07x05 - Out of the Sky

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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07x05 - Out of the Sky

Post by bunniefuu »

What exactly do you expect
me to do with this?

- Just like I said, it's my g*n.
- [helicopter blades whirring]

The one I used to smoke Little Pete.

- Allegedly.
- Right. Right.


What's going on with that copter?

It's the 43rd floor, Melvin.
Helicopters happen.

- Well, it could be the cops.
- Focus, Melvin. The g*n.

I was just hoping you'd
hold it for me, you know.

Just in case I get pinched.

You come into my apartment,

and drop a m*rder w*apon
on my $10,000 coffee table?

Well, I just thought, you know,
'cause you're my lawyer,

that you could, you know--
you could do something--

Stash it for you?
I'm your lawyer, not an accomplice.


If I accept that g*n,

I am compelled
to surrender it to the authorities.

Compelled, Melvin.

- You understand what that means?
- [keypad beeping]

What you need to do is take that thing
away from here now.

- [helicopter continues overheard]
- Something ain't right here.

[keypad beeping]

Don't be so paranoid.
No one is coming to get you.

Come with me.

- Hey, man!
- Get in there.

Stay quiet till I tell you to come out.


[keypad beeping]

[safe door opens]

I'm going for it.
You with me?

Hell, no.


Come on! Let's go!

- Move!
- [groans]

[police radio chatter]

Recognize our robbery vic?

Roland Carson, defense attorney.

I prefer scumbag lawyer,
but, yeah, that's him.

Body belongs to Melvin La Grange.

He was a drug dealer whose hobbies
include m*rder and extortion.

Let me guess. Scumbag's client?

Yeah. Only this time
he's collateral damage.

According to Carson, he was shot
trying to stop the robbery.

- We got a survivor?
- We do.

Carson's bodyguard, James Belson.
Took one in the gut.

He's over at Trinity General
in surgery now.

- There's an ex-cop named Belson.
- Used to ride with Danny on patrol.

Same guy. Apparently he's working
for the other side now.

Our robbers fly in on a helicopter,

turn the place into the O.K. Corral.

- What were they after?
- Cash, stock certificates

and, get this, five million dollars
in precious gems and jewelry.

Carson was keeping them for a client
in his private safe.

It's not so safe after all.

♪ Out here in the fields ♪

♪ I fight for my meals ♪

♪ I get my back into my living ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Just heard from the hospital.

The bodyguard, Belson, is out of surgery.

Well, Melvin wasn't so lucky.

I counted eight entry wounds,
9 millimeter.

He was dead before he hit the table.

He did manage to get one shot off,
though, before he died.

I found g*nsh*t residue on his hand,
and a spent .45 casing,

which is consistent with his g*n.

That could explain the blood trail
I found on the roof.

Maybe he winged one of the robbers.

I saw a bunch of surveillance cameras
on my way in.

Yeah. There were more on the roof.
They're already on their way to the lab.

Oh, and then,

there's this.


The cash and the stocks
don't matter to me, Detective.

What I need back are the gems.
That's your most important assignment.

You mean other than finding
who k*lled Melvin?

Of course.

- You want to tell me what he was doing here?
- Lawyer-client confidentiality.

Not anymore.

Melvin was meeting with me
about some personal matters.

He asked me to hold something
in escrow for him,

but I promise none of that is relevant.

Well, why don't you let us decide
what's relevant so we can do our job?

Don't give me that look.
I see how you guys are eyeing me.

I've cross-examined enough
of them in my time.

I'd like to believe there's no hard feelings.

They're thrilled to be working the case.

I just want assurances

you'll go after my client's gems
as rigorously as any other citizens.

We work every case
equally hard, Mr. Carson.

I need more than that, Detective.

The man who owns those gems will be
coming back for them in a few days.

If I don't have possession,
you might be investigating my homicide.

And we'll work that case equally hard, too.

We're thinking the robbers sabotaged

the surveillance equipment
like they did the alarm system?

Well, that's the thing.
The alarm control panel was on the roof.

