876 - November 3, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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876 - November 3, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in the year .

On this night, a young woman has learned

a terrifying secret:

that the mind of the notorious Count Petofi

has inhabited the body of Quentin Collins.

She has spent a frightening night

running for her life,

unaware that the very thing she is afraid of

is no longer a threat to her.

For Quentin Collins has suddenly

had his rightful mind restored.

[ screaming ]

[ gentle music ]

[ chuckles ]

It worked.[ chuckles ]

It worked.

I'm myself again. Quentin Collins.

I've defeated Petofi.

I've got to find Barnabas and tell him.

[ rustling ]

[ ominous music ]

[ rustling ]

- [ screams ] - Beth...

what are you doing out here?

Don't come near me.

Oh, my God, something's happened, hasn't it?

Hey, now, look, I'm Quentin, the real Quentin.

BETH: You're Count Petofi.

No, now, look, my mind's been restored.

And don't you understand,

it happened just a few minutes ago.

You can't trick me again.

No, now listen to me, I'm just trying

- to make you see the truth. - No!

No, I hate you!

I hate you!

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]

-No, don't you touch me! - Listen to me, you've got to!

[ Beth screaming ]


[ gasps ]

[ wind howling ]

Why haven't I heard anything?

Something must have gone wrong.

Had he been successful, the switch would have occurred

and he'd be back here by now.

I should have stayed closer to the mill.

[ door opens and shuts ]

Good evening, Quentin.

You have no idea which one I am, have you?

I don't know what you mean.

It's all right, I'm myself again.

Petofi's Petofi.

It worked, just as you said it would.

It's no trick.

I'm telling you the truth.

You're not very ecstatic about it.

What happened?

Beth Chavez.

She's dead.


Oh, no.


Exchange of minds was complete, I...

I woke, I was in the woods.

I heard something moving behind me.

I found Beth on Widow's Hill.

She thought I was Petofi. I...

I tried to tell her I wasn't, she...

She was frightened of me.

She kept moving back, away from me.

She lost her footing...

went over the edge.

I'm sorry, Quentin.

As every life I've touched end in tragedy...

You are not to blame for her death. Petofi is.

Yes, Petofi. [ scoffs ]

Poor Beth.

Quentin, you mustn't allow yourself

to think about it anymore.

There's no way for you to change what's happened.

You must think of your own safety now.

Oh, I have what I always wanted.

My own identity.

And how long will you stay that way if you stay here?

No, Petofi is certain to--to make another move soon,

and you will be as defenseless as you were when you...

Before all this happened.

Unless you leave Collinwood now.


And just where am I going?

I don't know.

But you've got to get

as far away from Petofi as possible.

We haven't found my portrait yet,

and I can't go anywhere without my portrait.

You have no time to look for your portrait, Quentin.

Barnabas, that portrait is my only security.

Now, if something happens to it,

the curse of the werewolf can return again,

and I'm not going anywhere dreading any full moons.

All right, Quentin.

We'll make one last attempt to find the thing tonight.

But tomorrow, you must leave.

I remember the night that it was taken.

Charles Tate was in this house.

Perhaps he's the one that's taken it.

If he has it, he won't admit it.

Nevertheless, it's worth a visit to his studio.

[ mysterious music ]

CHARLES:I don't understand.

Somehow, it's changed.

It's as if it had a life of its own.


What other power has Petofi given it?

Ah, it makes no difference now.

As long as I have it, the body of Quentin Collins

is in my power.

And I can bargain with Petofi.

[ knocking on door ]

What do you want?

You've got to let me in, Charles, please.

What is it, what do you want?

Need some food.

Place to rest... [ groans ] just for a little while.

[ sighs ]

You don't have much of a memory, do you, Aristede?

Don't be cruel, Charles, you wouldn't want to live

the way I've been living for the past week.

Well, for your information,

I haven't exactly been living a life of luxury

for the past week myself, thanks to Petofi.

