862 - October 14, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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862 - October 14, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR: A violent storm rages fiercely

over the great house of Collinwood.

But more frightening than any storm

is the mind of Count Petofi.

Through his legendary powers,

he has taken over the body of Quentin Collins.

In a desperate attempt to fight him,

Quentin has enlisted the aid of a young woman,

recently arrived at Collinwood.

But he's unaware that she too has fallen under

the spell of supernatural forces.

[ wind and thunder ]

I've come to you.

I could not stay away.

I had to see you just one more time.

Just one more time.

I had to see you.

Please, come to me.

Let me see you.

[ screaming ]

You must leave this place.

Leave Collinwood and never return.

If you stay, he will k*ll you.

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]

Who will k*ll me? You must tell me.

Go now,

before it's too late.

Where is this place?

What am I doing here?

Where did this dress come from?

How did I get into it?

What's happening to me? [ gasps ]

Are you all right, Lady Hampshire?

You had something to do with that horror, didn't you?

COUNT PETROFI: That apparition?

I saw it as I approached.

No, I had nothing to do with it.

What are you doing here then?

Judith and I saw you leave the house.

You seemed to be not quite yourself,

so I followed you to make sure you were all right.

Why did you come out here at this hour?

And why are you wearing that gown?

I don't know.

It's as if I was drawn here by someone.


I have no idea.

It's happened before this way.

First something appears to me.

Tonight it was a note that I found on my dresser.

COUNT PETOFI: What did the note say?

Know yourself, be who you must be.

You say someone put it there.

The question is, why and what does the note signify?

I don't know.

Well, if you had, you might understand

what drew you here to Widow's Hill.

The apparition we both saw a few minutes ago,

- you know anything about that? - No.

But you said he would be waiting for you.

When did I say that?

Just before you left the house.

I don't even remember leaving the house.

This is most disturbing.

Why should it disturb you?

Never mind.

Come along. I'm going back to Collinwood.

You tell me why it disturbs you.

Curiously enough, my dear,

you are not the object of my concern.

I am going to Collinwood, are you coming with me,

or aren't you?

[ thunder and lightning ]

[ ominous music ]

[ knocking on door ]

Come in.

Lord Petofi, is everything all right?

Lady Hampshire's upstairs.

She was upset, but she's quite calm now.

What was wrong, do you know?

She's been under a severe emotional strain

since her husband's death.

I found her on the edge of the woods.

I better see if there's anything she needs.

I'm sure she would appreciate that.

I'll go to her.

You're most considerate, Count Petofi.

Thank you, Mrs. Trask.

Please, Judith.

Thank you, Judith.

[ thinking ]Why am I wasting my time worrying about Kitty?

How could I possibly help her when I can't even help myself?

There must be a way of fighting Petofi,

there has to be!

Evan Handley.

Why didn't I think of him before?

If anyone can help me, he can.

[ tense music ]

[ knocking on door ]

If you're here to see me on business, it's far too early.

I think you'll be interested

in the business I have to talk about, Evan.

EVAN: Who are you?

I am Quentin Collins.

[ dramatic music ]

Well, are you going to invite me in or aren't you?


I don't know what this is all about.

You do recognize this, don't you?

[ door slamming ]

I know who you are.

You think you do, but you are mistaken.

There is only one hand like that in existence,

you are Count Petofi.

If you want something from me,

just tell me what it is and then please go away.

You needn't be so frightened, Evan.

Sit down and I'll explain.

Keep that thing away from me.

I'll do anything you want, just don't touch me.

If it weren't so tragic, I could almost laugh

at the sight of you cringing with fear

from an object that is totally powerless.


For my sake, Evan, and perhaps for your own,

listen to me and believe what I say.

You're familiar enough with the black arts

to know that anything is possible.

This is indeed the body of Count Petofi,

but inside it is the mind of Quentin Collins.

Just as inside the body of Quentin Collins

is the mind of Count Petofi.

Do you understand what I am saying to you?


But you don't believe me, do you?

I find it too fantastic.

Then go to Collinwood and find out for yourself.

What do you mean?

Go and find Quentin.

Don't announce yourself and I guarantee you

he won't know you,

because that Quentin has never laid eyes on you.

Well, now, assuming that what you say is true,

the hand of Count Petofi has always been an entity

in itself, how can you say that it is now powerless?

The power of the hand was

transferred to Quentin Collin's body

along with Petofi's mind.

This is worthless.

You must believe me, Evan.

I am Quentin and I need your help desperately.

Well I, I don't see how I can possibly help you.

There must be some way of reversing

the transference that's taken place.

You know every black ceremony there is.

There must be one that can help me.

Finding the proper ceremony isn't what worried me.

What then?

The new Quentin Collins.

In order for us to succeed,

he would have to participate in the ceremony.

Now we would have to trick him into doing that.

I prefer not to think what should happen

if we should try and fail.

Think what would happen if we do not try at all.

Petofi has gained a new life in Quentin Collins' body.

He's more dangerous than ever.

[ knocking on door ]

Who is that?

I'm expecting no one.

You'd better go out on the terrace.


Good morning, Evan, I hope I didn't awaken you.

No, no. I was already up.

Good, I won't take up too much of your time.

I know you probably have a busy day ahead of you.

Well, it's never too busy for you, Judith, you know that.

How long have you been back?

Oh, I arrived last night.

Well, I must say Gregory must be very pleased.

