07x09 - Justified

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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07x09 - Justified

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on CSI: New York...

You never reported her missing.

My sister had a habit of... disappearing.

We're gonna do everything
we can to find her k*ller.

Damn right you are.

Is that from Roni Parker's grave?

Cases involving a colleague
are always tough,

but this one--

Chief Carver being so on top of it--

Well, his sister was k*lled
and buried in the park,

and somebody's digging her up
after all these years.

I think I'd be all over it, too.

- This could be our k*ller.
- How do you figure?

Most thieves steal an identity
for days, maybe weeks. But years?

They took over Roni Parker's life

because they knew she was dead.

This is who stole my sister's identity.

[rain falling]

Oh. No.




I'm so sorry!
You don't have to do this.

I'm so sorry.
Please don't hurt me.

Not again!




- [blow landing]
- No!


- [g*n cocks]
- [thunderclap, g*nsh*t]

It's definitely her.

Oh, my goodness.
That beating speaks to pure rage.

Wasn't the beating that k*lled her.

Shot in the heart. Someone making
an emotional statement?

This was no boy scout.

Somebody tried to weigh her down,
the knot came undone.

Harbor says they got the call around dawn.

Couple of fishermen spotted her.

No petechial hemorrhaging.

She hasn't been in the water long.

Maybe a couple hours.

Well, it was a slack tide
till about a half hour ago.

Probably didn't travel far.

Still wearing her night clothes,
so wherever she was laying her head

is probably where she was k*lled.

I got my guys calling
hotels and motels in the area

for anyone who checked in
in the last 24 hours, paying cash.

You all right, Chief?


Just wasn't expecting this.

Hoped that she'd have some answers
to my sister Roni's m*rder.

This vic spent years living as your sister.

So until we know her true identity,

there'll be more questions than answers.

Probably ran back to the city

to find someone she trusted,
someone from her past.

Somebody who wasn't
very happy to see her.

Water probably washed away any hope
we had of finding out who did this.

Not all hope.

The k*ller left something behind.

♪ Out here in the fields ♪

♪ I fight for my meals ♪

♪ I get my back into my living ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Could a body close the mind out ♪

♪ Stitch a seam across the eye ♪

♪ If you can be good, you live forever ♪

♪ If you're bad, you'll die when you die ♪

♪ Hearing only one true note ♪

♪ On the one and only sound ♪

- [saw whirring]
♪ Unzip my body, take my heart out ♪

♪ 'Cause I need a beat
to give this tune ♪

♪ Oh, the body swayed to music ♪

♪ Oh, the lightning glance ♪

♪ I would give it all in all ♪

♪ Maybe you would hear me ask ♪

♪ For half a chance ♪

♪ Hearing only one root note ♪

♪ Planted firmly in the ground ♪

♪ Undo my heart, unzip my body, yeah ♪

♪ Lend unto my ear
a clear and a deafening sound ♪

♪ Unzip my mouth ♪

♪ And if I need a rhythm ♪

♪ It' will be to my heart I listen ♪

♪ If it don't put me too far wrong ♪

♪ Anybody, anybody ♪

♪ Everybody smile, please ♪

♪ Nobody pay no mind to me ♪

♪ Finger in position on the switch ♪

♪ A little flash photography ♪

♪ Taking a picture of you ♪

♪ Taking a picture of,
taking a picture of me ♪

♪ Taking a picture ♪

♪ Ramalama bang bang ♪

♪ Crash bang bing bang ♪

♪ Bing bong, ding dong ♪

♪ Dum dum d' dum ♪

♪ With a hammer, bang bang ♪

♪ Flash bang, press g*ng ♪

♪ Bing bang, ding dong... ♪

What's so urgent
you couldn't tell me over the phone?

I have to believe you'd be smart enough
not to use your own g*n.

Watch yourself, Mac!

You can't honestly believe
I k*lled that woman.

What I believe is that
Sid Hammerback just pulled

a slug from her body that came
from a g*n registered to you.

I lost that g*n years ago.