But at least you haven't had to live in constant fear.

Fear of what?

The vampire.

What vampire are you talking about?

I know he's dead.

I saw him with a stake driven through his heart.

But he came alive somehow.

I don't know how, but I saw him with...

He was going to k*ll me.

What are you talking about?

I can, I saw him!

I remember the vow he--he made, that he was going to k*ll me.

I ran as far as I could,

I've been out in those woods for a week now,

without any food, afraid to sleep at night,

knowing that he was after me.

You're like a little child.

[ scoffs ] Like a little child afraid of the dark.

[ laughing ]

What are you laughing about?

Oh, because you're such an idiot.

You really think you saw Barnabas Collins?

Yes, of course.

Look, if you've been roaming around out in the woods,

you've been doing it for nothing.

Because the Barnabas Collins you saw is not a vampire.

[ Charles laughing ]

You're lying, look, I know who I saw! I know what he was!

Look, would it interest you to know,

that I've seen Barnabas Collins during the day?

- During the day? - Yes.

But that's impossible.

I-It may be impossible, but you can go see him for yourself.

He's over at Collinwood living there.

I'm not lying.

I don't understand it.

Nor do I, but I only know what I've been told.

Now, according to witnesses, the Barnabas Collins

that's staying over at Collinwood

is not the same Barnabas Collins

who was staked in that cave, don't you see?

That's incredible... How...

H-How could two men look so much alike?

Well, now that you know the truth,

you don't have to be worried anymore,

you don't have to be frightened.

You can go back. You can go back to...

To Petofi, or--or Quentin.

Have you seen His Excellency?


He must be angry about the way I ran away, isn't he?

Look, you're, uh, wasting my time, now.

You can go grovel at the feet of your master,

- and maybe he'll take you back. - Don't you understand--

And then again, maybe he won't.

Don't you understand, that's what I'm afraid of.

Now, listen to me, Charles,

you've got to do something for me. Now...

You've really got to do me a favor--

All right, what is it?

You've got to go see His Excellency,

and--and tell him that I'm back,

explain to him why I ran away.

I, you know, once you tell him why,

I'm sure he'll understand, once he knows the reason.

Well, if you're so sure, why don't you tell him yourself?

Charles, I can't face him!

Now, you've got to do me this favor.

You-You won't regret it.

Look, I've got my own problems.

Now, I'll--I'll see that you're fed,

and I'll see that you get some nice clothes,

and, yes, you--you do need some rest,

and some--some nice clothes.

But, as far as, uh, getting you together with Petofi,

and making things up, I draw the line.


[ wind howling ]

BETH:I know who you are.

QUENTIN:Beth, now you must listen to me.

I'm Quentin, the real Quentin.

BETH:You are Count Petofi!

QUENTIN:No, I'm not!

Now, look, my mind has been restored.

BETH:You can't trick me any more!

QUENTIN:Please, Beth.

BETH:No, I hate you! I hate you!

-I hate you! -Beth, listen to me!

BETH:Don't you touch me!

Keep away!

[ Beth screaming ]

[ sobbing ] I...

I don't know what to say.

Forgive me, Beth.

Wherever you are, please forgive me.

[ knocking on door ]

[ knocking on door ]

BARNABAS: Good evening, Mr. Tate.

Well, good evening, Mr. Collins.

What an unusual surprise.

What can I do for you?

I am interested in buying a painting of yours.

Well, this is a strange hour for that, isn't it?

Well, it's a strange painting that I'm after.

Well, which painting would it be?

The portrait of Quentin Collins.

The portrait of Quentin Collins?

Well, uh, that's at Collinwood.

No, it isn't. It was stolen

from Quentin's room the other evening.

Are you suggesting that I stole it?

Do you have it, Mr. Tate?

No, no, I don't have it.

What would I want

with a portrait of Quentin Collins, huh?

You haven't answered my question.

I told you.

I don't have it.

Now, let me ask you a question.

What, uh, what is your interest in this painting?

