07x13 - Party Down

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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07x13 - Party Down

Post by bunniefuu »

Open it.

Oh,my God.

Mac,there must have been 20 people
trapped back there when it hit the water.

That hatch is how they escaped.

It's a miracle we only have two bodies.

Make that three.

Micha Vreman presents;

CSI: New York Season 07 Episode 7.13

"Party Down"

What happened here,Don?

This was a truck party gone bad.

It's the latest craze in
after-hours entertainment.

They convert tractor trailers
into exclusive nightclubs.

Times and locations are spread
among the social networks.

Well,I'm assuming this one didn't
start at the bottom of the Hudson.

I thought the truck was not supposed
to move once the party starts.

It's not.

So who moved it?

Couple cabbies nearly got run over,

but they didn't get a good
look at the driver's face.

They did say that he
accelerated through the fence.

And the absence of skid marks
confirms that there was no braking.

Then the driver could have drowned,

or may still be among the survivors.

Well,we have divers in the
water looking for more bodies,

and the others are being transported
to the precinct for questioning.

Driver saw that river coming,jumped out before
splashdown,then got the hell out of Dodge.

Either way,looks like crashing
this party wasn't an accident.

So,it's looking like whoever padlocked
the rear door also drove the truck.

I found keys to the lock in
the driver's side glove box.

Unfortunately,the water
removed any biological trace.

But I also found this
next to our driver's seat.

Yeah,the label was removed,so I had
Adam run a sample through the IR SPEC...

came back as acetylene.

Mixed with oxygen,acetylene
is used for cutting metal.

Or...for welding the safety hatch shut.

I found spot welds all around the frame,

and then I found tiny metal fragments
embedded in the driver's seat

and in the carpet under
the accelerator pedal.

Multiple people may
have planned this,but

all the evidence points to only
one person who carried it out.

- A single perp.
- Premeditated.

He knew people were going to suffer.

He didn't care.

If the safety hatch was sealed,how'd
the survivors break through?

Shoddy workmanship.

Surface impurities in the under filling left the
seams vulnerable to high-contraction stresses.

Water pressure and,uh,freezing
temperatures did the rest.

If this guy had known what he was doing,the
hatch would have held,and they might all be dead.

just spoke with Flack.

The truck was rented with an alias
from a party outfitter in Queens.

The owner was sent a big old
wad of cash about two weeks ago.

Someone had to pick it up.

No.The company dropped
it off on the street,

was scheduled to pick
it up the next morning.

They left the keys?

They didn't have to.It was hot-wired.

This creep thought of everything.

To identify him,we
still need to know why.

It's all about exclusivity.

Just being invited
means you're a somebody.

I don't think I'll
ever forget that sound.

The screaming.

Abigail,did you see anybody
near the cab of the truck?

Somebody who could have driven it?

The truck was parked.

I assumed it was going to stay that way.

Who threw this party?

A girl at work told me about it.

So you just showed up uninvited?

As long as you look hot,getting
in is never a problem.

It was crazy,man.

One minute,I'm chatting
up this really cute blonde.

The next...

Great party,?

Did you know the people at the party?

Somebody you may have
hung out with before?

I don't go out much anymore.

Tonight was supposed
to be a change of pace.

Instead,I almost died.

When was the rear door closed?

I was dancing,enjoying some cocktails.

I didn't notice.

Any idea who might have closed it?

Could have been anyone.

We were all having
the time of our lives.

Then all of a sudden,it felt like
the world was coming to an end.

The water was so cold,it
felt like my body was on fire.

The clock was ticking.

I knew we had to get
everyone out of there.

We tried the back
door,but it wouldn't budge.

That's because it was locked.


Wait a minute,are you telling me
someone did this to us on purpose?


That's exactly what
we're going to find out.

The escape hatch was our last hope.

Had to get it open.

Listen,Chris,when you arrived at the
party,was there someone there to greet you?

Like,was there a host?

Not really,just...

I just followed the music.

That guy over there is a hero.

I don't even know his name.


His name is Chris.

I owe him my life.

We all do.

Was there anybody in the water that
you didn't recognize from the party?

It was too dark.

I closed my eyes and
kicked as hard as I could.

What about on the dock?

Honestly,all I could think
about was seeing my family again.

