07x16 - The Untouchable

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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07x16 - The Untouchable

Post by bunniefuu »


I told you not to Taser the neck!

He's still breathing.

He better be.

[tires screeching]


On your knees.

On your knees, you son of a bitch, now!

[g*n cocks]

This path you're on leads here.

Only next time,
the trigger gets pulled.


[car doors open, engine starts]

[tires screeching]

- [grunting]
- [rats squeaking]


♪ Out here in the fields ♪

♪ I fight for my meals ♪

♪ I get my back into my living ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪

[line ringing]

911. What is your emergency?

This is Detective Mac Taylor.

I need to be connected
to the New York Crime Lab and Jo Danville.


[siren wailing]

[camera shutter clicking]

Froth around the nose and mouth
are consistent with an overdose.

No cash, no ID,

a dime bag, traces of heroin,


and a ton of candy wrappers.

Can you say "sugar cravings"?

Cravings usually don't come for a couple
of months after you quit, post withdrawal.

Maybe she fell off the wagon,
her tolerance was low.

These syringes are clean of prints.

I mean, not that you always find any.
But she's not wearing gloves,

and I'm not even getting
any smudges or partials.

Are you thinking
they might've been wiped down?

I'm thinking there was definitely
someone else in this alley.

Junkies, thieves, transients.

This place is covered with biologicals

from a whole collection of creatures
that were in this alley.

A couple uniforms responding
to a disturbance call found the body.

Hey, Mac, Jane Doe's an addict.

Looks like a straight-up OD.

She's no Jane Doe.

Her name is Tessa James.

All right.
Enough of this quiet-man crap.

Are you okay?

I didn't expect to find Tessa that way.

You've been looking for her?

On and off.

More waiting than looking.

She'd usually find me.

That's a bit cryptic.

Listen, if I'm sticking my nose
where I shouldn't--

No, no.

I met Tessa almost a year ago.

I guess you'd call it a series
of really strange encounters.

- Detective Taylor?
- Yeah.

They're following me.

- Who's following you?
- [panting]

Can I trust you?
I can trust you.

I can trust you, 'cause I saw you
in the paper, and you tell the truth.

Tell me your name.
What's your name?

The woman with the purple feathers--
I saw her with the blood all over her face.

Is she hurt?

Did it just happen?
Where is she?

I delivered papers for work,

and I went to wash my hands, and I...

And he was crying.

Okay. Slow down. Who's "he"?

I saw...

In the room, there was--

there was a beautiful light

and, um, an angel.

They carried her down the hall,

and the white-haired man just kept crying.

And, um, now she's out there,

and it's so-- it's so cold.

All right.
Where did this happen?

I-- I want to help you.
Just tell me your name.

- [panting]
- All right.

My name's Tessa James.

Uh, uh, wait-- wait a minute.
Who's hurt, Tessa?

Oh, she's not hurt, she's dead.

I tried to find her,
but she had no driver's license,

no fixed address.

I only had her name.

She'd been an assistant at a law firm

but was fired the year before
for erratic attendance and behavior.

Well, the hand rubbing, fast speech,
fractured sentences, at the very least,

sound like extreme OCD,
which can involve fantasy.

Yeah, I know.

I couldn't find any proof of her story.

Despite that, there was something
about her, Jo.

I believed her.

Based on?

My gut.

Mac, you're always telling the guys
to use their heads, not their hearts.

I didn't say, "My heart."

I said, "My gut."

Tox screen came back positive
for diacetylmorphine.


Enough to k*ll her.

Junkie, addict, drug user...

None of those words describe
the woman I knew, Sid.

She was a little different,

but Tessa was certainly
no substance abuser.

Well, that might explain why there are
no other dr*gs in her system.

With most users,
you'd find at least THC or alcohol.

There are no scars from former track marks.

Nothing suggesting
she was a recovering addict

who suddenly fell off the wagon.

Just one injection site.


What about histology?

All of her internal organs appeared healthy.

No signs of chronic drug use.

