyton, listen to me for a second.

I'll, I'll let myself out.
I'll lock the door behind me.

I processed the vic's clothing. The
fabric was covered in disinfectant.

Sid got that same result
from the vic's skin.

Right. It was also on his watch.

I had Sid swab underneath
where his watch would've been.

There was a void.
No disinfectant.

The chemical was applied
while he had all his clothes on.

It's like it was sprayed on him.
It stained some of his clothing.

- Doesn't make sense.
- Hey, guys. I got tox results.

The eczema on our John Doe's
left hand was a chemical burn,

a reaction to a very potent poison.

It explains the urine
and sweat stains.

- [Hawkes] And the nosebleed.
- The poison have a name?

Sid's trying to narrow it down.

He said the fumes from the poison
k*lled our victim.

It's deadly to breathe in.

We need to find out
who this John Doe is,

where he was before he died

and if anybody else out there
had contact with this mystery poison.

[Mac] Curiosity got the best of her.

I knew you couldn't shake this,

You found it. And no bird.

Isn't it a crime
to spy on your neighbours?

Ah, from this distance? Nope.
Not even a misdemeanour.

Check the paper lining in the cage.
No trace?


Peyton, what are you doing?

That's it. You found it.
That's the case. Bring it over.

I'm not taking it out
of his apartment.

Hold on.

Oh, now you're showing off.

He's back.

Peyton, go to your phone.

Where are you, Peyton?

[Kevin Scott] Peyton?


Oh. Allergies.

I hope you don't mind, but
I looked in your medicine cabinet.

[Kevin Scott] Of course not.
But I have no allergy medication.

I know, I know. I'm, I'm just gonna
run to the pharmacy and get some.

- Sure. OK.
- Y eah.

- So, I'll, uh, see you later?
- Yeah.

- Peyton.
- Hi, Stella.

Mac. What are you two doing here?


I think I may know a little something
about your poison victim.

And I'm here to prove a man innocent.

[Lindsay] I got a little intel
on Professor Scott.

He has a history of espousing
various conspiracy theories.

Sharing them with his students
got him into trouble.

Every university has at least one
unconventional professor.

Come on, Peyton. His ideas are
totally anti-American. Look at this.

Water fluoridation, tsunami bombs,

What are chemtrails?

Some people believe
that vapour exhaust from aircraft

are actually dangerous biochemicals
dispersed into the air.

Which only proves
Kevin's a little odd.

Prints from the tape lift
show Kevin Scott

and our John Doe touched the case.

And analysis of the paper
on the bottom of the birdcage

does not confirm evidence of poison.

Thank you.

Many poisons are highly volatile
and can evaporate within minutes.

Just because it wasn't detected,
doesn't mean it wasn't there.

Scott's background says
he was recently

forced into retirement
by the university.

Eight months ago.

He stopped teaching.
He never mentioned it.

He had two recent arrests
for public disturbance.

None of what you're saying
sounds like the man I know.

Well, we don't have anything that
connects Kevin Scott to the poison,

or to our John Doe's death.

Sid's autopsy report indicates a loss
of blood from the victim's nose.

That's the same thing
I saw happen to the bird.

I think they were both
victims of poison.

Without that case or canister,
we can't prove it.

Yes, we can. If we find that canary.
I'm gonna go back to my apartment.

Lindsay, I'll need whatever
you have left of the paper

Peyton collected from the birdcage,
and some wasps.

- OK.
- Some what?

Wasps have an incredible
sense of smell...

...and a highly sensitive antennae.

- Why use wasps instead of dogs?
- Dogs attract attention.

Mac doesn't want his neighbours to
know that they're under surveillance.

Dogs also take days
instead of minutes to train, Adam.

So these wasps will actually
be able to find that bird.

The strong scent of the canary
remains in the paper.

The odour surrounds the cube

and is the predominant smell
as they eat the sugar.

So the wasps will link
the canary's scent

with the sweet taste of the sugar.

- That bird could be buried anywhere.
- Or not at all.

Scott returned to his flat
wearing work gloves.

From here it looked like they
were stained with rust-coloured dirt.

If that bird is out there in that
courtyard, these wasps can find it.

They can detect chemicals at minute
levels, down to parts per billion.

I can make this all much easier.

I can just ask Kevin over dinner
if he k*lled his bird and his friend.

- And ruin all the fun?
- Hmm.

Well, it's been 15 minutes.
I think these guys are ready.

- What's that?
- A wasp hound.

- You're gonna walk the wasps.
- Huh. Me.


- Are they doing anything yet?
- No movement.

Wait, right there. Hold it. They're
getting excited about something.

Keep walking.

[Hawkes] There were high levels of
isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate

in the bird's brain tissue.

- A metabolite of sarin.
- Yeah.

Synthetic nerve agent 500 times
more potent than cyanide.

Clear, colourless and has no odour.

Easily absorbed in the skin
and inhaled.

Sheldon, Sid suggested
that the victim had an allergy.

Yes, originally thought to be
an eczematous reaction,

but could have been a chemical burn
from contact with sarin.

So there's a possibility that your
John Doe poisoned himself by mistake.

Which means that the poisoning
was accidental, not m*rder.

Yeah, but what about the bird?
Also an accident?

It was Scott's way of testing
his poison's effectiveness.

Whether he k*lled our John Doe
or not, he has something planned.

This should all be enough to get us
a search warrant for his apartment.

[Peyton] Mac?

If a few drops of sarin can k*ll
a person in a matter or seconds...

We need to find out where Kevin Scott
is and what he has planned.