Once I was out of the truck,I
swam towards the light.

That first breath of air
was like I was being reborn.

That must sound crazy.

You're one of the lucky ones.

Not everybody got out alive?

No,not everybody.

Cameron Marshall,age 27.

Copious quantities of river water in his
lungs and stomach confirms COD as drowning.

Looks like vic number
two's throat was crushed.

Brett Hollister,age 25.

Suffered blunt force laryngeal trauma
resulting in complete cricotracheal separation.

Water in the lungs?

trace amounts.

He stopped breathing
before the truck sank.

I imagine he floated up
through the open hatch.

Sadly,victim number three
wasn't quite as fortunate.

- Doctor?
- Thank you.

An elevated blood alcohol content
caused vasodilation of her blood vessels,

thereby exacerbating
the onset of hypothermia.

She would have experienced
numbness,debilitating drowsiness.

She knew she was drowning
but was powerless to stop it.

Her last moments on earth were
spent in excruciating pain.

Have we I.D.'d her yet?

Just got fingerprint results.

Unlike her male counterparts,she wasn't
carrying a wallet in her back pocket.

AFIS match courtesy
of an old DUI arrest.

Jane Doe is actually
Ms.Victoria Enzo of Queens.

Our female vic is the daughter of
Carmen Enzo,head of Local 225...

Sanitation Workers' Union.

Type of g*ons you cross
the street to avoid.

So the party and random guests
could've just been a cover.

The m*rder*r might have been targeting
only one person: Enzo's daughter.

Two sanitation workers were k*lled
last year by faulty equipment.

Enzo negotiated a sweetheart
deal favoring their employers,

betraying a boat load of
union members in the process.

His daughter's m*rder
could have been retribution.

That's a lot of collateral
damage to send a message.

Not if you want it
received loud and clear.

You don't have any idea who
did this to my girl,do you?

Not yet.

When Vicky was little,she
used to love to play dress up.

Her favorite...

was to dress up in this...

white satin wedding dress
her mother made for her.

My job was walking her
down the make-believe aisle.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I have no use for your sympathy.

Well,then know that every effort is being made
to bring your daughter's k*ller to justice.


Justice means different things
to different people,Detective.


there are serious consequences for
interfering with a police investigation.

Then stop wasting time...

so I won't have to.

We have reason to believe that Victoria
may have been targeted because of

you and the nature of your work.

Her m*rder may have been a warning.

You and the other members of your
family may still be in danger.

I've made my fair share
of enemies over the years.

Occupational hazard.

But my wife...

and my children...

they're supposed to be off limits.

Not everybody cares about the rules.

I'm going to need the names of your most
vocal opponents,personal and professional.

That's a long list.

Sit down.

There's someone you gotta meet.

Vicky wasn't supposed
to be at that party.

How do you know that,Jessica?

Because I was the one invited...

not her.

I asked her to go in my place.

It's my fault that she's dead.

It should have been me!

I got the invitation in the
mail a couple months ago.

Said I was a VIP.

Was there any indication who sent it?

Return address?RSVP number?


I remember thinking how
weird that was,but...

I mean,look at it.It's
a work of art.It...

If someone put that much effort into the
invite,the party itself was going to be insane.

When did you tell
Victoria about the party?

Couple hours before it
was supposed to start.

I was stuck at the
bar where I work,and...

and if I wasn't going to enjoy it,I...

at least wanted her to.

You could have gone late.

The directions...they were very clear.

They said that no one was
getting in after midnight.

Or getting out.

We need to know who else our
mystery host personally invited.

All right,so,I got nine guests who
heard about the party word of mouth...

some received texts,some got it through
tweets,but none actually received an invite.

And none of them know
anything about the driver.

I interviewed two who described handmade
invitations like Jessica Thompson's:

Chris Boyle and Abigail West.

Add Neal Cooper to that list.

He said he got his invite
in the mail,as well.

Hawkes checked with the
families of the two male DOAs.

They said both had plans for the evening but
changed them to go check out some truck party.

If they heard about it last
minute,let's eliminate them for now.

All right,so that
leaves us with four VIPs.

The k*ller used formal invitations to
ensure his targets would be in attendance.

If we can find a
connection between them...