The surveillance controls
were in the apartment, untouched.

- Then how did they do it?
- Well, as you can see from the monitors,

our robbers are wearing
the very latest in B & E chic.

This season, no heist is complete
without these little beauties.

I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking.

I'm busting the safe,
I'm making my escape.

A must-have for the fashion-forward felon.

- What are they, LEDs?
- Infrared LEDs, to be exact.

These things are cutting-edge technology.
They're not even on the market yet.

So the robbers we're looking for
are well-funded and well-connected.

These guys are pros.

[siren wailing]


Do you need anything, Mr. Belson?


Jeez, Jimmy boy, look at you.

Danny Messer. Figures.

I gotta get shot before my old partner here
comes and pays me a visit.

If I would've known you were so desperate,
I would've dropped by sooner.


I'm good. I'm good.

- You mind if we have a second?
- Mm-hmm.

Thank you.

You should get her number.


I'm married now, buddy.

Got a daughter, too.


- Yeah.
- Wow. Way to go, Messer.

Hey, man, I hope you have
a better run of it than I did.

My ex-wife took my kids
and split to Phoenix

just to keep them away from me.

So how you feeling?

Aw, it's, you know--
It's not as bad as it looks.

- I'll be out of here in a few days.
- All right.

Think you're up to telling me
what happened?

I remember the sound of a helicopter.

I heard some noises outside.

And then, on the surveillance monitor,
I see these two guys breaking in.

I get Carson and the client secure,
and, uh,

next thing I know, I'm sucking carpet,
trying to keep my insides in.

Did you get a look at these guys?

The faces in the monitor were obscured
by some kind of light.

When they kicked the door open,
that's when I took a b*llet.

Maybe you can tell me what
this guy Melvin was doing there.

Nah. Even if I knew, Danny,
I couldn't tell you.

- Carson would fire me like that.
- [snaps fingers]

Six years on the job, Jimmy. How you
end up working for this bastard Carson?

Oh, come on, man.
He doubled my salary.

Wasn't like I had a lot of options.

If you're interested,
now that you're a family man,

maybe I could line something up for you.

I don't plan on retiring any time soon.

Well, neither was I, if you remember.

All right.
You should get some rest.

But I want you to call me if you think
of anything else, all right?

Sure thing.

Hey, Danny.

It was good seeing you, bud.

[no audible dialogue]


- Hey.
- Hey.

A private helicopter took off

from the West 30th Street heliport
last night with three men inside,

supposedly for a pleasure tour,
but never returned.

- Got any idea where it was going?
- Not yet.

But what goes up
must come down somewhere, right?

- Yeah.
- Hey, how's your pal Belson doing?

- He gonna make it?
- Yeah, I think so.

b*llet missed his vital organs.

That's good.
I never met him myself.

But you gotta wonder how an ex-cop
goes over to the dark side,

working for a sleaze like Carson.

No, no, no.
He was a great cop, Flack.

We used to call him Mr. Personality.
Everybody loved him.

So what happened?

Honestly, what happened to him
was bad luck.

We went out one night.
It was the end of the shift.

We got a felony car stop.

- Look here, Jim.
- Huh?

Oh, all right.
Who wants to cop to the g*n?

[clears throat]
No one?

- That's gonna mean it belongs to all of you.
- Mm-hmm.

And that you're all coming in.

Constructive possession.
That's one of my favorites.

So we call in for a backup unit.
We wait for them.

They take two of the guys.
We take the other two back.

- We get to the precinct--
- [clatter]

Oh, Jim, you hear that?

- Huh?
- Sounded like a clank.

Clank? I don't know.
Here. Take him. I'll check it out.

So we put these guys away
for g*n possession.

Meanwhile, the midnight shift comes in.

And these cops who took the radio car

had no idea what they were getting into.

Both of them survived, but one of them
was in the hospital for a month.

- So they fired Belson?
- Nah, they put him on modified duties,

riding a desk.

But he could tell that everybody
was treating him different--

that nobody trusted him anymore.

He resigned.

