896 - December 2, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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896 - December 2, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR: There is a time coming

when a horror beyond belief will descend

on the great house of Collinwood.

But that time is not yet at hand.

At the moment there are only warnings of the storm to come.

Such as that which will be felt by Carolyn Stoddard,

as she sits peacefully

in an antique shop in Collinsport.

She and many others will soon learn

that a horror is all around them.

And there is no escape.

[ door bell chiming ]

Megan, how are you?

Did you find out anything?

Yes, yes, someone's coming to k*ll me!

[ suspenseful music ]

Someone's coming to k*ll me! I've got to hide!

Megan, get a hold of yourself. No one's going to k*ll you.

- Yes, yes someone is. - Who?

No I don't know if someone is!

I've got to hide!

CAROLYN: Megan, listen to me! There is a very sick baby here.

Ignore me, my k*ller's on the way!

Megan, listen to me please.

No one is on his way!

No one is coming here to hurt you.

Or anyone! No one!

[ door bell chiming ]

[ suspenseful music ]

[ eerie whistling and waves crashing ]

[ bell ringing and door thudding ]

[ Carolyn sighs softly ]


I've never been so relieved to see anyone in my life.

Carolyn, Carolyn, what's the matter?

I don't know.

Philip has been gone all night.

Megan went to look for him

and came back in a terrible state.

She's convinced that someone is trying to k*ll her.

Where did she get an idea like that?

I don't know, I also know it isn't true.

But for one moment,

when that bell tinkled.

[ Carolyn sighs quietly ]

Carolyn, I think I better talk to her.

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie flute monotone ]

CAROLYN: Julia, what's the matter?


Where did this box come from?

I don't know and right now I don't care.

Julia, I haven't told you the worst

of what's been happening here.

[ Julia sighs ]

- What do you mean? - [ eerie chiming music ]

The baby is very sick.

Baby, what's the matter with him?

I don't know.

In all the confusion Megan hasn't even called the doctor.

I'll take a look at him.

That's the first constructive thing

that's happened here in a long time.

What a peculiar birthmark?

No, no!

No, don't touch him!

Megan what's the matter?

He's running a very high temperature.

- Let me examine him. - No, no, there's no need to.

Baby's often run sudden high temperatures.

That's true.

That's true and generally it doesn't mean anything serious,

but occasionally it can be serious, now let me--

No! I'll have to take my chances with that won't I?

CAROLYN: Megan, where are you going?

To dress the baby.


We're going away, we have to.

CAROLYN: Megan, no one is after you.

Yes, yes someone is.

CAROLYN: I tell you no one is!

And you can't go anywhere until Philip comes home.

[ eerie deep chimes ]

No, I suppose I can't.

JULIA: Where is he?


JULIA: That's what you're worried about.

Philip, that's it isn't it?

[ single soft chuckle ]

Why should I be worried about Philip?


He's just out to pick up some of the merchandise.

He'll come back when he's ready to come back.

Megan, why didn't you tell me that before?

I'll take the baby upstairs.

Are you sure you don't want Dr. Hoffman to look at him?

There's no need for that, I know it.

But Megan, at least make him take some aspirin, please.

All right.

[ suspenseful flute music ]


What do you think is the matter with her?

With her or with the baby?

With both of them, I would say.

I don't about the baby,

because I didn't get a chance to examine him very much.


But I did get a chance to see her.

She's, she's terrified of something.


I don't know.


Perhaps she and Philip have been working too hard.

Trying to get the shop in order.

Perhaps the strain of the baby.

Taking care of the baby has triggered some hidden fear.

[ Julia sighs hurriedly ] Who knows?

I think it's criminal the way her sister left the baby,

and just waltzed off on vacation.

Julia, I have a good mind to find out where she is

and call her.

[ eerie flute music ]

What is it about that box that fascinates you so?

I saw this box at Barnabas's house.

Barnabas sells lots of things.

This is something I didn't think he's sell.

Perhaps he changed his mind.

Julia, you don't think there's any truth

in what Megan is saying?

That someone is trying to k*ll her?

