03x06 - Footprints

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Slow Horses". Aired: April 1, 2022 - present.*
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Spy thriller series that follows the book of the same name about British MI5 agent Cartwright who is exiled to Slough House, an administrative purgatory for service rejects.
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03x06 - Footprints

Post by bunniefuu »


- [CHIEFTAIN 1] Move, move, move!
- [CHIEFTAIN 2] Reloading.

[CHIEFTAIN 3] The b*mb has
been placed. Take cover.


[LOUISA] You just k*lled an MI5 officer.

[CHIEFTAIN 2] Well, yeah. Who
the f*ck do you think sent us,

you stupid cow?


Your friend might still be alive.

If you wanna help him,
you're gonna need cover.

Oh, my God. How is this
happening? [PANTING]


I can't get to him.

[SEAN] I got you.

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

Three, two, one.

River! River, wake up.
River, come back, come back.


Can you hear me? River, wake up.

Come back to me, River. River, come on.

- Thank God. Come on.

Look at me. Look at me.

- [LOUISA] Come on.

We gotta get out of here.
Come on. Stand up. Stand up.


[FENWICK] Breach!

Fall back. Fall back.



- Can you stand up?
- [COUGHING] Yeah.


Duffy, come in.

- Hello?
- [FENWICK] Can you send more men down?

- What's happened?
- Stiffer resistance than expected.

Oh, for f*ck's sake, Fenwick, I
thought you were professionals!

Just send them down.

You four, down below. Now.

- Oh, shit. Where's the g*n?
- I've got it.

Oh. Give me it.

No, you had your go.

[RIVER] Gi...

Come on, you two. Let's go.

Wait, wait. What... What about them?

- It's all right. I had a word.
- [RIVER] Hmm.

Douglas said there's a hatch
at the end of that tunnel.

Go. Go, go!


- [RIVER] Come on. Come on!

[LOUISA] Why are they trying to k*ll us?

What the hell is in that file?






[SIGHS] If you hear a crunch
on the stairs, use this.

You, come with me.

Up. There you go. Go on.

- [SIGHS] Here... No, no. In here.

Go on. In there. Hide.

- I can be of more use than that.
- No, you can't.

- [STURGES] Why are we waiting?
- [HOBBS] Because something's off.

No lights, no sound.

She's a hostage. No
one should be sleeping.

All right, f*ck this. Let's
get this over and done with.

[SIGHS] f*ck's sake.

Oi, ball bag. Wait.

- Why?
- Standish is one of Lamb's.


Jackson Lamb.

Who's Jackson Lamb?

A wily old fucker. Had a
run-in with him in the past.

He's not here now, is he? So...

Just be careful, is what I'm saying.

He's got a nasty habit
of turning up places.

All right. I'll be careful.

Look, there's a slow kid in
there and a f*cking librarian.

It's hardly like another spare
part's gonna make a difference, is it?

Just wait.

The f*ck?

f*cking hell! f*cking
put it out! Come on!

f*cking hell!

- You good?
- No!

f*cking prick.


I don't think I can go on.

Just put me down, and I'll cover you.

No. Shut up. We're not
doing that. Come on.

Come on. We're gonna
need you the other side.

- Yeah. Come on. Just a bit more.
- [GROANS] No! Stop, stop, stop!

- [LOUISA] Okay, okay.


- Just read it.
- Come on.


Take it out there.


This is the kind of shit
we claim our enemies do.


They m*rder*d Alison to
protect their reputations.

k*lled Ben.


Don't let it be for nothing.



Just put me down there.



- [RIVER] Okay. All right. Okay. [GRUNTS]

[GRUNTS] Thank you.

[RIVER] All right.

- [RIVER] Come on.

[SEAN] Put it out there.


I don't think I want
my job back this badly.

- Hey, you said follow your lead.
- What?

I'm waiting. What's the plan?

How are we going to
save River and Louisa?

Don't know. F-f*ck.


This was your idea, Rambo!

I thought they'd back down if
we showed a bit of force, okay?

What, this was just cosplay for you?

What's happening?

What's happening at the perimeter? Over.

[SIGHS] Look, you need to sneak up,

round, behind and take
him out. I'll cover you.

f*ck off.

How about I cover you, you sneak up...

I'm getting the shit end of this.
I'll stay here and get shot at.

Yeah, and I've got to
take out two soldiers.

What do you wanna do?
Rock, paper, scissors?

All right.

N... [SIGHS] I didn't mean
it. We ain't got time for that.

[NICK] What's happening?