If Jimmy would've just patted
these guys down a little better,

or if that g*n just fell one inch
in the other direction,

his whole life is different right now.

[phone ringing]


Okay. Thanks.

- What do you got?
- We got the helicopter.

Vic is definitely one of our robbers.

No ID, but the LEDs
are still attached to his shirt.

I'm guessing that b*llet in his arm
came from Melvin's g*n.

Hey, there was sand at the crime scene.
Any connection to the beach?

The sand at the penthouse
was concrete-grade.

There were two bags, right?
'Cause there's a strap by itself.

Looks like one's missing.

This looks similar to the strap
on the bloody one.

Must've ripped off.

So our guy bleeds out
while his accomplices make their escape.

I count one other gunman
and the helicopter pilot.

They leave him here.
Where'd they go?

I say we follow the money.

[camera shutter clicking]

- [Hawkes] It's a microchip.
- Technically, a nanochip tracking device.

Except it's teeny-tiny.

[Hawkes] Yeah, I found it in the stitching
of the bag we recovered.

Two bags, two chips.
We got one bag. Can we trace the other?

If there's another chip on the same signal,
we can find it.

We just have to reverse-engineer
the signal.

Carson didn't mention planting
a device like that in his safe.

This is high-tech equipment consistent
with the LEDs the robbers wore.

They could've put the nanochips
in the bags themselves.

In case they got separated,
make sure no one tries a double cross.

- I got the signal. Whoa.
- [computer beeping]

- Wait a second. That's weird.
- [Mac] Where is it?

- It's here.
- You mean here in the city?

I mean right here in this building.

Mac, Hawkes, I'm not sure
who you're here for.

Been a busy morning
with your body from last night

and the one from the helicopter.

- [beeping continues]
- Uh...

went for coffee, came back to find
this John Doe waiting for me.

Found in an alley in Midtown.

Looks like a mugging gone wrong.

And they say violent crime is on a decline.

- Sid, hand me a magnifier.
- Sure.

Uh, what are we looking for?

It's a nanochip about the size
of a grain of rice.


Wait a minute.

We got it.

But who the hell is he?

Mac, hey.
Just got back from Ballistics.

The b*llet that we pulled
from the dead robber in the helicopter

is a match to Melvin's g*n.

There's no surprise there. We got
another hit on Melvin's g*n in IBIS, too.

It was used in the k*lling of a rival
drug dealer, Little Pete, two days ago.

We also got a positive ID
from our dead robber's fingerprints.

A guy named Logan Peele,

heist man from California.

Whew. That's quite a résumé.

Yeah. He's pretty hardcore and high-tech.
He robbed a bank a couple years ago

and used some kind of computer virus
to shut down the security system.

Also shot an employee on his way out.

You pull sheets on known accomplices?

- Yeah, I did.
- [computer beeping]

These are hardened,
experienced career criminals. Doesn't fit.

- What doesn't?
- That kid down in Autopsy.

Whoever he is, the way he's dressed,
he's not one of these guys.

No wallet, no ID.

The only thing linking this John Doe
to our robbery

is that tracking device
we got off the bottom of his shoe.

We may not know who he is,
but we do know how he died.

Single g*nsh*t wound to the head.

Appears to be at close range.

What about the bruising on the face?
Looks like he was in a fight.

If so, it was one-sided.

- There's no sign of defensive wounds.
- Yeah.

Maybe he couldn't defend himself.

Take a look at this linear
incise cut on his throat.

- Could be from a knife?
- Mm-hmm.

Hey, Sid,
there's something inside this cut.


Let's see here.

Got it.

- [whirring]
- Seems cellular in nature.

Morphology consistent with epithelium.

This poor boy was beaten,
cut, and shot.

Does it seem at all extreme
for a simple street mugging?

What do you wish for?

You know, when you see a sh**ting star
or you find an eyelash,

or you, say,
toss a penny into a fountain?

For my kids to be all right, of course,

for Alabama to win
another BCS championship.

Very good ones.
But most people wish for money.

I'm wishing there was a point here.


I processed the John Doe's clothing.