Oh no, no I don't believe that.

And I...

I don't believe that she's not worried about Philip, either.

CAROLYN: I wish he would come home.

She needs him.

[ ominous intensifying music ]

I know what you're doing.

Amy, how'd you get in here?

I came in here when you went to the study.

David, why did you lie to Carolyn about that book?

I had to.

I was gonna give it back but...

But then she went and said how valuable it was.

Now I can't give it back.

But you can't keep it, either.

No matter where you hide it, somebody's going to find it!

Oh no they won't.

How do you expect to stop them?

DAVID: By burning the dumb old thing.

You can't do that!

Yes I can, then when it's just a big pile of ashes,

nobody will ever be able to find out that I took it.

David, it'll be worse for you if you do that.

I know it!

Amy, would you just mind your own business?

David, I'm afraid you'll be in worse trouble.

David, give me the book.

I'll tell Carolyn I took it.


David, gimme gimme the book!

[ intense dark orchestral music ]


What do you want?

I want you to give me the book,

and I'll tell Carolyn that I took it.

You'll Carolyn nothing.

AMY: It's so wrong to burn it!

I'm not gonna burn it.

Not now.

What are you going to do?

What I must.

Amy, you stand outside the door,

and see that no one comes in while I'm reading the book.

While you're what?

Reading the book.

But you don't know how!

Yes I do.

Then read some of it for me.

You're forbidden to hear any of it.

I don't believe a word you're saying, David Collins.

It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not.

Stand outside that door.

David, David, I don't like this game.

Let's play another.

This is not a game, Amy.

[ ominous music ]

Now do as I have told you.


Yes, David?

You don't say anything about this.

Not to anyone.

But, but you'll be caught, David.

Carolyn and her friends will know that you have the book.

You'll see.

Yes, they will.

[ David sighs ]

[ mischievous orchestral music ]

And then those who have been hidden so long shall rise

and show themselves.

And the others will know their time has ended.

And the time of the people of the Leviathan will begin.

[ mischievous orchestral music ]


Hi, Carolyn.

I, I took a nap.

That's exactly what you needed.

Dr. Hoffman thinks that both you and Philip

are much more tired than you realize.

That's the reason you've been so tense about Philip.

Where is Dr. Hoffman?

She went back to Collinwood.

[ heels clicking against the floor ]

I'm sorry that I was so rude to Dr. Hoffman, I...

I guess I'm more panicked by the baby's condition

that I realized.

Well, anyhow I did give him some aspirin.

[Carolyn] Is he better?

Yes, I believe he is.

Megan, it may not be my place to say anything,

but I'm going to say it anyway.

I think your sister ought to come for her baby.


The baby is my responsibility.

CAROLYN: Well then you should at least call

and tell her he's sick.

I'm sure she'd want to know,

then she can make up her own mind what to.


No, I can't call her.

Why not?



Well, surely she left you some address

where she can be reached?

[ phone ringing ]


Oh, hello!

Yes, we did receive your telegram.

Yes, of course you can see the painting,

but it isn't here.

It's been bought by a Dr. Julia Hoffman.

Well, she lives at Collinwood,

and if you could be there...

Oh, this afternoon about five o'clock,

I'm sure she'd be happy to show you the painting.

No, no I'm afraid I don't know

if she's interesting in selling it.

Do you know where Collinwood is?

Oh, you do?

Yes, that would be fine, goodbye.

It was a Mr. Corey.

He's interested in seeing

the Tate painting that Julia has.

Oh Megan, I'm sorry for taking over like that,

but I really think you should take it very easy

for the rest of the afternoon.

[ ominous music ]



You don't still think somebody's after you, do you?

You're not still thinking of running away?

Are you?

[ Megan laughs softly ] Of course not!

[ ominous music ]


Carolyn, I just want you to know

that I'm very grateful

for everything you're doing for us.

CAROLYN: Oh, I wish I could do more.

Like find that book.

I just can't seem to get onto anything there.

It's as if someone were deliberately concealing.

[ eerie chimes ]

Oh, David.

