868 - October 22, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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868 - October 22, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:Collinwood, at the turn of the century

is a place of violent conflicts.

The evil Count Petofi has taken over Quentin Collin's body,

and to prevent Angelique from helping the real Quentin,

who is trapped in his, has taken her prisoner.

But now Angelique has escaped,

and on this night, Petofi's servant Aristide

will believe that the pits of darkness

have opened, and sent a dead man forth.

[ ominous music ]



Help me.

Help me.



- [ moans ] - [ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]

[ orchestral music ]

Well you're still up, I hear?

How's Kitty?

She remembers nothing that happened

here when you returned.

The first thing she remembers is lying on her bed and crying.

An overwhelming sense of loss.

- Oh? - [ Edward sighs ]

Why did this have to happen again?

- What makes it happen? - I may have the answer.

What are you talking about? What have you got there?

A diary...

that was faithfully kept in the th Century

by a family servant named Ben Stokes.

EDWARD: And what has that got to do with Kitty?

Well, Ben Stokes wasn't an ordinary servant.

He worked for Barnabas Collins.

Barnabas Collins! Barnabas Collins is dead.

- Will we never be rid of him? - QUENTIN: No.

"Never not his shadow continues to fall on

"many people in this house including Kitty Soames."

Barnabas has nothing to do with Kitty.

QUENTIN: Are you so sure about that?

Well, of course, I'm sure.

You really think I'm talking nonsense very well,

you think what you want, but listen.

Very well, I'll listen.

Ben Stokes writes that Barnabas Collins

was in love with an heiress named Josette from Martinique,

but she rejected him.

I'm sorry Quentin, but I don't see

what this has to do with Kitty.

QUENTIN: It has everything to do with Kitty!

[ sighs ]

Kitty somehow is reliving that thwarted romance,

and at times she actually becomes Josette.

EDWARD: Now this makes no sense.

Oh, doesn't it?

Then why is Kitty constantly being drawn

to Barnabas's quarters?

And why did she go to Jeremiah Collins's grave,

the man Josette married?

And why did Kitty appear in Josette's wedding gown?

And why also did she demand Barnabas's ring

and then wake up with a sense of loss?

Immediately after the fact that we said

that Barnabas was dead in his coffin, Edward?

'Cause Gerald Soames is dead,

and Kitty is grieving for him.

Don't you think her grief is rather excessive?

Not at all, not under the circumstances.

Oh, what circumstances?

You never saw them together, they were a devoted couple.

Their romance is something out of a storybook.

[ chuckles ]

What are you laughing about?

If you believe that, you do believe in storybooks.

I don't think you're in a position to judge, Quentin.

You never saw them together and you never knew Gerald.

Do I need to?

I know Kitty and she's far from a storybook heroine.

That's enough, Quentin.

All I mean is that Kitty Soames

is a practical, down to earth woman,

exactly what you need for many reasons.

But Josette Collins is someone none of us need, Edward.

Forget about Josette Collins!

I can't, as long as she's part of Kitty.

Edward, as long as this battle goes on

between them unchecked, Kitty can die.

- Die? - QUENTIN: Yes, die.

Josette becomes stronger, and Kitty becomes weaker,

until finally Kitty is completely gone

and, in that body, Josette will live again.

Kitty will die and Josette will live again?


Now understand this, Quentin, and understand it clearly.

If I ever hear that you've shown that diary

to Kitty or any of your wild eyed nonsense,

I'm going to see to it personally

that you are thrown out of this house!

- Edward, Edward! - [ phone ringing ]

Oh, you fool.

- Hello. - Mr. Edward Collins?

QUENTIN:He's gone to bed.

Would you wake him?

QUENTIN:I will not.

I am not here to run and deliver messages.

Look, I don't know who you are, but I'm Dr. Ian Reed.


IAN:A strange man just stumbled into

my office asking for Edward Collins.

A strange man? Who is he?

I don't know.

He collapsed as soon as he got here,

and he hasn't revived.

QUENTIN: What does he look like?

Tall, thin, dark hair.

Tall, thin, and dark hair?

IAN:He's very sick.

But, whoever you are, I must impress on you--

You have impressed me, doctor.

I'm Quentin Collins, believe me

I'll take care of the matter immediately.

[ suspenseful music ]

[ dramatic music ]

[ knocking ]

Where is Edward Collins?

I told you that I would take care of the matter.

Where is he?

[ dramatic music ]

- You know him? - Yes.

Leave us alone.

Mr. Collins, I can't leave you alone with him.

- He's still unconscious. - I said go.

Look, you may be in the habit of running Collinwood

and Collinsport, but in this dispensary

I run things here and nobody tells me what to do!

[ man groaning ]

Where, where am I?

You're in my office, you're perfectly safe.

How did, how did I get here?

That's exactly what I would like to know.

Are you Edward Collins?

- Am I what? - MAN: Edward Collins.

I asked for Edward Collins.

This is Quentin Collins, don't you know him?

- No, I don't. - These are lies he's telling.

IAN: Don't use that tone on this man.

He's very sick, and I don't like it.

And I don't like you, my dear man,

interfering in my business.

Now get out.

I told you before,

you can't talk to me in that tone.

QUENTIN: Now he's out of the room.

You can open your eyes.

Now I don't know what you did, or how you did it.

It doesn't matter, because I'm going to k*ll you.

Mr. Collins, drop that g*n!

Dr. Reed, I don't think you realize what's going on--

I said drop that g*n!

What do you have against this man?

He's never seen you before, have you seen him?