I found what appeared to be splash patterns
all over shirt and his pants.

I found Legionella bacteria
and filamentous algae.

Like you find in stagnant water.

Ran it through the XRF, and I found
high levels of zinc and copper.

Properties that make up a penny.


He made a wish.

And the duffel bag fell out of the sky.

The robbers must have dropped
the second bag.

That explains the torn strap we found
in the abandoned helicopter.

And somehow the tracking chip got stuck
on the tread of John Doe's shoe.

The robbers could have followed the signal,
k*lled our John Doe,

and then gotten their gems back.

Five million dollars' worth of gems
just fall in this guy's lap.

And there he is,
thinking it's the luckiest day of his life.

Turns out to be anything but.

[camera shutter clicking]

[computer beeping]

- Hey.
- Hey, bud.

- How's Jimmy Belson doing?
- He's gonna be all right.

- Docs patched him up pretty good.
- Mmm. Nice. Hey, look.

I took a closer look at the sand that
we found on the floor of Carson's penthouse.

Put it under the scanning
electron microscope,

and I found trace of lead,
barium, and antimony.

g*nsh*t residue.

What's GSR doing in the sand
that wasn't anywhere near the g*nf*re?

- [beeping]
- Check it out. Got a match on your tires.

"Supra Quadtreads."
That's as common as they come.

Well, that's all right,

'cause I found what looks like
pollen particles in the treads.

This may help lead us
to our two remaining thieves.

Got a lot of evidence
and not a lot of answers.

Stay positive.

- What would you do?
- What would I do, what?

You know, if you found millions of dollars
of gems in the street?

- Give them back.
- Oh, come on, guy.

You wouldn't keep some?

- Why? Would you?
- No. No. No. I--

I'd give them back, mostly.

I mean, maybe keep one or two.

Know what happens to people that
take things that don't belong to them, right?

- No.
- Other people getting hurt.

Doc, come here. We got an ethical debate
going on, and Adam's failing miserably.

What do you do if you come across
a fortune of precious gems

that don't belong to you?

I'd give them to the guy
with the knife to my throat.

I got a hit in CODIS on the epithelials
from our John Doe's knife wound.

Most likely from our suspect's fingernails.

Say hello to Arnold Vonley.


Got any bad habits, Arnold?

- For instance, I crack my knuckles.
- [knuckles cracking]

This used to drive my mom nuts.

Some people pick their nose,
chew with their mouths open,

use a penknife to clean
their fingernails in public.

So what?
That's a crime now?

No, Arnold, that's not a crime.

It's disgusting, but it's not a crime.

Unless, of course,

you use that same penknife
to mug someone.

That's not my knife.

It was in your pocket
when we picked you up.

- I'm holding it for a friend.
- It's got your DNA all over it.

- Along with your victim's.
- What victim?

Scrawny kid, 20's, holding a duffel bag.


Let me jar your memory.

- [Arnold] He's dead?
- Very observant, Arnold.

Why don't you tell me
where you stashed the g*n?

Now, hold the phone.
He was alive when I left him.

So you do know him.

Kid comes walking out of the park
maybe 8:30 last night, all alone.

- [grunts]
- Wallet and watch, now!

Okay, okay, okay.
Take it. Here.

He was breathing just fine when I left.
If he got himself shot, that's not on me.

- What about the bag?
- Man, I'm a specialist.

Strictly cash and jewelry only.

I'm not risking my life
for some sweaty gym socks.

- How much did you get away with?
- 20 bucks, plus the watch.

Probably, like, 80 bucks total.

I'm gonna be honest with you, Arnold.

You're probably the dumbest mugger
I've ever met.

Why? What was in the bag?

Five million dollars.

Those were some valuable gym socks.

- Five million?
- [door opens]

No way Arnold did it.

He's strictly small time--
muggings, petty theft.

So he robs our John Doe
and leaves behind a bag worth five mil.

Yep. And I guarantee you he will regret
that decision for a very long time.

I'm guessing Arnold didn't keep
our vic's ID?

No. Tossed in a Dumpster.