Everything I'm seeing is consistent
with what you believe, Mac.

She's not an addict.

So what does that leave us with?

She woke up today and decided,
"Hey, I'm going to try some heroin"?

I'd believe that,
except for one observation.

The injection site is in her left arm,

and given calluses
and muscle formations in her hands,

I have every reason to believe
she was left-handed.

She would've injected
her right arm, not her left.

Someone else injected her,
dumped her body in the alley,

and left the candy wrappers
and the needles.

Set up to look like an accidental overdose.

Or to disguise a m*rder.

Well, this is possibly grease.

Yeah. You better hope it's that,
given where we found her.

[camera shutter clicking]

You're gross.

Well, you wanted the coat.




The paint fragments samples
off Tessa's jeans--

I separated out the layers
and ran them through DART.

Spectral results for the first layer
indicated the presence of lead.

- Lead paint was banned after 1956.
- Mm-hmm.

The more recent layers
were lead-free, newer.

I made some calls,
and they were all catalogued.

[Westcroft] Red Granite,
Woodland Green,

and Hudson Taupe,
which was discontinued in '83.

So at some point,
Tessa was in a building

that was painted the first shade before 1956,

and then repainted anytime up to 1983.

- Right.
- There's a lot of possibilities out there.

True. But the most recent paints contained
alkyd binders, indicating they're industrial.

Maybe I can help there.

I analyzed the smudge embedded
in the fibers on Tessa's coat.

Found high concentrations of sulfur dioxide,

a compound commonly found
in k*ller smog.

That's what happened in 1953 and 1966.

A temperature inversion created
a kind of a ceiling over the city,

trapping chemicals from exhaust.

Sulfur dioxide, to be exact.

Now, the stains on Tessa's coat--
they would indicate

that she somehow came in contact
with these k*ller concentrations.

So we're looking for a location
that trapped enough k*ller smog

to leave behind a residue
after all these years.

- Yeah.
- Hey.

So this sweater that Tessa
was wearing was cashmere, right?

It still had the price tag on it.
Only 5.99.

Vintage, or she scored
a major deal on 7th Avenue.

I don't think so. I found the manufacturer
who designed the tag.

It was made in the '70s.
It was sold to hundreds

of different department stores
around the country,

but only half of them still exist.

Sulfur dioxide concentrations have been
preserved in some kind of enclosure.

Probably above the ground
so that it could trap the rising exhaust.

An old space that was painted before '56

and not after '83,

and clothing

at an absurdly low price.

Maybe she was squatting
at an old clothing warehouse.

Or maybe some kind of an overpass
close to heavy traffic.

Or an abandoned high-rise.

My name is Tessa James.

[Mac] Wait-- Wait a minute.
Who's hurt, Tessa?

Oh, she's not hurt, she's dead.

Or all of the above.

[Flack] How did she get in here
without getting caught?

[Mac] Buildings on either side are abandoned.
No one's been up here for years.

What the hell was she doing in here?

Looks like Tessa was living here.


I don't think the elevator goes
to the top floor, if you know what I mean.

It's amazing.


And somewhere in here is the answer
to what Tessa was trying to tell me.

[Lindsay] Must've taken her
a long time to compile all this.


Who are all these guys?

[mechanical humming]


Mac, between everything Tessa told you
and your own investigation,

was there ever any hard evidence
that Tessa witnessed a m*rder?


But there was nothing to disprove it, either.

Tessa wasn't delusional, Lindsay.

She didn't think people
were listening in on her thoughts

or that she was receiving messages
from television or aliens.

Tessa was on to something,
and she may have been m*rder*d for it.

[device beeps]

It's an L.

The L

stands for "loyalty,"

the T for "trust."

I did an icon database search.

It's the motto of the Vonner Club.

- The Vonner Club.
- [typing]

Where you need to be a billionaire boy

and know that funny handshake
to get through the door.

A Southern girl like you
has a problem with gentlemen's clubs?

Hell, no.

What I have a problem with is a gentleman
who may have committed m*rder.