I have no interest.

I'm here on behalf of Quentin.

Oh, I see.

He thinks that I stole it, doesn't he?

You were at the house the night it was stolen.

He seems to think that you would have good reason

for taking it.

Well, he may think that, but I don't.

I don't have any good reason at all.

So, you have a perfect right,

and I give you that right,

to search my entire studio and see if you find it.

And if you do find a portrait of Quentin Collins,

you're welcome to it.

[ wind howling ]

Excellency, Excellency, I've come back.

Yes, I see, now you go on back wherever you came from.

I don't want anything to do with--

Excellency, please let me explain.

I was convinced that the vampire--

Will you get out of here, my--

Excellency, please don't send me away.

Look, please, give me just one more chance.

I know what a fool I've been.

I--I should have come back to you.

I should have known that you'd protect me.

I was terrified.

Please, please, I--I swear to you,

it'll never happen again.

I'll--I'll be your loyal, obedient servant.

You'll see, look, just give me something to do.

Anything, you'll see.

But please, don't send me away!

Well, you know, Aristede?

Maybe there is something you can do for me.

Come on inside.

Close the doors.

What is it you want me to do, Excellency?

Well, to begin with, my boy,

I'm not quite sure that you're, uh,

you're the man for this task.

However, I am willing to take the chance.

Well, that's all I ask, you won't regret it, Excellency.

- I hope I don't. - Oh, you won't.

I'm very tired of your blunders, Aristede.

Let me give you a fair warning.

If you fail this time, it will be your last failure.

I won't fail, I promise, Excellency.


Now, there have been, uh, some changes

while you've been away, Aristede.

My plans are, uh, somewhat altered.

I've decided that I no longer have any use for my old body.

But I thought you wanted to, uh,

fool the gypsies with the old Petofi body?

Oh, I still do.

I intend for the gypsies to find a dead body.

[ chuckles ] You see, that way, they will be convinced

that they found the real Count Petofi, you see?

And matters will be closed.

I see. Dead men tell no tales.


Now, I want you to find the, uh, so-called Count Petofi,

and k*ll him tonight.

It'll be done, Excellency.

See that it is, and quickly.

And if it isn't,

don't you bother coming back here, Aristede.

I'll find you.

[ door slams shut ]

I would appreciate your knocking before you come in.

Charles, is that any way to greet an important visitor?

You are not invited, and you are not welcome.

I think I will be when you know what's happened

and what is... going to happen.

What are you talking about?

I've been considering your request, Charles,

that I restore your talent.

Since you cooperated with me

by showing me the way to the future,

I've decided you've redeemed yourself completely.

You shall be a great painter again.

Listen to me.

I am in no mood for your nonsense.

I know who you are, and I know that you do not have the power

to restore my talent, so get out.

There are times, Charles, when you are almost

as unperceptive as Aristede.

You're quite unable to distinguish

between what is genuine and what is not.

The regrettable fact is that two minds

have reverted to their original bodies.

I am Petofi again, and Quentin is Quentin.

An unfortunate, but, I assure you,

a temporary setback for me.

I don't believe you. It's some kind of a trick.

Oh, Charles, you don't even understand

when I'm trying to reward you.

Well, no matter.

This will make you believe me.

CHARLES: What is it?

PETOFI: You are beginning to feel different, aren't you?

You are beginning to feel like

the Charles Delaware Tate again, aren't you?

So you are, my boy.

So you are.

It's true.

It's true.

Oh, I do feel the same.

I have the gift again.

I have it.

Do you believe me now?

Oh, yes.

It's time, Charles.

There will be no deviation from your loyalty.

I demand your total allegiance

and the rendering of your services upon request.

Is that understood?

Yes, it is understood.

Good. Then, act like a proper host,

and let's drink on it.

I would prefer brandy, if you have any.

Yes, brandy.

There's none here.

I'll get you one!

[ Count Petofi shouting ]

[ eerie music ]
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