And you never bothered to report it?

And you just lost that one,
not the two service weapons you own?

I don't expect you to believe me,
but yes, just that g*n.

Just help me out here, Ted.

Tell me why I shouldn't believe you k*lled

the only suspect in your sister's m*rder?

Can we go for a ride?
I want to show you something.

All right, so what are we looking at?

Where my sister lived with her three kids
when she disappeared.

Drug addicts, prostitutes.

My sister was one of them.

Worst of all, though,
she was a horrible mother.

If you'd have asked me back then
if I had a sister...

I would have told you she was dead.

When was the last time you saw her?

Came home one night. She was waiting
outside my apartment strung-out,

hungry, looking for money.

I let her in.
Gave her something to eat.

It's the only time I can think of
that she had an opportunity to take the g*n.

That was 15 years ago.
Why didn't you report it stolen?

Couple of months before
I even realized the g*n was gone.

By that time, I had the kids.

Things were good.
They were thriving.

I didn't want her to come back.

And if you reported it,
someone might go looking for her.

I figured, one day,
she and the g*n would show up.

I'd deal with it then.

Mac, listen, I promise you,

I had nothing to do
with that woman's m*rder.

Mac? Okay, our victim was
using Roni Parker's identity

to hide from a man
with a history of domestic v*olence.

Her real name is Marcella Gomez.

She came to New York 15 years ago
on a K-1 Visa from Colombia.

She filed for what's called
a "Petition for Alien Fiance".

That gentleman, Mitch Barrett,
is listed as her future husband.

An immigration marriage scam.

Barrett pays for the privilege
of marrying Marcella.

She gets to stay in the country.

I'm sure she was just a poor,
lonely, desperate woman

hoping to find a better life.

And instead she found herself being used

as Barrett's personal
punching bag with benefits.


- Mitch Barrett! NYPD.
- Who?

NYPD. We need to talk
to Mitch Barrett.

You got a warrant?

If I had a warrant,

you would be face down
on the ground in handcuffs

sucking in dust balls,
and we wouldn't be

having this conversation
through the door.

I don't think so.

You don't think so, what?

Hey, look, Mitch,
it could be nothing.

We just want to ask you
a couple questions

about a girl you might know.

Whoa! sh*ts fired!

Central, we have sh*ts fired
at 1754 Albemarle Road, third floor.

- You guys okay?
- Yeah, we're good.

We're good, we're good.

Come on in. It's open.

On three.



Down on the ground. Now.

Do it!

Or what?

You gonna sh**t an unarmed man?

Get down on the ground
and face the floor. Now!

No. You want to put those cuffs on me?

You need to come and get me.

Come on!

Come on!

Yo, Adrian!

How are you liking your
new accessories? They fit?

How'd you know I k*lled Marcella?

Be honest with you?
We were a little iffy

until you started sh**ting
at us through the door.

Actually, the reflective paint

that you left behind
after you stomped her half to death.

You know, just before you shot her?

You're the only guy
on three road crews

repainting lines
the last couple days who has

a rap sheet says he likes
to beat women.

Why'd you k*ll her?

That was just me keeping a promise.

Keeping a promise?
Promise to who?

I told her...

"If you ever try to run
away from me, I'll k*ll you".

Took 15 years, but here we are.


I can't imagine why she got cold feet.

Look, when I met her,
she had nothing.

I gave her a place to stay.

I put clothes on her back,
food in her mouth,

and she runs away? Huh?

That's how she repays me?

Settle down, Mother Teresa.

How'd you know
that she was at the, uh,

not-so-Grand Parker Hotel?

Same way you know things.

A little bird whispered in my ear.

Oh, yeah?

A little bird also give you a g*n?

She had the g*n.

I'm so sorry!
You don't have to do this!

She had the g*n?

That's what you're going with?

That ain't what I'm going with.
It's the truth.

I don't need no g*ns.

I went there to give her an old-fashioned
beating with my fists.

The g*n was just the icing on the cake.


When Flack and his people
got to the hotel room

where Barrett k*lled Marcella,
her bag had been turned upside down

and everything dumped out.

