898 - December 4, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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898 - December 4, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ ominous music ]

VOICEOVER: Collinwood in the town

of Collinsport itself

was slowly falling into the grip

of a new nameless terror.

It's nature is not yet known even to those

who have already become its victims.

Their lives have changed.

They are inwardly frightened,

and they don't know why.

[ loud knocking ]

[ exhales ]

[ rustling ]

[ latch clicks ]

[ coughing ]

[ footsteps ]

[ rustling ]

- [ thud ] - [ gasps ]

[ footsteps ]

[ squeak ]

[ thud ]

[ whimpering ]

[ squeaking ]

[ thud ]

[ gasps ]

VOICEOVER: Who's up there?

[ hysterical crying ]

[ rustling ]

[ whimpering ]

[ whirring ]

Is this the Lowell Apothecary?

This is Mrs. Todd

from the antique shop down the street.

Is my husband still there?


You haven't seen him?

But he just went there a few minutes ago

to buy some cigarettes.

I see.

Thank you, thank you.

[ clunk ]

- [ thud ] - [ screaming ]

[ door rattling ]

Who are you?

What do you want from me?

VOICEOVER: Honey, it's me.

Why'd you lock the door?

[ exhales ] Thank heavens.

[ bell ringing ]

[ screams ]

[ ominous music ]

[ screaming ]

Why are you doing this to me?

You let the book be stolen.

I didn't mean to.

There is no margin for error.

Punishment is necessary.

Don't, please.

There is no margin for error.

Punishment is necessary.

VOICEOVER: Punishment is no longer necessary.

What are you doing here?

The baby is sick.

I have come to make it better.

Such a beautiful baby.

Let me have him.


After you give him this, his fever will go down.

What's in here?

It's a kind of medicine.

It's just what he needs.

How do you know that?

I know.


what you just saw.

You don't have to explain to me.

I understand exactly what was happening.

You're the one who stole the book aren't you?

BOY: Yes.

You've got to bring it back.

We must have it.

BOY: I'm afraid that is impossible.

MAN: Why not?

Because I am the keeper of the book

and the protector of the baby.

We all have our duties.

You have found yours, and now I've found mine.

How do I know you're not lying to me?

He isn't Phillip.

I know he's speaking the truth.

[ ominous drumming ]

Take the baby upstairs now,

and give him his medicine.

Yes, yes I will.

Oh, and thank you very much David.

We're both very grateful.

[ ominous music ]

You do believe me now, don't you?

Yes, I believe you.

[ bell ringing ]

[ thud ]

Is Carolyn Stoddard here?

No, I haven't seen her all evening.

Oh, do you know if you might be expecting her

later this evening?

PHILIP: Well, I really don't know.

PRESCOTT: I must get a message to her right away.

PHILIP: Well, she may be at Collinwood.

You could try calling her there.

Good evening, Mr. Prescott.

Oh, good evening.

Didn't we meet here the other day?

Oh, you're David Collins, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

I should be going back to Collinwood shortly.

Would you like for me to take a message to Carolyn?

Well, yes, I would like that very much.

But you must promise me

not to give it to anyone, but Carolyn.

Oh, I won't, I promise.

And tell her I will be back in my hotel room

within the hour.


Well, thank you very much.

Sorry to have troubled you.

No trouble at all.

[ bell ringing ]

Did you get the feeling that he was

frightened of something?

Yes, I did.

[ ominous music ]

Did the baby have his medicine?


It should begin to take effect in a little while.

If you ever need my help,

I will come to you.

But no one is to know, no one.

We understand.

- Goodnight, Megan. - Goodnight.

- Goodnight, Phillip. - Goodnight, David.

[ bell ringing ]

[ ominous music ]

[ suspenseful harp music ]

PRESCOTT: Why do I keep coming back to this place?

What is it?

Why is it here?

Why can't I resist coming here?

I have to find the answer.

[ ominous music ]

VOICEOVER: How did Quentin himself look?

Well, strangely enough there are no pictures

- of Quentin at all. - Why not?

I don't know.

How many women lived in the house

during Quentin's time?

Oh, perhaps this woman didn't live in the house.

Then why would she appear to me?

Perhaps when we see her picture,

we can find that out.

It wasn't this woman, was it?

MAN: No, who is that?

WOMAN: That's Beth Shivez.

She was a servant in the house.

She was gonna marry Quentin.

MAN: That's her.

Yes, her hair was quite different,

but that's the one.

Yes, of course.

It makes complete sense.

MAN: It does, why?

WOMAN: Well, that's that

Jenny Collins.

She was married to Quentin.

MAN: Why should this woman's spirit,

or whatever it was, come to me then?

'Cause I, I guess it's time you found out.

MAN: Found out what?

That Jenny Collins is your great-grandmother.

[ ominous music ]


Are you serious?

Then I'm a really a Collins.

[ puffing ]


Well, Jenny and Quentin had two children, twins.

Quentin abandoned Jenny,

and oh, she went mad.

Edward Collins locked her in the tower room,

and the two children were sent to board with a Mrs.

- Filmore. - Filmore.

