07x14 - Smooth Criminal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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07x14 - Smooth Criminal

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ All my life ♪

♪ And the hereafter ♪

♪ I've never seen ♪

♪ Someone like you ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ You're a knife ♪

♪ Sharp and deadly ♪

♪ And it's me ♪

♪ That you cut into ♪

♪ But I don't mind ♪

♪ In fact, I like it ♪

♪ Though I'm terrified ♪

♪ I'm turned on but scared of you ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ She's a monster ♪

♪ Beautiful monster ♪

♪ Beautiful monster ♪

♪ But I don't mind ♪

You waiting on someone?

♪ And I need her ♪

- I believe they canceled on me.
- Their loss.

Jack, please.

♪ Beautiful monster ♪

So, which do you prefer,
classical or R&B?

Neither, actually.
Hard-core rock and roll.

♪ No, I don't mind ♪

♪ I don't mind ♪

- So it's R&B.
- Your drink, sir.

♪ I don't, I don't mind ♪

♪ Ohh, ohh ♪

Which means you have good taste.


And what if I had said classical?

- I'd say you believe in fate.
- Excuse me?

As in fate versus free will.

See, classical is all about fate, structure,

an inevitable build to an inevitable end.

But isn't all music structured like that?

No. Not R&B.

See, R&B is about how it makes you feel.

Take you anywhere you want to go,
all at the drop of a nice bass line.

♪ I'm turned on but scared of you ♪

So, what type of person are you?

♪ She's a monster ♪

♪ Beautiful monster ♪

♪ Beautiful monster ♪

Would you excuse me for one second?

♪ But I don't mind ♪

♪ I don't mind ♪

♪ And I need her, and I need her ♪

[patrons screaming, clamoring]

♪ And I need her ♪

♪ Said I need her ♪

♪ Beautiful monster ♪

♪ But I don't mind ♪

♪ Ohh ♪

♪ I don't mind ♪

♪ I don't, I don't mind ♪

♪ No, I don't mind ♪

♪ I don't, I don't mind ♪

[screaming, clamoring continue]

♪ No, I don't mind ♪

- [camera shutter clicking]
- [people chattering]

Welcome to the Y & Dot Lounge.

Grand opening was last week.

Three dead bodies
isn't the kind of buzz you want.

Each of our victims was shot twice--
once in the chest,

once in the head, execution style.

No sil*ncer was used.
Probably on purpose.



Our witnesses
were so scared by the g*nshots

that none of them took a good look
at the sh**t.

So far, all we have
are loose descriptions.

African-American male,
medium height, medium build.

Add one more detail to that--

cold-blooded professional k*ller.


♪ Out here in the fields ♪

♪ I fight for my meals ♪

♪ I get my back into my living ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪


- Thank you.
- No problem.

Witness accounts seem consistent.

Once the sh**ting started and everyone
hit the floor, according to the maître d',

two pairs of legs walked out of here--
one male, one female.

Waiter I was just talking to
remembers a woman at the bar.

sh**t held the g*n to her head.
She could be another victim.

Then we don't have much time.
We gotta find her.

Put this professional k*ller out of work.

Our first vic is George Parker.

He was released from Lewisburg last month
after doing a stint for as*ault.

Our second vic is Julian Grace,
no record.

And the bartender is a kid named Ken Marion,

a college kid working shifts
to pay off his tuition.

Sounds like the punch line to a bad joke.

A professional k*ller,
ex-con walk into a bar...

Guess who walks out?

All right. I collected
two drinking glasses at the bar--

a martini glass and a lowball glass.

Might get some prints or a DNA hit.
Come look at what else I found.

When we first arrived,
this pizza oven was set at 700 degrees,

but it sure didn't smell like pepperoni.

I've never seen anybody
order a g*n on their pizza.

This guy walks in,
holds a ten-minute conversation at the bar

before sh**ting the place up
and tossing his g*n in the oven.

Sounds like he had a plan.

Waiter said that
the two vics sitting at the tables

were waiting for somebody
who never showed up.

Maybe the k*ller set them up.

[Jo] Our third vic, the bartender,
was the last person shot.

He might've been close enough
to see the k*ller's face.

- Could've gotten him k*lled.
- But our mystery woman saw his face.

Why not sh**t her, too?

Our k*ller must have a reason
for keeping her alive.

Whatever it is,
he's not finished yet.

Who was on the phone?