At first we thought
Barrett was looking for money,

but his prints weren't on any of her stuff.

So Marcella was searching
for something in that bag

right before she was k*lled.

Probably Carver's g*n.

I recovered two sets of overlapping
prints on the w*apon.

Barrett's prints were
on top of Marcella's.

Okay, then Barrett's telling the truth
about Marcella having the g*n.

But where did she get it?

Probably the same place
she got her identity. She stole it.

No. This wasn't your standard case
of identity theft.

She didn't just steal some credit cards
and run up some charges.

Marcella assumed Roni's identity.

She had to know Roni was dead.

Otherwise, she would have been taking
a big chance in getting caught.

So Marcella k*lled
Chief Carver's sister Roni.

No. There's no way.

His sister Roni was
bludgeoned and stabbed to death

in a very up-close and personal way.

Marcella doesn't feel like a k*ller.

She's just a frightened, battered woman
running from an abusive man.

Well, if you are right,
then who k*lled Chief Carver's sister?

Carver's lying.

Lying is not a crime.

m*rder is.

Do you really think that
Chief Carver k*lled his sister?

I think he had something to do with it.

At the very least, I think he knows
more than he's saying.

Okay, if you go up there
making accusations like that,

and you're wrong,
there's serious consequences.

I can handle the consequences.
I want the truth.

Please don't get on that elevator
without hearing me out.

I think you're letting your emotion
cloud your judgment.

My judgment has never been better.

There's too many things
that don't make sense.

A cop doesn't lose his g*n
and not report it.

There's no way that Carver
goes to sleep every night

knowing his g*n's still out there.

Until this moment,
you seemed to buy it.

I wanted to buy it.

I wanted to buy that
Ted Carver was a good man,

and didn't look me in the eye
and lie to me.

What if you're possibly wrong?

Carver takes the kids,
never reports his sister missing.

All these years, Marcella
somehow knew that no detective

would come knocking on her door,
looking for Roni Parker?

How would she know that?

These are good questions
that have to be answered.

Here's another question.

Why wasn't Marcella
at her apartment

when we came knocking
with a warrant?

He tipped her off that
we were coming, and she ran--

right into the fists of Mitch Barrett.

Mac, we are talking about
the Chief of Manhattan Detectives.

- He's no different than anyone else.
- Yes, he is. He's the chief!

And because he's the chief,
we need more than this,

and you know it.

Just give me a little time, Mac.

I saw the way he looked at her
on that dock, Jo.

He knows who Marcella Gomez is.

And he knows who stabbed
Roni Parker to death.

All right, I need to know
where we are and what we know.

If there's a connection between
Roni Parker and Marcella Gomez,

other than the g*n and the ID,
I can't find it.

There doesn't seem to be any motive
for Marcella to k*ll Roni Parker.

Any link between
Marcella and Chief Carver?

We know Marcella lived
in Carver's precinct,

when she arrived in the country--
that's about it.

There's nothing on paper
to connect them.

No complaint reports.
She was never arrested.

Anything new with the evidence?

Yes, the high cell content
in the soil preserved Roni's body.

It also prohibited the microbes
from corrupting

the DNA on the gum
that was found in the grave.

I was able to extract and amplify

a usable profile, but the bad news is--
there's no hits in CODIS.

Now, this jacket was used to cloak
Roni's face when she was buried.

[Danville] Which is typical when a k*ller has
a personal relationship with the victim.

Now, it was hand-sewn by
a custom tailor.

A guy by the name of Mario Bottone.

He kept great records,
and he knew all his clients personally.

We took him the jacket,
and he matched it

to a paper pattern
he had on file

for a long-term client
by the name of Richard Hudson.

Now, Hawkes and I spoke
to him yesterday.

Am I supposed to know her?

Come on, Mr. Hudson. Your heart
just about leapt out of your chest.

- How do you know her?
- Told you. I don't.

What about this jacket?

Oh, God.

- Am I going to need a lawyer?
- Only if you k*lled her.