Missing Persons got a match
to our vic. His name is lvan Paluck.

He worked at Hedge lsland.

It's located off the northeast coast
of Dodner's Bay,

but it's unidentified on most maps.

There was a government animal disease
research lab out there.

Fancy name for a germ laboratory.
A17. Highly restricted.

They study rare biological elements
for military use and education.

This is all making sense now, Danny.

The disinfectant on Paluck's skin
and clothes

was a result of the precautions
that the lab would have taken

to protect its workers.

Ivan Paluck smuggled the sarin off
the island, Danny.

And he was working with Kevin Scott.

[phone rings on loudspeaker]

- [Adam] Boss.
- [Mac] Adam.

[groans] I just sent you a video
from my phone.

Run an analysis on it right away.

See if you can determine
what Kevin Scott is saying,

and what number he called.

And have Flack get a warrant.
Call me when you get something.

Kevin Scott, NYPD. Open up.

[camera shutter click]

- [Adam] Boss.
- Adam.

I got something else for you.

Blueprints? Of what?

That's what I need you
to get Lindsay to find out.

- Hey, guys. What do we have?
- Hey.

I enhanced the video file
that Mac sent

and got six of the seven digits
Professor Scott was dialling.

That narrows it down
to possibly 1 0 numbers.

Nine of them were a dead-end,
but the tenth one,

that was a real winner.

It came back to lvan Paluck.

I compared it to a DMV photo
of the vic, and I got a match.

So, Kevin Scott was calling Paluck.
Means he had no idea he was dead.

Also, the video file
that Mac sent over had no audio,

so I used a lip-reading software.

[Kevin Scott]
I'll be there tonight. It's on.

He's confirming some sort
of prearranged meeting.

Something's going down tonight.
We need to find out where.

The blueprint from the apartment
was labelled,

but the letters are too faded
to read.

I used a laser to raise the
latent print, but, this is all I got.

Any chance we can buy a vowel?

From the architectural design
and the blueprint,

I think it's an old building.

Conservatory! Uh!

OK. Run the blueprints against
Microsoft Photosynth Mapping.

We may be able to get a 3-D match.

OK. I'll start with
the conservatories in Manhattan.

Here we go.
Manhattan Enrichment Conservatory.

It must be where Scott's headed.

[string quartet play]

Inhalation is the fastest way to
poison all those people with sarin,

if that's Scott's intent.

He'll more than likely go through
the air conditioning system.

[Mac] I need to know exactly
where the air vents are.

One is on the east side in a
compressor room on the eighth floor.

- The main compressor's on the roof.
- [Mac] We're 84 at the Conservatory.

I don't wanna scare him off.

Keep all sector cars out of the area
and notify FDNY.

- I don't wanna hear any sirens.
- I'm on it.


Go around to the freight elevator
in the back.

- Make your way up to the roof.
- Done.

Peyton had plans to be at this event.
I'll find her.

You keep a low profile.

If he's in there, then you see him
before he sees you, all right?

I'm on it.

I'll find the security camera

- Excuse me. Peyton.
- Mac!

Did he meet you here?

Kevin? No, I haven't seen
or heard from him.

Come with me.

Stell, got eyes on Professor Scott.

He's dressed in
a security guard uniform.

He's entering a doorway
at the west end of stairwell four.

Where's it lead to?

Danny, it's a stairwell
that leads to all floors.

And the roof.

[Mac] Looks like he already got
to the security guard.

Is he still alive?

Danny. He k*lled a security guard.

Be careful.
Let's see if we can find him.

That's him. That's Kevin.

- I can't believe he's doing this.
- [Mac] He's on the sixth floor.

he's three floors above you.

He's heading past
the ninth floor.

Danny, he's definitely headed
to the roof. Be careful.

Copy that, Mac.
Flack, he's headed your way.

That's far enough, Professor.
Lose the container.

Get on your knees and put your hands
behind your head now.

- Danny, I got him.
- [Danny] Copy that. I'm on my way.

Don't make me say it again!
Lose the container.

Put your hands behind your head,
and do it now!

[Flack and Kevin Scott groan]

[Danny] Drop the g*n!

Don't move. That's it.
Right there. Don't move!

We're not ready.

No one is ready
for biological warfare.

Our, our citizens, they're not safe.
You're not safe. I've proved that.

If I can get a, a deadly gas into
a room full of political dignitaries

without detection,

imagine what our enemies can do.

I mean,

wake up, people.

I've done you a favour.
Look around you.

They are among us.

And they are planning
their next attack.

It's the only way he'd agree
to a confession.

Thinks we'll upload it
onto YouT ube.

His mission statement.
That guy's crazy.

[Kevin Scott] No one is safe.

These cuffs, they, they, they
just prevent me from helping you.

Thank you.

I didn't wanna be right
about Kevin Scott, Peyton.

Wasn't exactly how I imagined
I'd see you again.

Everything about the two of us
was always unpredictable.

That's why it was so great.

I'm so sorry for the way
I ended everything.

You deserved so much better
than that.

I needed to be with my family
in London

and l...

I didn't wanna change my mind.

I didn't wanna have to see you,
look you in the eye...

...and choose between you and them.

I understand the choice you made.

I just don't understand how
you handled it.

You gave me no chance.

I missed you.


Dr Aubrey.

Do you like her?

Dr Hunter?

We're just friends.

We started out as just friends.

You jealous?





I'm still wounded here,
you know.

You can see an awful lot
through this window.

Uh-oh. This is gonna be good.

[laughs] Oh.
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