[camera shutter clicking]

The white-haired man just kept crying.

And now she's out there,

and it's so-- it's so cold.

It was cold.

Lindsay, on the wall where she compiled
newspaper sections

and magazine pages,
any particular time of year?

Here it is. Yeah.

Seems like she was obsessed
with February 17.

Crime sections,

articles on female homicides,

missing persons, suicides...

Obituaries, also February 17.

You think maybe she was looking
for a report of the woman she saw?

Hang on. Mardi Gras.

It could've been around February 17th
last year, right?

We need to find out how the Vonner Club
was celebrating Fat Tuesday.

Yeah. I'm sorry.

The event was for Mardi Gras.
Everyone comes in masks,

so it'd be really hard
to recognize someone's face.

We'll need to see a guest list
from that night,

and a seating plan,
if you have a record of it.

Sure. I'll get that for you right now.

- You'll keep that confidential, right?
- Absolutely.

- Mind if we take a look around?
- Sure. Help yourself.

Uh, this may sound strange,

but do you happen to have a room

with bright lights and angels in it?

As a matter of fact, we do.

This is our VIP room.

A lot of sex going on in this room.

Apparently "VIP room"
means something else.

Well, sex isn't a crime,
m*rder is.

We need to find blood.



Spatter suggests a g*nsh*t wound.

Tessa was right.

The woman with the purple feathers--
I saw her with the blood all over her face.

The woman carried out of this room
could've been m*rder*d.

[brakes screeching]

[cries out]

[car door closes]

Hey, is she all right?


[Woman grunting]

[Man grunts]

This is Detective Mac Taylor.

I need to be connected with
the New York Crime Lab and Jo Danville.

I saw a black SUV, xenon headlights.

Inside, I felt a pass-through rear seat.

The cargo space was about six feet.

What about the woman
who jumped in front of the car?

Did you get a good look at her?

- Caucasian, black jacket with a hood.
- [brakes screeching]

I'd remember her voice.

When I reached for her,

she turned her head away.

I heard the car door open,

then I got Tasered in the neck.

Was it a police-issued Taser
or some runt g*n that anyone can buy?

I-- I got zapped from behind.
I didn't see.

Are you sure you don't want
to see a doctor, Mac?

No. I'm good, Jo.

I pulled some fibers from the carpet.

Yeah. I'll say.
It's enough to weave a new one.

Who the hell has the balls
to try to warn off the head

of the New York City Crime Lab
is what I wanna know.

Either someone really stupid
or someone really powerful.

In the back of the vehicle,
I felt metal

under my shoulder,
and it had a sharp edge.

There's a possibility that trace transferred
from the object to your shirt.

- Which shoulder?
- Left.



- Ah.
- License plate.

They must've put on fake plates
and tossed the real ones in the back.

See? It's all the little details
that criminals never pay attention to.

Just one little something they forget,
and we nail them.

Oh, I love this job.

[mechanical humming]




[mechanical humming]



- [Lindsay] Hey.
- [Danny] Oh, how you feeling?

- All right?
- Fine. Yeah, fine.

So where are we?

Well, as far as we can tell, Tessa
photographed half the men in Manhattan.

Adam ID'd them through the DMV.
None of them were on the guest list.

But if these are pictures of guys
who look like our perpetrators--

The VIP room.

So the guys upstairs
never attended the Mardi Gras party.

They were having a smaller party
of their own.

Which would explain why
our mystery female vic

also wasn't officially signed in.

The woman with the purple feathers.

[Mac] You said there were three men
carrying the girl?

Yes. Three men.

Three men.

And there was the-- the--

the crying man with the white hair.

Crying man with the white hair.

[camera shutter clicking]

A muscled guy with a tiger.

A muscled guy with a tiger.

[camera shutter clicking]

- And someone else.
- [Tessa] I couldn't find him.

Ton of candy wrappers.

Can you say "sugar cravings"?

Stratford chocolate.

Danny, the candy wrappers
in the alley-- all like this?

Some were like that.

They belonged to Tessa.
She brought them there.