This can't get back to my wife,

or my employer, I--

My family would be devastated.
I'll lose my job.

How did you know her?

It was like 15 years ago.

Things were not good with my wife.
We had little kids--

You know, you can save
all that for Dr. Phil.

We dated. Okay?

How much did you pay
for those dates?

What was the deal? Dinner, drinks,
then up to her room for a happy ending?

But this didn't end so happy, did it?

Look! I used to see her sometimes, okay?

Well, what happened
the last time you saw her?

We had a few drinks at Mantle's.

We started to take
a walk in the park.

It was chilly,
so I gave her my jacket.

I left my credit card at the bar,
so I told Roni to wait for me.

I ran back inside to get it.
When I came back,

there was a cop talking to her.

I swear to you, the last time I saw her,
she was with that cop.

[Hawkes] Would you recognize
this officer if you saw him again?

It was a long time ago.
I never got a look at his face.

I hesitate to use the word "credible,"
but I think he was telling the truth.

Jo, this knife that
we pulled out of Roni's grave

also has an interesting story behind it.

According to Sid,

the blade is consistent
with the s*ab wounds

and the tool marks found on
Roni Parker's rib cage.

I was able to get
a partial DNA profile

from the protected part of the knife.

It came back to this guy.

It's Jimmy Valdez.

That picture was taken
when he was 15 years old.

And this is him today.

Well, he had more than...

a few brushes with the law
when he was a teenager,

but he doesn't seem to have been
in any trouble since then.

Any connection
to either of our victims?

Nothing. But this is definitely
his DNA on the knife.

Any other evidence to link him
to the m*rder of Roni Parker?

Not right now. But Flack
picked him up a half an hour ago.

He's got him over at the precinct
on ice, waiting for me to be done here.

You're done here.

- Where'd you get this?
- From her.

- Who the hell's that?
- Her name is Roni Parker.

She was stabbed to death
in Central Park, back in 1995.

And you're saying this knife
was used to do that?

- That's what I'm saying.
- You think I'm the one who k*lled her?

- That's impossible.
- How's that impossible?

It's been a while,
but I'll never forget that knife.

It was in the window
of the hardware store,

around the corner from my building.

I had my eye on it for the longest time.

And my older brother
gave it to me on my 15th birthday.

He told me to keep it in my pocket,
just for protection.

Not to show it off.

I couldn't keep my eyes off it.

I had to show my friends.

Big mistake.

You gotta find that cop.
He's the one that had that knife.

If you saw him again,
you think you'd recognize him?

I don't know. Maybe.

Take your time, Jim. No rush.

I think he's telling the truth.

He wouldn't make up
an alibi like that,

"A cop took my knife."

Hmm. Story makes sense.

In those days, every cop
who walked the foot post

had a shoebox full of knives
in his locker.

Do you have a shoebox
full of knives in your locker?

Promise not to tell.

You're not going to tell me, are you?

Back then, the crime rate
was much higher.

A cop leaving his post
to get a pocketknife off the street

wasn't a wise use of manpower.

Well, I'd imagine that'd get
a watch commander's panties in a bunch.

No doubt. Probably have you
assigned to the middle

of the Brooklyn Bridge on a midnight.

We showed him photos of every cop

walking a foot post anywhere
near Chambers and West

the day he had his knife taken away--
he didn't recognize any of them.

We even showed him cops
from adjoining precincts.


You show him a photo of Carver?

Carver was nowhere near
Chambers and West that day.

The roll call had assigned him
to the 11th Precinct.

Can we check to see
if he was on court alert?

Why are you so sure it's Carver?

I'm not sure. But West and Chambers
is the subway station

where cops get off to go to court.

Yeah. And if he was activated
on a summons case,

he would've passed that corner.

And those alerts aren't
usually reflected on the roll call.

You call the court section.
I'll pull up an array with Carver in it.

Jimmy, I got one more array
to show you.

- Then I'll let you get out of here.
- All right, no sweat.

That's him!

That's the guy who took
the knife off me.