[phone ringing]



♪ Playing with my heart ♪

- All right.
- [beeps]

♪ And she's playing with my mind ♪

♪ And I don't mind ♪

♪ I don't, I don't mind ♪

- That is none of your business.
- [gasps]


[line ringing]


Yeah, it's me.

Listen, I took care of two of them.

But, uh, this other thing--

we need to renegotiate my price.

According to the text messages
we recovered from the vics' phones,

both George Parker and Julian Grace

were invited to the Y & Dot Lounge.

Most likely,
they were lured there to be k*lled.

Unlike our bartender, Ken Marion,

who was about to end his shift
to go home and study.

Well, perhaps these will help.

I was able to retrieve the b*ll*ts
from our vic's nine millimeter.

Maybe we can match them to the g*n
we found in the oven.

Hopefully, we'll get a hit on any other
murders this guy might've committed.

I found three small hairs
on George Parker's throat,

and based on my analysis,
they're foreign to the victim.

Our k*ller may have checked our vic's pulse.

Made sure the job was done.

Also, uh...

You might find this ironic.

Julian Grace's demise was timely,

if bittersweet.

His liver shows damage
from hepatocarcinoma,

an aggressive form
of cancer that, for him,

was far beyond any stage
of successful treatment.

He most likely would've succumbed
to the disease within a few months.


- Yeah.
- Mr. Grace's wife told me

he served as a Presbyterian minister
for the last seven years.

By contrast,
we have George Parker.

Judging by healed wounds on his body,
he was not exactly a peace-loving man.

An ex-con with a history of v*olence.

So why would you target
both a sinner and a saint?

♪ Whoa-oh, ooh, oh-oh ♪

♪ You lie and you take a bow ♪

♪ Start w*r and you take a bow ♪

♪ And now you want to take control of me ♪

♪♪ [continues]

♪ Delivered sweetly ♪

♪ Your words of tragedy ♪

Mac, hey, I ran the b*ll*ts from our vics.
No hits in IBIS.

Then I compared those rounds
to the round I fired.

The striae don't match.

You suggesting the k*ller left
a different g*n behind to throw us off?

I don't think so.
I think it was so hot in that oven

that not only did it melt
the polymer exterior of the Glock,

but it also softened the metal barrel.


That could've altered the striae pattern.

That type of heat would also destroy
any prints and DNA trace.

Sounds like the g*n's a dead end.

Whoever this k*ller is, he's thorough.

I second that. I got DNA
off the martini glass from the bar.

No hits in CODIS.
And I found no prints on the lowball glass.

But I did find acrylic smudges.

I think the guy used nail polish
to cover his fingertips.

What about the ash from the oven?

I haven't found the source yet,
but I'm still working on it.

This guy's clever, but he may not
have thought of everything.

The hairs Sid found on George Parker--
got a hit on a William Dowd.

Did ten years
in the same prison as Parker.

Half of those were for violent altercations
while in prison.

He was released five months ago.
Fits the description of our k*ller.

Sounds like George Parker's prison history
might've followed him to the Y & Dot Lounge.

I followed up with his parole officer.
Got an address.

Consider this suspect well armed
and extremely dangerous.

[siren wailing]

William Dowd, NYPD.
We want to talk to you.


Go ahead.

Get your hands on your head now!

Don't move!


[door opens]

Building super.
This is the third time I've been here

for fire alarm inspections.

I'm sorry.
Now's really not a good time.

Well, where's the guy who lives here?


Actually, he's not available right now.

We're, um,

kind of in the middle of something.

Smart decision.
You chose to cooperate.

I wasn't cooperating with you.
I just didn't want to see him get k*lled.

Why would I k*ll him?
There's no money in that.

Why did you bring me here?

I saw you sh**t that bartender
for looking at you.

You know why you're here.

Only reason you're still alive
is 'cause you have information I need.

Well, if you think I'm gonna let you
use me, then k*ll me,

you're crazy.

You don't have to continue cooperating.

But if you don't,
I give you my word,

more people will die,

starting with you.

There's things I need to find,

a person I need to meet,

and you're gonna help me do both.

- You think I k*lled George Parker?
- I think you like being behind bars.

You've spent more of your life in jail
than you have out of it.

- Some guys can't cope.
- We've seen your body of work.

as*ault with a deadly w*apon,
attempted m*rder.

- That was all before you got out of prison.
- You do what you gotta do to survive.

