879 - November 6, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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879 - November 6, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:The turn of the century at Collinwood,

and this night promises new horror

for those in the Great House.

The Count Petofi,

his mind once more in his own body,

and determined to settle Aristede forever,

has brought back from the grave Aristede's greatest enemy,

an insane prison warden

who will k*ll anyone standing in his way.

[ chains rattling ]

REV. TRASK: What are you doing here?

You were supposed to stay at Hanley's.

Do you hear it?

Hear what? Have you been drinking

on a night as important as this?

Well, now, be quiet. Don't you hear the chains?

I hear nothing.

They're in my mind, I--I keep hearing them,

He'll find me! He'll k*ll me!

You are perfectly safe with me.

Like Evan Hanley was safe.

What does Evan Hanley have to do with this now.

Now, nothing. Nothing at all. Evan Hanley is dead.

Evan dead?

What are you talking about?

It's true, Evan has been k*lled, m*rder*d.

[ eerie music ]

I saw Blackwood k*ll him with chain, I saw it!

Pull yourself together. Why would Blackwood k*ll him?

it's you he's after.

He'll k*ll anyone, anyone. You've got to hide me.

No, first we must put my plan into operation,

then you'll be able to get away.

But he'll come here after me.

- Did he follow you? - No.

Then you are safe for the moment.

Never, he always knows where I'm at.

That is your imagination.

No, it isn't. Help me. If you only knew.

He's a monster from hell!

That is often said, but is seldom true

as I have discovered.

Come, I will hide you where no one will find you

until you're needed.

Mr. Shaw please.


-Tim Shaw? - Yes.

This is Mrs. Trask.

Mrs. Trask what can I do for you?

Well, Evan Hanley has been...

Well, I'll explain it to you later. I must see you.

But I just returned from a trip.

Well, something has happened, something terrible.

I don't want to discuss it over the phone,

I'll be at your hotel in half an hour.

[ knocking on door ]

Mrs. Trask, good evening.

Good evening.

Mr. Shaw, Evan Hanley has been m*rder*d.

m*rder*d by whom?

I don't know the details, a man who lived like he did

must have had many enemies.

How he thought he'd fool us all.

How we all thought he was as respectable

as he pretended to be.

Lots of men live that way I'm beginning to find out.

Evan Hanley said you hate my husband.

With good reason.

He used me as a w*apon to k*ll his first wife.

He also said you had agreed to help us find out

where Gregory goes on his trips.

Yes, Fall River. I've just come from there.

Tell me.

Mrs. Trask, are you sure you want to hear this story?

Please, tell me.

There was a widow on Fall River, respectable, a Mrs. Curry.

Her husband had been dead for several years,

he was a minister.

Uh, Gregory had been seeing her

when he was supposed to visit me at the sanitarium.

Yes, he told Mrs. Curry that Minerva had passed on.

He neglected to tell her that he married you.

Mrs. Curry expected to marry him.

Expected, to you or I?

I never saw Mrs. Curry, she's dead.

She k*lled herself when she discovered the truth.

Oh. Oh, the poor woman.

Well, this the last death he will cause.

I will see to that.

Perhaps with your help.

Can I trust you, Mr. Shaw?

You know how much I hate Trask.

Then listen to me carefully while I tell you my plan.

I don't know where Judith has gone

but her carriage has not come back yet.

Quite a stroke of luck for us her leaving.

It makes it easier.

I think behind those draperies will be the best place.

Judith is a woman of habit.

She never changes her routine.

She will come in, she will take off her jewelry here.

Then she will open that window.

She has an obsession about fresh air.

Well, after tonight, she won't need any.

What about my money?

Take her jewelry. Make it look like a robbery.

After you've finished with her, open this drawer,

her jewelry case is inside.

take the jewels, throw the box on the floor,

and leave the window open

to make it look as if you left that way.

Do you have any more questions?

Should I wait until she's asleep?

A burglar doesn't usually k*ll his victim

if the victim sleeps.

What if she screams?

Edward is away,

the children are not near this room

no one will hear her.

Here is your w*apon.

Well, take it, man!

If all goes well, we will not see each other again.

There will be a carriage waiting for you by the gate.

It will take you to Portland.

From there you can catch the train to New York.

What about your promise to exorcise

the ghost of Blackwood?

If you succeed, the ghost will disappear.

But if you fail,

your friend Blackwood will find you

no matter how much you try to avoid him.

I will see to that.

[ clock chiming ]

[ horse carriage approaching ]

Judith, thank goodness, you're back.

Is anything wrong, Reverend?

I've been terribly worried about you. There's...

There's a madman loose in the area.

Evan Hanley has been found dead.

Yes, I heard it in the village.

You've been to the village? What for?

Oh, I-I'm planning a surprise for you Gregory.

A surprise for me, what is it?

It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it?

Now, you don't have to give me surprises, Judith,

you've given me quite enough.

Have I, Gregory?

Judith, I have found...

I have found the peace I have always searched for

and never could find here in this house.

With you, I will grow old here, Judith,

I will be content to grow old here.

Nice that you feel that way, Gregory.