Way to go, Kyle!

I'm here watching
my grandnephew play soccer.

This better be good.

I don't know if I'd call it good.

What exactly can I do for you, Mac?

You can tell me
why you m*rder*d your sister.

He positively identified you
in a photo array.

So, what? You think I took
this knife off the Valdez guy,

and used it to k*ll my sister?

Fine. Put the cuffs on me.
Take me away. Lock me up.

What? You don't have enough?

You know what happened
to your sister, Ted.

This is your opportunity
to tell your side of the story.

What, did you come here
looking for a confession?

Mac, all right. Look.
You listen, and you listen good, all right?

This ends now. No more intrusions.
No more unannounced visits.

This isn't going away.

I'm not going to stop
until I have enough to make it stick.

Yeah, well... I suggest
you get to work then.

I want you to know,
you guys did fantastic today.

No, it's all right, it's all right.

You guys did your best.

But we lost, Coach!

It's all right. It's all right.
You want to know why?

'Cause we worked hard,
you had fun--

And we respected ourselves,
and we respected our opponent.



Hurro! Boss?

Everything okay, boss?
I saw you looking--

Adam, I want you to compare
the DNA profile

you recovered from
the chewing gum we found

in Roni Parker's grave
to her own profile.

Uh, boss, I already typed it.

The DNA on the gum came back
to a male donor.

- It's definitely not hers.
- I know. Just do it.

Okay, Sid. I need to know

if Ted Carver's
physical stature and strength

are consistent with the injuries
on this victim's body.

Ted Carver was a familiar face
around here for several years.

I can't believe we're even talking
about him as a m*rder suspect.

We, uh, we used to joke,
uh, you know, with that last name

he should have been
a medical examiner.

Or a k*ller who likes to use a knife.

Yeah. But in this case,
I don't think he's your suspect.

Roni Parker was five foot nine.

Carver is six four.

And all the s*ab wounds
are in the lower abdomen,

all below the seventh rib.

The tool marks are
on the underside of the bone,

which means she was most likely
stabbed in an upward angle.

Well, it's not an exact science.

There can be a lot
of variables involved here,

such as body position
of both suspect and victim,

but those s*ab wounds
coupled with this...

The blunt force injury
to the back of the head

was in the occipital region.

And with someone Carver's height,

the injury most likely would
have been to the parietal area.

Parietal? Impressive.

And the blow to the back of the head
was delivered...

by a solid, blunt object.

Maybe a large stone,
at an upward angle.

And it caused only a hairline fracture.

Someone as powerful as Carver
likely would have caved in her skull.

Sid believes we're looking
for someone much smaller

and much less powerful than Carver.

Someone like Marcella Gomez.

We've been through this before.

I need motive, and I need evidence.

What reason would
Marcella have to k*ll Roni Parker?

I don't think she did it, Boss.

We got a match.

All right, everyone.
This is how it's going to go.

The bride and the father
walk down the aisle.

Music is playing. Very good.

That's it. Now you deliver the bride.

And you'll be asked,
"Who gives this young woman?"

Father steps back,
but does not sit down.

Uncle Ted.

- Go to Julie, she's going to need you.
- Look, Jay, don't...

No, please! Please.

I did it, Detective.

I k*lled my mother.

Where did you get the knife?

Um, my Uncle Ted would stop by
a couple times a year,

usually on birthdays.

And sometimes he'd bring a gift.

He knew that I liked
to carve things out of wood,

so he gave it to me.

Told me never to take it
out of the house, and I didn't.

Until that night.

- Come on.
- Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

- [screams]
- [groans]

Jay? What the hell are you doing?

You little...


Did your uncle help you
dispose of the body?

No. No, I did that
all by myself.

Why'd you decide to go
and dig up your mother's body?

I was, uh, reading in the papers

that the city was planning
on expanding a bike path

into that area of the park,

and I was-- I was just afraid
that they would uncover the body,

so I went there to move it.

So when you went to the park
that first time,

did you go there
to k*ll your mother?