Look, if they call someone in to
flank us or come behind, we're f*cked.

Oh, f*ck.

- Okay, I'll go.
- Good.

But if we make it out of this, I
need you to promise me something.

Yes, I'll help you get clean.

You sanctimonious prick.


What were you gonna ask me?

- f*ck off after three,
- What were you gonna say?

- Two...
- But what do you need?

I need you to not let
those f*ckers sh**t me!


[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

You two, get to the
Turbine Hall. Come on.











[EXCLAIMS, GROANS] f*cking bastard.

Oh, shit.





[STURGES] You all right?

Yes, mate.

f*cking time of me life. [GROANS]


Do it.

[CHIEFTAIN 1] Firing!

- f*ck, come on.
- [LOUISA] Shit.

What the f... f*ck?

[LOUISA] Forget it, forget it.
The hatch is just over here!

[FENWICK] Clear.


Last man. Move.




[PANTING] Right.


What would Alexander the Great do?

Time to change the game.

- Get in!

The Ho-sold Cavalry is on its way.

- Where have they gone?
- Still behind that block.


This is a waste of a*mo.

Make them think we've gone. Then
we'll blow their heads clean off.



- She's mine!
- Check your g*ns, Longridge.




[PANTING] Oh, shite.



Shit. f*ck.





Ball bag?


[STURGES] She f*cking shot me.

- Ball bag!

- Hobb... Hobb... [CHOKING]

Ball bag, was that you or...









[PANTS] Standish, you can come out now.

Did you put me in there as bait?

God, what's the matter?
He's dead, you're not.

[SIGHS] Should've let him sh**t ya.

Sarah, are you okay?

Uh... [STAMMERS] ... kind of.

And I just k*lled a man.







Can you talk me through
your thinking here?

Take out the bad guys.

Did I get anyone?


[STAMMERS] We already did that.

Hello, Roddy.



What the f*ck have you done to my house?

It's a good excuse for a makeover.

What? Seriously.

Insurance means you can get
it done up better than before.

[JACKSON] No, I don't think
insurance will cover it.

Deliberate destruction using a
bus driven by a f*cking idiot.

I know you haven't
got your r*fle working.

Otherwise, you'd be sh**ting at me.

And you might be thinking
I won't sh**t you.

An unarmed combatant...

and a woman.

But I served in Iraq!

And I used civilians
for target practice.


I'll f*cking gut you for that.






Night night, sweetheart.





[DIANA] Shouldn't you have
heard from Duffy by now?

He'll call when he's
contained the situation.

[DIANA] You mean when he's m*rder*d
fellow agents at your bidding?

They're Slow Horses.

I call it mercy killings.
Putting them out of their misery.

They're still MI5 agents, Ingrid.

You're k*lling your own.

You set this whole thing in
motion, sending Donovan down there.

You're the one who should
answer for their deaths.

You gave the order.

How are you gonna
explain it to Home Office

and the people in this building?

A bunch of disaffected MI5 agents

broke into the facility
to steal state secrets

- and were met with ultimate force. Simple.

That... That isn't gonna
wash with the press.

The press aren't going to know.

If it were as easy as you say...

then why haven't you heard by now?

Please don't worry about me, Diana.

I'm going to be just fine. [SIGHS]

Duffy is very good at his job.

You trained him well.

[NICK] Give me an update
from the Turbine Hall.


[SIGHS] For f*ck's sake. f*cking learn!

f*cking learn to multitask!

Give me... Give me that
f*cking w*apon. Get another one!

Remember, if anyone
comes out of that hatch,

blow their f*cking heads off.



Clear. [GRUNTS]

Not clear, f*ckers.






Now it's f*cking clear.




You can come out now.


That g*n you gave me, it jammed.

Well, you must have reloaded it wrong.

Are you mansplaining a g*n to me?

Well, it's a r*fle actually.

[FENWICK] Flushing them through.

Targets will emerge
from hatch imminently.


- Give me your car keys.
- What?

Your car keys!


Just throw them up here!

Keys, quick!

You're not gonna help?

I've just taken out four
men. What have you done?

Done nothing, love.
He's dead f*cking weight!

Duffy, what are you doing
firing on your fellow agents?

Shut up, I'm following orders,
something you never learnt to do.

Keys, quick!


There. Go. I got this.

Not sure you have.

[MARCUS] Duffy!


- f*ck! Down, down, down.
- f*ck.

- We can't get out that way.
- Shit.

We gotta close that door!


[RIVER] No, no, no.
Back, back, back, back!

- Back up the ladder!
- I'm not f*cking dying here today.


