890 - November 21, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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890 - November 21, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:Collinwood, .

For Barnabas Collins has returned

from his long journey to the past.

But he has come back a different, a changed man.

And Julia Hoffman seeks to find

the secret to his behavior in a mysterious box

which she somehow brought from the past.

[ eerie music ]

[ heavy breathing ]

JULIA:Breathing. I hear breathing.


[ dramatic music ]

[ ominous music ]

Get your hands off that.

- Barnabas-- - Get out of this house.

Barnabas, I--I was just trying to understand--

I don't care whether you understand or not,

is that clear?

Barnabas, s-something-- something is wrong with you,

we've been friends too long.

Only because I didn't know what you were capable of doing.

What was I doing? I was trying to find out

what was in that box, that's all.

What is in that box?

You will stop interfering.

You will give up your curious belief

that you have a right to know everything about me.

Now go.

No, I--I won't go, Barnabas.

Perhaps I was--I was wrong to try to find out

what's so important in that box--

I don't care to talk to you about it.

You are going to talk to me about it, Barnabas.

You owe me that much.

I owe you nothing.

Barnabas, I--I want to help you.

I know that something is terribly, terribly wrong.

You have changed.

I've lost my patience with you.

I don't care to have anyone around

who is going to betray me.

JULIA: Betray you?

Barnabas, you would never have talked to me like that

before you left.

You would know that if I were doing something

that you-- you disapproved of, that--

that you would understand why I was doing it.

Well, I'm tired of understanding.

What has changed you, Barnabas?

I can't forget how--how-- how close we've been,

e-even if you can't, Barnabas.

You can't blame me for-- for wondering what's happened.

I'll go now.



I realized that you understand so much

that it would be foolish for me

not to let you understand more, forgive me.

You see, the effects of traveling through time

have taken a toll on me.

Have you forgotten how you felt when you went back to ?

I was very ill, I remembered nothing.

Well, perhaps,

perhaps this mood of mine is my reaction.

I--I can't think of any other reason

why I would quarrel with a-- with an old friend.

Oh, Barnabas,

Barnabas, we are friends, aren't we?

Of course.

It's this box. It--it frightens me.

Because I haven't explained to you what's in it.

No, no, because-- because when I saw it before

it sounded as if I heard breathing inside it.

Julia, you have a-- an overactive imagination.

You--You see something sinister in everything you look at.



Carolyn, my dear.

CAROLYN: Oh, you're back.

Yes, I've missed you.

Oh, I'm so glad to see you, and you're all right.

I'm fine.

When you disappeared, we were all terribly upset.

Well, when I came out of my trance,

I was as shocked as you were

to--to find myself away from this house.

But now I'm back and I'm myself again.

Oh, Barnabas.

How about you?

What have you been doing since I've been away?

Carolyn? Carolyn, what's wrong?

Yes, what?

Oh, I won't bother you about it now.

Carolyn, you came to this house to try to find me, didn't you?


I've seen Sabrina Stuart, that's all.

She sent for me.

How could she? She can hardly speak.

Oh, she can say much more than you think she can say.

What did she say?


She warned me about Chris.


You'd better tell us what she said.

She said that Chris Jennings would k*ll me.

Did she say why he would?


Oh, Carolyn, she's in love with Chris.

She's just jealous, that's all.

Is she?

Somehow, I--I found myself believing her.

You must follow instincts, my dear.

Barnabas, why do you say that?

BARNABAS: Because I believe in instincts.

There have been far too many tragedies here.

You must do...

well, nothing must happen to you,

not now.

We must make quite sure that nothing ever does.

PHILIP: Megan, aren't you coming up?

I'm gonna call Dr. Hoffman.

PHILIP: But I thought we decided it was too late.

But I think she'd be interested.

After all, it's a telegram.

And a telegram is always a matter of life or death.


How did I ever marry you?

Here we are, living in the th century,

the most exciting century the world has ever known.

I mean, we're sending men to the moon.

And you're so old-fashioned,

your hands tremble when you open a telegram.