Yeah. Which is why they didn't
make sense at the scene.



- Comiskey?
- Yeah. You know him?

It's a baseball stadium.
Charles Comiskey.

Chicago Black Sox, 1919...

You're so obsessed with baseball.

Okay. So why pick that name
and put it on a wrapper?

You said Tessa mentioned other names.

Yeah. Code names she'd worked out.

There was George Weaver
and Billy Gleason.

Is the white-haired man
Weaver or Gleason?

No. I don't know. I don't--
I don't know him.

But I ran them all,
and they didn't make sense.

Well, look,
she was a bit confused, right?

- What were the other names?
- There was George Weaver.

George "Buck" Weaver,

third baseman
for the Chicago Black Sox.

Okay. So why pick these names--
Comiskey, Weaver--

for guys she saw at the Vonner Club?

I mean, the Black Sox
threw the World Series in 1919.

- They were the bad guys.
- What did Comiskey have to do with the

- He owned it.
- Oh.

Well, who owns
Stratford Confection Company?

I'll tell you right now.

[computer beeping]

The owner of Stratford
Confection Company is...

- [beeps]
- Matthew Stratford.

Take a look.

The white-haired man.

He just kept saying, um,

"I didn't mean to.

"I-I-I just wanted to shut her up.
I didn't mean to."

She hasn't mentioned George Weaver
on this wall.

Wait a minute. Wait.

All these articles--

they all had to do with death
or missing persons,

except one.

[paper rustling]

Derek Perry.

I think we found our Weaver.

Derek Perry's
a Major League All-Star third baseman.

He admitted himself into rehab
for cocaine addiction.

He was suspended from the team
for a year.

Owner of a company,
pro ball player.

Sounds like VIPs to me.

[Tessa] Um, there was George Weaver
and Billy Gleason,

and Gleason saw me.

Billy Gleason.

Billy "The Kid" Gleason.

He was the manager of the Black Sox.

The manager of the Vonner Club,

Keith De Young.

When I was leaving the club,
we had a very interesting conversation.

- Detective, do you have a minute?
- Of course.

Uh, the club and its members...

I mean, there are
some powerful people in here.


Uh, if they found out that I gave you lists,

let you into that room without--
I don't know--

talking to the board of directors
or something,

I could lose my job.

They take this loyalty and trust thing
pretty seriously.

Look, why don't you give me your card?
I'll give you mine.

You have any questions or concerns,
give me a call.

I'll do the same, if your board of directors
have something to worry about.

- [relieved sigh]
- [Mac] Keith De Young saw Tessa.

Thank you, Detective.

- [phone ringing]
- Bring him in.

- [beeps]
- Yeah?

[Flack] Hey, Mac, you feel like renting
a couple limos tonight?

I found the luxury car service
that has your license plate.

- It's over on West 57th.
- I'll meet you there.

- [beeps]
- Let's go.

Can I help you guys?

On your knees,
you son of a bitch, now!


Drop it.

On your knees, you son of a bitch.

Peter Grant,

driver to some of the Vonner Club's
finest members,

and cop kidnapper.

That's an A-1 felony.
Same as m*rder.

Including as*ault and the threats
I distinctly remember,

you're going down for 25-to-life.

The severity of your sentence is determined
by how much you cooperate.

Hey, there's your accomplice.
She works at the garage, too.

So what is this?
You guys, uh, work together,

play together,
kidnap cops together?

The first one to talk gets the deal.
Tell us who hired you.

Save your breath.
If I tell you, I'm a dead man.

Throw me whatever you got.

Your little talk with Detective Taylor
was really a threat, wasn't it?

No. No, no.

Look, I just wanted him to know how--

How much of a pompous ass
you and your club pals are?

Do you think money
can get you out of m*rder?

No. Look, I don't know anything, okay?
I just do what I'm told.

Oh, so you're a pompous lackey ass.

Keith, you don't want to get into
any more trouble than you're already in.

You were there the night that girl died.


You saw her.