So we still got two robbers out there
who already k*lled once to get those gems.

Smart money says they tracked our vic
using the nanochip and k*lled again.

- Yeah. Thanks a lot.
- Yep.

Can I help you?

Jenny Harper.

I need to report a missing person.

My boyfriend, Heath Kirkfield.

Okay. You think something
might've happened to him?

He was coming here this morning
to turn in a bag that he found.

Do you have a picture of Heath?

Why don't you have a seat?

[door opens]

Here's some water.

I was calling Heath all morning,
and he didn't answer.


I kept telling myself not to worry--
that he was fine.

But I knew.

I just knew.

[sniffling continues]
Then I-- Then I got this.

- [beeps]
- [static]

[static continues]

[distorted speech]


It came from his number.
Went straight to voice mail.

Do you mind if I take your phone
and have the lab analyze that message?

He was just going a couple blocks.

To the police precinct, for God sakes.

You're telling me that he had
the duffel bag on him when he left?

He was going to return it.

He ever mention to you how he got it?


Heath's a busboy at Lucy's.

He'd always walk through the park
on his way home.

He'd make a wish at this fountain.

Last night,
he said his wish came true.

- [laughing]
- [sighs]

- How much is it?
- I don't know. It feels like millions.

[item clatters on floor]

- Give me your hand.
- [gasps]


Oh, it's beautiful.

Hey, what did I tell you, huh?

If we worked hard,
our luck was bound to change.

Wait. You want to keep it?

We can pay off our student loans
and our credit cards.

We can quit our jobs.
We can finally have a real life.

- [sighs]
- Huh?

Heath, we gotta turn it in.


Yeah, I know.

It was fun to dream, though, right?

Wait. You don't blame him, right?

'Cause he wanted to keep it?

I think he was very lucky
that he had a girlfriend

who pointed him in the right direction.


That direction got him k*lled.

The men who stole those gems
placed a tracking device on them,

so they were probably tracking
Heath's movements.

The fact that he was bringing them to us
didn't save his life,

but it might've saved yours.

[distorted speech, g*nsh*t]

- Bad connection?
- That's what I thought at first.

But you can make out
some ambient sounds as well.

It's got all the auditory markers
of an ass dial.

Oh. You know, when your phone's
in your back pocket,

and you make a call that you
don't even know you're making.

For instance-- Okay.

My ass dialed my girlfriend once
when I was out at a bar with some friends.

Left, like, a 15-minute message, you know?
It would've been really funny,

except we were talking
about her the whole time, and--

- That's how she became your ex-girlfriend?
- Well, yeah.

Clear out the ambient sound,
see if there's anything useful underneath,

and call me when you got something.

With your fingers, not your ass.

- [typing]
- [computer beeps]

Hey, I got something on the particles I found
in the tire treads from our getaway car.

I figured it was some kind of pollen.

- [Jo] It's not pollen?
- Actually, it is. It's a lot of pollen.

15 different varieties.

Hmm. Parrot flower, Lithops,

voodoo lily, Cape sundew.

- None of these are native to New York.
- Right.

They all require special care
and maintenance.

Only a couple nurseries in the city
handle these varieties,

and one of them is a few miles
from where we found the helicopter.


Put your hands on the dash
where I can see them.

You hear me?

Put your damn hands on the dash
where I can see them, now!

So much for a clean getaway.


So here's our last two thieves--
the pilot and the second gunman.

Both shot execution style.
No sign of the missing gems.

They're in full rigor.
They've been dead for at least 12 hours.

Right. And Heath
was k*lled eight hours ago,

so there's no way they're responsible
for his death.

- So who are they?
- Ted and Paul Kendricks.

They're brothers.
They were arrested a few years ago

for trying to rob an ATM cash warehouse
and use a plane as a getaway car.

- They served two years.
- Just two years?

- How's that happen?
- Well, their lawyer was Roland Carson.

- What a coincidence.
- Right. And we also ran ballistics

on the b*ll*ts
we pulled from these two and Heath.

