904 - December 11, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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904 - December 11, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:Night has faded over Collinwood,

but for one woman the darkness still remains.

Elizabeth Stoddard,

teased and taunted by young David's lies,

has suffered a night of doubt and despair.

And with the day she has come to the village,

determined to learn what drew David to this place.

[suspenseful music]

[bells chiming]

Good morning, Mother.

Anything special you'd like to see?

Yes, I want to see Mrs. Todd.

Sorry, Megan and Philip are away for the day,

so I'm afraid you'll have to deal with the hired help.


[suspenseful music]


Why are you looking like that?

Is something wrong?

Something is very wrong.

What is it?

I have a feeling.

A very strong feeling.


Carolyn, I don't want you to come to this place anymore.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

You don't want me to come here anymore?

Mother, you can't just make a request like that

with no reason.

I have no reason.

Just a feeling.

A strange and distressing feeling

that whatever is wrong with David has to do with this shop.

CAROLYN: What's wrong with David?

I saw him come in here late last night.

I heard him leave,

yet when I questioned him about it, he denied it.


Oh, mother.

Is that all that's bothering you?

You're dismissing it rather casually, aren't you?

Yes, I am, because I know what actually happened.

Megan told me about it before she left.

Suppose you tell me.

All right.

Apparently David did steal the missing book

because he tore a page and got frightened.

Last night he sneaked back in here and returned it.

So your mystery's no longer a mystery.

Why didn't he tell me that last night?

Why did he lie?

Oh, he's a small boy.

He probably thought that was the safest course

for him to take.

But Megan found the book this morning.

So now that everything's been explained,

I'll go on with my dusting.

No, Carolyn, everything hasn't been explained.

What do you mean?

When David came in here last night

he was carrying a box from Brewster's.

When I called him in, he was nowhere to be seen,

but the box was plainly in view on the counter.

Maybe he carried the book in that way.

No, Mrs. Todd said the box was hers.

All right, he didn't carry the book in that way.

It was a different box from Brewster's on the counter.

Don't you think that's rather coincidental?

Mother, you're getting as bad as David

when you find something sinister in a box from Brewster's.

Everyone in town probably has one.

Hundreds of people by things there every day.

Yes, yes they do.

I'll see you later, Carolyn.

[bells chiming]

[suspenseful music]

[bells chiming]

[suspenseful music]

Do you like that?

I do.

It's one of my favorite things in the shop.

[soft dramatic music]

And the enemies shall be overcome one by one.

David, I've been making inquiries,

and I know a lot more than I did last night.

One thing I know is that you did steal

that book from the shop.

So don't bother denying it.

Yes, I did, Aunt Elizabeth.

I'm sorry I had to lie to you,

but I returned it last night.

I know.

Mrs. Todd told Carolyn.

Why do I have the feeling that she's lying, too?

I don't know.

There's something about the way you were looking

when you were reading just now.

David, what is that book?

Just a book.

May I have it?

I said may I have it?

[dramatic music]

What is this, David?

It's just a book.

I like the colors in it.

Well enough to have stolen it?

This isn't a book from the antique shop.

Oh, where is it from?

I found it somewhere in the house.

I, I don't remember exactly where.

I'll try and remember, if you like.

While you're remembering,

how about remembering a visit to Brewster's last night?

I wasn't in Brewster's last night.

Oh yes, you were. I checked on that, too.

Nice, old Ms. Templeton remembered selling you

a pair of pants and a shirt.


David, there's no use denying it.

She showed me the sales slip. You were there.

I'm not denying it, Aunt Elizabeth.

I was there, only in the afternoon.

Ms. Templeton just got the time mixed up.


You know how she's always getting things mixed up.

I see you have an answer for every question.

So we'll just have to leave things the way they are

until I've had a chance to talk to Mrs. Todd again

and show her this.

- You can't take that. - I already have.

I know what's really wrong.

Oh, and suppose you tell me.

You're just as bad as my father.

You don't want Carolyn working in the shop,

so you're taking it out on Megan and Philip.

I'm taking nothing out on the Todd's.

I'll give them a chance to explain anything

they want to explain.

And and explanation is due, I know that.

And in the meantime, you will not leave the grounds

until I tell you you may.

Is that clear?


I'm sorry things have to be this way.

Why do they have to be this way, Aunt Elizabeth?

Why can't we have any fun anymore?

We will, David, we will.

[suspenseful music]

[bells chiming]

Carolyn, what are you doing?

I did but see him passing by,

and yet I love him 'til I die.

I don't understand a word you're saying.

Barnabas, I wouldn't tell this to anyone else,

but I've just met the most fascinating,

the most fantastic man.

Just where did this happen?

Right here in the shop about two hours ago.

He walked in.

We talked for , maybe minutes,

and it seemed as if we'd known each other all our lives.

Well, that is most unusual.

Unusual is hardly the word for it.

Barnabas, when you told me that I would meet someone

and meet him unexpectedly,

and really find out what love was,

I must admit I thought it was a very pleasant,

but improbable prediction.

You do remember telling me that?

Don't you?

Yes, I do.

I told you and I meant it.

Oh, well then why are you surprised?

I suppose I didn't expect it to happen quite so quickly.