I allowed some girl into the Mardi Gras party
to deliver papers to her boss, but--

Tessa James delivered papers that night.

You said you didn't remember her.

I'm bad with faces.


I think I'm going to be sick.

Oh, doesn't bother me.
I've got two kids.

-I've spent half my life covered in throw up.
-I hear that.

The pail's right there.


give us the names
of the men in the VIP room.

I hosted the Mardi Gras party.

That's all I can tell you.

The Jane Doe Mac asked me to trace--
the strangulation from February 16--

Any Jane Does come in
with g*nsh*t wounds

around February 17 of last year?


- [beeps]
- [Sid] Uh, yeah.

We did have a Jane Doe,
but she died of strangulation.

Sid, check the blood trace we found
at the Vonner Club

against that Jane Doe's DNA records.

He was right.
Her DNA is a match

to the blood found in the Vonner Club.

It appears she suffered asphyxiation.

There was evidence
of recent sexual activity--

two DNA donors,
and no hits in CODIS.

Also, she had high levels
of cocaine in her system,

and the ME detected blood
in her nasal cavity.

Which can cause the victim
to sneeze or cough.

So our g*nsh*t spatter pattern
was a symptom of an overdose.

Overdose, then strangled.

- Not the night she signed up for, I'm sure.
- Yeah.

What's that right there?

Yeah. Right wrist. Uh...

Oh, she had a tattoo.


The tattoo.

- It's the symbol that Tessa drew repeatedly.
- [camera shutter clicking]

This is definitely our woman
with the purple feathers.

The ME's office retains clothing
in Jane Doe cases for a year, right?

- Yes.
- I need to see this victim's clothing.


- Clothes give us anything?
- A whole lot of nothing.

I got a foreign print.
Just one.

Top button of her winter coat.

You get anything in AFIS?

No. It seems like for every lead,
just-- it's another dead end, boss.

I know she's out there.
It's so cold.

Maybe not.

It's your compassion that nailed you.

I beg your pardon, Detective?

It was cold outside.
You did up the top button.

The other buttons were large.
You could keep your gloves on.

But the top button-- small.

I don't know what you mean.

I found your print
on Jane Doe's winter coat.

I don't understand. How--
How could you get my fingerprints?

You provided it

when we had
our little confidential chat.





I-I-I handle so many coats every day
greeting members of the Vonner Club.

Yeah, but how many
are high-class prostitutes

who snort so much coke

they freak out
right before they get strangled?

I don't think you were in the room, Keith.

No. I wasn't.

I was hosting.
I wasn't in that room.

♪♪ [Woman singing]


But upstairs,
all hell was breaking loose.


A girl OD's in front of your VIPs.
One of them panics--

- Shut up!
- ...tries to shut her up, and strangles her.

And then they call you,

the loyal and trustworthy club manager.

No. I was busy with other guests.

You helped them carry her out.

I didn't mean to.
I just wanted her to shut up.

- I didn't mean to-- to--
- [Man] Shut the hell up.

[White-Haired Man]
I didn't mean to.

Just zip up your fly
and make sure you got all her stuff.

We should call an ambulance.

What part of "m*rder during
Vonner Club orgy" don't you get?

On your way down the hall,
Tessa saw you,

Matthew Stratford and Derek Perry.

They left you to clean up their mess--

drive to an abandoned part of town
and dump her.

Only you couldn't

stand to see her there
all alone in the cold...

and so you did up her coat--

a final act of compassion.

I almost feel sorry for you.

- I didn't k*ll her.
- Not the girl in the room.

But you saw Tessa,

and you described her,

and you made it possible
for them to hire thugs to find her.

You might as well have shoved
the needle in her arm yourself.

Anyone come forward to claim her yet?

No, unfortunately.

It's always a little more difficult
knowing a body's destined

for a pine box in potter's field.

She's not a Jane Doe, Sid.

Without a family member

or a friend's official identification,

I have to make this determination.


[muted chattering]

I found you.

I found you.

I'm her friend.

Her name is Tessa James.
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