- All three were shot with the same g*n.
- Okay.

So whoever k*lled Heath
k*lled the Kendricks brothers as well.

We got a hit on IBIS.
It's a SIG Sauer P226.

Guess who it belongs to.

You, uh--

You recognize anyone?

Should I?

They're the men
who broke into your apartment last night.

They're also former clients of yours.

[clears throat]
You care to explain that?

I've defended a lot of criminals, Detective.
It's my job.

That's not an answer.

I don't know what else to tell you.
Maybe you should ask one of them.

They're a little bit dead right now.

k*lled with a handgun registered to you.

I have clients coming in and out

of my apartment all hours of the day,
as you know.

Any one of them could've
walked away with that g*n.

Already preparing your defense theory?
A little fanciful, even for you.

You think I set up the robbery?

Hired former clients

to have my own apartment broken into,
my bodyguard shot,

and millions stolen from another client,

then m*rder*d my former clients with a g*n
that's easily traced back to me?

That's what I call fanciful.

I'm not hearing a denial.

This must be the highlight of your career,
Detective-- going after me.

It's not even an honorable mention.

You got a vendetta against me?

Did I embarrass you on the stand one time?

I'm just looking at the evidence,
and right now, it doesn't look good for you.

I mentioned that the guy
who rightfully owns those gems

would slit my throat if they're not returned.

You said something about it.

So why would I risk my life
for a few bucks?

I charge more an hour
than you make in a week.

As an errand boy
for drug dealers and thieves.

Maybe you got sick of carrying their water.

You seem to have made up your mind.

You gonna read me my rights,
offer me a phone call?

- I assume you'll want to call your lawyer.
- [phone clatters on table]

I don't need to.

But you will.

Because if you come after me,
I will hit you and your department

with a malicious prosecution suit
that'll spin your head.

I'm still not hearing a denial.

- What's up, Doc?
- Hey.

I got the b*llet those ER doctors
pulled out of your buddy Belson.

Thing is, it's deformed in a way
that's inconsistent with his injury.

He wasn't wearing any kind of body armor
that you know of?

No way. Nearly severed his intestine.
Heading to the hospital now,

hoping he'll shed some light
on what this Carson's been up to.

Yeah? You think he'll tell you
what he knows?

On the inside, Jimmy's still a cop.

If he finds out that Carson tried to
have him shot to rob his own penthouse,

he'll tell us what he knows,
and after everything's said and done,

maybe we can get this b*llet
back to him as a souvenir.


- [knocks]
- Hey, Mac, I think I figured out

why we found GSR
in the sand pile at Carson's penthouse.

Now, this is the b*llet that shot Belson.

He said that he was
heading to the doorway

when the robbers entered
and shot him in the stomach.



The b*llet's deformed on both sides.

Means it was tumbling when it hit Belson.

[Woman on P.A. system]
Dr. Dentley to Radiology.

Dr. Dentley to Radiology, please.

Now, a flight of a b*llet is nose first
until it's made contact.

Wouldn't tumble unless there was

an intermediary target
between it and the victim.

Like a sandbag.

Now, Belson had access
to all of Carson's clients,

his g*n, security weaknesses...

Best way to avoid suspicion
is getting wounded in the robbery.



Belson staged his own sh**ting.

According to the surgeon
who treated Belson,

the b*llet missed
hitting any major organ,

but it did graze the intestine.

He must have checked himself
out of the hospital

right after Danny came to see him,

met up with the Kendricks brothers,
k*lled them, then tracked Heath down.

That's a lot of activity for someone
who just had abdominal surgery.

He's gonna need medical attention soon.

Well, he's got five million reasons
to play through the pain.

I've notified all the hospitals
in the Tri-State area.

I have officers posted at his apartment.

Assuming he got the bag of gems from Heath,
he's not going home.

If we can't catch him in the New York area,
maybe we can trace where he's going.

I've had his computer
brought from his apartment.

We'll start searching its history,
see what we come up with.

Good. Do it.

Wow. I don't know what to tell you, boss.