- f*ck.


Put the g*n down.

Put the f*cking g*n down. Now.

To think I asked you to join the Dogs,

and you can't even count the b*ll*ts
in a magazine, you f*cking clown.

Guess I'd rather work for Lamb
than a prick like you, Duffy.

- [LAUGHS] Yeah?
- Yeah.

Well, he's a dead man. So are you.







Come on.


You're not a clown. Eh?




Oh, shit.

f*ck. I think he broke my f*cking thumb!

Get the f*ck out!

I'm gonna take them out,

then I'm coming back down to break
your other thumb, you f*cking girl.

Night night.

[FENWICK] f*ck.


Oh, f*ck.

Okay, can someone please tell me,
why is everyone trying to k*ll you?

Ah. [PANTS] For this.

You better get it out of here, no?


- Appreciate that, thanks.
- [SHIRLEY] You're welcome.

[RIVER] Well played.

[SIGHING] Oh, f*ck.

Is that Marcus's?


Where is he?




I wanna hear you say it.
I'm better than you! Say it!

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, you're f*cking better than me.

You beat me.

Fair and square.


I don't fight fair or square.



Guess now we're even.


Yeah. [PANTS]


[DIANA] Duffy doesn't seem to
have contained the situation.


It's over.

[NICK] Duffy. I'll
call you right back.

It's not just MI5 attacking its own.

You'll have to answer to Istanbul too.

Well, if I have to go, it
will be kicking and screaming.

Just make things worse and the
end result will be the same.

You've played the game well, Ingrid.

But you have lost.


Oh. Hello?

- Lamb?
- No, it's Catherine. He's driving.

[SHIRLEY] They freed you then?
We were down at the facility.

Is everyone okay?

Uh, yeah, River and Louisa made it out.

Uh, he's got some file.

[CATHERINE] I'm glad you're safe.

[SHIRLEY] You too.

I'll see you tomorrow.

- She said, "See you tomorrow."
- She ain't Lamb though, is she?

At least the people who tried to
k*ll us won't be in charge anymore.

You gonna turn up?

Well, I doubt I'll
be hanging out at home

after Cassie sees the state of this car.

Well, at least you got the
gambling to pay for a new one.


[RODDY] Body count's up to 18.

Sean Donovan and Ben
Dunn have been identified.

They didn't die for nothing.

Shirley said River got that file.

[RODDY] What file?

Tearney k*lled someone,
someone Sean loved,

to stop that file being leaked.

And they told you that?

Before you judge me,
Roddy, I can read people.

Oh, you can read people, can you?

[CHUCKLES] Well, you kept that hidden.

Yes, they were damaged,
and I helped them.

Yeah, they're definitely damaged
now. And with b*llet holes.

I can live with what I did because
I know Charles would have approved.

Sakes. Charles Partner.

You know, the values of Tearney's
MI5 don't sit well with me.

[RODDY] Oh, Charles...

Cleanup on aisle four.


What do you make of it?

[SIGHS] Interesting tale.

It's not a tale.

That is an account of us
using an untested device

that put North Korean
embassy workers in hospital,

as well as a few passing tourists.

One of which, by the
way, is still in a coma.

Yeah, well, whatever
happened in Morocco...


I'm sorry?

It was Istanbul.

That's what I said.

No, you didn't. You said
Moro... It was Istanbul.

- Look, it doesn't matter, all right?
- No, it does matter.

Details matter, remember?
You drummed that into me.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm so... I'm sorry. Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry if I'm confused
by some of the details.

The point is,

if this gets out, do you
know what would happen?


Tearney's reputation will be
destroyed and she'll have to resign.

Not just her reputation, the
reputation of the security services.

She had Alison Dunn k*lled
for trying to get that out.

Sorry, what?

No, no. No... [STAMMERS]
... there was no mention of that here.

- That's hearsay.
- Hearsay?

Yes, there's no proof.

People died today.

That's not hearsay.

Your personal experiences
are clouding your judgment.

Yeah, well, I was shot at.

So maybe, yeah, I'm taking it a
little bit f*cking personally. Maybe.

Sometimes the stakes are higher
than your personal safety.

And sometimes you only
see part of the picture.

Yeah, well, maybe I see more
of the picture than you know.

Don't be upset.

What I've done is the
right thing to protect you.

Fill it up.

Um, look, I want to, um, say
thank you for saving my life today.

Why are you being like this?

- Not being like anything.
- Yes, you are.

Are you pissed off because
you had to come and rescue me?