Oh, that's just the point, Barnabas.

Something did happen.

Something real and tangible did happen.

When that bell tinkled and I looked up

into the face of a man I'd never seen before.

You mean he was as taken with you

as you were with him?

I don't know,

but he was interested enough to ask

if he could come back here this evening.


He's coming here at : tonight.

I see.

Well, let's hope that the young man doesn't

disappoint you on his second visit.

Let's hope not.

[suspenseful music]

Well, how's the game going, David?


What's the trouble?

Oh, Aunt Elizabeth is all hung up

on the idea that I stole that book from the antique store,

even though Mrs. Todd told her I returned it.

She doesn't believe it.

What does she believe?

DAVID: Oh, that the book she saw in my room

is the book from the antique store.

And what does she intend to do with it?

Take it to Mrs. Todd and ask a whole bunch of questions.

She thinks I'm a liar.

She thinks Mrs. Todd's a liar, too.

Well, your Aunt Elizabeth has a way of taking

things very seriously, doesn't she?

If you ask me she has a way of making trouble.

David, I don't like to see you this unhappy.

Why don't we go for a walk and well,

you can tell me all your troubles.

Would you like that?

Yes, very much.

[suspenseful music]

Good evening, Elizabeth.

Good evening, Barnabas.

Come in.

Well, I don't want to interrupt you.

Oh, I welcome an interruption.

I'm so puzzled by this.

What is it?

A book David took from the shop.

I can't understand why.

I'm sure that a scholar of lost and ancient languages

would be interested in this,

but well, David's hardly that.

I'm sure he can't read one word of it,

but there's something about it that makes him

tell me one lie after another.

What language is this?

I haven't no idea, but I have figured one thing out.

What's that?

There are seem to be repetitions

of certain symbols throughout.

Certain refrains, so to speak.

What do you suppose that means?

It's the sort of thing one finds in a religious book.

Barnabas, I could swear this is some kind

of devotional book.

Well, your talent for detection impresses me, Elizabeth.

I haven't detected why David is so attracted to it yet,

but I will.

And all of this is certainly very curious,

but there's one thing about this book

in that it's valuable.

I'm going down to the village quite soon.

Why don't I take it back to the antique shop

for you when I go?

Oh would you? I'd appreciate that.

Before you go, will you have a sherry or some brandy?

BARNABAS: No, nothing to drink, thank you.

Oh well, then stay with me for a minute

while I have some sherry.

Elizabeth, does the sherry really relax you?

I keep hoping it will.

And sometimes it does, for a time.

Well why don't you try relaxing without the sherry?

Have you any suggestions?

Yes, I do.

I want you to do exactly what I tell you.

When I leave, go upstairs and just lie down.

Think of all the things that are troubling you

and one by one force them out of your mind

so that your mind is as clear and empty

as you can make it.

Think pleasant thoughts.


And you'll be surprised at how good the sleep

you have will do you.

Well that sounds fine until I think about

Carolyn and David.

Forget them.

Tonight think of Elizabeth only.

All right, Barnabas.

I'll do just as you say and we'll see what happens.

- Promise? - I promise.

And I promise you pleasant dreams.

Have a good rest.

I'll try, Barnabas.

[suspenseful music]

VOICEOVER:And the enemy shall be overcome

one by one.

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]


[carnival music]


Step this way, Aunt Elizabeth.

Just step this way right into the fun house.

Come on!

Step this way.

Just come over here.


Why did you bring me here, David?

To have fun like everybody else.


Didn't you and my father ever come to a place

like this when you were young?

I don't remember.

DAVID: Come now, Aunt Elizabeth.

You should remember.


I can't.

Well, that isn't important.

What's important is that you're here now.

[maniacal laughing]

[carnival music]

ELIZABETH: David, what am I supposed to do here?

Look at yourself in the mirrors.


Will they show me all the people I could've been?

No, they'll show you all the people you really are.

No, I don't want to look at them.

DAVID: Oh, but you have to.

That's why I brought you here.


Relax, Aunt Elizabeth.

You should just relax.

You don't relax enough.

You don't laugh enough.


Go on and look.




Don't they have anything else to do but watch me?

DAVID: Oh, they're only doing

what they're supposed to do.


Come on, Aunt Elizabeth.

Look at the next one.

It'll make you laugh.


No, I don't like that one, either.

I know something you will like.

Just listen.

Fat and skinny have a race all around the steeplechase.

Fat fell down, broke his face.

Skinny said, I won the race!

[maniacal laughing]

She's beginning to smile.

She's learning how to laugh.


Are there any more mirrors, David?

Just one.


ELIZABETH: I don't see anything in this one.

DAVID: Oh, yes you can.

You just have to keep looking.

ELIZABETH: I am looking but there's nothing there.

DAVID: Oh? Are you sure?


Is it a trick or is he really there?

DAVID: Well, what do you think?

I don't know.

I like it.

Yes, I like it.

[maniacal laughing]

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

[car engine rumbling]

[tires squealing]


[bells chiming]

Oh, no!

[door closing]


The man walked in front of me.

I had no warning.

I couldn't see him until it was too late.

You'd better see if he's alive.

Oh my god.

Barnabas, that's the man who was coming to meet me.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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