True. How can you love me?

Oh, that's easy. Very easy and very nice too.

All right, call Dr. Hoffman, and then let's go to bed.

[ phone ringing ]


Hello, Dr. Hoffman, this is Megan Todd

from the antique shop.

JULIA:Oh yes, Mrs. Todd.

Oh, I hope I'm not disturbing you,

but, well, I'm calling you about

the Charles Delaware Tate painting you bought yesterday.


Uh, if you're going to be in town tomorrow,

I wondered if you'd just drop by the shop.

Of course. What about the painting?

MEGAN:Oh, Well, I'd rather not go into it on the phone.

I just want to talk to you about it.

Well, I'll see you tomorrow then.

MEGAN:OK, thanks. Bye.


[ curious music ]

BARNABAS:Julia is too curious.

If she is, others will be too.

When will the time come?

Will I simply know it?

Will I?

[ dreary music ]

As much as I hate to admit ever making even one mistake,

the day I paid $ for this.

I tried to stop you.

I know, I had visions of newly married women

knocking each other over to get to it.

Oh, well, most women want new things for their babies.

I suppose you're right.

OK, down goes the price.


See? Now who could resist it?

It will be sold before the day is out.

No doubt about it.

I hate sarcastic women.

Darling, I meant it, I swear I did.

All right, I believe you.

MEGAN: Oh, good morning, Dr. Hoffman.

Good morning, Mrs. Todd, I do hope you haven't called me

to tell me that painting is a forgery.

Oh no, no, it's a Tate all right.

I just thought you might be interested

in a telegram we got last night.

-Oh? -PHILIP: Yes, apparently,

someone else is interested in your picture, doctor.

MEGAN: Yes, and willing to spend any amount of money for it.

Look, look, I have a telegram.

Oh, let me get it.

Uh, here it is.

Um, look.

"No amount of money makes any difference.

Price is no object."

[ chuckles ]

From New York. How fascinating.

That someone else would want the picture?

No, that--that this Mr. Corey

is making a special trip to see it.

Well, are you interested in selling it at all?

I don't know.

No. No, I don't think I am.

Oh, Philip, we--we should call him

and--and tell him not to come.

Oh no. No, I would like to talk to Mr. Corey.

I think I'd be very interested in doing that,

and as a matter of fact,

I think there are others in Collinsport

who would be interested in meeting Mr. Corey as well.

[ dark music ]

BARNABAS: Good afternoon, Carolyn.

Oh, Barnabas.

I worried about you last night after you left.

Oh, you shouldn't have.

But you were so upset.

Barnabas, I don't know if I'm being silly or not.

Chris called me this morning,

and I had Mrs. Johnson tell him that I was out.

Well, perhaps that was best.


Carolyn, Ned Stuart blames Chris

for whatever happened to his sister.

When she and Chris were seeing each other,

she was so young, as vital as you are.

What could Chris have done?

Oh, Barnabas, I just don't understand them.

That's what makes me wonder.

He's so guarded as if he were hiding something.

I think you should assume that.

- CAROLYN: Do you mean that? - BARNABAS: Yes.

What could it be?

BARNABAS: Well, he's been behaving so peculiarly

since her arrival here.

You remember that we all had a great difficulty

in getting him to--to see even his own sister, Amy.

I know there are so many...

unexplainable things about Chris,

and yet--

And yet you like him.

Once or twice,

I've even thought I was falling in love with him.

Well, I hope you're not, Carolyn.


It would be a mistake.

Barnabas, how can you know that?

I simply feel it.

No. No, you know more, don't you?

I know there will be love for you in your time.

A love that will be much, much more meaningful

than any romance you can have with Chris.

You sound so definite.

How can you know about the future?

About your future, well, I'm very certain.

I don't remember you always having been.

Am I not allowed to change, Carolyn?

Yes. Yes, of course you are.

Carolyn, I have a gift for you.

Good, my morale needs it.

I found this at the old house today.

I don't know where it came from.

Oh! Oh, how lovely!

A five-pointed star.