Yes, Dr. Hoffman?

I was wondering if you could do a favor for me,

and take this note to Barnabas.

Sorry, Dr. Hoffman I can't take it to him.

JULIA: But David it's very important that he gets the note.

Somebody's coming here in a few minutes,

and it's important that Barnabas sees it.

I'm sorry, I have something else that I've got to do.

Well, can't it wait until you just drop this note off.

No it can't wait.

JULIA: David!

[ ethereal tones ]


A person who calls himself Corey

will be here at five o'clock.

That person could be Quinton Collin.

[ wavering flute solo ]

[ dramatic horn music ]

[ clock chiming robustly ]

CAROLYN: I can't understand why Dr. Hoffman is late.

She was so anxious to see you.

I had no idea she was so interested

in Charles Delaware Tate,

but ever since she bought that painting she's...

[ suspenseful music ]


I was as shocked as you are, Julia.

I had no idea Corey would turn out to be

Miss Olivia Corey.

Well, I'm sorry Miss Stoddard,

but I did have the hotel clerk call for me.

I find that if I identify myself too early

in a business transaction the price always goes up.

[ Olivia giggles ]

Of course, in this case I really don't mind

as long as I get what I want.

And tell me, just what is it you want.

Miss, Miss Corey.

Your Charles Delaware Tate.

I don't think you really do want it, Miss Corey.

It's not a portrait.

You're very perceptive, Dr. Hoffman.

What's all this about?

Thank you.

Charles Delaware Tate did a great number of portraits

of a woman who looks extraordinarily like Miss Corey.

Well yes, that's, that's how

I started collecting his paintings.

Those loving portraits of her.

Well it's vain, I admit,

but we actresses are vain.

I mean, if we didn't admire our own appearance?

We wouldn't be on a stage, would we?

May I see the painting now, Dr. Hoffman?

It's a landscape.

Oh well, that's quite all right.

I've broadened my interests considerably.

I'm interested in all of Mr. Tate's works.

All right.

[ eerie orchestral music ]

Here it is.

But as you know, it's not for sale.

Well, well every thing's for sale, sooner or later.

Well, perhaps it will be later but not now.

I'm sorry, Miss Corey, I'm terribly sorry.

Well, I'm terribly disappointed.

Would you call a cab for me, Miss Stoddard?

Yes, of course.

It's curious.

I've seen you on the stage, Miss Corey,

and I've seen photographs of you

in newspapers and magazines.

And I never realized the extraordinary resemblance

you bear to Amanda Harris.

The resemblance is quite unique.

Well, no it's not, not if you know that

Amanda Harris was my Grandmother.

- Oh. - [ frightening gongs ringing ]

Who was your grandfather?

[ Olivia giggles ]

Are you interested in genealogy,

as well as paintings, Dr. Hoffman?

JULIA: Please, I'd like to know.

Well, his name was Langley.

- Oh. - [ Olivia scoffs ]

OLIVIA: You seem almost disappointed.

No, of course not.

You know, I find it all rather strange

that you knew her name was Amanda Harris.

I mean, it was never mentioned in connection

with any of Charles Tate's works.

I mean, I knew her name of course,

because I was her granddaughter.

But, well, how did you know it?

Well, you must be mistaken.

I'm sure I must have read it somewhere.

Oh, why I suppose so.

Well, you know you have very interesting paintings here.

Are you interested in those too?

Well mostly turn of the century portraits.

I'd love to see any family portraits you have

that were done at that time.

I'm afraid you'll be disappointed, Miss Corey.

There are no portraits of Quinton Collin.

Oh, am I supposed to know who that is?

I'm sorry I've never heard of him.

CAROLYN: Miss Corey, your cab is here.

Oh, thank you Miss Stoddard.

Well, goodnight Dr. Hoffman.

I have a feeling we can learn a great deal

about art from each other.

[ suspenseful chiming ]

[ gong booming ]

[ creepy orchestral music ]

I am one of you now.

[ thunder booms and wind howls ]

[ thunder cracks ]

[ suspenseful melody ]

[ eerie music ]
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