No, he hasn't.

Now don't upset yourself.

I called Mr. Edward Collins, again.

And I got him this time. He'll be over in a few minutes.

In the meantime, you're quite safe here.

If he tries to harm you again, he'll have to sh**t me first.

Dr. Reed?

- IAN: In here, Mr. Collins. - QUENTIN: Come on in, Edward.

No, it can't be!

Who is this man?

What is it there about him

that makes you all so peculiar?

He's a distant relative of ours.

One we didn't expect to see again.

Could, uh, could we be alone with him, please?

Yes, Mr. Collins. I think I can trust you.

This man is dead. We know he's dead, don't we?

- I saw him in his coffin. - Then how can he be here?

I don't know.

You know what we must do.


Why are you pointing that g*n at me?

EDWARD: You know who you are, and so do we.

You know nothing about me. I am a stranger here.

How could you know anything of me?

A stranger?

MAN: Yes. I came from England first.

[ man coughs ] When?

I can't remember.

After everything that's happened here.

- What has happened? - QUENTIN: Oh, nothing happened.

He's just trying to fool you again.

But he's not going to get away with it.

Fool you again?

I've never seen either of you before.

Let's finish him off now.

- Now wait a minute-- - Now what?

Dr. Reed is standing outside this door.

If you sh**t him now, he'll swear

that we've k*lled an innocent man.

QUENTIN: I don't care what Dr. Reed thinks.

In a few minutes, it will be dawn.

When the time comes, we'll be able to prove

that he's not as innocent as he says he is.

All right, Edward. What do you have in mind?

In a few minutes it will be dawn,

and when it is we will be able to prove to Dr. Reed,

just as I told you,

that he is not as innocent as he claims.

I am innocent.

I tell you.

You don't have to tell us anything now.

But in a few minutes,

you may have a good deal to explain.

If you're still alive when dawn comes.

- [ Quentin chuckles ] - [ dramatic music ]

[ wind whistling ]

The sun is risen.

- Thank God. - Why?

MAN: Perhaps now you'll listen to me--

who I am, and what has happened.

- I don't care. - Wait a minute, Quentin.

He's lived through dawn.

He's not the man we thought he was.

I don't know who he is, but I'm going to find out.

Now who are you?

My name is...

Barnabas Collins.


It's an old family name.

My ancestors came from Collinsport,

so I came here.

Came from where?

From England, at first.

And then in Boston, in a newspaper,

I read about Edward

and Judith and Quentin Collins,

- so I came here. - I don't believe him.

Be quiet, let the man speak.

I would rather not.

QUENTIN: What do you mean?

This part of the story is so horrible it...

terrifies me to tell it.

What happened, my boy?

BARNABAS: I came to Collinsport,

and as I set out for this house,

- I met him. - Him? who was he?

I don't know.

I... I don't know.

QUENTIN: What did he look like?

Exactly like me.

Exactly like you?


I saw him first,

very suddenly in the dark woods.

And as he came close to me I,

I could see the terrible cruelty of his face

and need to destroy,

but from that night on he,

- he tried to destroy me. - How?

BARNABAS: By putting me under some sort of thrall.

I could do nothing.

I could remember nothing from that night on,

except when he would come to me every now and then,

approaching me in the same manner

with his mouth open wide

and two terrible fangs in his mouth.

I don't believe a word he's saying.

Now wait a minute,

it's well past dawn, and he's still alive.

It's a trick!

Look, there are no marks on his neck.

- It's a miracle. - What?

- Perhaps it's true. - What is true?

He... he's gone. He's finished with me.

He's never really going to come back to me anymore.

He is finished with you.


- How do you know? - He's dead.

- Dead? - EDWARD: Yes, dead.

QUENTIN: Edward, wait a minute.

Come here, you fool.

Now what are you doing telling him

that the creature's dead?

Do you know what that means?

That you actually believe that he's the vampire's victim

and not the vampire. Well I don't.

Incredible as it sounds, it could have happened.

And if it didn't, and if he's lying?

What then, Edward, what then?

You're right, Quentin.

I've been ready to accept him too easily.

QUENTIN: All right, let me finish him off right now.

No, not quiet yet.

There is one way that we can test him.

One more way. We can give him...

It'll take more than words though,

- for him to prove it. - What do you mean?

EDWARD: We can go to the cave

where Barnabas Collins's coffin is,

the three of us together, and we will look in the coffin.


EDWARD: What do you mean, "No"?

When I went to the cave I saw the body,

and I brought you the ring, Edward.

Yes, but you were there before this man went to Dr. Reed.

I think we must look another time, now.

I think he's too weak to go to the cave.

Nevertheless, we must take him anyway.

Now get up.

What's going on here? This man is in no condition--

Dr. Reed, I will assume full responsibility for this man.

But I don't think you realize how ill he is.

He may not live through what you have in mind for--

You're quite right, he may not.

Are you willing to come with us?

- Yes, I am willing. - Very well.

No matter what happens, I'm no longer responsible.

I'm finished with this whole peculiar business,

and well rid of it!

Look, the door is open.

You stay here, I'll, uh,

I'll see if there's any trouble.



EDWARD: What's going on, what have you found?


Absolutely nothing, except that.

His story was pathetic, but you are right.

I accepted it too easily.

Put that g*n to his heart, right to his heart.

If that coffin is empty, you fire.

[ creaking ]

[ drums booming ]

It's him.

QUENTIN: Edward.

Oh, God, what's going on here?

What's going on?

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]
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