We'll know who wanted them dead.

How do you want to play this?

Divide and conquer.

Individually,each holds an
important piece of the puzzle.

They just don't know it yet.

Here you go.

Well,they all look familiar.

But then again,I'm a bartender.

I see hundreds of faces every day.



Yeah,I saw this one at the party.

What about before last night?


You sure about that?


I'd remember a face like that.

I don't want to be wrong.

It's not a test.

Close your eyes.It might help
to visualize meeting them.

I'm sorry.

I can't remember.

Were all of these people
at the party last night?

Not all of them.

I'm not very good at this.

My parents taught me to look
past physical appearances.

They sound like smart people.

They were.

Neal,can you think of anybody
who'd want to hurt you?

Someone from your past?

Person you might have
accidentally rubbed the wrong way?

Was there anybody that might
have held a grudge against you?

I'm a housewife from Jersey.

I have two little kids.

This party was the first time
I had been out in a long time.

The only thing that I can
think of are the phone calls.

Phone calls?

Prank calls,in the middle of
the night,over and over,from

what sounded like the same man.I...

He didn't tell me his name,but
he told me to watch my back.

Did you report him to the police?

I was going to,but then they stopped.

I just figured that he had
moved on to somebody else.

Prank calls?Actually...

They didn't say anything.

They just laughed.

Anything else out of the ordinary?

The garbage cans.

What about them?

They had been rifled through,tipped
over,every day for a week.

Could have been an animal.

That's what I thought.

But my husband,he tied down the
covers,and it kept happening.

We finally had to put
them in the garage.

Someone was rummaging through my life.

Through my family's life.

I mean,this was years ago.

Someone has been watching
me this whole time?

Jessica Thompson's car was broken into
seven times over a six-month period,

and nothing was ever stolen.

All four of them experienced incidents of
aggravated harassment over a similar time period.

Sounds like they all had a stalker.

But not necessarily the same one.

You think this may be a coincidence?

Stalking is about obsession.

Typically with a single object
of intense hate or affection.

In rare cases of multiple victims,there is
almost always a consistent pattern or modality.

Our targets include both men and
women,across a wide social spectrum.

But if they were all being
stalked by the same individual,

then we're gonna have to dig a whole
lot deeper to find the common trigger.

Until we do,the only confirmed
link between them is the invitation.

What the...?

Find something?

Yeah,check this out.

I started with the paper,vellum...

that comes from the
French for "calfskin."

It's vegetable-based
and still mondo bucks.

It was negative for prints and available
in over a dozen stores in the area.

What about the ink?


Made only in the fall
with pine and camphor.

Also ridiculously expensive.

But there was something
else in the batch.

Human blood.

I-I'm thinking it's from the
artist who made the invitation.

Or anyone else who handled it.

No chance.

The blood saturation is
consistent throughout.

It was mixed in the
ink before it was dried.

Excuse us.

Akiko Haruka?

Who are you?

The art police.

We have some thoughts and concerns.

How you doing?

Did you make this invitation?

I make art,not stationery.

We matched the DNA in the ink
to an ex-con named Wanda Cole.

Now,Wanda certainly
isn't as exotic as Akiko,

but neither is writing bad checks
and running scams on the elderly.

That was a misunderstanding.

Of course it was.

So in order to avoid any more
misunderstandings,let's try this again.

Is this your work,Wanda?

I put blood in my ink
to verify authenticity.

Did one of your regulars
commission these invitations?

Like I said,I don't
typically do stationery,

but this guy paid up front,$20,000
cash,five grand apiece.

What was his name?

John something.


How about a description?

Wasn't much to describe.

He barely made eye contact.

I guess I make men nervous.

What do you remember?

He had,uh,dark hair,light skin.

Bit of a stutter.

Dark hair,light skin,a bit of a stutter.

That is very helpful.

Maybe there's a better way
to jog an artist's memory.

There you go.

The likeness is vague,but
it may help spark a memory.

I didn't...

I didn't want to say anything before,'cause
I thought I was just being paranoid.

Well,tell me what happened.

Well,I was coming out of a movie,and
I stopped for a bite to eat,

and that's when I saw him.He
was staring at me.And...

there was something in his eyes.

You think this could be the guy?