That was my grandmother Lenore's last name.

[ ominous music ]

WOMAN: But Chris, why did...

What did Jenny's appearance to you mean?

She said,

she said you had to find Quentin.

And why should Quentin Collins be able to help me?

Because the curse started with Quentin.

Yes, and then it was intended to go on

to the eldest son in each succeeding generation.

And that's why I'm the way I am.


Oh, excuse me.

I was looking for Carolyn.

JULIA: Oh, David.

David, please come in.

I'd like to ask your help with something.

Now wait a minute, Julia, what do you have in mind?

Well, we're gonna hold a séance,

and I wonder if you'd be willing to participate with us?

Would you?

Well, sure. If you really want me to.

JULIA: But I think you have to know one thing

that we're gonna try and reach the spirit of

Quentin Collins.

[ ominous music ]


Oh, David.

David you really don't have anything to fear from Quentin.

You know that, David.

When you got well Quentin's spirit disappeared

from this house forever.

Now, now Chris.

This is terribly important to him.

He's in desperate need of help.

It could be...

It could be a great help to me David.

Well, I'll help if I can.

Good. Thank you, dear.

I'll get everything you need.

[ ominous music ]

[ slap ]

That boy should have gotten to Collinwood by now.

Why doesn't Carolyn call me?

Now I'm talking to myself.

That's fine.

[ coughing ]

Just fine.

[ ominous music ]

[ dramatic music ]


what made me do that?

December th.

What does it mean?

[ ominous music ]

[ click ]

How's the baby Megan?

His fever's gone, and he's breathing normally again.

Then David was right.


[ rustling ]

[ footsteps ]


What is it Megan?

MEGAN: Phillip, I, I want you to know something.

I understand, I understand now.

PHILIP: Understand what?

Why you tried to punish me.

You were just doing what you had to do.

I'm sorry, Megan.

Oh, you mustn't be.

It was my fault about the book being missing.


really it was my fault.

I'm so happy that it's safe now with David.

So am I.

We've got to be very careful now, Megan.

We can't make any more mistakes.

[ suspenseful music ]

You're not gonna work much longer, are you?

No, I was just thinking of finishing now.

Why don't we close up the shop.

[ bell ringing ]

I was just about to close.

Oh, well, I'm sorry to trouble you,

but I was hoping you might have heard from Carolyn by now.

You mean she hasn't gotten in touch with you?


And I can't understand why.

Well, how odd.

David left here about a few minutes after you did.

He should have been back at Collinwood

at least a half an hour ago.



I'm sorry to have troubled you.

But wait a minute.

Phillip, we almost forgot to give him the message.

What message?

Someone left an envelope for you.

Of course, how stupid of me.

My mind was on these bills.

Well, please, give it to me.


[ rustling ]

[ dramatic music ]

Who gave this to you?

PHILIP: A man came in with it.

I'd never saw him before.

Well, what did he look like?

To tell you the truth, I was busy with the bills.

But you must have had a good look at him.

I really didn't pay any attention.

Mrs. Todd, do you know what he looked like?

I'm terribly sorry, but

but I was upstairs at the time with the baby.

[ dramatic music ]

[ bell ringing ]

[ thud ]

Place your hands on the table.

The fingers must touch.

The circle must not be broken.

We seek a spirit

whose earthly body once inhabited this house.

Quentin Collins, it is your spirit we seek.

If you can hear us, come to us

for there is one here

who needs your help.

[ thundering ]

Spirit of Quentin Collins,

respond to us.

If we are reaching you, wherever you are,

give us a sign.

[ thundering ]

[ moaning ]

Can, can you tell us who you are?

I am Jameson Collins.

JULIA: Jameson?

Why have you responded to us?

Who is it that you want?

We want to communicate with the spirit

of Quentin Collins.

Quentin Collins cannot hear you.


What do you mean?

His spirit is gone.

There can be no communication anymore.

JULIA: I don't understand. You must tell us more.

His spirit will not come to you.

This is all I know.

Can't you tell us why?

All I know.

All I know.

[ thundering ]

CHRIS: Julia!

He's, he's, he's all right, Chris.


David, David wake up now.

It's over, dear.


What happened?

Did Quentin's spirit come?

JULIA: No. No, it didn't.

You can, you can go upstairs now.

Thank you very much for your help.

Well, what did happen?

Nothing. I'll tell you all about it later.

All right?

You promise?

JULIA: I promise.

All right.

[ dramatic music ]

Well, now we don't know anything more

than we did before.

Yes, yes we do.

He said that Quentin's spirit could not hear us

or communicate with us.

What does that mean?

Chris, it could possibly mean that

Quentin Collins is still alive.

[ ominous music ]

PRESCOTT: What does it mean?

Payment due.

Why was it left in that antique shop?

Whoever left it there

knew I was waiting to hear from Carolyn.

Who was following me?

Who knows we meet in that shop?

[ ominous music ]

Someone's outside the door.

[ dramatic music ]

It's just your imagination.


Make sure.

You must find out who's after you.

You must know.

[ ominous music ]

The mark on the kern.



[ dramatic music ]
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