Well, it happens that he's away, so he doesn't know yet.

Uh huh, I see.

Well I-- I am delighted to see you back, Judith.

Well, I'm glad to hear you say that, Evan,

because I'm back to stay.

Which is why I came to see you.

Before I went away, you had me sign a paper

giving Gregory Power of Attorney.

Yes, yes, yes that's right.

Well, I would like you to give me that paper.

Give it to you?

JUDITH: Well, now that I'm sound, mind and body,

there is no reason for Gregory to have Power of Attorney.

Is there, Evan?

Well, no, no, no. I suppose that there isn't.

Well, if you'll give me the paper, I'll leave.

Well, uh, I'm uh afraid I,

I don't have it here with me, Judith.

Oh, where is it?

It's in the vault at the Collinsport Bank.

Fine, when you go into town,

you can get it and bring it back to me.

Well, I'm afraid

I won't be able to do that, Judith.

I'm leaving for Bangor in an hour.

I won't be back until after four

and the bank will be closed by then.

JUDITH: Well, have them open it.

Oh, well now, now you know that, that isn't possible.

Oh, but it is, Evan.

It's very simple, just tell them that Judith Collins Trask

wants that Power of Attorney by six o'clock

or she will withdraw her money and open her own bank.

Well, then, very well then, I'll have it for you at six.

Thank you, Evan.

I better leave, I don't want to delay your trip to Bangor.

It's nice to be back, Evan.

You might've told me that she was back.

Did Judith's visit pose

some sort of a problem for you, Evan?

Of course not.

You seemed rather nervous while you were talking to her.

Well, I was, I was surprised to see her.

Not so surprised as your friend Trask will be.

I hope you haven't made any rash commitments

to Trask, Evan.

What are you saying?

Only that Judith meant what she said.

She's come back to stay and to rule.

I'd advise you to reexamine your loyalties.

Now, what about me?

Can you help me?

I'm willing to go through with the ceremony.

If you can find a way of getting him here

without arousing his suspicion.

I know a way.

It's very simple.

Sit down and I'll tell you what it is.

[ clock chiming ]

Oh, I'm sorry,

I didn't realize anyone was in this room.

- Excuse me. - Quentin.

Come into this room at once.

[ ominous music ]

I didn't expect you to welcome me with open arms.

But I think you can do

a little better than you just did.

I'm sorry, welcome to Collinwood.

I know we've never had an ideal brother and sister relationship,

but I do think after not seeing me for four months,

you could've expressed

a little more concern for my health.

Well, perhaps you are the one who's changed Judith.


You look much better now than you did when you left,

I almost didn't recognize you.

Don't be flippant with me.

No I only speak the truth, dear sister.

The truth?

The truth is that you were supremely happy

when I went away to the sanitarium

and would be extremely happy if I'd stayed there.

No, and leave the rest of us here

with your charming husband?

No, thank you.

No, after dealing with your husband,

I am very glad that you are back.


Well, then, I suggest you make a little more effort to show it.

There are going to be some changes made

in this house, Quentin, and you and everyone else

are going to conform to them.

[ loud knocking ]

Answer the door.

Good evening, Quentin.

Good evening.

Good evening, Judith.

- How are you feeling, Quentin? - Fine, fine.

Don't you know Evan Hanley either?

Oh, of course I do, of course I do.

How are you, Evan?

Very well, thank you.

Did you have any problems at the bank?

- None at all. - I didn't think you would.

Bankers are very practical men.

Thank you, Evan.

Has Gregory returned yet?

Uh, no, I'm expecting him sometime tonight.

- Now if you'll excuse me. - Yes, yes of course.

[ ominous music ]

I will see you at my house at nine, won't I?


Well, now you haven't forgotten about the meeting?

Oh, the meeting, well it, uh,

yes, it just slipped my mind for a second.

Well, now I hope you haven't made other plans,

- we're all counting on you. - No I've made no other plans.

Fine, then my house at nine.

I'll be there.

You, um, you seem preoccupied.

Oh, it's just, well, I guess it's going to take me

a little time to get used to the fact that Judith is back.

Well, the meeting tonight

should make you forget all your problems.


[ tense music ]

Everything's ready, he should be here any minute.

Are you sure the ceremony will work?

Well, there is always a chance of failure,

now you know that as well as I do.

- You know what you must do? - Yes.

Remember, do not make your move

until he is seated in that chair.

- I understand. - [ knocking on door ]

[ tense music ]

Well, this is a-- this is a pleasant surprise.

- Surprise? - Yes, you're right on time.

You're usually the last one here.

Oh, well, wonders never cease, huh?

What's the matter?

I, uh, I take it I'm not the first one here.

Who else is here?

Just, uh, just my valet.


How many others are to be here tonight?

Just half a dozen.

But I have quite a surprise for you.

What's that?

They want you to conduct a ceremony tonight.

Well, now isn't that interesting?

Yes, well, you should be quite honored, Quentin.

Oh, well, I am.

Well, now, come, sit in the chair.

I'm sure that you will look quite impressive.

I, uh, hope I'm not a disappointment.

Why should you be?

Well, I, uh, haven't had as much practice

in the black arts as you have, Evan.

Why, nonsense, you've seen me conduct

the ceremony countless times.

Yes, but this is my first time in a... very long time.


Keep his hands down.

[ dramatic music ]

I don't know how long the chloroform will last.

We must begin the ceremony immediately.

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]
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