Yes.But his,uh,well,his...

his eyes were further apart,um...

and they were...

they were deeper set.

And,uh,yeah,I think his
hair was longer on the sides.

And,uh,he had a scar.

I'm sure of it.

Ladies' room is around the
corner,three doors down.


- I'll wait right here.
- Thanks.

Jessica,what is it?

That's Johnny.

You know that man?

We were engaged.

I met John senior year of college.

We went out one time,and then...

lost track of each other after that.

When did you reconnect?

About...three years ago.

A mutual friend set
us up on a blind date.

We started dating on and off after that.

Then last year,he surprised
me with an engagement ring.

And you accepted his proposal?

At first,yes.

But then I saw a side of him
that made me uncomfortable.

Uncomfortable how?

He became possessive and needy.

If I didn't check in with him
regularly,he would accuse me of cheating.

I even caught him following me.

Things got...

they got really bad between us.

I know what you're
thinking,but you're wrong.

I didn't dump Johnny.

He called it off with me.

That type of behavior's
consistent with stalking.

Could have been John's misguided
attempt at repairing the relationship.

Why didn't Jessica mention this before?

She could've missed the connection.

Or she's covering for him.

Ran John Everett through the system.

Apart from a few unpaid parking
tickets,he's a regular choir boy.

Giant leap from
double-parking to mass m*rder.

Not with the proper motivation.

All right,so far,we've linked him
to Neal Cooper,Jessica Thompson...

What about the other two?

I showed his picture to Abigail
West,and she said he could be

the perv job who's been
hanging around her kids' park.

But she wasn't 100% sure.

Similar thing with Chris Boyle.

He interrupted a guy breaking
into his gym locker a while back.

Chased the guy,but never
got a good look at his face.

Why go after them?

Their lives must have
intersected somewhere else.

John Everett!NYPD!

John Everett!

Bedroom's clear.This place is empty.

He could be on the run already.

Issue an alert.

Put his picture out to every roll
call and precinct in the city.

Got it.

Bit of overkill on the deadbolts
for such a decent neighborhood,no?

This guy must've been
afraid of something.

Or the world in general.

Social isolation.

An indication of paranoid schizophrenia.

- I'll be right back.
- All right.

What do you got there?

Looks like we got some dried blood.

Could be from another vic.


Thought I made myself clear.

Any interference with this
investigation will not be tolerated.

Everett hasn't been back here or
to his mother's house in Brooklyn.

How do you know his name?

I got eyes and ears on the
street,just like you,Detective.

Just go home.

I'll call you when we have
the suspect in custody.

If I find him first,maybe
I'll give you a call.

Jo.So I examined the bloodstains we found
in Everett's apartment,and I got this.

Two unique profiles.

Blood came from different
people,both male.

And I took the liberty of borrowing Everett's
toothbrush for a secondary reference sample.

I got a match to one of the profiles.

What about the other?

Struck out with CODIS,but whoever it was
made that head-sized crater in the wall.

Dark hairs I found in the drywall
are a match to blood donor number two.

So Everett fought with
someone in his apartment.

Yeah,and by the looks of
that hole,he kicked some ass.

Maybe one of his stalking
victims came to confront him.


Are you absolutely sure?

- I'll be right there.
- Something turn up?

John Everett.

Coast Guard found Everett's body trapped
in submerged pylons way downriver.

Current is especially
strong this time of year.

How long was he in the water?

skin slippage suggests
immersion of at least 24 hours.


I'll posit penetrating
cranial trauma as COD.

Looks like there's something inside.

Look at his clothing.

He's dressed to impress.

But the driver did everything
he could not to be seen.

This guy wanted to be noticed.

I think John Everett
was a guest at the party.

Could he have also been the host?

Not unless he invited himself.

This was in his back pocket.

A fifth invitation.

The artist said she only made four.

That means one of our
victims has been lying to us.

According to Everett's phone records,he's
got hundreds of inbound calls coming in,

all lasting under five seconds.

He was also being harassed.

Explains the deadbolts
and covered windows.

Landlord also said John
came home a few months ago to

surprise a guy searching
through his stuff.

I pulled the complaint report.

Everett described the guy as
skinny,mid-to-late 20s,with dark hair.