Murdering three people oughta be enough
to send you back to your comfort zone.

That's prison for life.

You said you got my DNA
off of George's throat?

- That's right.
- Yeah.

That's 'cause I saw him yesterday
on the street.

It's not what you think.


- [snickering]
- Ah, very funny.

What's up, dude?
Good to see you.

Good to see you, man.

I never had beef with George.

All I did was say "what's up" to some guy
I used to know on the inside.

I did my dirt, served my time.

I'm not going back.

I just want to live my life.

Sorry George won't get a chance
to do the same.

Hey, Jo, check this out.

William Dowd's story turns out to be true.

Witnesses saw him greet George Parker
on the corner of 125th and 7th.

Oh. I think I may have found the name
and address of our mystery woman.

Turns out ten minutes before the sh**t
at the Y & Dot Lounge,

someone used their credit card
to order a martini at the bar.

- Camille Jordanson?
- You know her?

I grew up with her.

[Hawkes] Someone came through here in
a hurry. They really trashed her place.

- Any idea who might've done this?
- No.

But whatever they were looking for
could be the reason

why she wasn't k*lled
at the Y & Dot Lounge.

When was the last time
you talked to Camille?

She left me a voice mail about a week ago.

I didn't get a chance to call her back yet.
Check this out.


Looks like an album box.
Camille was always into music.

She an old flame of yours?

- No. We were just friends.
- Mm-hmm.

I never got up the nerve to make a move.

She was always the life of the party.
Everybody's girl next door.

What is this girl next door into?

We've matched Camille's DNA
from her toothbrush

to the martini glass from the lounge.

- [phone ringing]
- She's definitely our mystery woman.

- Danville.
- There's over 100 bottles

of prescription medication
hidden in her apartment.

None of it was prescribed to her.

Camille works as a nurse
for the Pleasant Green Clinic.

Not anymore.
According to their personnel office,

she was fired three weeks ago
for stealing meds.

That explains all these other names
on the prescriptions.

Painkillers, antidepressants,
cancer medication--

some of it costing $50 a pill.

That's serious money.
She was probably selling it on the side.

No way. Camille does not have
a criminal record,

and there's no sign that she needed money
bad enough to do something like this.

Yeah, but there's a reason
she wasn't k*lled in that lounge,

and her apartment was ransacked.

- She probably got in over her head.
- That's gotta be why she was calling me.

She was probably calling for help.

We still don't know what Camille
has in common with our two vics.

Julian Grace had liver cancer,
but I don't see his

or George Parker's name
on any of these prescriptions.

Let's take a closer look at everything.

There's something that's gotta
lead us back to the identity

of our professional k*ller.

All right.


Camille Jordanson was an excellent nurse.

Patients loved her.

I didn't want to fire her.

Then what's all this
about her stealing meds?

One of Camille's patients came in
complaining about his symptoms.

Not only was he not getting better,
he was getting worse.

- You have any idea why?
- Patient swore he was taking his meds,

but there was no sign
they were having an effect.

So we took a look at the pills.

Somewhere between us issuing them
and him receiving them,

the real medication had been swapped out
for counterfeit pills.

- Fake meds.
- Mm-hmm.

Camille was delivering the medication
to the patients at home.

But there was no proof
that she had been lying.

But when her second patient came in
complaining about the same symptoms--

well, the writing was on the wall.

Did you file a report with the NYPD?

I decided not to.

Any investigation questioning our ethics
could shut this place down.

I didn't feel I could do that
to my patients or my staff.

I assumed we could sweep it under the rug
by firing Camille.

- Doctor?
- Thank you.

You asked for her list of patients.

This is her cell phone that we loaned her
when she came to work.

- Great.
- I also looked up the names you asked about.

We see hundreds of patients here.

But, uh, a George Parker
or Julian Grace?

There's no sign of them having
been treated by the clinic.

Okay. Thank you.


So Camille Jordanson
wasn't just stealing meds,

she was actually giving patients
fake meds in return.

Pun intended.
That's pretty sick.

Yeah. And pretty sophisticated.
I mean, making fake meds ain't easy.

It's not something
you can do out of your apartment.

She had to be working with somebody.

That somebody might be our k*ller,
or whoever hired him.

You get enough to eat?


Thought I'd get you some food
and a change of clothes.

You want me to put this on?

If you don't mind.

Just so we're clear,
this is not kindness.