Now, why don't you go upstairs and get some rest.

I have some things to do first.

Surely it's nothing that couldn't wait until tomorrow?


Why don't you finish your reading in the study

and I'll take care of my correspondence.

If you promise not to be too loud.

I just want to write to my lawyers in Boston

about Evan.

Of course.

I shall use the time to meditate.

This bargain has given me much food for thought.

[ door opens and shuts ]

This is the plan of the upstairs.

This is my room.

Now, do you need to know anything more?


Well, you'll have about an hour.

He's reading. He'll come to my room, give me minutes.

Now, you'll go to Quentin's room.

- Do you know where it is? - Yes.

I've had all of Quentin's things removed.

There are curtained alcoves in the corridor

where all the things are that we need,

be sure they're there.

- Have you any questions? - Have you told Quentin?

- I haven't had a chance. - He may come back.

He's in town. He'll be gone for quite a while.

Do you think me mad?

I should think you mad if you continue to live with Trask.

Yes. I've decided that, too.

Go quietly.

[ foot dragging ]

[ chains rattling ]

[ gasps ]

[ stammering ] Who are you?

- I've come here to k*ll you. - No!

Oh, yes.

[ dragging, rattling ]


BLACKWOOD: You learn little, I see.

Crime after crime.

It saddens me, as it always saddens me

when one of my boys refuses to learn.

[ Aristede grunts ]

Please, sir, please!

No excuses.

It's too late for excuses.

Justice must be done.

Yes, justice at last, Aristede,

bitter justice for your crimes against the state,

against me, and against this poor woman, justice.

[ Blackwood yells ]

You shall not escape from me!

What is this?


- Judith, are you all right? - I think so.

That man who was he? I must call the police.

- Oh, Gregory. - Judith, here.

Perhaps you'd best sit down.

- Now, I must call the police. - No don't leave me.

Judith he may still be in the house, he...

He's probably the same man who k*lled Evan.

Oh, there were two men, Gregory.

They weren't together, one was after the other.

The first one jumped out the window.

[ indistinct whispering ]

Judith could you identify them?

Yes, yes. Oh, Gregory, it was so terrible.

He tried to k*ll me.

Gregory, some brandy please. I think I'm going to faint.

Yes, yes, of course.

I... I don't think the men were robbers, not the first one.

Look, there are my earrings. He never attempted to take them.

He must've been in the room when--when I came back.

Here you are, my dear.

- Will you have one with me? - No.

Oh, but you need it.

You don't realize the shock you've been through yet.

Please, for your sake.

Very well, so long as I don't make it a habit.

Now, my dear, if you're--you're feeling calmer,

I will call the police we must do our duty.

Yes, yes.

You haven't touched your brandy, Judith.

- I'm afraid. - Afraid of what?

I--I don't know I'm so nervous.

Judith, I do hope you're not going to

let this affect you adversely.

Your notes have been so much better

since you've come back from the sanitarium.

You must try to control yourself, Judith.

Oh, I am, Gregory, I am.

I know, but you must try harder.


What's the matter, Gregory?

I don't know, I... I feel so peculiar.

Do you, Gregory?


[ shouting ] Judith, what is happening to me?


He tried to have me k*lled.

- Do you want me now? - No, no.

Oh, I--I do feel rather faint.

No, I won't let myself. I won't.

We'll go ahead with our plans.

Quentin's room? What am I doing here?

I was in Judith's room.


I don't think she can hear you.

What are you doing here? What's the meaning of this?

Good evening, Reverend Trask.

I saw you earlier tonight,

though of course, you don't remember that.

Why are you here?

Simply to bid you... a final goodnight.

Now stop this nonsense and tell me what I'm doing here?

Here? Aren't you satisfied with these quarters?

I think they're rather comfortable myself.

Certainly more comfortable than your late wife's coffin.

I will not stay here and listen to these riddles.

You are going to stay here.

What is happening here?

I should think you would've sensed that by now,

you made me m*rder Minerva, you and Evan Hanley. Well...

he's been paid.

But you, sir, have yet to receive your reward.

How wise of you not to move.

So often I've wanted simply to k*ll you outright.

Wait till Judith hears of this!

You'll spend the rest of your life in prison!

How appropriate that you use that image.

The rest of your life! Do you hear me?

You've gone crazy! Judith! Judith!

Yes, Sheriff, there were two men.

My husband went after them. He's b-been gone for an hour.

I'm terrified that something has happened to him.

[ metallic scraping ]

Why won't you answer me?

What are you doing out there?

Answer me! Who is out there?

What is happening here?

A key.

There must be another key.


Judith, you can't do this to me!

JUDITH: Oh, can't I, Gregory?

Perhaps you don't know me as well, as you thought you did.

Judith, you're not going to leave me in here!

That's exactly what I'm doing, Reverend.

I simply came to say good-bye.

Now you can have all the time you want to meditate.

REV. TRASK: No! No, Judith, you can't do this!

You can't do this to me!

Stop it! Stop it do you hear!

Stop it, please! Please help me! Somebody!

Don't do this!

Judith, you can't do this!

[ eerie music ]
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