I believe it's called a pentagram.

Wear it, always.

Will you?


BARNABAS: Yes, as a favor to me.

Yes, of course. Thank you.

It's a good luck charm, really,

that will bring, perhaps,

the--the love that you so well deserve.


you really don't think I should see Chris, do you?

Carolyn, I don't think you should do anything

that would ever cause you harm.

Then you believe Sabrina?


CAROLYN: Barnabas.

She's not jealous,

and you're far too important a person

to have anything happen to you.

Now wear it. Wear that charm.

Believe me, I'll feel much, much better.

[ ominous music ]

JULIA: You have such interesting things.

[ chuckles ] We scrounged the neighborhood for them.

You will let me know

when this--this Mr. Corey comes, won't you?

Oh, yes, of course.

- Thank you. - [ door rattling ]

Oh, hi, Carolyn.

Philip, you'll be delighted to know

I'm not here on a social visit.

I'm actually here to buy something.

- [ chuckles ] - Oh, Julia.

If it wasn't for Carolyn, we'd be out of business.

- What do you need? - Well--

Oh, uh, I need a small silver chain for this.

Carolyn, where did you get that?

CAROLYN: Barnabas gave it to me.


N-No--No reason at all. It's--It's charming.

I'm always to wear it, and it will bring me luck

which, I might add, I sorely need.

Why don't you wait for me?

No, I just remembered something I've got to do right away.


Here you are.

Now, if you pick out the most expensive one,

you can stay till dinner.

Megan is making her famous clam chowder,

we'll open a bottle of wine, and celebrate a little.

- What do you say? - Oh!

Will it improve my mood?


All right, then I accept.

And I'll take this one.

Yes, that will be fine.

Barnabas, why--why did you give Carolyn the pentagram?

You know as well as I do, to protect her from Chris.

Yes, I know that Chris is a problem,

but I--I think I can handle him.

How? He may change at any moment.

The full moon has no effect in his case.

I know, but--but we could take him to Wyndcliff,

and the moment there's a change,

we could just keep him in confinement.

Well, you do whatever you want,

but I'm busy with something else.

Too busy to hear about Quentin Collins?

I thought that might interest you.

What about Quentin?

Well Barnabas, that Tate painting I bought,

the antique shop got a telegram about it.


Could be from Quentin,

it's signed by somebody named Corey

and it's from New York.

But whoever this Corey is, he wants that Tate very badly.

Julia, you're-- you're so irrational.

Barnabas, we know the significance

of the-- of the Tate port-- portrait of Quentin.

We know that Quentin is alive somehow

- in this time. - BARNABAS: Do we?

Yes, Beth saw him in the year .

That's why Petofi wanted his body, so he could be here.

But that was before the portrait was destroyed in the fire.

Who told you they saw it burn?

BARNABAS: Tate himself.

Oh, he could've been lying, Barnabas.

Quentin could be alive and-- and looking for the portrait.

He could be buying up

every Charles Tate he can find

to find that one.

Julia, you're giving far too much importance

to that telegram.

The odds are that the fire destroyed the portrait,

and that Quentin was dead years ago.

Now please leave, because I have got things to do.

You don't really care

whether Quentin is alive, do you?


Barnabas, what has happened to you?

[ dreary music ]

BARNABAS:It is time.

[ heavy breathing ]

[ tense music ]


Master, I am in need of your guidance.

Tell me, how I will know the chosen ones.

Tell me so that I will make no mistake.

This, most important moment in time.

OBERON: One will wear the sign of the Naga.

BARNABAS: Where will I find them?

They will come to you.


You will hear a knocking at your door.

It will wake you from your sleep.

When you open the door, they will be strangers,

but you will know them.

And I will know to trust them

and to lead them to the mysteries

that will make them respond,

and do what they must do if all is to go as it must.

OBERON: You will know the sign of the Naga.

The sudden knocking at the door.

[ tense music ]

[ door knocking ]

BARNABAS:The chosen ones.

[ suspenseful music ]

[ eerie music ]
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