This is a reminder of how valuable life is.

You stole some dr*gs.

Hid them somewhere.

I asked you where they were,

and you told me you didn't know.

See, my profession takes me
all over the city, so I know people.

Some of those people told me
that the NYPD visited your apartment.

And guess what they found.

You lied to me.

Liars get in the way
of me making money.

Why would I answer any of your questions
when you haven't answered mine?

Do you believe in fate or free will?

I see what you're doing. Stalling.

It's very noble.

I'm gonna give you one more chance
not to lie to me.

See, I didn't find the dr*gs,

but I will find Janice Scott,

'cause you're gonna tell me where she is.

All right. I'll play your game.

That's what I thought.

Wanna know the secret to bad medicine?
Soap scum.

I took a closer look
at the pills from Camille's apartment.

Turns out they were all diluted
with magnesium stearate.

[chuckles] Same ingredient as the ring
around your tub after a bath.

Right. It's also a common binder.

It's used in hard candy, aspirin,
pill-form medications.

But not to this extent.
Check it out.

There's so much magnesium stearate
in these pills

that the therapeutic dose
is practically nonexistent.

The dr*gs in Camille's apartment must've been
the fake meds she was giving her patients.

They were well made, too.
They looked exactly like the real thing.

If those are the fakes,
where's the real medication?

Continue processing those pills.
They may get us a lead on our k*ller.


- [beeping]
- [Jo] Any new leads, Adam?

I was going through the ash
in the pizza oven, and I found mostly ash.

Yeah. But I also found this.

This fragment is made of galvanized steel--

similar to what they use in battleships--

and I'm not quite sure what
it was doing in the oven yet.

This one reminds me of Sterling.

No. It's actually made of copper alloy.

No. Jason Sterling.

He was an old friend of mine who used
to collect decorative pins like this.

Notice the melted support prong
on the bottom?

Looks like a butterfly clutch prong.

Means our k*ller has style.

Well, you have your research
cut out for you, Adam.

What does a decorative pin
have to do with galvanized steel?

Well, you're more than welcome to join me.

Sorry. I wish I could.

Sid just got me the medical histories
of all our vics.

Turns out Julian Grace was not the only one
with a serious health condition.

George Parker was bipolar.

Maybe Parker and Grace
were buying meds from Camille.

But there's nothing to indicate
that Camille even knew those guys.

So I'm really hoping that this
can shed some light on things.

Both Parker and Grace had low levels
of uranium in their bloodstreams.

Mushroom cloud?
Atomic b*mb uranium?


How does someone get radioactive blood?

Can't wait to find out.

Let me know.


- All right, then. Thanks.
- You said you had something?

Yeah. I got Camille Jordanson's
work phone hooked up here.

I compared her calls
to her personal phone bill.

There's one number
that stands out as a frequent caller.


Janice Scott.
She was a patient of Camille's.

Her name was on the list you gave me
from the Pleasant Green Clinic.

- That's right.
- And it makes sense that her number

would be in Camille's call history,

because patients often bond
with their caretakers.

Right. That's true.
But I just got off the phone with Flack,

and the unis found
Janice's apartment ransacked,

just like Camille's place.

Whoever's after Camille
might also be after Janice Scott.

Yeah. And Flack said the landlord
hasn't seen her in two days.

I ran Janice's W-2.

She owns a couple different businesses--
a bodega, a print shop, a nightclub.

She could be hiding out
in one of those spots.

All right. Let's split up.
I want them all searched.

Hey, Mac, if it's okay,
I'd like to be a part of this.

If Camille's guilty,
I'll be the first to admit that I'm wrong.

But for now, we still have to find her.
If this woman knows where she is,

I'd like to be the one that talks to her.

All right.

♪ Uh ♪

♪ Everybody looking at her ♪

♪ They can move right away ♪

♪ You can see it in her movement ♪

♪ That the girl don't play ♪

♪ A walking danger ♪

♪ One look in her eyes ♪

♪ You do what she want you to ♪

♪ And you won't even know why ♪

♪ Everybody wanna touch it, touch it ♪

♪ And they're going berserk ♪

♪ She can make you love it, love it ♪

♪ Even if it hurts ♪

♪ From her head to my toes ♪

♪ She's out of control ♪

♪ She can reach right in your chest ♪

♪ Pull out your soul ♪

♪ She said don't ask no questions ♪

♪ Do it 'cause I said so ♪

♪ You're under my control ♪

- Her office is right there?
- Yeah.