[SIGHS] Stop pretending
you don't care about us.

I don't know why you think I
want to have this conversation.

- You don't want to have any conversation.
- You've got that right.

Charles always said you hid your
sense of duty behind your cynicism.

Ho, if... if she keeps
talking, f*cking sh**t me.

You see? You're proving his point.

Which is that you don't want
people to see the decent side of you

because it makes you feel vulnerable.

Just g... Just get in the car.

- Charles thought you were better than him.
- Yeah, I was.

[CATHERINE] Well, he thought
you were better than everyone.

He said you could be First Desk. I
wonder what he'd think of you now.

Why should I give a f*ck what
Charles thought of me then or now?

Because he was an honorable man.

[JACKSON] Oh, he was, was he?

You were his f*cking
secretary. What would you know?


Trust me, not everything.

I know that unlike you, he respected me.

He showed me friendship.
He believed in me,

and he kept me on when anyone else
would have thrown me to the wolves.

Christ, you really do
pick 'em, don't you?

You wanna know the truth?

Your hero, Charles Partner,
was a... a f*cking traitor.

- What are you talking about?
- Not even an ideological one.

I-I-I could almost respect that.

But he spent the last
ten years of his life

selling secrets to the f*cking Russians.

That was your hero, your
oh-so-faithful friend.

And do you know why he kept you on?

He kept you on precisely
because you're a drunk.

Couldn't have anyone at
his side alert enough,

together enough, to pick
up on what he was doing.

No, he... he knew he could rely on
you to take life one day at a time

and never see beyond the given moment.

- I don't believe you.
- Yeah, you do.

And you know the kicker?


He... He... He laid a
trail to make it look like

you were doing the dirty.

He wasn't saving you.
He was f*cking using you.

You're lying.

Does it sound like a lie,

or maybe something
you've known all along

and never had the courage
to admit to yourself?

[SIGHS] f*ck you.

What was that? I didn't catch it.

- I said, "f*ck you, Jackson Lamb."
- Ah.

f*ck the lot of you. I quit.

Please yourself.




You drive.

What about Standish?

She's walking.

- It's about 30 miles.
- Just f*cking drive.


Where to?

You know where.


[JACKSON] Oh, dear.

Back to mine then?

Oh, I'd rather bathe in the canal.

Oh, come on. [SNIFFS] You
can buy me an ice cream.

Uh, you can buy yourself an ice cream.

And don't eat it in front of me. Ugh.

It distresses me to
say it, but thank you.

For what?

Leaking the file.
Ending Tearney's reign.

Giving me the job that
should always have been mine.

That has nothing to do with
me. That was Cartwright.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Oh. Well, I forgive him
his previous catastrophes.


I hear Standish has left.

You spent a lot of time protecting her.

Right. It's only 'cause I
don't like meeting new people.

No, thanks.

I'm going to be meeting the
new Home Secretary later.

Oh, unlucky you.

You don't seem to be walking on air,
having finally got what you want.

Well, Tearney left a terrible
mess for me to clear up.

Oh, boo-f*cking-hoo.

A good chunk of that
mess is down to you.

There are net positives.

Oh, what, a boost for local undertakers?

How do you square all those bodies

that dropped for you to get the top job?

Tearney is responsible
for the k*ll count.

Well, it's you in the
hot seat now, Diana.

[SNIFFS] Yeah? That must make you happy.

All bucks stop with you.

No one else to blame when shit
goes wrong, which it always does.

Well, I relish the challenge.

Do you really think that you are
happier than me at Slough House?

[SNIFFS] Yeah, I do. And
I'm f*cking miserable.

- [MOLLY] Lamb's a tricky bastard.

[RIVER] When he actually gets up off
his arse, he's quite hard to beat.

[JACKSON] f*ck.

[REPORTER] So, you're
in charge of the rejects?

[JACKSON] They don't
like being called that.

- What do you call them?
- The rejects.

A b*mb goes off in London. It's
an Intelligence Service fuckup.

Get a new team in. We need to find
out if there's a second bomber.


[DIANA] If any hint of this gets out,

any credibility that the
security services have left

- will be shot to pieces.
- [RIVER] f*ck off!

- What the... [GROANS]

River, let me see you!

You've outlived your purpose.

Just get on with it.

I was hoping you'd
come on board with me.

Then I wouldn't have to k*ll you.

You're a f*cking maniac.

I'm going back to bed.

Would you also consider a shower?

Oh, well, that's a tempting offer,

but I don't think that's
appropriate right now.

I mean, apart from anything
else, one of my team just died.

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