Should've posted an officer outside
of Jimmy's room, I guess, but I didn't think.

None of us did, Danny.
Walk with me.

If the evidence wasn't staring me
right in the face, I wouldn't believe it.

Robbery's bad enough.
But triple m*rder?

You never know what a man is capable of.
Even old friends.

Yeah. Jimmy was a good guy.
I don't know.

How does one turn of bad luck
change all that?

No. Belson made the choice
to go down this road.

Luck has nothing to do with it.

I got it, I got it, I got it.
I got it.

- You got what?
- The voice mail on Jenny's phone.

- So Heath was leaving a message?
- Yes-- No, no. But yes.


He didn't leave a message,
but there was a message left.

Just-- Just come with me.

I was able to isolate
the background frequencies

and drop out the atmospheric sound.

- Left me with these voices.
- [beeps]

- Where is it?
- I don't know what you're talking about.

- Wrong answer.
- No, please. Wait! Wait!

- [g*nsh*t]
- That's it.

He says, "Where is it?"
Does he mean the duffel bag?

But Heath had the bag with him.

Heath's cell phone wasn't
with his personal possessions

when his body was brought in.

Could've dropped it in the struggle.

- Pull up Heath's crime scene photos.
- [typing]


- Stop there.
- [beeps]

-That's it.
-[Danny] There's a void in the blood pattern.

Belson k*lled Heath, took the duffel bag,
then took his phone.

- We gotta track that phone.
- I'm all over it.

A phone is not just a phone anymore.
It's got your whole life in it.

What else could Belson
possibly want from Heath?

- [beeping]
- All right. Got a signal, guys.

That's Midtown, just a few blocks
from where Heath was k*lled.

I know why Belson wanted the phone.

He was looking for Heath's address.

-[Danny] But why? He got all the jewels back.
- Maybe not.

- [beeping continues]
- He's on the move.


Heath, we gotta turn it in.

Yeah, I know.


It was fun to dream, though, right?

Who's there?



Oh, my God!

Put down the g*n, Jimmy.
Put it down.

Ms. Harper, stay inside your apartment!

Would you believe that
this isn't what it looks like?

Not in the mood for your jokes, buddy.
Put it down.

What are you gonna do, huh?
Gonna sh**t me in the back, Danny?

And not think twice about it,
buddy, if it comes to it.

So just lower the g*n.

Okay, I think that this
may have gotten a little out of hand.

No, no. What I think is

you ended up spending
too much time with that Carson

and the criminals that he represents.

Started thinking you can get away
with too much, that's all.

You have no idea what I've been through,
okay? You have no idea.

Losing my life, losing my family and taking
crap from Carson for all these years.

What, you think that justifies
five dead bodies?

You ever think about that night?
You ever think about

what it would've been like if you would've
patted those guys down instead of me?

If you would've been the guy
with the flashlight in the backseat?

And don't you even pretend that you
would've seen that g*n any better than me.

Doesn't matter, Jimmy.

Now put the damn g*n down,

or I will sh**t you.




- I'm sorry, Danny.
- Yeah. You're sorry?

- Screw you! I got it, Flack. Thank you.
- [handcuffs clicking]

You're sorry.



Miss Harper,
it's Detective Flack, NYPD.

Is everything okay?

It is now.

[camera shutter clicking]

Can I have the gems back now?

My client would like to take possession.

They're evidence now. Sorry.

What the hell am I supposed
to tell my client?

Well, you're a persuasive guy.
Persuade him not to k*ll you.

You're enjoying this, Detective.

Can I at least make sure
it's all accounted for?

Be my guest.

Wait. Where's the ring?

Diamonds, emeralds.
It's an heirloom.

It's worth a million at least, Detective.

What you see is what we found
in the trunk of Belson's car.

Can't be.

Maybe Belson kept it with him somehow.

Uh, they usually check prisoners
for heirlooms at Rikers.

It's the most important piece here.

Mr. Carson, these gems have been
all over the city, in and out of many hands.

The ring could've gotten lost anywhere.

That's not good enough, Detective.

Sue me.
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