- That way.
- Wait here.

♪ You want to 'cause I said so ♪

♪ She said don't ask no questions ♪

♪ Do it 'cause I said so ♪

♪ You're under my control ♪

♪ Do it 'cause I said so ♪

- Flack.
- ♪ Do it 'cause I said so ♪

Hawkes, I got eyes on him!
He's dressed like a bouncer!

Look out! Look out!
Police! Police!

[patrons yelling]

Hey! Police!

Look out!


- [g*nshots]
- [patrons screaming, clamoring]

Get out of the way!
Get out of the way!

Police! Move! Get out of the way!
Get out of the way!

Where'd he go?
Did you see where he went?

- No!
- [screaming, clamoring continue]

Hey, Hawkes, I lost him.

That's not all we lost, Flack.

I'm in Janice Scott's office.
She's dead.

[siren wailing]

[camera shutter clicking]

- [phone ringing]
- What's up, Mac?

I put an APB on our k*ller based on
a detailed facial description.

We have unis at the residences
of Camille Jordanson's patients.

Mac, there's signs of forced entry here
but no indication of a struggle.

Judging by the hemorrhaging
in Janice Scott's eyes,

I don't think she was m*rder*d.

Most likely died from a stroke.

She was probably dead
before the k*ller arrived.

- Any idea why he was after her?
- No, not yet.

Janice kept her health records here,

and looking at her MRIs,
she suffered from a brain tumor.

All three of our k*ller's targets
had serious health conditions.

I'm guessing Janice Scott
was on fake meds

because her tumor continued to grow
despite being on medication.

So one of our k*ller's targets
was on fake meds,

while the other two
had uranium in their bloodstream.

There may be a connection.

[clicks, beeps]

Your friend Janice Scott is dead.

Why are you telling me this?

Because she was already dead
when I arrived.

Don't you get paid
whether you k*ll them or not?

Hey, the people I k*ll choose death
when they choose how they live.

Well, not Janice Scott!

She wasn't some criminal or m*rder*r!

She was just an-- an innocent woman

trying to live a full life
while battling a disease.



I think we figured out
how you get radioactive blood.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear.

We randomly sampled 25 pills
from Camille's apartment.

So far, all of them
have contained uranium.

Medications for cancer,
diabetes, antidepressants.

It's a wide range of pills.

And if uranium is a common impurity,

it means George Parker and Julian Grace
took fake meds.

We verified Janice Scott did as well.

Sid also found uranium in her blood.

That means all three of our vics
took false medication.

But why is our k*ller also after Camille?

Our answer might be in the uranium.


- Nice hat, Adam.
- [laughs]

- It's a trilby, right?
- Yeah. How'd you know?

I know a few things about hats.
What do you got for me?

- The steel fragment from the oven.
- Yes.

Based on its curvature, I was able to
estimate what it might've been attached to.


I know a ring of galvanized steel
isn't really big news.

But a ring of galvanized steel
that's 22 inches in circumference is,

because that's equivalent
to the average hat size of most men.

I called around,
and there are a ton of hat shops

that use steel for millinery wire.

But there are not a lot of hat shops

that also sell copper decorative pins.

Suit jacket lapel pins,
to be more specific.

Okay, so we've got a trilby hat
and a copper lapel pin.

It sounds like our k*ller,

in order to leave the lounge,
needed to change his look,

so he took the hat off,
he took the suit jacket off,

wrapped the g*n inside
and tossed it in the oven.

I was able to track the hat and the pin
to a shop in Midtown.

Sent the owner over a sketch of the k*ller,
and bingo.

- Did you get a name?
- No. The k*ller only pays with cash

and doesn't use his name with anyone.

But I did get a name of the person
who referred him to the hat shop.

Theola Kumi?

She's the manager
of the Pleasant Green Clinic.

Most doctors I know don't give referrals
to professional K*llers.


You didn't tell me that my targets
were sick patients.

Look, you wanted to renegotiate the price.

Considering the improvising
you've had to do,

name it.

But I want Camille taken care of.

I sense hesitation.

You're not getting sweet on her, are you?

If you're unable to do it,
I don't have a problem going with plan B.

Hey, Mac, we did some digging,
trying to figure out

if there was another motivation for Camille
to have stolen meds in her apartment.