I'm not going to lie to you, Detective.

This is something
that I thought about for a long time.

Yes, I did.

I planned it.

I went there to k*ll her.

Thanks, Mac.

How'd you figure out it was him?

DNA on a piece of chewing gum
found in your sister's grave

was a familial match to Jay.

To be honest, Ted, I thought it would
come back a match to you.

Almost wish it did.

When did you know?

He called me... crying...

couldn't bring himself
to tell me what he had done.

And when I got home,
he was waiting on the stoop.

And he told me he'd--
he'd k*lled Roni.

He wanted to turn himself in to me.

Look at your face!
All right, come on.

Get upstairs.

I took him inside.
Got him cleaned up.

But why, Jay?

Why would a 14-year-old boy
want to k*ll his mother?


I'll show you why.

Oh, dear Lord!

My God, Jay!

God! Jay! Jay!

It's all right.

It's okay. Come on. Sit down.

I'm so sorry that had to happen to you.

It's okay.

I know it sounds crazy,
but I sort of got used to it.

Did she do the same thing
to your brother and sister?

For a long time, it was just me.

But then they started getting older,

and I would come home from school,
and I would see the--

I would see the welts,
and the burns and the bruises

on their bodies.

I thought the only chance

they had to make it stop was me.

Because there was nobody else
there to protect them.

I didn't see any other way out.

I was really afraid
that one day she would k*ll us.

We had nobody.

I knew what a monster she was,

what those kids were living with.

I should have been there.

There's no use looking back.
You can't change what is.

Mac, I put that knife in Jay's hand.

It was just sitting up in my locker.

He liked to carve things.

That knife didn't
s*ab your sister, Jay did.

If it wasn't that knife,
it would have been another.

None of this had to happen.

I could have stopped it.

You did.

Taking those kids in, adopting them?

You turned their life around.

I just wish it hadn't been this hard
to get there.

One thing I... don't understand.

Your connection to Marcella.

I was walking my foot post
at a midnight tour,

and she was sitting there
on the curb in the rain, crying.

Talking about k*lling herself
to get away from Barrett.

Even too terrified to file a complaint.

Well, I get why you'd give her
Roni's identity

as a way to escape, but...

why would you give her your g*n?

Later that night,
I had a little chat with Barrett.

He was one of those guys, Mac,

you know, the kind
that scares the hell out of you.

And I knew.
If he found her he'd k*ll her.

You were right.


I have to live the rest of my life
knowing that he used my g*n to do it.

I keep waiting.

For what?

For the sadness to come.

For the day that
I'd feel guilty for what I did.

If I'd known then what I know now,

I never would have done it, but...

I'm not sorry for it.

The world is a better place
without my--

Without her.

Quite a case!

Kind of sad to see a guy
like Ted Carver go out like this.

He was one hell of a cop in his day.

Well, there could be worse.

He could have been arrested,
or charged criminally.

The department was his life.

Being fired and stripped
of his pension's far worse

than any charges the DA could file.

They made the right decision.

You must be one hell of a poker player.

What are you talking about?

Come on, Mac!

"They made the right decision"?

I just got back
from the DA's office,

where we were meeting
about Jay's case.

You know, one of my greatest assets
is my Southern charm.

Folks around here don't quite know
what to do with that.

They open up.
They tell me things.

Things like you going over there

and persuading them
not to charge Carver criminally.

All I said was,
"Ted Carver's not a perfect man,

he's made some mistakes in his life,

but that's no reason
to erase all the good he's done."

What about Jay?
Where do you stand on that?

I understand why he k*lled her--
he was just a kid.

And Roni was pure evil.

But he planned it,

and I'm not sure...

how to justify premeditated m*rder.

Well, after interviewing all the kids,
and corroborating all the stories

and all the old injuries,

the DA has no interest
in taking Jay to trial.

He'll agree to a plea of manslaughter,
with no jail time.

What do you think about that?

It's not important what I think.

What's important is that Ted Carver
took a horrible set of circumstances

and turned it into something special.

[mouths words]
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