922 - January 5, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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922 - January 5, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic music]

MR. BEST:Many things have changed

since Barnabas Collins brought back

the leviathan box from the past.

And, many things are soon to change.

But right now, at an almost deserted mansion,

not far from Collinwood, Charles Delaware Tate,

a man who was part of that past,

is locked in a room and about to learn

that he has no future.

Help me! Help me!


Help me!

Help me!

Help me!






No! No!




[creepy music]




[dramatic music]

QUENTIN: What happened?

Where's the man who was here before?

Chris Jennings.

Don't you know, Quentin?

Don't you know anything anymore?

Well, now.

You're the man I talked to before.

You're Tate.

How can it be?

My god, man, What happened?

Other one was my masterpiece.


creature destroyed me.

QUENTIN: Listen to me.

Where did the creature come from?

No time.

No time.

QUENTIN: Is there a phone here?

No phone.

QUENTIN: Okay now, listen.

I've got to go down the road and call a doctor.

You don't try to move.

No, no, don't go!

Now look, I've got to!

CHARLES: Don't go!

QUENTIN: I've got to get a doctor.

I can't help you.

CHARLES: I helped you, Quentin.

I saved you.

Now, save me!

Save me!


Well, they certainly do look alike.

But why not?

My grandmother taught me how to write.

I have an expert that swears they

were written by the same person.

Experts have been wrong.

That's true.

But I'd like some proof, Miss Corey.

For example, where is your grandmother buried?

And, do you know any people that knew you as child?



Grant? Yes.

What's the matter?

Yes, she is here.

Well, he has to speak to you.




How bad is he?

I see. I'll be right there.

Is Grant all right?

Yes, he's all right.

Someone else has been hurt.

I've got to go.

MISS COREY: Well, I'll go with you.

Yes, that's a very good idea.

Incidentally, the name of the man

who's been hurt is Harrison Monroe.

[dramatic music]


You'll die soon too.

What are you talking about?

I can see it over your shoulder.

Death waiting.

Not fooled because you're young.

MISS COREY: Are you all right?

I don't think he's going to last long.

I'll do whatever I can.

You stay here with Miss Corey,

but come here, I want to...

Do you understand? It's very important.

No, I don't understand, but I'll do it anyway.

What's the matter with Mr. Monroe?

Mr. Tate?

What do you...

What do you want?

You must tell me.

Where is the portrait of Quentin Collins?

There's no portrait.

It's destroyed.

JULIA: That's not true, because,

because Quentin Collins is not a werewolf,

so it must exist somewhere, but where?

I'll tell you what you want.

In exchange.

OLIVIA: In exchange for what?

What I want.


That's what I want.

You can't.

You can't, can you?


Well, I can't.

Then don't bother.

There's nothing else I want.

Mr. Tate, there is something else.

Miss Corey, would you come here for a moment?

Would you,

would you call him?

Call him by his first name.

What is his first name?





Amanda, you've come back.

[dramatic music]


Amanda, I knew you would someday...

Who is this man?

JULIA: Charles Delaware Tate.


Oh, no!

Mr. Tate.

Mr. Tate, I brought you Amanda Harris.

Now please, tell me where is Quentin's portrait.


He's dead.

Grant, please

call the police.

He's dead.

Why did you bring me here?

I thought you'd want to see Charles Delaware Tate.

I've got to go.

Miss Corey!

Now Miss Corey, why are you taking his death so hard?

Why after all, he was just someone

who painted your grandmother.

He wasn't someone that you knew,

who had gotten old, someone

Leave me alone!

I will if you will tell me the truth.

You are Amanda Harris.

First, your handwriting showed it,

and now you're in tears. Tell me.

MISS COREY: No, it's just that death frightens me!

[door clunking]

[wind howling]


Who's there?


And then this,

This creature came flying at me.

I figured I was a goner.

I reached for a brass statue.

It was the heaviest thing I saw.

And then.

And then?

And I did the craziest thing.

I put down the brass statue,

and I picked up a small silver candle stick.

If that creature hadn't turned and run out

of the room when it did, I'd be as dead as Tate.

I'm lucky.


No, you weren't lucky.

You knew what to do.

Or more exactly,

Quentin Collins knew what to do.

Buried deep inside you, he knew that,

that silver is one of the few defenses against werewolves.


I guess I am lucky.

And so is Chris.


Yes, he escaped too.

I don't have any idea how.

I wonder where he's at now.

He's probably getting over the experience somewhere.


I think that's what I'm gonna to do.


[intriguing music]


Quentin, I was so frightened.

The creature came after me,

and I thought it would k*ll me.

I thought I would die tonight before you knew about us.

Oh, Quentin.