She wasn't stealing dr*gs, Mac.
She was stealing proof.

Theola Kumi.

Has no record in the United States,

but in Armenia,
she was found guilty of medical fraud.

Using unlicensed doctors,
billing for procedures that were never done.

Camille wasn't giving her patients fake meds,

and she wasn't selling real meds
on the side, either.

There never were any real meds.

It was Pleasant Green Clinic
selling fake meds to their own patients.

George Parker and Julian Grace

weren't listed as patients,
but their files could've been erased.

Dr. Kumi had motive
for tying up loose ends,

and hiring a professional k*ller
is one way to do that.

Uranium is not easy to find,
but I found some in Queens.

There's an old factory that used to
use uranium to color false teeth.

- It's been abandoned for a few years.
- Jo, you and I will head over that location.

You two get Danny and Flack
to visit Dr. Kumi at the clinic.

- Only this time, they bring a warrant.
- Right.

[sirens wailing]

The place is completely empty.
There's nobody here.

No patients, no sign of Dr. Kumi.

They must've started moving out
right after we left.


You're getting the rest of it, right?

[Man #2]
Yeah, all right.


[Men shouting]

Let's go!

- [whirring]
- [door thuds]

Get your hands on your head!

Getting rid of evidence?

- [handcuffs clicking]
- Or just shredding paper.

- Yeah, right.
- [Man] Police! Police!

Come on! Get outta here!

[Men shouting]


[shouting continues]

[sirens wailing]

- Get your hands on your head!
- Over here!

- Stay down!
- Check the perimeter!

Show your hands!

- Stay down!
- Get down!

- Don't move!
- Cuff him!

Where is Camille Jordanson?

If she's all you have on me,
this is gonna be a short conversation.

Why don't we wait for my attorney?
I wouldn't want her to miss it.

The machines you were loading
onto those trucks had residue on them.

Our tests confirmed
it was magnesium stearate.

You were using that factory
to produce fake medication.

You were selling fake meds
to sick people to make money.

You put greed ahead of people
who thought they were your patients.

Too many of those people
lost the race before it even began.

You're gonna do time
for what happened to them.

- [beeping]
- [beeping]

All right. So Dr. Kumi isn't talking,
but her phone and call history say plenty.

According to this, several calls were made
to her cell phone over the last 48 hours.

Every call was made within 30 minutes
of our k*ller being at the crime scene.

- It's definitely his phone.
- Yeah, but he's probably using a burner.

- That phone won't be up and running long.
- We can get a subpoena,

activate the phone's GPS,
set up an emergency triangulation.

- Got it. It's up and running.
- Nice.

- [beeping]
- Come on, come on, come on, come on.

- [beeps]
- Boom.

- We got a location.
- [typing]



[line ringing]

[phone chiming]


[Hit Man]
You sensed hesitation in me before.

You were wrong about me.


- You don't have to do this. Please.
- It's already done.



Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

sh*ts fired! I repeat, sh*ts fired!

- Go, go, go!
- Move, move!


[line ringing]

Mac, I heard sh*ts fired
from Dr. Kumi's phone.

[tires screeching]

He just ducked into the alley,
northeast corner.

- [Officer] Bedroom's clear.
- [Officer #2] Kitchen's clear.

Camille. Yeah. Hey.

- Hey, it's okay.
- [whimpering]


Hey. Are you okay?

- [crying]
- We heard g*nshots.



No pulse.

- [crying continues]
- We're gonna get you outta here, okay?

Everything's gonna be all right.

[tires screeching]

[police radio chatter]

Freeze! On your knees.


Drop the bag.

Hands behind your head.

[handcuffs clicking]

[computer beeping]

[elevator bell dings]

- Hey.
- Hey.

Actually, I was gonna...

Wonder what he's saying to her.

That's none of our concern.

Oh, come on, Mac.
You're a detective.

You mean to tell me
you never people watch?

I'm sure she just came by
to thank him for doing his job.

Mmm, it's more than that.
Look at her.

- I think she wants to go out with him.
- What gives you that impression?

Can't you see it?
She's totally into him.

Evaluate the evidence.

Look at the signs she's throwing at him.

She arches her back a little when she talks,

nervously touching her neckline,

shifting her hair behind her ear.

Somebody's been doing
a little too much people watching.

But it could be the rekindling
of a beautiful friendship.

Or just some hot, steamy sex.


[no audible dialogue]
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