Says they fought,but the guy got away.

John Everett wasn't doing the
stalking,he was a victim of it himself.

Makes him the real fourth target.

Hey,guys,we processed the clothing
Everett was wearing when he died,

including some handmade biker boots.

The toe plate was riveted
in a crescent fashion.

It's the same pattern I found
dented into the driver's side door.

All right,so he kicked
the side of the truck?

Or used it for leverage.

What if the driver never made it out of
the cab before it went into the river?

What if he was also trapped?

John saw a man about to drown
and went back to save him.

If Everett recognized him as the man in his
apartment,he would have outed him to the cops.

And that's why he k*lled him first.

So he risks his life to
save this sick bastard,

and instead of getting a
well-deserved thanks,gets a body bag?

The company that rented the truck
is called Demon Dog Deliveries.

And that's the hood emblem they use
on all their vehicles,a demon dog.

Except,the one on our truck
is missing its left horn.

John's body washed away,while his m*rder*r
swam to the surface and played helpless victim.

So one of our victims
is really our driver.

There's a k*ller among us.

Jessica Thompson wasn't at the party.

I mean,she could've done this.


Sour grapes over her fiance
giving her the heave-ho?

that's no good.

Her boss confirmed that she
was behind the bar all night.

Plus,the dragon lady was pretty damn sure
that she sold the invites to a stuttering man.

That's that.

That also eliminates Abigail West.

And then there were two.

We're gonna need the invitation
you received for evidence.

I'm sure I've got it somewhere.

I brought the invitation
with me to the party.

Where is it now?

Probably at the bottom of the river.

Okay.You told Detective Messer

you felt a responsibility to
rescue everyone from the truck.

It was the right thing to do.

It was quite heroic.

I'm-I'm no hero.

Well,you will be.

When the world hears about
all the lives you saved?

Magazines,talk shows...

This tragedy's going to make
you the center of attention.

That's the last thing I want.


I was a...

high school All-American.

Starting quarterback in college.

Sports was easy,but...

Being in the spotlight all the
time,that's what I couldn't handle.

Ruined my chances at going pro.

Your parents are deceased.

They died in an accident last year.

Must've been difficult for you.

Did you get help?

Talk to a therapist?

There's nothing wrong with me.

Never said there was.


Would you...

put that on the table?

Hold on.

Pour Mr. Cooper a glass.


You have a girlfriend,Neal?

Why does that matter?

There were a lot of women at that party.

Beautiful,sexy women,way
out of your league.

I didn't really notice.

Tell me,Neal...

why do you think a guy like you got invited
to hang out with all those pretty people?

I don't want to talk to
her; I want to go home.

Answer the question.

I...I don't know.

Must've been a mistake,right?

I mean,come on,let's face it,you're
just an average,ordinary nobody.

A loser.

The kind that women
like me don't know exist.


You think that you're
b-better than me,don't you?

Not better than you,Neal.

Just not a m*rder*r.

We searched your apartment,found
your parent" life insurance policy.

You've been plotting revenge
for years,haven't you?

The sudden influx of cash
finally made it possible.

You d-d-don't
know anything.

We know you tutored Chris
Boyle,first few months freshman year.

Chris spent the rest of his
time partying with the in-crowd,

while you spent all
your time by yourself.

He never invited
me out,n-n-not once!

And Abigail West.

She grew up across the
street from your family.

She was your best
friend,until middle school.

When Abigail found a new set
of friends and left you behind.

She abandoned me!

Jessica Thompson never
even knew your name.

But you certainly knew hers,didn't you?

We found the poems
you wrote,the sketches.

The photos you took of
her and John Everett.

J-Jessica was in love with
him,and he threw her away.

He d-deserved to die!

And when you couldn't
have her,so did Jessica.

wanted me.

I was tired of being alone.

That's why I'm gonna do
everything in my power to make sure

that you spend the rest of your
life in solitary confinement.

All alone.

Neal Cooper lived his entire life
convinced the world had wronged him.

Decided to k*ll the people
he held most responsible.

If he'd spent less time blaming them,he'd
have realized the real enemy was himself.

Perception can be a dangerous thing.

here he comes!Here he comes!

Neal Cooper,ask you a few questions?

He k*lled my daughter!
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