When will this darkness lift?

When will you know?

Why are you spying on me?

So, you are Amanda Harris.

To A.H. from Q.C.

Amanda Harris.

You've done something, Amanda.

Something that's kept you young, and now.

Do you regret it now?

You knew me!

Why doesn't he?

He will.

He will in time.

But there's so little time.

There's so little time.

It's almost ended.

But what I want to know is about is the beginning.

Tell me.

The beginning was another ending.

Quentin came to my hotel room

to tell me that we had to say goodbye.

I tried to accept it, but I couldn't!

And then, finally I called him, and

begged him to give me another chance.

I hoped I could change his mind.

Make him see that we loved each other

and belonged together no matter what danger he was to me.

But then it was even worse than before.

Please, Quentin!

QUENTIN: Amanda, listen to me.

There's no possibility of you waiting.

AMANDA: Why not?

Don't you?

Don't you realize how much I love you?

I don't care if it takes five, , years

to find what you're looking for.


What's the matter?

Suppose it did take years,

and I came back then, we couldn't possibly

Not like we do now!

Why not? Just.

Just because we're older.

QUENTIN: You would be older.

Don't you see?

I would still be the same.

What do you mean?

I mean there's no chance for us!

Now this is goodbye!


Now, look.

I want you to take this locket.

I want you to remember, but not for long.

[crying] I'll always remember you!

You'll love somebody else.

You can marry somebody else.

You'll have a good life with somebody else.

Now, listen to me.


There is no life without you!



There's no life without you.


No, Amanda, no.

AMANDA: Leave me alone!

And let you do what you're planning?


Don't come near me!

You don't know what this is all about!

Yes, I do.

I heard your Quentin say he was leaving.

[crying] There's no chance for us.

You can't say that at your age.

You're so young.

Stay back, or I'll jump!

You have a whole lifetime ahead of you.

What does it mean?

Except for living without him.

I don't want it!

Amanda, you're so beautiful.

Other men will love you.

If I were different, I might love you myself.

Amanda, listen to me, please.

Amanda, I can give you a chance.



[dramatic music]

You actually jumped?

That spot on the bridge is called Dead Man's Leap.

No one's ever survived it.

Except you.


As I fell, I heard Mr. Best's voice pleading.

But then I hit the water and I lost consciousness.

The next thing I remember is sitting

in a place I'd never seen before.

A hotel lobby.

[dramatic music]

All around me, I seemed to hear people talking

and laughing and moving about.

And yet, I was all alone until someone called my name.

MR. BEST: Hello, Amanda.

Remember me?

What are you doing here?

What is this place?

It's called the Stopping Off Place.

AMANDA: What am I doing here?

I don't understand.

Everyone gets here sooner or later.


And how is it that I hear people talking,

and I don't see anyone except you?

MR. BEST: Because the others have already come and gone,

leaving only their memories behind.

Gone where?

Let's not talk about other people.

Let's talk about you.


I offered you a chance.

I'm offering it again.


You were meant to live a long natural life.

I'm going to give you the rest of your life.

What do you mean?

Say that

I'm an incurable romantic.

Say that the sight of a lovely young girl

ready to die for love touched my heart.

Whatever the reason, I'm giving you

the rest of your life to find Quentin Collins.

AMANDA: Thank you, but you'll have

to give that chance to someone else.

What do you mean?

Quentin left me because he's,

He's never going to grow old.

Even if I leave here and find him,

it would only be to lose him again.


You know a place like this has very strict rules.

But I'm going to break them for you.

You'll stay as young as he does

for the rest of your natural life.

And if you find him, before the time you

were really meant to die, and if you can convince him

to stay with you this time,

the two of you will have each other forever.

I promise.

Well, how can you promise?

Who are you?

How do you know I'm meant to have a long life?

How do you know I can stay young?

I just know.

And how do you know when my time is up?

I'll come back for you on the day you're meant to die.

'Til then, it's up to you and your Quentin.

The next thing I remember was waking up on the bridge.

As if I dreamt the whole thing.

JULIA: But you hadn't.

[sighs] No.

As the years passed, my mirror told me that I hadn't.

There's no way of telling.

No, and there's no way of telling

when my time is up, but it's soon.

I know it!


I'm just so terrified

that I found him and,

and he'll never even know.

There must be a way.

Today, faced with a reality out of Quentin Collins' past,

Grant Douglas behaved as Quentin Collins would.

Now, if we can find more realities like that,

perhaps we can get him out of the mist.

I'm going to Collinwood.

I'll be back.

Don't give up.

I mustn't give up.


Hello, Amanda.

Remember me?

I waited until your guest had left.

I hope you're ready.

[dramatic music]
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